Welcome to AFC! - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Welcome to AFC!


(June 25th) Beach Trip (July 30th) All HOC Retreat (Aug 6th-8th) Grad Night ... Servant Leadership Elders Deacons Pastors Lay Leaders Disciples ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: afc | deacons | retreat | welcome


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Welcome to AFC!

Welcome to AFC!
  • Psalm 271
  • The LORD is my light and my salvation-- whom
    shall I fear?
  • The LORD is the stronghold of my life-- of whom
    shall I be afraid?

Events to Come!
  • Navigate the College Application (May 23rd)
  • LOGO Contest (June 10th)
  • All-Nighter (June 11th-12th)
  • Leadership Retreat (June 18th-19th)
  • Car Wash (June 25th)
  • Beach Trip (July 30th)
  • All HOC Retreat (Aug 6th-8th)
  • Grad Night (Aug 14th)
  • Saturday Prayer Meetings
  • Sunday VBS Decorations Help
  • NEW Web Site

Sing Thru the Bible
  • The Gospels
  • Words and Music by
  • Kenneth Berding

Sing Thru the Bible
  • In all gospels, John the Baptist speaks
  • Peter confesses, five thousand fed
  • Anointed feet, a triumphal ride
  • Judas betrays, and Jesus arrest
  • Peter denies, Pilate sentences
  • The crucifixion, and the burial
  • Women arrive at an empty tomb
  • In all four gospels

Sing Thru the Bible
  • In Matthew, Jesus is the King
  • In Mark, the servant sacrifice
  • In Luke, the perfect Son of Man
  • In John, he is the Son of God

Sing Thru the Bible
  • Synoptics, Matthew, Mark and Luke
  • The temptation, a paralytic healed
  • Choosing the twelve, and stilling a storm
  • Jairuss daughter, the twelve are sent
  • Transfiguration, and a rich young man
  • The Sowers story, give Caesars due
  • Woes to scribes, Olivet Discourse
  • In Matthew, Mark and Luke

Sing Thru the Bible
  • In Matthew and Mark, John the Baptists death
  • A fig tree wilts, four thousand fed
  • In Mark and Luke is the widows mite
  • A demonized man at the synagogue
  • In Matthew and Luke is the Lords Prayer
  • The Lost Sheep, and the Talents
  • Also many sayings shared
  • by Sermons in Matthew and Luke

Sing Thru the Bible
  • In Matthew alone are the wise men
  • An Egypt flight, a Sermon on the Mount
  • Come to me, Ill give you rest
  • The Tares, Two Sons, and The Laborers
  • Ten Waiting Virgins, and The Sheep and Goats
  • The guards at the tomb, and their report
  • Go, disciple the nations
  • All in Matthew alone

Sing Thru the Bible
  • In Luke alone, John the Baptists birth
  • Shepherds and angels for Jesus birth
  • A Sermon on the Plain, a Good Samaritan
  • A Rich Fool, and a Prodigal Son
  • An Unjust Steward, ten lepers healed
  • The Rich Man and Poor Lazarus
  • Mocked by Herod, The Emmaus Road
  • All in Luke alone

Sing Thru the Bible
  • In John alone, water into wine
  • Nicodemus, and the womans well
  • Many I AMs, like the bread of life
  • A womans adultery, a man born blind
  • Lazarus raised, Jesus washes feet
  • The Discourse in the Upper Room
  • Peter, if you love me, feed my sheep
  • All in John alone

Exploring Jesus
Being A Disciple
What is a Disciple?
  • Someone who follows someone.
  • For a Christian, it is someone who follows

Why do we follow Christ?
  • Because of who He is.

How do I follow Christ?
  • By doing what He says.

What if I deliberately do not do what Jesus says?
  • Then I do not follow Jesus.
  • Then I am not a Disciple of Christ

What does Jesus tell us to do?
  • Love God
  • Love Your Neighbor
  • As you love yourself

The 12 Disciples
  • Peter Thomas
  • Andrew Matthew
  • James James
  • John Thaddaeus
  • Philip Simon
  • Bartholomew Judas
  • 3 Purposes in choosing the 12

Foundation of the Church
  • Purpose?
  • Demonstrate the reality of God within the
  • Tough to Do!
  • Requires us to do what God says
  • We are not told exactly how to do it

Foundation of the Church
  • What we know for sure
  • Servant Leadership
  • Elders
  • Deacons
  • Pastors
  • Lay Leaders
  • Disciples (followers)
  • Delegation of Duties
  • Partnerships
  • Organized Missions
  • How these elements are supposed to work together
    we are not told
  • Congregational
  • Presbyterian
  • Episcopal

What did Jesus do?
  • Had thousands following him (Matt 1413)
  • Sent out 72 (Luke 101)
  • Picks out 12 (Luke 612-19)
  • Chooses 3 out of the 12 (Luke 928-36)
  • Chooses 1 out of the 3 (John 1323)
  • Any risk of favoritism?

The 12 Disciples
  • Peter Thomas
  • Andrew Matthew
  • James James
  • John Thaddaeus
  • Philip Simon
  • Bartholomew Judas

Cases of Disagreement?
  • Acts 1536-41
  • (Paul, Barnabas and Mark)
  • We will not all get along
  • There will be some who will enjoy the company
    of others more
  • Reason we come together is Christ

In the Case of a Large Church
  • Observations from John Piper
  • (Paraphrase)
  • Facing an innumerable enemy you may not know the
    name of the soldier fighting five miles away from
    you for your very own King. But for a day, if not
    for a moment, you will cheer together in the hour
    that you are given victory for together you
    fought side by side for a common purpose.

In the Case of a Large Church
  • We are counting on each other even if we may
    not know each other
  • There will be a day when we will need each
  • We may not always like each other, but the
    reason we are together is larger than any one of
  • We are here for Christ alone

In Christ Alone In Christ alone my hope is
found He is my light, my strength, my song This
Cornerstone, this solid ground Firm through the
fiercest drought and storm What heights of love,
what depths of peace When fears are stilled, when
strivings cease My Comforter, my All in All Here
in the love of Christ I stand
In Christ alone, who took on flesh Fullness of
God in helpless babe This gift of love and
righteousness Scorned by the ones He came to
save Til on that cross as Jesus died The wrath
of God was satisfied For every sin on Him was
laid Here in the death of Christ I live
There in the ground His body lay Light of the
world by darkness slain Then bursting forth in
glorious Day Up from the grave He rose again And
as He stands in victory Sins curse has lost its
grip on me For I am His and He is mine Bought
with the precious blood of Christ
No guilt of life, no fear in death This is the
power of Christ in me From lifes first cry to
final breath Jesus commands my destiny No power
of hell, no scheme of man Can ever pluck me from
His hand til He returns or calls me home Here in
the power of Christ Ill stand
Scripture Passage
  • Following Gods Commands
  • 1 John Ch 2
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