Title: Diapositive 1
120th October 2010 - Musée de lAir - Le Bourget,
The project is pleased to invite
you to its Final Forum
The main objectives are to present the results
obtained by the CATS project toward the goal of
Achieving punctuality at destination, by
assessing a possible practical implementation of
the Business Trajectory, namely the Contract of
Convinced that it will be a real opportunity for
beneficial exchanges, the CATS Consortium is
looking forward to seeing you in Le Bourget.
For logistical reasons, advance registration is
necessary. Please confirm your participation
before the 15th of September 2010 by sending an
email to sandrine.guibert_at_eurocontrol.int
. http//www.cats-fp6.aero/cats-fp6/ http//www.e
220th October 2010 - Musée de lAir - Le Bourget,
0930 1000 Registration Welcome 1000
1045 CATS Concept Presentation (FRQ) 1
050 1120 TW modelling
(AFC) 1125 1225 HILs results
(EEC) 1230
1330 Lunch Lhelice 1330 1430 Visit of the
museum (AFC) 1430
1500 Legal assessment results
(IIASL) 1505 1535 Benefits assessment
(ORTS) 1540 1610 Safety assessment
(ETH) 1615
1645 Discussions 1645 1700 Closure
(FRQ) 1700 1800 Free
visit of the Museum (AFC)