Title: ICD-10 Are You Ready to S.W.A.P.
1ICD-10 Are You Ready to S.W.A.P.
- Presented by
- Kathy A. Montoya
- Senior Provider Relations Representative
- Background
- Volumes
- ICD 10 CM
- ICD 10 PCS
- General Equivalence Mappings
- Reimbursement Mappings
- Preparation Steps
3 Training Objectives
- Increase knowledge
- Identify obstacles
- Get on track for implementation October,
1 2014
4Health Insurance Portability and Accountability
- Administrative simplification provides standards
for - Electronic transmission of claims
- Provider identifiers
- Privacy
- Code set
5Why The Change
- ICD-9
- Adopted by CMS April 1, 1989
- Produces limited data
- Patients medical conditions
- Hospital inpatient procedures
- 30 years old and outdated
- Limits new code creation
- Incorporates greater specificity and clinical
information - Improves health care service measurement
- Helps with refining groupings and reimbursement
- Enhances ability to do public health surveillance
- Decreases need for claims supporting
documentation - Updates medical terminology and classification of
- Provides better data for
- Claims processing
- Making clinical decisions
- Identifying fraud and abuse
- Conducting research
- Comparison of mortality and morbidity
9ICD 10
- Department of Health and Human Services
- Final regulation January 15, 2009
- October 1, 2014
- Guidance available on
- http//www.cms.gov/ICD10/
10ICD-9 Its Not Over Yet
- Workers compensation
- Auto insurance
- Not required to convert
- Not planning to change
11ICD 10
- Developed by
- World Health Organization (WHO)
- http//www.who.int/classifications/icd/en/.
- Utilized in other countries
- Mandated for use in U.S.
- October 1, 2014
- In use in U.S.
- Individual states
- Report cause of death on certificates
13ICD 10 CM
- National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS)
- Developed ICD 10 Clinical Modification (CM) for
U.S. - In conjunction with advisory group and physicians
- Still in DRAFT
14- ICD-10
- General Information
15ICD-10 Part 1
- ICD-10-CM for diagnosis coding
- All U.S. health care setting
- 3 7 digit alphanumeric codes
- 68,069 ICD-10-CM codes
- Increased from 14,025 ICD-9-CM
16Provider ClaimsCompliance A Must
- No delays or grace period
- ICD-9-CM for dates of service lt October 1, 2014
- ICD-10 for dates of service October 1, 2014
- Still use CPT and HCPCS
17ICD-10 Code Structure
3 Categories Code
4 Subcategory Code
5/6 Subclassification Code/Placeholder
7 Extention Code
18ICD-10-CM Structure
- 3 7 characters
- 1st alpha
- 2nd numeric
- 3rd 7th alpha or numeric
- Decimal after 3rd character
19ICD-10-CM Structure
- Character X
- 5th or 6th position
- Placeholder
- Future expansion
- Fill In
- Empty characters
207th Character
- One use is encounter type
- A Initial encounter
- D Subsequent encounter
- S Sequela
217th Character
- R40.2 Coma
- Coma NOS
- Unconsciousness NOS
- The appropriate 7th character is to be added to
each code from subcategory R40.21-, R40.22-,
R40.23- - 0 Unspecified time
- 1 In the field EMT or ambulance
- 2 At arrival to emergency department
- 3 At hospital admission
- 4 24 hours or more after hospital admission
22ICD Codes
- Describe medical necessity
- Facilitate payment
- Evaluate utilization patterns
- Study appropriateness of health care costs
23Incorrect Coding
- Lead to investigations of fraud and abuse
- Must be correct
- Must be consistent
- ICD-9 CM
- Groups by type of injury
- Maximum 5 characters
- Most codes numeric
- 17 chapters
- ICD-10 CM
- Groups by site of injury
- Maximum 7 characters
- Codes are alpha-numeric
- 21 chapters
25Changes Found In ICD-10 CM
- Addition information for ambulatory and managed
care encounters - Expanded injury codes
- Combination codes
- Reclassification of diseases
26Changes Found In ICD-10 CM
- New code definitions
- E and V codes incorporated in main
classifications - Category restructuring and code reorgaization
27ICD-10 CM Format
- Introduction
- Official Guidelines for Coding and Reporting
- Alphabetic Index to Diseases and Injuries
- Neoplasm Table
28ICD-10 CM Format
- Table of Drugs and Chemicals
- Index of External Causes
- Tabular List of Diseases and Injuries
29Official Guidelines forCoding and Reporting
- ICD-9 and ICD-10
- Conventions, general coding guidelines and
chapter specific guidelines - Selection of Principle Diagnosis
- Reporting Additional Diagnosis
- Diagnostic Coding and Reporting Guidelines for
Outpatient Services
30Official Guidelines forCoding and Reporting
- ICD-10
- Chapters 3, 7, 8 and 11
- Not completed
- Specialty society involved in creation
31Official Guidelines forCoding and Reporting
- Examples
- Chapter 15
- Chapter 15 codes have sequencing priority over
codes from other chapters - Chapter 15 codes are to e used only on maternal
record, not on newborn
32Alphabetic Index
- ICD-9
- Diseases
- Illness
- Injury
- Other reasons for encounters
- Table of Drugs and Chemicals
- External Causes of Injury and Poisoning
- ICD-10
- Diseases
- Illness
- Injury
- Other reasons for encounters
33Neoplasm Table
- ICD-9
- In alpha index
- Malignant
- Primary
- Secondary
- Ca in situ
- Benign
- Uncertain Behavior
- Unspecified
- ICD-10
- Separate section
- Malignant Primary
- Malignant Secondary
- Malignant
- Ca in situ
- Benign
- Uncertain
- Unspecified Behavior
34Table of Drugs andChemicals
- ICD-9
- Under Alphabetic Index
- Poisoning
- Accident
- Therapeutic Use
- Suicide Attempt
- Assault
- Undetermined
- ICD-10
- Accidental (unintentional)
- Intentional Self-Harm
- Assault
- Undetermined
- Adverse Effect
- Underdosing
35Index of External Causes
- ICD-9
- Under Alphabetic Index
- Cause of injury
- Adverse effects
- ICD-10
- Alphabetic by main term indicating the event
36Tabular List of Diseasesand Injuries
- ICD-9
- 17 chapters
- Based on diseases
- 2 Supplementary Classification
- ICD-10
- 21 chapters
- Based on body system or nature of injury and
37Chapter Comparison
Chapter ICD-9 CM ICD-10 CM
1 Infectious and Parasitic Diseases Certain Infectious and Parasitic Diseases
2 Neoplasms Malignant Neoplasms
3 Endocrine, Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases, and Immunity Disorders Disease of the Blood and Blood-Forming Organs and certain Disorders involving Immune Mechanism
4 Disease of the Blood and Blood-Forming Organs Endocrine, Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases
38Chapter Comparison
Chapter ICD-9 CM ICD-10 CM
5 Mental Disorders Mental and Behavioral Disorders
6 Diseases of the Nervous System and Sense Organs Diseases of the Nervous System
7 Diseases of the Circulatory System Diseases of the Eye and Adnexa
8 Diseases of the Respiratory System Diseases of the Ear and Mastoid Process
39Chapter Comparison
Chapter ICD-9 CM ICD-10 CM
9 Diseases of Digestive System Diseases of the Circulatory System
10 Diseases of the Genitourinary System Diseases of the Respiratory
11 Complications of Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Puerperium Diseases of the Digestive System
12 Diseases of the Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue Diseases of the Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue
40Chapter Comparison
Chapter ICD-9 CM ICD-10 CM
13 Diseases of the Musculoskeletal System and Connective Tissue Diseases of the Musculoskeletal System and Connective Tissue
14 Congenital Anomalies Diseases of the Genitourinary System
15 Certain Conditions Originating in the Perinatal Period Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Puerperium
41Chapter Comparison
Chapter ICD-9 CM ICD-10 CM
16 Symptoms, Signs and Ill-Defined Conditions Certain Conditions Originating in the Newborn (Perinatal) Period
17 Injury and Poisoning Congenital Malformations, Deformations and Chromosomal Abnormalities
18 N/A Symptoms, Signs and Abnormal Clinical and Laboratory Findings, Not Elsewhere Classified
42Chapter Comparison
Chapter ICD-9 CM ICD-10 CM
19 N/A Injury, Poisoning and Certain Other Consequences of External Causes
20 N/A External Causes of Morbidity
21 N/A Factors Influencing Health Status and Contact with Health Services
43Chapter Comparison
Chapter ICD-9 CM ICD-10 CM
Supplementary Classification Classification of Factors Influencing Health Status and Contact with Health Services (V Codes) N/A
Supplementary Classification Classification of External Cause of Injury and Poisoning (E Codes) N/A
44ICD-10-CM Code Examples
- F03 Unspecified dementia
- L60.0 Ingrowing nail
- J09.12 Influenza due to identified novel H1N1
influenza virus with other respiratory
manifestations - M71.061 Abscess of bursa, right knee
- T21.31xa Burn of third degree of chest wall
45ICD-10-CM Terminologyand New Feature
- Laterality
- Right character 1
- Left character 2
- Bilateral character 3
- Unspecified character 0 or 9
46ICD-10-CM Terminologyand New Feature
- Laterality Examples
- M54.31 Sciatica, right side
47ICD-10-CM Terminologyand New Feature
- Combination codes
- Diagnosis with associated sign or symptom
- Diagnosis with associated complication
- Diagnosis with cause
48ICD-10-CM Terminologyand New Feature
- Combination code example
- Conditions with symptoms and manifestations
- K27.2 Acute peptic ulcer, site unspecified,
with both hemorrhage and perforation
49ICD-10-CM Terminologyand New Feature
- Combination code example
- Poisoning and external cause
- T51.0x2 Toxic effect of ethanol, intentional,
50ICD-10-CM New Features
- Obstetric codes identify trimester
- 1 1st trimester lt 14 weeks, 0 days
- 2 2nd trimester 14 weeks, 0 days to lt 28 weeks,
0 days - 3 3rd trimester 28 weeks, 0 days to delivery
- 0 or 9 unspecified
51Obstetric Codes
- Ex O26.02
- Excessive weight gain in pregnancy, second
52ICD-10-CM Excluded Indications
- Codes that should not be reported together
- Separately identifiable conditions
- Excluded condition not part of reported condition
- Can have both condition at same time
53Example 1
- E11 Type 2 diabetes
- (Excludes1 Gestational diabetes (O24.4-) type 1
diabetes (E10.-)
54Example 2
- I10 Essential (primary) Hypertension Includes
High blood pressure hypertension (arterial)
(benigh) (essential) (malignant) (primary)
(systemic). - (Excludes 2 Essential (primary) hypertension
involving vessels of brain (I60-I69) Essential
(Primary) hypertension involving vessels of eye
55ICD-10-CM Includes Clinical Concepts
- Underdosing
- Blood type
- Blood alcohol level
- Encounter type
- Indication of healing
56ICD-10-CMExpanded Codes
- Significant expansion of codes
- Diabetes
- Substance abuse
- Postoperative complications
- Distinction made between intraoperative
complication and postprocedural disorders
- Increase from 40 to 122 codes
- Example
- E08.321 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying
condition with mild nonproliferative diabetic
retinopathy without macular edema
58ICD -10 Terminology
- Granularity
- Level of hierarchy
- Increased description information
59ICD -10 Terminology
- Morbidity
- Rate of disease in population
- Mortality
- Rate of death in population
60ICD -10 Terminology
- Principal or First-listed Diagnosis
- Primary reason for encounter
- Inpatient setting
- First code on medical record
- Principal diagnosis
- Other health care settings
- First-listed code
61ICD -10 Terminology
- Rubric
- Group of similar conditions
- Three character category or four character
62Steps To Code Correctly
- Identify diagnosis or reason for encounter
- Locate in Alphabetic Index
- Verify in Tabular List
- Read and interpret notes
63Steps To Code Correctly
- Choose tentative code
- Find highest level of specificity
- Consult prompts
- Assign a code
64 65ICD-10 Part 2
- ICD-10-PCS for inpatient procedure coding
- All U.S. Inpatient hospital settings only
- 7 alpha-numeric digits
- 72,589 ICD-10-PCS
- Increased from 3,824 ICD-9-CM procedure codes
66Facility Claims Compliance A Must
- No delays or grace period
- ICD-9-CM for dates of discharge lt October 1, 2014
- ICD-10 for dates of discharge October 1, 2014
- ICD-10-PCS for dates of discharge October 1,
67Structure Differences
- Codes are longer
- Greater clinical detail and specificity
- Updated terminology and classifications
68ICD-10-PCS Structure
- 7 digits
- Each digit is either alpha or numeric
- Alpha digits are not case sensitive
- Letters O and I are not used to avoid confusion
with numbers 0 and 1 - Each character has a value/meaning/option
69ICD-10-PCSCode Examples
- 0FB03ZX Excision of liver, percutaneous
approach, diagnostic and - 0DQ10ZZ Repair upper esophagus, open approach.
70ICD-10-PCS Structure
- First character specifies the section or type of
procedure - 0 Medical and surgical
- 1 Obstetrics
- 2 Placement
- 3 Administration
- 4 Measurement and monitoring
71ICD-10-PCS Structure
- First character continued
- 5 Extracorporeal Assistance and Performance
- 6 Extracorporeal Therapies
- 7 Osteopathic
- 8 Other Procedures
- 9 Chiropractic
72ICD-10-PCS Structure
- First character continued
- B Imaging
- C Nuclear Medicine
- D Radiation Oncology
- F Physical Rehabilitation and Diagnostic
Audiology - G Mental Health
- H Substance Abuse Treatment
73Medical and SurgicalFirst Character 0
Character Meaning
1 Section
2 Body System
3 Root Operation
4 Body Part
5 Approach
6 Device
7 Qualifier
74ChiropracticFirst Character 9
Character Meaning
1 Section
2 Anatomical Region
3 Root Operation
4 Body Region
5 Approach
6 Method
7 Qualifier
75Radiation OncologyFirst Character D
Character Meaning
1 Section
2 Body System
3 Root Type
4 Body Part
5 Modality Qualifier
6 Isotope
7 Qualifier
76Mental HealthFirst Character G
Character Meaning
1 Section
2 Body System
3 Root Type
4 Type Qualifier
5 Qualifier
6 Qualifier
7 Qualifier
77ICD-10-PCS Structure
- Second through seventh characters
- Same meanings within a section
- Different meanings per section
- Third character general type of procedure
performed - See chart in workbook
78Parts of ICD-10-PCS
- Index
- Alphabetic lookup
- Tables
- Different organization than ICD-9
- List of codes
- Listing of unique procedure codes
79ICD-10-PCS Table Example
- 0 Medical and Surgical
- 2 Heart and Great Vessels
- 7 Dilation Expanding an orifice or the lumen of
a tubular body part
Body Part Approach Device Qualifier
0 Coronary Artery, One site 1 Coronary Arteries, Two Sites 2 Coronary Arteries, Three Sites 3 Coronary Arteries, Four or More Sites 0 Open 3 Percutaneous 4 Percutaneous Endoscopic 4 Drugeluting Intraluminal Device D Intraluminal Device T Radioactive Intraluminal Device Z No Device 6 Bifurcation Z No Qualifier
80List of Codes - Example
- Code descriptions for dilation of one coronary
artery (0270) - 027004Z Dilation of Coronary Artery, One Site
with Drug-eluting Intraluminal Device, Open
Approach - 02700DZ Dilation of Coronary Artery, One Site
with Intraluminal Device, Open Approach - 02700TZ Dilation of Coronary Artery, One Site
with Radioactive Intraluminal Device,
81ICD-10-PCS Character Meanings
- http//www.cms.gov/ICD10/Downloads/pcs_final_repor
82- General Equivalence Mappings (GEMs)
83Proper Coding
- GEMs are not a substitute
- Select codes base on
- Patients encounter
- Medical record documentation
84GEMs As A Tool
- Forward mapping
- ICD-9 to ICD-10-CM and PCS
- Backward mapping
- ICD-10-CM or PCS to ICD-9
- Convert databases such as
- Track quality, record morbidity/mortality,
calculate reimbursement
- All ICD-10- CM codes
- ICD-10-CM to ICD-9-CM GEM
- All ICD-9-CM diagnosis codes
- ICD-9-CM to ICD-10-CM GEM
- All ICD-10-PCS codes
- ICD-10-PCS to ICD-9-CM GEM
- All ICD-9-CM procedure codes
- ICD-9-CM to ICD-10-PCS GEM
86Three Steps To Use GEMs
- Extract
- Select all rows containing code
- Analyze
- Note and understand flags on code
- Refine
- Select rows that meet applied mapping requirements
87GEM Resources
- http//www.cms.gov/ICD10/12_2010_ICD_10_CM.aspTop
OfPage - http//www.cms.gov/ICD10/13_2010_ICD10PCS.aspTopO
88GEM Details
- One ICD-9-CM diagnosis code represented by
multiple ICD-10-CMs - 82002 represented by
- S72031A
- S72031G
- S72032A
- S72032G
- Other codes from GEMs
89GEM Details
- One ICD-10-CM diagnosis code represented by
multiple ICD-9-CMs - E11341 represented by
- 25050
- 36206
- 36207
90GEM Details
- Some ICD-10-CM have no ICD-9-CMs
- T500x6A
- T501x6A
- T502x6A
- T503x6A
- T504x6A
- Others found in GEMs
91GEM Details
- One ICD-9-CM procedure code captured by multiple
ICD-10-PCSs - 8659 captured by
- JQ10ZZ
- JQ13ZZ
- JQ40ZZ
- JQ43ZZ
- Others found in GEMs
92GEM Formatting
- Three columns
- ICD-10-CM Source system code is on the left side
- ICD-9-CM Target system code is in the middle
- Flags are on the right
93GEM Mapping Example
ICD-10 Source Code ICD-9 Target Code Flags
T1500xA 9300 10111
T1500xA E914 10112
T1500xD 9300 10111
T1500xD E914 10112
T1500xS 9085 10000
94GEM Mapping Example
T1500xA Foreign body in cornea, unspecified eye, initial encounter 9300 Corneal foreign body E914 Foreign body accidentally entering eye and adnexa
T1500xD Foreign body in cornea, unspecified eye, subsequent encounter 9300 Corneal foreign body E914 Foreign body accidentally entering eye and adnexa
T1500xS Foreign body in cornea, unspecified eye, sequela 9085 Late effect of foreign body in orifice
95GEM Flags
- 5 digit code (Ex 10111)
- First position
- 1 translation is approximate match
- T1500xA 9300 10111
- T1500xA E914 10112
- 0 translation is identical match
- 41411 12542 00000
96GEM Flags
- Second position
- 1 no plausible translation
- No Description Found (NODX)
- 0 at least one plausible translation
- Examples
- T500x6A NODX 11000
- T500x6A NODX 11000
- T500x6S NODX 11000
97GEM Flags
- Third position
- 1 code maps to more than one code
- 0 code maps to single code
T1500xA 9300 10111
T1500xA E914 10112
T1500xD 9300 10111
T1500xD E914 10112
T1500xS 9085 10000
98Reasons For No One-To-One Match
- ICD-10 New concepts not in ICD-9-CM
- No matching code exist in GEMs
- Multiple ICD-9-CM codes exist for a single ICD-10
code - Multiple ICD-10 codes exist for a single ICD-9-CM
99GEM Updates
- Posted in January
- Updated annually
- Access updated GEMs for diagnoses
- http//www.cms.gov/ICD10/12_2010_ICD_10_CM.asp
- Access updated GEMs for procedures
- http//www.cms.gov/ICD10/13_2010_ICD10PCS.asp
100 101Reimbursement Mappings
- CMS developed
- One-to-one reimbursement crosswalk
- Temporary mechanism
- Codes submitted October 1, 2014
- ICD-10-CM/PSC to reimbursement equivalent
ICD-9-CM codes - Utilized GEMs
102Reimbursement Mappings
- Two crosswalks
- ICD-10-CM to ICD-9-CM diagnosis code(s)
- Ex K50012 crosswalks to 555.0 and 560.9
- ICD-10-PCS to ICD-9-CM procedure code
- Ex 037544Z crosswalks to DX 395.0 and Procedure
and Intervention codes 00.40, 00.55 and 00.45
103Reimbursement Mapping Format
Position Length Contents
1 8 I-10 code
9 1 Number of I-9 codes this I-10 code maps to. Values 1 through 5.
10 6 First I-9 code
16 6 Second I-9 code
22 6 Third I-9 code
28 6 Fourth I-9 code
34 6 Fifth I-9 code
104Reimbursement Mapping Resource
- ICD-10-CM-PCS to ICD-9 Reimbursement Mapping
Documentation and User Guide - http//www.cms.gov/ICD10/08a_Payer_Resources.aspT
105Reimbursement Mapping Example
00160K6 - Bypass Cerebral Ventricle to
Peritoneal Cavity with Nonautologous Tissue
Substitute, Open Approach
106Reimbursement Mapping Example
- 03754DZ Dilation of Right Axillary Artery with
Intraluminal Device, Percutaneous Endoscopic
107Converting MS-DRGs to ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS
- CMS Project
- Convert ICD-9-CM Medicare Severity Diagnosis
Related Groups (MS-DRGs), version 26.0, to
ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS (ICD-10-CM/PCS) codes - Information available at
- http//www.cms.gov/ICD10/17_ICD10_MS_DRG_Conversio
108 109Other Countries Experiences
- Problems with implementation
- Clinical documentation
- IT space, time and money
- Productivity
110ICD-10Are You Ready To S.W.A.P.
- S Schedule Training
- W Work With Staff
- A Adjust Work Processes
- P Prepare Now
111Basic Steps to Prepare forVersion 5010/ICD 10
- Identify system and work processes that use
ICD-9 - Where are ICD-9 codes used
- Identify potential changes
112Basic Steps to Prepare forVersion 5010/ICD 10
- Assess staff training needs
- Find training opportunities
- Train the trainer
- Train on
- Codes
- Anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology,
pharmacology - Medical terminology
113Test YourKnowledge of Anatomy
- Ulna
- Proximal phalanges
- Vomer
- Basal Ganglia
- Thymus
- Tibial nerve
114Basic Steps to Prepare forVersion 5010/ICD 10
- Contact practice management system vendor
- Readiness for 5010
- Needed upgrades to hardware/software
- Costs
- Implementation dates
- Training and customer support
115Basic Steps to Prepare forVersion 5010/ICD 10
- Contact clearinghouses, billing services
- About 5010 and ICD-10 compliance
- Timeframe for transitions
- Contact payers
- ICD-10 affects on contracts, payment schedules,
or reimbursement - Timeframe for transitions
116Basic Steps to Prepare forVersion 5010/ICD 10
- Budget time and costs
- ICD-10 implementation
- System changes
- Resource materials
- Training
- Money in case of implementation problems
117Basic Steps to Prepare forVersion 5010/ICD 10
- Conduct testing
- Payers and clearinghouses
- Allow time for approval
118New Draft1500 Claim Form
119New Draft1500 Claim Form
Room for 12 ICD-10 CM Codes
120New CMS Guidelines
- Beginning July 1, 2012
- Medicare contractors shall not accept new direct
submitter using HIPAA Version 4010A1 - All new direct submitters will be required to
enroll using HIPAA Version 5010 transactions
- American Medical Association
- www.ama-assn.org/go/5010
- Fact Sheets
- 5010 Checklist
- Project Plan Template Helping Practices Prepare
for the New HIPAA Standards - 7 Steps
- The Centers for Medicare Medicaid Services
(CMS) Web site - www.cms.gov/ICD10
- CMS sponsored calls
- http//www.cms.gov/ICD10/02c_CMS_Sponsored_Calls.a
- American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC)
- Countdown to implementation
- Training
- Monthly articles
- Code translator
- GEMs and Users Guides
- http//www.cms.gov/ICD1013_2010_ICD10PCS.asp
- Workgroup for Electronic Data Interchange (WEDI)
- http//www.wedi.org
- Health Information and Management Systems Society
(HIMSS) - http//www.himss.org/icd10
- American Health Information Management
Association (AHIMA) - http//www.ahima.org/ICD10/
126Questions?Complete Evaluations
127(No Transcript)