Rites of Holy Pascha Week - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Rites of Holy Pascha Week


... And by His stripes we are healed ... Hosanna Sunday Procession of the Cross Prayed during the Raising of Incense The Cross is the sign of His Kingdom We are ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Rites of Holy Pascha Week

Rites of Holy Pascha Week
  • But He was wounded for our transgressions, He
    was bruised for our iniquities The
    chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by
    His stripes we are healed(Isa 535)

Last Friday of Great Fast
  • Unction of the Sick
  • The only time in the church that we pray the
    Unction of the Sick
  • Prayed after Raising of Incense.
  • Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the
    elders of the church, and let them pray over him,
    anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.
    And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and
    the Lord will raise him up. And if he has
    committed sins, he will be forgiven.
    (Jam 514-16)

Last Friday of Great Fast
  • Why do we pray the Unction at the end of the
  • If fasted properly, people may be weak
  • It is prayed to strengthen them during Holy Week
  • There are 7 prayers The seven spirits of God
  • Whoever participates must be
  • A believer (it is a sacrament)
  • Fasting
  • Should have confessed (every sacrament begins
    with confession and is completed with Communion)

Lazarus Saturday
  • Six days before the Passover (Cruicifixion)
  • "Then, six days before the Passover, Jesus came
    to Bethany, where Lazarus was who had been
    dead, whom He had raised from the dead" (Jn

Lazarus Saturday
  • Holy Week is between 2 resurrections Lazarus
    and Christ
  • Blessed and holy is he who has part in the
    first resurrection. Over such the second death
    has no power(Rev 206)
  • 1st Resurrection Baptism (Rom 64)
  • Sufferings Repentance, carrying the cross (Lk
  • 2nd Resurrection Resurrection of the Dead - We
    look for the Resurrection of the dead
    (Orthodox Creed)

Two Resurrections
  • Lazarus Someone else raised him
  • Christ Raised Himself
  • Lazarus Raised with same mortal body
  • Christ Raised with glorified immortal body
  • Lazarus Came out wrapped in grave cloths
  • Christ Rose freed of the grave cloths

Lazarus Saturday
  • After Baptism, we rise with same mortal body, we
    go through temptations and sufferings, and we
    live a life of repentance, then we die, to be
    risen up again in the last day.
  • Lazarus Saturday A renewal
  • of vows/commitments
  • to live repentance
  • to be glorified.

Hosanna Sunday
  • Hosanna/ "Hoshana/ ?sa??a please save.
  • Jesus entered Jerusalem as a King
  • There was a misconception between what he
    intended as King, and what the Jews expected
  • When he clarified his Kingdom, they rejected Him
  • But they cried out, Away with Him, away with
    Him! Crucify Him! Pilate said to them, Shall I
    crucify your King? The chief priests answered,
    We have no king but Caesar! (Jn 1915)

Hosanna Sunday
  • Procession of the Cross
  • Prayed during the Raising of Incense
  • The Cross is the sign of His Kingdom
  • We are invited to accept Him as a King in our
  • The procession is done while we are holding
  • Palms signify Peace, Royalty, Strength, Giving,

Hosanna Sunday
  • 12 Stations of the Procession 12 Gospel Readings
  • Sanctuary St. Mary Annunciation/Angel Gabriel
    Angel Michael 12 Apostles St. Mark Martyr
    (St. George) Saint (St. Antony) North Gate
    Baptismal Font South Gate John the Baptist
  • Examples of people who accepted Christ as King
    Apostles, Martyrs, Saints

Hosanna Sunday
  • We see the Kingdom of God
  • The Kingdom Sanctuary, Gates
  • Heavenly members Angels
  • Earthly members Saints and Martyrs
  • Entrance Baptism
  • The Lord accepts to be our King (Ps 13213-14,
  • For the LORD has chosen Zion         He has
    desired it for His dwelling placeThis is My
    resting place forever         Here I will
    dwell, for I have desired it.

General Funeral Prayer
  • Participate in the Lords Death
  • The Church focuses on the Passion of the Lord
  • The Church sets us in the mood of passion week,
    by accepting the Death of Christ in our life -
  • Now if we died with Christ, we believe that we
    shall also live with Him (Rom 68)
  • We are also reminded of the Resurrection
  • Most assuredly, I say to you, the hour is
    coming, and now is, when the dead will hear the
    voice of the Son of God and those who hear will
    live.(Jn 5)

Pascha Week
  • Pascha Passover.
  • The Passing-over of the Angel of Death
  • Now the blood shall be a sign for you on the
    houses where you are. And when I see the blood, I
    will pass over you (Exo 1213)
  • Christ is our Passover
  • For indeed Christ, our Passover, was sacrificed
    for us. (1Cor 57)
  • Through Christs Blood, we are saved from the
    devil, the punishment of sin and death

Pascha Week
  • Arrangement of the Hours
  • The new day starts with the night before or the
  • So the evening and the morning were the first
    day. (Gen 15)
  • The Hours EVE DAY

1st 600 am
3rd 900 am
6th Noon
9th 300 pm
11th 500 pm
1st 600 pm
3rd 900 pm
6th Midnight
9th 300 am
11th 500 am
Pascha Week
  • Arrangement of prayers
  • Prophesy,
  • Sermon,
  • Pascha Week praise
  • Ywk te jwm Thine is the power
  • Psalm,
  • Gospel,
  • Exposition (explanation)

Pascha Week Praise
  • Ywk te jwm
  • Chanted twelve times antiphonically to replace
    the 12 psalms in each hour of the Agpeya
  • While the world sees You as weak and as defeated,
    we chant to You saying Yours is power, the
    glory, the blessing, the majesty. Forever. Amen.
    Immanuel our God and King!
  • For though He was crucified in weakness, yet He
    lives by the power of God (2Cor 134)

Pascha Week Prayers
  • No Liturgies from Monday to Wednesday
  • Passover Lamb kept for four days (Exo 123-7)
  • Speak to all the congregation of Israel, saying
    On the tenth of this month every man shall take
    for himself a lamb, according to the house of his
    father, a lamb for a household Now you shall
    keep it until the fourteenth day of the same
    month. Then the whole assembly of the
    congregation of Israel shall kill it at

Pascha Week Prayers
  • Location of Prayers - In the second division of
    Church, outside the camp
  • We were cast outside of the Paradise and remained
    outside, until the crucifixion
  • When Christ tore the middle wall (the veil of
    the temple)
  • The priest opens the curtain of the Sanctuary on
    the 12th hour of Good Friday
  • Christ suffered outside of Jerusalem Therefore
    let us go forth to Him, outside the camp,
    bearing His reproach. (Heb 1313)

Pascha Week 11th hour of Tuesday
  • Christ announces his plan for Salvation
  • Now it came to pass, when Jesus had finished all
    these sayings, that He said to His disciples,
    You know that after two days is the Passover,
    and the Son of Man will be delivered up to be
    crucified. (Matt 261-2)
  •  Pacwt/r nagayoc (My Good Savior) is added to
    the praise
  • Pekyronoc is chanted

Pekyronoc Vnou sa eneh nte pieneh pisbwt mpcwouten pe pi sbwt nte tekmetouro. Your throne, God, is forever and ever. The scepter of righteousness is the scepter of your kingdom
  • Also chanted on 12th hour of Great Friday
  • Despite the fact that He died and is being
    buried, the church confirms that he is the King
    of kings and Lord of Lords, by chanting Your
    throne, God, is forever and ever.
  • sa eneh nte pieneh the notes of the hymn
    continue to loop and repeat, almost un-ending
    to signify that Gods throne is indeed forever
    and ever.

  • Same hymn chanted on eve and day of Covenant
  • Aunon nje nefcaji ehote ouneh ouoh nywou
    hancoynef ne
  • His words were softer than oil, Yet they were
    drawn swords.
  • Day of betrayal
  • It seems that evil is overcoming

Covenant Thursday
  • During Matins
  • Hymn of the Cross, Vai etafenf
  • Praxis (Books of Acts) in sad Paschal tune (Acts
  • Speaks of Judas perdition, his money and his
  • Procession of Reprimanding of Judas, in the
    opposite direction

Vai etafenf
Vai etafenf epswi nouyucia ecs/p hijen pictauroc qa poujai mpengenoc. This is He who offered Himself up, as an acceptable sacrifice, on the Cross for the salvation of our race.
Afswlem erof nje pefiwt nagayoc mvnau nte hanarouhi hijen Golgoya. His Good Father smelled Him at the evening watch on Golgotha.
  • Begins with a very long beginning to signify
    that God waited a very long time, when He found
    someone pure enough to bear His Son.
  • The hymn hits very high notes at the mention of
    the word pictauroc (Cross) to signify the
    raising of the Son of God on the Cross on top of
  • The notes of the last part of the hymn Afswlem
    erof are quick to signify that the process of
    salvation was accomplished in a very short period
    of time three hours.

Covenant Thursday
  • Liturgy of the Waters
  • Prophecies
  • Gen 181-23 The visit of God and His Angels to
    Abraham Abrahams washing of Gods feet
  • Prov 91-11 Wisdom has built her house
  • Exo 1415 Crossing the Red Sea
  • Jos 13 Crossing the Jordan River

Covenant Thursday
  • Homily of St. Shenouda the Archmandrite
  • Talks about our embarrassment at Christs
    humility to wash His disciples feet Brethren,
    we ought to be humbled in front of He who
    suffered on our behalf. We ought to fear Him who
    poured water in a bowl and washed the feet of His
  • Invitation to partake of the Sacrament He Who
    gave us His Body to eat and His Blood to drink
  • Reprimand for not repenting washing of feet
  • Let us quickly repent our sins that we
  • If we do not repent, we will be condemned in
    hell as sin-lovers
  • We will be judged, not because we have sinned,
    but because we did not repent
  • What then can we hope for after we have been
    cast out of heaven, faced the judgment, and were
    rejected for our sins

Covenant Thursday
  • The Liturgy of the Eucharist
  • The Lamb is examined without the 41 Kerie Layson
    (silently) to symbolize that Christ was examined
    while He was silent
  • The hymn Alleluia this is the day the Lord has
    made and Saved Amen are not chanted, because
    Salvation and Resurrection has not been completed
  • The priest censers around the church (during the
    Pauline) without kissing, because of the kiss of
  • No Catholic or Praxis is read
  • No Prayer of Reconciliation reconciliation with
    heaven occurred on the Cross
  • No Commemoration of the Saints there was an
    enmity between heaven and earth.

Spirituality of Pascha Week
  • Re-live every step which the Lord Christ took
    during His last week on earth
  • Intense repentance and regret
  • confession
  • ascetic fasting
  • constant prayers with tears
  • Prostrations
  • readings

  • But He was wounded for our transgressions, He
    was bruised for our iniquities The
    chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by
    His stripes we are healed(Isa 535)
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