Plant Science - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Plant Science


Unit Plant Science Problem Area Managing Plant Growth Lesson Transpiration in Plants Student Learning Objectives 1. Describe the transpiration process. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Plant Science

  • Plant Science

Problem Area
  • Managing Plant Growth

  • Transpiration in Plants

Student Learning Objectives
  • 1. Describe the transpiration process.
  • 2. Identify the factors that affect
  • 3. Explain water movement caused at the root

  • Adhesion
  • Cohesion
  • Diffusion
  • Evapotranspiration
  • Guard cell
  • Guttation
  • Hydathodes
  • Osmosis
  • Plasmolysis
  • Root pressure
  • Mesophyll
  • Stomata
  • Transpiration
  • Transpiration stream
  • Turgor
  • Xylem

What is the transpiration process?
  • Transpiration is the process of water loss from
    plants through stomata. Transpiration is the
    final step in a continuous water pathway that
    starts from the soil, into plant roots and ends
    as it passes into the atmosphere.
  • A. Water enters the root hairs by osmosis.
    Osmosis is the diffusion of water through a
    differentially permeable membrane. Water will
    pass through the cells of the plant or between
    the cells within the cell walls. Filling the
    xylem, a tube-like network of cells, water is
    distributed throughout the plant.

  • B. Minerals in water are transported throughout
    the plant through the plant tissue. Minerals are
    transported through the plant through diffusion.
    Diffusion is the movement of molecules from a
    region of higher concentration to a region of
    lower concentration.
  • C. The upward movement of water from the roots to
    the leaves is known as the transpiration stream.
    As water is lost form the outer leaf tissues,
    water then moves in the water deficient cells
    from adjacent cells. This osmotic ripple effect
    occurs backwards from the leaves to the roots.
    Differences in osmotic pressure between cell
    layers drive the continuous uptake of water from
    the soil. Cohesion is the attraction between like
    molecules. An example of cohesion is the
    attraction of two water molecules.

  • Adhesion is the attraction of unlike molecules,
    for example, the attraction between water and
    plant tissues. The cohesion-tension theory
    suggests that water rises in plants due to its
    adhesion to capillary walls in plants and to its
    cohesion to itself.
  • D. Stomata are small openings on the leaves of a
    plant. Located on the lower epidermis of a plant,
    stomata allow water molecules to evaporate. This
    evaporation occurs when the moisture of the
    surrounding air is less moist than the mesophyll
    of the plant. The air, which surrounds the plant,
    is usually less moist than the leaf mesophyll.
    The spongy mesophyll allows for the exchange of
    gases in photosynthesis and transpiration. If
    outside atmosphere is less than 100 percent
    humid, water will be lost by evaporation from the
    interior of the leaf.

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  • E. Water lost from between individual leaf cells
    is lost to the outside environment. The water
    lost from between leaf cells is replaced by water
    evaporating from the miniscule spaces within the
    cellulose walls of the leaf cells. This water is
    in turn replenished by water drawn through the
    cell walls of the xylem tubes, which extend
    through the veins of the leaf. As cells lose
    water content, they lose their turgidity.
  • Turgor is a measure of cell firmness. This water
    loss is associated with a process known as
    plasmolysis. Plasmolysis is the shrinkage of the
    protoplasm from the cell wall.

  • F. Transpiration results are a massive amount of
    water loss from a plant each day. More than
    ninety percent of the water entering a plant
    evaporates into the atmosphere. A mature corn
    plant will transpire about fifteen liters of
    water per week.
  • G. Guard cells encircle the stomata and have the
    ability to close the stomata when transpiration
    is occurring too rapidly. This process helps
    plants survive in drought conditions and
    optimizes photosynthesis in favorable conditions.
    The closing of the guard cells close in part to
    turgor pressure.

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What factors affect the process of transpiration
in plants?
  • A. Light has a major effect on plants. In a
    majority of plants, the stomata are open during
    the day and closed at night. When light intensity
    is low, transpiration is low.
  • B. Water availability has a major effect on
    plants. Plants begin to wilt during times of
    water stress. During water stress, low turgor
    pressure leads to closing of the stomata. Closing
    of the stomata will end photosynthesis due to a
    lack of carbon dioxide entering the plant. This
    slows the plants metabolism.

  • Evaporation losses through transpiration and from
    the soil are known as evapotranspiration. Higher
    evapotranspiration results in greater water
    stress in plants.
  • C. As temperature rises, transpiration rates will
    increase. Transpiration rates may double with an
    increase from 68 degrees F to 86 degrees F. Plant
    respiration will also increase with an increase
    in temperature until carbon dioxide levels reach
    a certain point, then the stomata close ending
    transpiration and photosynthesis.

  • D. Wind and humidity are closely related in their
    effects on transpiration. High humidity decreases
    transpiration, due to a slow-down of diffusion
    and evaporation. Wind sweeps away water molecules
    as they diffuse from leaf surfaces, thus reducing
    humidity at the leaf/air surface and increasing
    transpiration. Wind speeds greater than 15 mph
    lead to stomatal closure.
  • Increasing the potassium ion concentration in the
    guard cells leads to an increase in osmotic flow
    of water into the guard cells. The resulting
    increase in turgor pressure of the guard cells
    causes the stomata to open and transpiration to

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What process of water movement originates at the
root level?
  • A. Plant roots move minerals into plants with the
    use of the xylem. Minerals become concentrated in
    the xylem tubes, and water follows by osmosis.
    The continual pumping of mineral ions during the
    night, when transpiration is low, causes
  • B. Guttation is observable in the early morning
    as drops of water formed around a plants leaf
    margin. Excess water that moved into the plant by
    osmosis during the night has been pushed out
    special openings in the leaf margins called
    hydathodes. This fluid pressure buildup is called
    root pressure. Root pressure is not significant
    enough to move water through trees or a large
    woody plant.

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  • What is the transpiration process?
  • What factors affect the process of transpiration
    in plants?
  • What process of water movement originates at the
    root level?
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