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ANSWER: 2 According to the bylaws: ARTICLE VIII: State Assembly Board of Directors Section 6. Meetings of the State Assembly Board of Directors A. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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How many annual meetings must a State Assembly
hold each year?
ANSWER 1 According to the bylaws ARTICLE VII
Meetings Section 1. The State Assembly shall
meet annually and that meeting shall be known as
the Annual Meeting, the date and place of which
shall be determined by the State Assembly Board
of Directors.
How many days prior to the annual meeting must
written notification of the meeting be submitted
to the membership?
ANSWER 60 days According to the bylaws ARTICLE
VII Meetings Section 3. Business Meetings B.
Sixty days written notice shall be given via a
State Assembly mailing/publication distributed to
the entire State Assembly membership of the time,
place, and business to be considered at the
An Associate Member has ____ but no ____ during
the annual business meeting.
ANSWER voice but no vote According to the
bylaws ARTICLE III Membership Section 2.
Classification B. Associate Member 5. Associate
members (numbers 1 through 4) have voice but no
Elections at the Annual Meeting must be conducted
by a ___ vote? A. VerbalB. Ballot
C. Show of Hands
ANSWER B. Ballot According to the
bylaws ARTICLE V Nominations and Elections
Section 2. Elections A. Elections shall be held
in the state by ballot at the Annual Meeting.
Which of the following types of members are
utilized to determine a quorum?A. Total
Membership B. Associate Membership C.
Active Membership
ANSWER C. Active Membership
According to the bylaws ARTICLE VII Meetings
Section 3. Business Meetings D. The quorum
requirement for states with less than 50 active
members is 3 active members, states with 50-100
active members is 5 members, states with 101-150
active members is 10 members, states with 151-200
active members is 15 members, and states with
over 200 active members, a minimum of 20 members
or three percent of the total active members
(which ever is greater) shall constitute a
Who can call a special meeting of the active
membership of a State Assembly?
ANSWER 2/3 of the board of directors or 2/3 of
the active membership.
According to the bylaws ARTICLE VII Meetings
E. Special Meetings 1. Special meetings of the
active members may be called by two-thirds of the
State Assembly Board of Directors or by
two-thirds of the active members. Ninety days
written notice shall be given via a State
Assembly mailing/publication distributed to the
entire State Assembly active membership of the
time, place, and business to be considered at the
special meeting.
How many meetings must the State Assembly Board
of Directors have per year?
ANSWER 2 According to the bylaws ARTICLE VIII
State Assembly Board of Directors Section 6.
Meetings of the State Assembly Board of Directors
A. The State Assembly Board of Directors shall
hold at least two meetings per year.
What constitutes a quorum at a State Assembly
Board of Directors meeting?
ANSWER 5 members of the BOD, at least two of
whom are officers According to the
bylaws ARTICLE VIII State Assembly Board of
Directors Section 6. Meetings of the State
Assembly Board of Directors C. Five members of
the State Assembly Board of Directors, at least
two of whom are officers, shall constitute a
quorum of the State Assembly Board of Directors.
If Sam gets appointed to the Presidency 3 months
after being elected Vice President, how many
additional terms as President can he be elected
ANSWER 1 According to the bylaws ARTICLE VI
Officers Section 3. Term of Office of Officers
C. No officer may serve more than two full terms
in the same office. D. Any amount of time served
that equals more than half a term shall be
considered a full term of office.
Which offices of the State Assembly Board are
elected in odd numbered years?
ANSWER President, Vice President, Treasurer, and
2 Board of Directors According to the
bylaws ARTICLE V Nominations and Elections
Section 2. Elections E. The President, Vice
President, Treasurer and two Directors shall be
elected in odd-numbered years. The Secretary and
three Directors shall be elected in even-numbered
What are the requirements to be elected to a
State Assembly Board of Director position?
ANSWER 1 year membership and maintain active
status According to the bylaws ARTICLE VIII
State Assembly Board of Directors Section 2.
Eligibility of Directors A. A candidate for the
State Assembly Board of Directors shall have been
a member for one year immediately preceding
nomination and, if elected, shall maintain active
If a State Assembly has been formed for more than
5 years, what additional requirement is necessary
to run for the office of President?
ANSWER completion of at least 1 term on the
Board of Directors
According to the bylaws ARTICLE VI Officers
Section 2. Eligibility of Officers Proviso The
following bylaw is required for all states that
have been formed for at least five years. C. A
candidate for the office of president shall have
served at least one full term as a director or
officer during the previous six years on the
Board of Directors.
Can someone living in Colorado be a member of the
Nebraska State Assembly? Under what conditions?
ANSWER Yes, They must indicate to AST their
desire to be a member of the Nebraska State
According to the bylaws ARTICLE III Membership
Section 1. Definition. C. A member of the
State Assembly may be a member residing in the
state or a member who does not reside in the
state but has indicated to AST that the member
chooses to be a member of the State Assembly.
How much of the dues that are paid to AST for
membership are remitted to the state as State
Assembly dues?
ANSWER 10 Regular Member 5
Student Member According to the bylaws ARTICLE
III Membership Section 3. Dues A. A combined
dues amount for national and State Assembly dues
(unified dues) shall be established by the
House of Delegates, paid according to established
procedure, and maintained by AST. B. National
and State Assembly dues may not be collected by
any other entity other than AST.
What percentage of the established AST annual
membership dues are students and retired members
ANSWER 50 According to the bylaws ARTICLE
III Membership Section 3. Dues E. Dues for
student members and retired members shall be
fifty percent of the established annual dues.
Can a CST be a member of the California State
Assembly if they are not a member of AST?
ANSWER No According to the bylaws ARTICLE III
Membership Section 1. Definition. B. A member
of the State Assembly must be a member of AST.
Can an Active Member who has passed the CST exam
but not maintained currency that is retired or
disabled, serve as a delegate at AST National
  • According to the bylaws
  • ARTICLE III Membership
  • Section 2. Classification
  • Active Member
  • 2. One who has passed the national certification
    examination and not maintained certification
    currency as defined by the NBSTSA but who is
    retired or disabled. However, eligibility for
    elected office and delegate status will continue
    to require certification currency.

How many days does a member have after their
membership expiration date to renew before they
are delinquent and forfeit all membership
ANSWER 30 days According to the bylaws
ARTICLE III Membership Section 3. Dues D. A
member whose national and State Assembly dues are
not received at AST within 30 days from the
renewal date shall be delinquent and forfeit all
membership privileges. Reinstatement shall be
effective upon payment of dues.
What is the fiscal year of the State Assembly?
ANSWER January 1 December 31 According to the
bylaws ARTICLE IV Finance Section 1. Fiscal
Year. The fiscal year shall be the calendar year.
How long is the term of a State Assembly
  • ANSWER 2 years
  • According to the bylaws
  • ARTICLE VI Officers
  • Section 3. Term of Office of Officers
  • The President, Vice President, Secretary,
  • and Treasurer shall serve for a term of two years
    or until a successor is elected.

What must be done with the year end financial
statements of a State Assembly?
ANSWER An annual audit must be
performed According to the bylaws ARTICLE IV
Finance Section 4. Examination of financial
statements. The year-end financial statements of
the state assembly shall be examined by an
independent auditor or a third party otherwise
acceptable to AST. The level of examination
(compilation, review, or audit) shall be
determined by the AST Policy Manual.
What are the time frames for the minimum two
financial statements that must be submitted to
AST yearly?
ANSWER January 1 June 30 and January 1-
December 31
According to the bylaws ARTICLE IV Finance
Section 3. Financial disclosure. The state
assembly shall prepare a minimum of 2 sets of
financial statements each year. The minimum 2
sets of statements will report year to date
activity for January 1June 30 and January
1December 31. The statements will be filed with
AST and be available to all members of the state
When does a State Assembly have to submit their
annual budget to AST by?
ANSWER January 31st According to the
bylaws ARTICLE IV Finance Section 2. Budget.
The state assembly shall adopt an annual budget.
The budget shall be filed with AST by January
31st of each year.
When are the semi-annual and annual financial
statements due to AST?
ANSWER Semi-annual January 1 - June 30 due by
July 31st Annual January
1December 31 due by January 15th
According to the bylaws ARTICLE IV Finance
Section 3. Financial disclosure. The state
assembly shall prepare a minimum of 2 sets of
financial statements each year. The minimum 2
sets of statements will report year to date
activity for January 1June 30 and January
1December 31. The statements will be filed with
AST and be available to all members of the state
How many days prior to an election must notice of
the offices to be elected be posted to the
ANSWER 60 days
According to the bylaws ARTICLE VII Meetings
Section 3. Business Meetings B. Sixty days
written notice shall be given via a State
Assembly mailing/publication distributed to the
entire State Assembly membership of the time,
place, and business to be considered at the
How long does a State Assembly have to
incorporate amendments adopted by National that
apply to State Assemblies?
ANSWER Immediately According to the
bylaws ARTICLE XII Amendments Section 1.
Amendments to the national AST Bylaws which are
applicable to the State Assembly shall be
incorporated into the State Assembly's Bylaws
immediately upon adoption by National.
How many days prior to an election must a
candidate submit a Consent to Serve Curriculum
Vitae unless running from the floor?
ANSWER 30 days According to the
bylaws ARTICLE V Nominations and Elections
Section 1. Nominations A. No less than 30 days
prior to the elections, each potential candidate
will be required to present to the Credentials
Committee a written curriculum vitae and a
consent to serve. All nominees who meet the
qualifications for office shall be eligible for
How many days prior to National Conference must a
State Assemblys list of elected
delegate/alternates be submitted to AST?
ANSWER 60 days
According to the bylaws ARTICLE VII Meetings
Section 4. Delegate representation to the AST
Annual National Conference B. Delegates and
alternates shall be active members elected by the
state assembly. C. The names shall be submitted
to national headquarters at least sixty days
prior to the national conference. Any forms
received after that deadline must be presented
during designated hours at the national
If a President of a State Assembly has served 2
previous terms but no candidates run for the
office, who is the President of the State
ANSWER The same president According to the
bylaws ARTICLE VI Officers Section 3. Term of
Office of Officers A. The President, Vice
President, Secretary, and Treasurer shall serve
for a term of two years or until a successor is
If three candidates are running for the office of
Secretary and they receive the following votes,
who is the winner?Candidate A 20Candidate B
18Candidate C - 22
ANSWER Candidate A or C in a re-election
According to the bylaws ARTICLE V Nominations
and Elections Section 2. Elections B. Election
of officers shall be by a majority vote. In the
event a second ballot is needed to establish a
majority, the two candidates receiving the
highest number of votes shall be placed on the
second ballot.
Can a student serve as a member of a committee?
ANSWER No, the only requirement to serve on a
committee is to be an active member of the state
assembly and a student is an associate member.
According to the bylaws ARTICLE IX Committees
Section 3. Eligibility of Committee Members A.
Members of the Bylaws, Resolutions, and
Parliamentary Procedure Committee, Education and
Professional Standards Committee, and Government
and Public Affairs Committee shall have active
membership status in AST.
Who is an ex-officio member of every State
Assembly committee?
ANSWER The President According to the
bylaws ARTICLE IX Committees Section 4. The
President shall be an ex-officio member of all
How is a special committee created and what is
its duration?
ANSWER Appointed by the President until
completion of the project According to the
bylaws ARTICLE IX Committees Section 2.
Special Committees A. A special committee may be
appointed by the President, as the need arises,
to carry out a specified task, at the completion
of which it ceases to exist. B. Guidelines for
such committees shall be as stated in the State
Assembly Policy Manual.
How is the Tellers Committee formed?
ANSWER The President appoints attempting to
include members from various locations throughout
the state According to the bylaws ARTICLE V
Nominations and Elections Section 2.
Elections D. A Tellers Committee shall be
appointed by the President with due regard to
geographic distribution.
What is the length of a committee appointment
term and how many terms can a member be appointed
ANSWER Term length is 2 years with a maximum
reappointment of 3 terms According to the
bylaws ARTICLE IX Committees B. Committee term
1. Committee members may serve for a term of two
years, with a maximum of three terms on the same
What are the three Standing Committees of every
State Assembly?
ANSWER Bylaws, Resolutions, and Parliamentary
Procedure Education and Professional Standards
and Government and Public Affairs
According to the bylaws ARTICLE IX Committees
Section 1. Standing Committees A. The standing
committees shall be Bylaws, Resolutions, and
Parliamentary Procedure Education and
Professional Standards and Government and Public
Affairs and shall be appointed by the President
with the approval of the State Assembly Board of
Make Your Wagers Now
  • If a state assembly has each of the following
    numbers of active members, how many of
  • these active members must attend their annual
    business meeting to establish a quorum that
  • is necessary to conduct business?
  • 35
  • 151
  • 300
  • 1100

According to the Bylaws ARTICLE VII Meetings
Section 3. Business Meetings D. The quorum
requirement for states with less than 50 active
members is 3 active members, states with 50-100
active members is 5 members, states with 101-150
active members is 10 members, states with 151-200
active members is 15 members, and states with
over 200 active members, a minimum of 20 members
or three percent of the total active members
(which ever is greater) shall constitute a
  • 3
  • 15
  • 20
  • 33
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