2Origins of the War
- War Caused by President James K. Polk
- Election of 1844 Slogan 54 40 or Fight
- Polk Ardent Expansionist
- North Oregon
- South Annexation
of Texas
Oregon Territory
3Expansionist Views of Polk Government
- Committed to Acquiring Mexican Territory in the
Southwest (New Mexico and California) - Purchase or Conquest?
4Polks Strategy I
- John Slidells Mission to Mexico
- Settle Texas Boundary at Rio Grande River
John Slidell, US Diplomat
5Boundary of Texas
6Rio Grande Versus Nueces Rivers
7Polks Strategy II
- 2. Claims of Texas Against Mexico
- 3. Purchase
- New Mexico 5 Million
- California 25 Million
- Total 30 Million
President James K. Polk
8Polks Strategy III
- Polks Contingency Plan General Zachary Taylor
- Stationed North of Nueces River
9Declaration of War, 1846
- Failure of Slidells Mission
- Border Incident
- Polks Request for Declaration of War
Poster Issued After Battle of Buena Vista
10Abraham Lincolns Opposition
- Lincolns Spot Resolutions
Abraham Lincoln
11(No Transcript)
12(No Transcript)
13General Winfield Scott Entering Mexico City
14Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (1848)
- US Claims Against Mexico
- Rio Grande Boundary
- Purchase of New Mexico and California for 15
15New Approaches to the Slavery Controversy
- Revised Abolitionist Tactics
- Expansionism Linked with Slavery
- Introduction of Wilmot Proviso
House of Representatives, 1845
16Was the Wilmot Proviso Academic?
- President Polks Opposition
- Geography Would Bar Slaverys Expansion
Southern Pamphlet Opposing the Proviso
17Importance of Wilmot Proviso
- Slavery Adaptable
- Set Precedent for Future Expansion
- Comment on Slaverys Immorality
18Alternative to the Proviso
- Popular Sovereignty
- Promoted by Lewis Cass
- Offered New Approach to Dealing with Western
Governor Lewis Cass