Title: Staging The Mediastinum,
1Staging The Mediastinum, EBUS vs Mediastinoscopy.
Mohammad B Zalt, MD. Interventional
Pulmonology. Advances in Lung Cancer Symposium,
- Lung ca in the leading cause of mortality in both
men and women in USA. - NSCLC accounts for 84 of lung cancers.
- TNM system is crucial for
- Staging NSCLC into 4 stages.
- Making clinical decisions (Sx, CT..).
- Incorrect staging of NCLC results in major errors
in management.
Detterbeck et al, Chest 136 (1), 260-271
- N STAGING becomes paramount in making treatment
Tests Procedures
Lymphnodes Map
57th TNM system, IASLC
J. Thorac. Oncol. 4(5), 568-577 (2009).
6(4R), Right Lower Paratracheal
7The 7th TNM system.
- N0-N3 station system has been retained.
- Precise landmarks for accurate staging were
introduced - N1, N2 zones are distinguished by major vessels
(Azygous vein on R). - Midline of trachea to separate R and L
paratrcheal LNs is shifted to L lateral margin of
8The 7th TNM system.
9The 7th TNM system, EBUS
10Staging the Mediastinum
- Noninvasive tests
- Invasive tests
CT scan
PET scan
Needle Technique.
Minimally invasive EBUS. EUS, EMN, TTNA.
Surgical Mediastinoscopy, VATS.
11Non-invasive staging, Clinical
- Standard CT using gt 10 mm as abnormal
- sensitivity 60
- specificity 80
- FDG-PET Using and SUVgt 2.5 as abnormal
- sensitivity 80
- specificity 90
- Integrated PET-CT improved staging.
- sensitivity 90
- specificity 94
Radiology 1999 213 530 Radiology, Sep 2003
Chest 2003 123 137s
12ACCP, intrathoracic CT categories of NSCLC.
13(No Transcript)
14Clinical staging can differ from pathologic,
- 24 clinically over staged.
- 20 clinically under staged.
- Pathologic Confirmation
- in patients thought to be surgical candidates.
Cancer 1992 70 1102 Ann Thorac Surg 1991 51
253 Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1997 156 320
15Invasive staging of the Mediastium
16Invasive staging of Mediastium, when?
- Enlarged mediastinal lymphnodes on CT.
- Central tumor.
- N1 enlargement and normal mediastinum.
- Evidence of PET scan uptake in mediastinum.
17ACCP Guidelines. When?
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18- Patients with extensive mediastinal infiltration
of tumor and no distant metastases, it is
suggested that radiographic (CT) assessment of
the mediastinal stage is usually sufficient
without invasive confirmation (Grade 2C)
CHEST / 143 / 5 / MAY 2013 SUPPLEMENT e227S
19- Patients with discrete mediastinal lymph node
enlargement (and no distant metastases) with or
without PET uptake in mediastinal nodes, invasive
staging of the mediastinum is recommended over
staging by imaging alone (Grade 1C) .
CHEST / 143 / 5 / MAY 2013 SUPPLEMENT e227S
20- In patients with PET activity in a mediastinal
lymph node and normal appearing nodes by CT (and
no distant metastases), invasive staging of the
mediastinum is recommended over staging by
imaging alone (Grade 1C) .
CHEST / 143 / 5 / MAY 2013 SUPPLEMENT e227S
21- Intermediate suspicion of N2,3 involvement, ie, a
radiographically normal mediastinum (by CT and
PET) and a central tumor or N1 lymph node
enlargement (and no distant metastases), invasive
staging of the mediastinum is recommended over
staging by imaging alone (Grade 1C)
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22- For patients with a peripheral clinical stage IA
tumor (negative nodal involvement by CT and PET),
invasive preoperative evaluation of the
mediastinal nodes is not required (Grade 2B)
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23Invasive Staging of the Mediastium, HOW?
24Location of The LN.
Technique available
Invasive Staging of the Mediastium, HOW?
Proficiency of clinicians
Pts comorbidity fitness
25Location of the LN
26Surgical staging of the mediastinum
Sensitivity () Specificity ()
Cervical Mediastinoscopy (stations 1-2-4-7) 78 100
Anterior Mediastinoscopy (stations 5-6) 75 100
VATS (only ipsilateral) 75 100
De Leyn. Eur L Cardiothrac Surg 2007321-8
Yasufuku et al. Respirology 200712173-183
Lemaire et al. Ann Thorac Surg 2006821185-1189
27Accuracy of mediastinoscopy
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28Surgical staging, VATS.
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29 TTNA, sensitivity 89-94
30Conventional (Blind) TBNA.
- Meta-analysis showed pooled sensitivity of 39
and FN 28. - 11.8 of physicians routinely used TBNA for
staging malig, in an ACCP survey, 1991
Thorax 60(11), 949-955 (2005)
31Conventional (Blind) TBNA.
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32Ultrasound Guided Needle techniqueEBUS/EUS-NA
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35EUS-NA in staging the mediastinum.
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36EBUS in staging the mediastium.
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37EBUS is also sensitive in patients with lung
cancer and negative med LNs on CT
- 100 patients with NSCLC and CT with no
mediastinal LN gt 10mm ? EBUS-TBNA of all
identifiable nodes ? surgical staging with med
(15) or thoracotomy (85) - Mean LN diameter 8.1mm
- 2 aspirates / node
- Cancer seen in 19 LN, missed in 2 LN
- Sensitivity 92.3, Specificity 100, NPV 96.3
- Could avoid surgery in 17 of patients with no CT
evidence of disease
Herth et al, Eur Respir J 2006 28 910
38EBUS may be preferred in the histologic sampling
of paratracheal and subcarinal mediastinal
adenopathy because the diagnostic yield can
surpass mediastinoscopy
66 patients with know cancer in a cross over study
Diagnostic yield 91
Specificity 100
Specificity 100
Diagnostic yield 78
Ernst A. et al. Journal of Thoracic Oncology
3(6)577-82, 2008 Jun
39JAMA . 2010 304 ( 20 ) 2245 - 2252
EBUS/EUS-NA (Medical Mediastinoscopy)
- RCT, 241 Pts with resectable NSCLC.
- Surgical staging alone
Combined (EBUS EUS)-NA followed by sx
staging ( if no mets found)
40JAMA . 2010 304 ( 20 ) 2245 - 2252
- Sensitivity
- Surgical staging 79.
- Endosonographic staging 85.
- Endosonographic followed by surgical 94.
- Nodal Mets
- 62 Pts by combined staging.
- 41 pts by surgical staging.
- Thoracotomy unnecessary
- 21 pts in the mediastinoscopy group.
- 9 Pt in the combined group.
41EBUS/EUS-NA (Medical Mediastinoscopy
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42Is Ultrasound-Guided FNA replacing Surgical
Staging ?
43Staging of Mediastium, How?
- High suspicion of N2,3 involvement, either by
discrete mediastinal lymph node enlargement or
PET uptake (and no distant metastases), a needle
technique (EBUS, EUS or combined) is recommended
over surgical staging as a best first test (Grade
CHEST / 143 / 5 / MAY 2013 SUPPLEMENT e227S
44Staging of Mediastium, How?
- Intermediate suspicion of N2,3, ie,
radiographically normal mediastinum (by CT and
PET) and a central tumor or N1 lymph node
enlargement, a needle technique (EBUS, EUS or
combined) is suggested over surgical staging as a
best first test (Grade 2B)
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45 NEGATIVE STAGIN using a needle technique,
Operating Room
46Or N1 Ln
Clinical Approach. Flow sheet
- Accurate Mediastinal staging is critical in the
management of NSCLC. - Variety of techniques are available.
(Complimentary NOT Competitive). - Non-invasive tests are not sufficient to
accurately stage NSCLC. - Minimally invasive techniques are becoming more
preferred in the staging paradigm. - Surgery remains the Gold standard. All (-)
EBUS/EUS-NA need surgical confirmation.
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