Hazard Communication - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Hazard Communication


General Characteristics of Detergents COAL TAR DISTILLATES ( Cresol and Cresylic Acid) ... (Isopropyl or Ethyl Alcohol) Wide germicidal activity, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Hazard Communication

Hazard Communication Standard
Subpart Z - Toxic Hazardous Substances
(1910.1000 - 1450)FY2006
  • Hazard Communication - Written program

Hazard Communication - Information training
Hazard Communication - Training initially for
new hazards
Standard 1910.
Hazard Communication - Material Safety Data Sheets
Hazard Communication - Label identification
  • Hazard Communication Program
  • Labels and other forms of warnings
  • Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
  • Information and training
  • Health Hazards

  • The purpose of the standard is to make sure that
    the hazards of chemicals are evaluated
  • That information concerning their hazards is
    communicated to employers and employees

Who is covered
  • OSHAs Hazard Communication (HazCom) standard
    applies to general industry, shipyard, marine
    terminals, longshoring, and construction
    employment and covers chemical manufacturers,
    importers, employers, and employees exposed to
    chemical hazards.

  • The Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) is based
    on a simple concept--that employees have both a
    need and a right to know the hazards and
    identities of the chemicals they are exposed to
    when working

Need Plant Specific
  • They also need to know what protective measures
    are available to prevent adverse effects from
  • The HCS is designed to provide employees with the
    information they need

Employer Requirements-Written Program
  • Employers must develop a written program that
    covers at least
  • Labels and other forms of warnings
  • Material Safety Data Sheets
  • Employee Information and Training

Employer Requirements-Written Program
  • Employers must develop a written program that
    covers at least
  • A list of the hazardous chemicals known to be
    present at the facility along with MSDSs for
    each chemical
  • The methods the employer
    will use to inform employees
    of the hazards
    non-routine tasks
  • The hazards of chemicals
    in unlabeled pipes

Multi-Employer Workplaces
  • If employees of other employers could be exposed
    to hazardous chemicals the program must include
  • Methods to provide contractor employees with
    on-site access to MSDS for each chemical those
    workers may be exposed to
  • The methods used to inform other employers of any
    precautionary measures to be taken for normal and
    emergency situations
  • The employers chemical labeling system

Consumer Products Exemption
  • Any consumer product as defined in the Consumer
    Product Safety Act where the employer can show
  • It is used in the workplace for the purpose
  • The use results in a duration and frequency of
    exposure which is not greater than the range of
    exposures that could reasonably be experienced by
    consumers when used for the purpose intended

Written Program Availability
  • The employer must make the written program
    available, upon request, to
  • Employees and their designated representatives
  • Where work is carried out at more than one
    location, the program may be kept at the main

Labels, Tags and Markings
  • The employer must ensure that each container of
    hazardous chemicals in the workplace is labeled,
    tagged or marked with the following
  • Identity of the hazardous chemical
  • Appropriate hazard warnings
  • This above labeling information is required of
    the manufacturer so the employer must ensure that
    the original labels from the manufacturer are on
    all containers and remain legible

(No Transcript)
Labels NFPA Diamond
  • RED - Flammability
  • BLUE - Health
  • YELLOW - Reactivity
  • WHITE - Special

NFPA National Fire Protection Association
Labels - Health Hazard
  • What the numbers show
  • 0 No hazard
  • 1 Slight hazard
  • 2 Dangerous
  • 3 Extreme danger
  • 4 Deadly

Labels Flammability
  • What the numbers show
  • 0 Will not burn
  • 1 Ignites above 200 degrees F
  • 2 Ignites below 200 degrees F
  • 3 Ignites below 100 degrees F
  • 4 Ignites below 73 degrees F

Based on Flash Point the temperature at which a
material gives off enough vapors to sustain
Labels - Reactivity
  • What the numbers show
  • 0 Stable
  • 1 Normally Stable
  • 2 Unstable
  • 3 Explosive
  • 4 May detonate

Labels - Special Hazard
  • What the letters show
  • OX Oxidizer
  • ACID Acid
  • ALK Alkali
  • COR Corrosive
  • W Use No Water
  • Radioactive

Labels - HMIS
  • Protective Equipment
  • A safety glasses
  • B safety glasses gloves
  • C safety glasses gloves synthetic apron
  • D-Z etc.......

HMIS Hazard Material Information System
Container Labeling Exemption for Portable
  • The employer is not required to label portable
    containers into which hazardous chemicals are
    transferred from labeled containers, and which
    are intended only for the immediate use by the
    employee who performs the transfer

(No Transcript)
The employer need not affix new labels to
comply with the standard if existing labels
already covey the required information
New Hazard Information
  • Manufacturers, importers, distributors and
    employers who become newly aware of significant
    information regarding chemical hazards shall
  • Revise the labels for the chemical within three
  • Revise the MSDS for the chemical within three

MSDS kept in other forms
  • MSDS may be kept in any form including operating
  • It may be more appropriate to address the hazards
    of a process rather than individual hazardous

Employee Information and Training
  • Employers must provide employees information and
    training on hazardous chemicals in their work
  • At the time of their initial assignment
  • Whenever a new physical or health hazard the
    employees have not previously been trained about
    is introduced into their work area
  • Training may cover categories of hazards

Employee Information
  • Employers must inform employees
  • Of the training requirements of this section
    (1910.1200 (h) Employee information and
  • Any operations in their work area where hazardous
    chemicals are present
  • The location and availability of the written
    hazard communication program

Employee Training
  • Employee training shall include at least
  • The means to detect the presence or release of a
    hazardous chemical in the work area
  • The physical and health hazards of chemicals in
    the work area
  • Measures employees can take to protect themselves
  • Details of the employers specific program

Hazard Definitions
Chemical ExposureSeverity Duration
  • Acute effects usually occur rapidly as a result
    of short-term exposures, and are of short
  • Chronic effects generally occur as a result of
    long-term exposure, and are of long duration

  • Visible destruction, or irreversible damage to
    body tissue
  • Acids
  • Caustics (or bases)

Caustics (or bases)
pH Scale
Routes of Exposure
Inhalation - Absorbtion - Ingestion - Injection -
  • Inhalation - most common
  • Skin absorption
  • Ingestion
  • Injection

Health Hazards
  • Toxicity vs. hazard - toxicity is used to
    describe the ability of the substance to cause a
    harmful effect. Everything is toxic at some dose.

Health Hazards
  • Toxicity vs. Dose - There is a balance between
    toxicity and dose. Dose is the amount of
    something the individual is exposed to or comes
    in contact with. The lower the toxicity, the
    greater the dose that can be tolerated without
    ill effects. The greater the toxicity, the lower
    the dose that can be tolerated without ill

Chemical Exposure Limits
  • Time Weighted Average (TWA) based on an 8 hour
  • Ceiling Limits based on maximum exposure.
  • Exposure Limits are established for all chemicals.

Health Hazards
  • Major Types
  • Corrosives - cause tissue damage and burns on
    contact with skin or eyes
  • Primary Irritants - cause intense redness or
    swelling of skin or eyes on contact. No
    permanent tissue damage
  • Sensitizers - cause an allergic skin or lung
  • Acutely Toxic Materials - cause an adverse effect
    even at very low doses
  • Carcinogens - may cause cancer
  • Teratogens - may cause birth defects
  • Organ Specific hazards - damage to specific organ
    systems such as liver or lungs

Health Hazards
  • Training and communication - knowing how to work
    safely with chemicals that pose a hazard - i.e.
    bulletins, MSDS, etc.. THE RIGHT TO KNOW
  • Environmental monitoring - Industrial Hygiene air
  • Personal monitoring - check yourself and
    co-workers for symptoms - i.e. skin rashes, eye
    or throat irritation, strong odors

Chemicals Used During Sanitation
  • Detergents
  • Disinfectants
  • Sterilants

General Characteristics of Detergents
  • ALCOHOLS (Isopropyl or Ethyl Alcohol)
  • Wide germicidal activity, non corrosive, but
    poses a fire hazard.
  • Limited residual activity due to evaporation.
  • Alcohols provide limited activity in the presence
    of organic matter.
  • Not considered effective against bacterial or
    fungal spores.
  • Excellent for disinfecting instruments or other
    small objects.
  • Too expensive for general use in the hatchery.
  • Must use as a 70-95 concentration for
  • HALOGENS (Iodines or hypochlorites)
  • Provide wide germicidal activity but are
  • Limited activity when in the presence of organic
  • Poor residual activity, low toxicity, but may
    stain surfaces.
  • Not effective as sporocidal agents.
  • Effective at low concentrations for disinfecting
    clean, small objects.
  • Low cost but requires frequent applications.

General Characteristics of Detergents
  • Limited germicidal range.
  • Not sporocidal, effective against vegetative
    bacteria, fungi and viruses.
  • Reduced efficiency in the presence of organic
  • Limited effectiveness in soaps, detergents and
    hard water salts.
  • Non-irritating, non-corrosive and low toxicity.
  • Residual activity is limited by the amount of
  • Good disinfectant for use on cleaned surfaces.
  • Low cost.
  • PHENOLICS (Single or Multiple)
  • Wide germicidal range, not sporocidal.
  • Low toxicity and low corrosiveness.
  • Very effective in the presence of organic matter.
  • Good residual activity and deodorizer.
  • Low to moderate cost.

General Characteristics of Detergents
  • COAL TAR DISTILLATES ( Cresol and Cresylic Acid) 
  • Wide germicidal activity, not sporocidal.
  • Corrosive and toxic at high concentrations.
  • Excellent residual activity with heavy odor.
  • Highly efficient in presence of organic matter.
  • Not well suited for use near eggs or chicks due
    to noxious gases.
  • Moderately expensive.
  • ALDEHYDES (Glutaraldehyde)
  • Wide germicidal activity, sporocidal and
  • Slight to moderate efficiency in presence of
    organic matter.
  • Slight residual activity.
  • Moderately toxic.
  • Moderate cost.

General Characteristics of Detergents
  • OXIDIZING AGENTS (Hydrogen peroxide, Potassium
  • Moderate to wide germicidal activity, not
  • Rendered ineffective in the presence of organic
  • Moderately corrosive, limited toxicity.
  • Poor to limited residual activity.
  • More valuable as a cleansing and deodorizing
  • Moderate cost.

Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are one of the
most important tools available to employers for
providing information, and protection to workers
from hazardous chemicals which are used in the
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
1910.1200 (g)(2) MSDS, required information
  • Identity of the chemical
  • Physical and chemical characteristics
  • Physical hazards
  • Chemical hazards
  • Primary routes of entry
  • PELs or other exposure limits
  • Control measures
  • Emergency procedures
  • Whether the hazardous chemical is listed in the
    National Toxicology Program (NTP) Annual Report
    on Carcinogens
  • precautions for safe handling and use
  • Date of preparation
  • Name, address and telephone of the manufacturer

Material Safety Data Sheet U.S. Department of
Labor May be used to comply with Occupational
Safety and Health Administration OSHA's Hazard
Communication Standard, (Non-Mandatory Form) 29
CFR 1910.1200. Standard must be consulted for
specific requirements. Form Approved OMB No.
1218-0072 IDENTITY (As Used on Label and
List) Note Blank spaces are not permitted. If
any item is not applicable, or no information is
available, the space must be marked to indicate
that. Section I Manufacturer's Name Emergency
Telephone Number Address (Number, Street, City,
State, and ZIP Code) Telephone Number for
Information Date Prepared Signature of
Preparer (optional)
Section II - Hazard Ingredients/Identity
Information Hazardous Components (Specific
Chemical Identity Common Name(s)) OSHA
PEL ACGIH TLV Other Limits Recommended (option
Section III - Physical/Chemical Characteristics
Boiling Point Specific Gravity (H2O
1) Vapor Pressure (mm Hg.) Melting
Point Vapor Density (AIR 1) Evaporation
Rate(Butyl Acetate 1) Solubility in
Water Appearance and Odor
Section IV - Fire and Explosion Hazard Data
Flash Point (Method Used) Flammable
Limits LEL UEL Extinguishing
Media Special Fire Fighting
Procedures Unusual Fire and Explosion
Section V - Reactivity Data Stability Unstable C
onditions to Avoid Stable Incompatibility
(Materials to Avoid) Hazardous Decomposition
or Byproducts HazardousPolymerization May
Occur Conditions to Avoid Will Not Occur
Section VI - Health Hazard Data Route(s) of
Entry Inhalation? Skin? Ingestion? Health
Hazards (Acute and Chronic) Carcinogenicity
NTP? IARC Monographs? OSHA Regulated? Signs and
Symptoms of Exposure Medical
ConditionsGenerally Aggravated by
Exposure Emergency and First Aid
Section VII - Precautions for Safe Handling and
Use Steps to Be Taken in Case Material is
Released or Spilled Waste Disposal
Method Precautions to Be taken in Handling and
Storing Other Precautions
Section VIII - Control Measures Respiratory
Protection (Specify Type) Ventilation Local
Exhaust Special Mechanical (General) Other P
rotective Gloves Eye Protection Other
Protective Clothing or Equipment Work/Hygienic
Identify hazardous chemicals in the workplace.
  • Compile a complete list of the potentially
    hazardous chemicals in the workplace
  • Determine if you have received material safety
    data sheets for all of them
  • If any are missing, contact your supplier and
    request one
  • You should not allow employees to use any
    chemicals for which you have not received an MSDS

Health Hazard Controls
  • Product substitution
  • Ventilation
  • PPE

OSHAs Checklist
  • Are employees trained in the safe handling
    practices of hazardous chemicals such as acids,
    caustics, ammonia etc?   Always    Usually
      Sometimes    Never   N/A Comments Is
    employee exposure to chemicals kept within
    acceptable levels?   Always    Usually  
    Sometimes    Never   N/A CommentsAre eye
    wash fountains and safety showers provided in
    areas where corrosive chemicals are handled?  
    Always    Usually   Sometimes    Never  
    N/A Comments Are all containers, such as
    vats, and storage tanks labeled as to their
    contents and with appropriate hazard
    warnings?   Always    Usually   Sometimes 
      Never   N/A Comments Are flammable or
    toxic chemicals kept in closed containers when
    not in use?   Always    Usually  
    Sometimes    Never   N/A Comments Are
    chemical piping systems clearly marked as to
    their content?   Always    Usually  
    Sometimes    Never   N/A Comments Have
    standard operating procedures been established,
    and are they being followed when cleaning up
    chemical spills?   Always    Usually  
    Sometimes    Never   N/A Comments 
  • Are employees prohibited from eating in areas
    where hazardous chemicals are present?  
    Always    Usually   Sometimes    Never  
    N/A Comments 

OSHAs Checklist
  • If hazardous substances are used in the
    processes, is there a medical or biological
    monitoring system in operation?   Always   
    Usually   Sometimes    Never   N/A
    Comments Are the employer and employees aware
    of the Threshold Limit Values or Permissible
    Exposure Limits of airborne contaminants and
    physical agents used in your workplace?  
    Always    Usually   Sometimes    Never  
    N/A Comments Have control procedures been
    instituted for hazardous materials, where
    appropriate, such as respirators, ventilation
    systems, and handling practices?   Always   
    Usually   Sometimes    Never   N/A
    Comments Whenever possible, are hazardous
    substances handled in properly designed and
    exhausted booths or similar locations?  
    Always    Usually   Sometimes    Never  
    N/A Comments Do you use general dilution or
    local exhaust ventilation systems to control
    dusts (feathers and feces), vapors, gases, fumes,
    smoke, solvents or mists which may be generated
    in your workplace?   Always    Usually  
    Sometimes    Never   N/A Comments Do
    employees complain about dizziness, headaches,
    nausea, irritation, or other factors of
    discomfort when they are exposed to dusts
    (feathers and feces), vapors, gases, fumes,
    smoke, solvents or mists?   Always   
    Usually   Sometimes    Never   N/A

OSHAs Checklist
  • Is there a dermatitis problem?   Always   
    Usually   Sometimes    Never   N/A
    Comments Do employees complain about dryness,
    irritation, or sensitization of the skin?  
    Always    Usually   Sometimes    Never  
    N/A Comments Has employer utilized an
    industrial hygienist or environmental health
    specialist to evaluate the operation?  
    Always    Usually   Sometimes    Never  
    N/A Comments If internal combustion engines
    are used, is carbon monoxide kept within
    acceptable levels?   Always    Usually  
    Sometimes    Never   N/A Comments Is
    vacuuming used, rather than blowing or sweeping
    dusts whenever possible for clean-up?  Always 
      Usually   Sometimes    Never   N/A
    Comments Are materials which give off toxic,
    asphyxiant, or anesthetic vapors or fumes, stored
    in remote or isolated locations when not in use,
    e.g. bulk ammonia storage?   Always   
    Usually   Sometimes    Never   N/A

CPL 2-2.38D
CPL 2-2.38D 3/30/98
  • March 30, 1998
  • Inspection Procedures for the Hazard
    Communication Standard

  • Manufacturers must assess hazards of chemicals.
  • Distributors must transmit hazard information to
  • Employers must provide information to workers.
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