Title: The life saving Cord Blood Banking
1Preserve your love
The life saving Cord Blood Banking
2Welcome to The most beautiful phase of
life! Motherhood!
3Your baby brings with it abundant Dreams, Hopes,
Happiness and Love to your life, even before its
4Those little dreams that you nurture in your
heart as you envision your babys future.. The
first smile The first steps The first words
your baby will say There is so much to look
forward to as a parent!
5And the last thing on your mind would be your
little one ever becoming ill
6..though that is a possibility you can not
7The first step to parenthood begins with Your
responsibility to ensure your childs future
8After all, you nurture your baby for 9 months
with the best care. So why not ensure your
babys good health lasts for a lifetime?!
9Heres your chance to gift your baby good health
for a lifetime!
10Ever thought of providing your child Bio
11Why invest in your childs future
health?... Because a simple choice on the day
your baby is born can impact the future of your
12 What is an Umbilical cord ?
Umbilical cord Blood passes nutrients, oxygen and
immunity to your child. It acts as his lifeline,
protecting and helping him to grow in side the
13You can extend this lifeline by preserving the
Umbilical Cord blood with
14 Why is umbilical cord blood so important ?
Stem cells are analogous to a seed which when
sowed in the ground and watered properly gives
rise to roots, stem, branches, leaves, flowers
and fruits
They pave a way for the most advanced scientific
therapy known as the Regenerative Therapy
Stem cells extracted from umbilical cord blood
can help to cure many dreaded diseases like
leukemia, lymphoma, anemia, thalassemia,
metabolic disorders and around 75 such diseases
Future use of stem cells include treatment for
heart attack, diabetes, spinal cord injury,
Parkinson's disease, muscular dystrophy, multiple
sclerosis and many more .
15Is the umbilical cord blood collection a painful
16Is there any risk to me or to my baby ?
17How do you store the cord blood?
18Collection And Storage Steps For Umbilical Cord
19In Our Laboratory
20In Our Laboratory
Maternal Blood is tested for various diseases
Syphilis HTLV Malaria
Umbilical Cord Blood is tested for various
Sterility test Cell viability
CD34count Cell count Colony forming
units (CFU)
21How long can we store it ?
22Can we do it later once my child has grown up ?
23But.my elder ones cord blood is not stored !
24Why you should choose
25is Special Because
Babycell is a part of Regenerative Medical
services or Regrow, a company dealing in
regenerative therapy and cell lines
Our technical partners are Sewon Cellontech, a
leading company in Korea providing regenerative
medical solutions
FDA approved state-of-art GMP-grade cell
processing facility, located near Lonawala, Pune
The essential component of cord blood bank is
the preservation technology and its system
271C Complete SOP
2C Closed process
3C Clean facility (GLP)
4C Computrized control storage
5C Cryopreservation bioscience
28Special Services
Free pre-natal health and nutrition guidance
workshop from Babycell
Cell bank tour To RMS laboratory in LONAWALA
29Remember, this is a once-in-a-lifetime
opportunity for your baby!!
30Preserve your love today with And promise
your baby a lifetime of good health!
31Contact Us
Head Office 2-ABC, Acme Plaza, Andheri (E),
MUMBAI-400 059, INDIA. Tel 91-22-6733 0300
-30 Fax 91-22-28390556 Toll Free 1800-
209-0309 Email rms.regrow_at_gmail.com