LIS - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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... $25,260 for a married couple. This group can be either Full or Partial LIS & pays: A sliding scale premium based on income (Partial LIS) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: LIS

LIS LIR SEP Training 2011
Low Income Subsidy Low Income Resources
Special Enrollment Period Training 2011
Do you enjoy working in the Medicare Advantage
Do you want to sell Medicare Advantage year round?
If your answer was YES, then this is the right
opportunity for you!

Training Goals
  • Identify Individuals who qualify for a Special
    Election Period Enabling them to enroll in a
    Medicare Approved health plan outside of the
    annual Open Enrollment Period.
  • Determination of which programs to enroll these
    qualified people in
  • Electronic application process to avoid decrease
    in comp due to paper application

Important Note
  • This presentation and PowerPoint is an overview
    of the process only.
  • Please see the Agent Training and Resource manual
    for complete information

Who Qualifies For A SEP?
  • SEP Special Election Period
  • Anyone that has recently moved into a service
    area and their current plan is no longer
  • Qualification or Disqualification for LIS, Low
    Income Subsidy and or LIR, Low Income Resources.

Who Qualifies For an SEP?
  • Someone who moves into or out of a institution,
    such as an assisted living home.
  • Qualification or Disqualification for a SPAP
    (State Pharmacy Assistance Program).
  • Note These are only a few of the examples of
    SEP Qualification. See LIS Training and Resource
    Manual for complete listing

When is an SEP Created?
  • An SEP is created anytime there is a
    qualifying event outside the Annual Open
    Enrollment Period.

What Is LIS?
  • LIS Low Income Subsidy
  • This assistance helps eligible people with their
    Medicare prescription drug costs, including
    premiums, deductibles, and coinsurance costs.

Who Should Apply?
  • People with Medicare who have limited incomes
    should apply. People with both Medicare and
    Medicaid will automatically be eligible and do
    not need to apply as CMS considers these
    individuals automatically deemed LIS eligible.

How to help your client apply for LIS?
  • People should apply through the Social Security
    Administration (SSA) using SSA - 1020 paper
    application or at SSAs website WWW.SSA.GOV.
  • A fillable PDF version of the application is in
    the resource section of the training manual.
    Photocopies of applications are not permitted

How Is LIS Eligibility Determined?
  • SSA will determine eligibility based on a
    persons income, assets and family size. There
    are three levels of assistance based on a
    persons income and assets.

How Does SSA Define Income?
  • Income includes the income of the person
    applying, their spouse and any other family
    member living in the household. Some examples of
    income that is counted are
  • Benefits such as social security benefits,
    railroad retirement
  • Earnings
  • Money from investments and pensions and
  • Rental income.

How Does SSA Define Assets?
  • Assets include
  • Liquid assets (Those that can be converted to
    cash within 20 days)
  • Real estate, excluding the applicants primary
  • Cash and savings accounts.

What Are Eligibility Requirements And Benefits?
  • The first group is for those individuals who
    receive Medicaid (help through the state) and
    whose income is at or below 100 of Federal
    Poverty Level (FPL, See page 52 of Training
    Manual for FPL limits).
  • People in this group are known as QMB
    (Qualified Medicare Beneficiary)
  • This eligible group
  • Does not pay a premium or deductible,
  • Does pay 1.10 for generic drugs and 3.30 for
    name brand drugs
  • Note People in this group do not need to apply
    for the assistance. They are already deemed

What Are Eligibility Requirements And Benefits?
  • The second group is for people whose income is
    between 100 and 135 FPL and whose assets are
    below 6,680 for an individual and 10,020 for a
    married couple or people with Medicaid with
    incomes above 100 of FPL. People in this group
    are known as QI (Qualified Individuals) SLMB
    (Specified Low-Income Medicare Beneficiary
  • This eligible group
  • Does Not pay a premium or deductible,
  • Does pay 2.50 for generic drugs and 6.30 for
    name brand drugs.

What Are Eligibility Requirements And Benefits?
  • The third group includes households with
    incomes between 135 FPL and 150 FPL, with
    assets at or below 8,180 12,640 for an
    individual and 13,020 - 25,260 for a married
    couple. This group can be either Full or Partial
    LIS pays
  • A sliding scale premium based on income (Partial
  • A 63.00 annual deductible ( Partial LIS)
  • 15 of all other drug costs up to 4,550 (Partial
  • 2.50 for generic drugs and 6.30 for name brand
    drugs after reaching the 4,550 (Partial LIS)
  • Note IF 135 FPL which is Full LIS, Then NO
    deductible and member pays 2.50 generic and
    6.30 brand

What Is LIR?
  • Low Income Resources or LIR is commonly
    referred to as Medicaid.
  • Medicaid is designed for individuals who have
    among other eligibility qualifications, LIR.
  • Most people think Medicaid is only for those
    who have limited resources however, this is not
  • Many groups of people are covered by
    Medicaid. Even within these groups, though,
    certain requirements must be met. These may
    include your age, whether you are pregnant,
    disabled, blind your income and resources (like
    bank accounts, real property, or other items that
    can be sold for cash) and whether you are a U.S.
    citizen or a lawfully admitted immigrant.

What Are Eligibility Requirements And Benefits?
  • The first level of assistance for LIR is
    known as full subsidy or QMB and receives Payment
    of Medicare Part A monthly premiums (when
  • This eligible group
  • Does Not Pay Medicare Part B monthly premiums
    and annual deductible.
  • Does Not Pay co-insurance and deductible amounts
    for services covered under both Medicare Parts A
    and B.
  • Receives reduction in Medicare Part D
    prescription drug copayments on Tier 1, Tier 2,
    Tier 3 and specialty drugs. Regardless of Tier
    the QMB pays 1.10 generics and 3.30 brand

What Are Eligibility Requirements And Benefits?
  • The second level of LIR assistance is known
    as a partial subsidy or SLMB (Specified
    Low-Income Medicare Beneficiary Program).
  • This eligible group
  • Does Not Pay of the Medicare monthly Part B
  • Receives 100 of the monthly Medicare Part D
    premium up to the premium subsidy amount through
    LIS benefits. CMS and SSA consider every SLMB
    deemed eligible for LIS and are automatically
    enrolled in LIS.
  • Receives reduction in Medicare Part D
    prescription drug copayments on Tier 1, Tier 2,
    Tier 3 and specialty drugs. Regardless of Tier
    the SLMB pays 2.50 generics and 6.30 brand

What Are Eligibility Requirements And Benefits?
  • The third level of LIR assistance is known as
    QI (Qualified Individual Program) - Limited
    Expansion of SLMB Program.
  • The QI program provides the following
  • A portion of the Medicare monthly Part B premium
    is covered, this amount varies by client and
    benefit level.
  • 100 of the monthly Medicare Part D premium up to
    the premium subsidy amount through LIS benefits.
    CMS and SSA consider every QI deemed eligible
    for LIS and are automatically enrolled in LIS.
  • Reduction in Medicare Part D prescription drug
    copayments on Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3 and
    specialty drugs. Regardless of Tier the QI pays
    2.50 generics and 6.30 brand

What Plan Do I Enroll My Client In?
  • QMB Full Subsidy In order to ensure 100
    Coordination of benefits, all full dual eligible
    individuals should be enrolled in a plan that
    caters to this particular market such as the UHC
    Evercare Plan DH SNP.
  • In the event you enroll a dual eligible
    individual into a traditional or standard
    Medicare approved health plan you WILL run into
    coordination issues as well as leaving the member
    responsible for certain copays and or coinsurance
  • QMB beneficiaries should never be enrolled in
    a plan that is not specifically designed to
    coordinate benefits with Medicaid.

What Plan Do I Enroll My Client In?
  • SLMB QI Partial Subsidy While both of
    these individuals enjoy some level assistance
    they do not qualify for full subsidy.
  • As discussed earlier these individuals
    receive all or a portion of their Medicare Part B
    premium and assistance on their Part D
    premium.Since neither of these levels of
    benefits includes assistance with healthcare
    needs you would do a disservice to the client if
    you placed them on a Dual Eligible plan.
    (Typically Dual Eligible plans mimic traditional
    Medicare while enhancing services like
    preventative care, number of doctor visits and
  • SLMB and QIs should be placed on regular
    Medicare Approved Health Plans such as the AARP
    Medicare Complete by Secure Horizons.

What Plan Do I Enroll My Client In?
  • These plans will coordinate with the level
    of benefits and assistance your client receives
    while allowing the member to experience more
    robust formularies, reduced drug cost, affordable
    and predictable copays, no deductibles and most
    importantly an out-of-pocket max that traditional
    Medicare does not have.
  • The only exception to this rule is if your
    client qualifies for a SNP (Special Needs Plan)
    that specializes in specific conditions like
    COPD, Heart trouble and or Diabetes, some plans
    put more than one condition in an SNP.
  • In the event they qualify for such a plan we
    would recommend using a plan like Care
    Improvement Plus also known as CIP.

What Plan Do I Enroll My Client In?
  • Low Income Subsidy
  • Typically your best option for this group of
    beneficiaries is to use a traditional Medicare
    Approved Health Plan such as AARP Medicare
    Complete by Secure Horizons. If the client
    qualifies another alternative would be a
    specialized SNP such as CIP.
  • Someone who receives LIS only regardless of
    benefit level should never be placed on a Dual
    Eligible plan.

Enrollment Form Completion
  • Applications are available from each carrier.
  • They may be paper or fillable PDF
  • Please use only black or blue ink to complete
    enrollment application
  • Please print using block letters only
  • Make sure all areas have been completed
  • Even if the information box does not apply please
    put N/A in the box
  • Ensure mailing address and physical address are
    completed if different.

Enrollment Form Completion
  • Double check Medicare Claim number which should
    normally have a letter as last character.
  • Complete Medicare A B effective dates
  • For SEP reason and correct code please see pg.
    130 in the resource manual
  • Please remember if the application is illegible
    and the processors cannot accurately determine
    information, the enrollment may not be processed
    and may delay compensation.
  • Please slow down and fill the application out
    carefully and accurately.

LIR Verification Call
  • UHC / Secure Horizons requires a new
    verification process to ensure your client is
    Medicaid eligible for all plan sales on their
    Evercare DH plan.
  • Agent must call at time of enrollment
  • Call The Producer Help Desk at 888-381-8581
  • Your client must be present and able to get on
    the phone
  • Hours Monday Friday from 7AM 7PM CST
  • See page 126 of the resource manual for more

New Business Submission Non Electronic
  • If you do not submit your business
    electronically UHC/Secure Horizons may reduce
    your compensation.
  • Please follow the below steps to submit paper
    applications which will be converted to an
    electronic enrollment for you at no additional

New Business Submission Non Electronic
  • Be sure that the client has signed the
    application and that it is dated
  • Fax application daily to 336-474-8945 for
    processing. Please fax them individually with a
    cover sheet indicating the agent name, client
    name and number of pages. You do not need to mail
    the original application if you fax them.
    NC 27263.
    TURN IN.

More Questions??
  • If have additional questions or are just unsure
    of the proper process please email
  • Rob Casey
  • Chief Compliance Officer

LIS Enrollment Lead Program
TAG has a relationship with Leads 2 Success,
one of the largest lead generation companies in
the nation. By virtue of your being contracted
you are eligible for the LIS Enrollment Lead
Program! Please note this program may change or
terminate at any time.
Leads 2 Success A Division Of the Assurance
Printing Mailing Area
Does this look like you?
  • The Assurance Group and Leads2Success have
    developed a carrier approved lead piece that is
    sure to make your sales skyrocket.

Direct Mail Leads Designed Especially For LIS
Enrollment Opportunities
Jump Start Lead Program
  • 325 per 1000 mailed, 1st 2000 Pieces will be
    only 315 for 1st time orders only
  • This limited time price is an unbelievable
    Value this is 35 off our everyday price of
    500.00 per 1000 . Best of all there is only a
    1000 piece minimum order!
  • 5 day turnaround from completed order to drop.
  • Leads delivered to you via paper or

Please see your Upline for ordering details
Closing Thought
  • To be winners and leaders we must be Agents
    of Change. If we are willing to learn and grow,
    together we can accomplish anything.

Good Luck!
  • Thank You For Taking The Time To Complete The
    Online Portion of the LIS Training.
  • Please Be Sure to Read The Training Manual.
    It Is Full Of Useful Tools, Resources, Tips and
  • If you have further questions please contact
    your upline for more detailed support.
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