Title: BLS Programs
1- BLS Programs
- HM1 Brian Politi
- TSgt Trina Myers
- HM2 Juan Vega
2Presenter Disclosure Information
- TSgt Trina Myers
- BLS Brief
- No relevant financial relationship exists
3Presenter Disclosure Information
- HM2 Juan Vega
- BLS Brief
- No relevant financial relationship exists
4Presenter Disclosure Information
- HM1 Brian Politi
- BLS Brief
- No relevant financial relationship exists
5MTN National Faculty
- MAJ Michael Arnett, Army BLS
- CDR Amy McBride, Navy BLS
- TBA, Air Force BLS
- CAPT Renee Joskow, USPHS BLS
6Program Resources
- 2008 Military Training Network Handbook
- Military Training Network Website
www.usuhs.mil/mtn - Military Training Network Program
Managers - Instructor/Student Handbooks
- Admin Review Checklist/Course Monitoring form
- Follow-up from ECCU 2010
- Lessons and improvement moving forward
- Common Discrepancies
- Questions
8MTN Web Site
- www.usuhs.mil/mtn
- The website has been updated
- Helpful Resources
- Please check the site monthly to verify you have
the most up to date forms
10PD Appointment Criteria
- At least 2 yrs experience as a BLS instructor or
have taught at least 4-8 courses, plus assist or
teach an instructor course - Completed Core Instructor Course
- Completed Science Update
- Cannot be the same person as PA
11PD Appointment length
- PD appointments are TS specific length of
appointment is two years - PD is recommended at the discretion of Unit
Commander, signature authority resides with the
MTN Director - Renewal/Replacement PD nomination packages should
be sent 4-6 weeks prior to the incumbents
renewal/departure - The PD must maintain a current/valid TSF Card
12PD Responsibilities
- Implement and Manage TSs program
- Maintain appropriate numbers of current training
resources - Responsible for security of cards and tests
- Manage problems, disputes or concerns at local
level, elevating as needed to MTN
13PD Responsibilities
- Teach instructor/provider courses
- Review instructor folders and appoint qualified
TSF (no waivers unit level) - Monitor training site and satellite cadre
- Review and sign PCRs
- Annual and Semi-Annual Reports
14Program Director (PD) Nomination
- Required items when submitting a new PD
nomination - PD nomination form
- Curriculum Vitae
- Copy of signed Instructor / TSF card (front
back) - Copy of Core Instructor Course certificate
- Training Site Faculty (TSF) nomination form
- Copy of Science Update
15Program Director Nomination
16Curriculum Vitae
17TSF Nomination
18Program Administrator Nomination
- Send in the PA nomination form with the MTN
appointed Program Director signature - Training Site should have a PA Orientation
program in place, MTN Handbook pg 40 - PA Orientation date is required on nomination
form - To change the PA, current MTN form should be
received within 10 days of notice
19Program Administrator Resp.
- PA and PD roles are similar, both implement and
manage TSs program - PA does not need to be a BLS-I, they need to be
familiar with the program - PA and PD are a team that can not function
without each other
20Program Administrator Nomination
21Annual/ Semi-Annual Reports
- Due Dates
- Semi-Annual Report 31 March
- Annual Report 30 September
- How to fill out
- Website Power Point tutorial to assist you
- Most common discrepancies
- Incorrect Numbers
- TSF/instructors ratios
- Agendas
- Delinquency policy
22MTN Delinquency Policy
- lt 15 Days PA and/or PD is notified
- 15-20 Senior Leadership is notified
- 25-30 TS is placed in abeyance
- 30-45 TS is terminated
- Exceptions on case by case basis with prior
coordination - Policy located on MTN website
23Annual Report
- Annual Report contains
- Annual/Semi-Annual Report Form
- Instructor List
- Satellite List
- Agendas
24Annual/Semi-Annual Reports
- Ensure all forms are filled out completely and
signed - (do not leave any blank spaces)
- Early turn in of packets is highly encouraged
- Contact PM before submitting reports greater then
30 days early. - Packets submitted late are at risk for program
- A PCR should include
- PCR Cover Page
- Course Grade Report
- MTN Summary Course Evaluation form
- Course Agenda
- Copy of Instructor Candidate form for instructor
classes - Renewal Checklist for any instructor renewing
27Instructor Folders
- Teaching Activity/History
- MTN Curriculum Vitae for PD and TSF only
- Equipment Disinfection Training Memorandum
- Additional licensures certificates
28Instructor Folders
- MTN TSF Program Director Appointment Form
- Instructor Renewal Checklist
- Instructor Monitoring Form(s)
- Instructor Candidate Form
- Copy of signed wallet card (front and back)
- Certificates or memorandum of training
- Lets blaze a new frontier
- Strong Instructor cadre
- Monitor instructors, all instructors need to be
current with the updates and BLS-I cards to teach - Teach IAW AHA/MTN guidelines
- TSF must meet all requirements before appointment
at the local level - Monitor all new/renewing instructors before
distributing BLS-I/TSF card
- BLS courses
- Each student must have current textbooks
- Maintain appropriate student/instructor,
student/equipment ratio - Use current tests and skills sheets remediate as
necessary - Collect course evaluation from every student and
review feedback for opportunities to improve
- Remediating students
- Give unsuccessful students remediation and
opportunity to review printed materials - Student is given alternate test/retry skills
- If remediation is unsuccessful the student
- Does not receive a card
- Is required to attend another BLS class
- All documentation will be maintained for 3 years
- Opportunities for renewal
- 3 options
- If not expired- attend a renewal course
- Attend a full course
- Become an instructor in discipline (HCP only)
- BLS-I and TSF
- 2 options
- Attend full BLS I course
- Teach 4 courses/successful monitoring by PD/TSF
- Plus meet other requirements as defined
- Deployed Personnel
- MTN Handbook 2-26
- MTN Memo dated 30 JUN 2004 (can be found on the
website) - Guidance on renewal/expiration dates
- Member has 60 days upon return from the AOR
- Common discrepancies
- Wrong forms
- Missing items or incomplete
- Lack of communication
37Key Points
- Power Point tutorials, as well as other resources
or on the MTN website - Follow AHA guidelines and use the MTN website and
Handbook - Submit all nominations and reports by the
deadline, complete and accurate to avoid delays - The lessons are only a snapshot, communication
with your Program Managers is key
TSgt Trina Myers Navy/Marine Corps/Other BLS
Program Manager Trina.myers_at_usuhs.edu
HM1 Brian Politi Army BLS Program
Manager Brian.politi_at_usuhs.edu
HM2(FMF) Juan Vega Air Force BLS Program
Manager Juan.vega_at_usuhs.edu
Fax 301-295-1717 E-mail mtnreports_at_usuhs.edu