Title: OSHA Safety and Health Regulations Related to SPF Applications
1OSHA Safety and Health Regulations Related to SPF
Applications Module Three Personal Protective
2This material was produced under grant number
SH210031060F12 from the Occupational Safety and
Health Administration, U.S. Department of Labor.
It does not necessarily reflect the views or
policies of the U.S. Department of Labor, nor
does mention of trade names, commercial products,
or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S.
3Chapter 3 Personal Protection Equipment
29 CFR 1926.28(a)
The employer is responsible for requiring the
wearing of appropriate personal protective
equipment in all operations where there is an
exposure to hazardous conditions or where this
part indicates the need for using such equipment
to reduce the hazards to the employees.
4Personal Protective Equipment
- Provided by the employer at no cost
- When employees provide their own protective
equipment, the employer is responsible to assure
its adequacy, including proper maintenance, and
sanitation of such equipment. - Employer is not required to pay for non-specialty
safety-toe protective footwear (including
steel-toe shoes or steel-toe boots) and
non-specialty prescription safety eyewear,
provided that the employer permits such items to
be worn off the job-site.
5Personal Protective Equipment Includes
Protection For
Respiratory Protection
6Equipment Includes
- Protective clothing
- Footgear
- Headgear
- Coveralls
- Gloves
- Respiratory devices
- Air purifying respirators
- Air supplied respirators
- Dust masks
- Protective shields and barriers
7When is PPE Required?
- Wherever it is necessary
- By reason of hazards of processes
- Or environment,
- Chemical hazards,
- Radiological hazards,
- Or mechanical irritants
Encountered in a manner capable of causing
injury or impairment in the function of any part
of the body through absorption, inhalation or
physical contact.
8Sprayfoam Tasks
- Application
- Helper (Hose puller)
- Changing Drums or Pour Ups
- Shipping, Handling or Storage
- Spill Containment
- Trimming
9SPF Roofing Applications Sprayer Helper
Air purifying respirator w/HPE filter
10Air Purifying Respirator Requirements
- Description of data relied on for selection
- Must filter organic vapor and particulates
- Change out schedule and basis for change out
11Nitrile Gloves with Long Sleeves
12Eye Protection and Chemically Resistant Coveralls
13Chemically Resistant Footwear
14SPF Interior Applications Sprayer Helper
15Air Supplied Respiratory Requirements
- Supply air equal to atmospheric air
- 19.5 to 23.5 oxygen
- Maximum 1000 ppm CO2
- Maximum 20 CO
- Hoses, fittings, etc must be specific to the
model of air supplied respirators
16PPE for Interior Applications Sprayer Helper
- Chemically resistant gloves (long sleeved
nitrile) - Full face protection
- Chemically resistant footwear
- Chemically resistant coveralls
- Hard hat in areas where there is a possible
danger of head injury from impact, or from
falling or flying objects
17Changing Drums, Pour-ups, Spills
- Chemically resistant coveralls
- Face shield
- Air purifying respirator
- Chemically resistant footwear
- Safety shoes (when moving heavy drums or
18Additional PPE Depending on Circumstances
- Hearing protection
- Generators or compressors
- Coating pumps or proportioners
- Air blowing equipment
- Power tools and trimming equipment
19OSHA Respiratory Protection - 29 CFR 1910.134
- Written Respiratory Protection Program Includes
- Identify where respirators are needed
- Learn about appropriate respiratory protection
options - Administer medical evaluation for workers wearing
respirators - Conduct fit testing
- Train respirator users
- Maintain written documentation of program
20Center for the Polyurethane Industry Model
Respiratory Protection Program
- Developed by CPI to
- Protect employees from respiratory hazards
- Ensure compliance with OSHAs Respiratory
Protection Program Standard 29 C.F.R.
1910.134(c) - Enables employer to
- Work through the process
- Document the program
21(No Transcript)
22OSHA Requires Program Administrator
- Program Administrator Is Responsible For
- Identifying work areas, processes, or tasks
requiring respirators - Selecting appropriate respiratory protection
options - Monitoring respirator use
- Arranging for and or conducting training
- Ensuring proper storage and maintenance
- Conducting qualitative fit testing
- Administering the medical surveillance program
- Maintaining required program records
- Evaluating the respiratory protection program
and - Updating the written program, as necessary.