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... NHS Ashton Leigh and Wigan 573,073 12,700 2.2 12,700 NHS Bolton 488,691 9,300 1.9 5,944 NHS Bury 316,152 26,903 8.5 26,903 NHS Heywood Middleton and ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


REPORT OF Director of Finance
DATE OF PAPER 28 June 2011
SUBJECT Finance Report for the two months ended 31 May 2011
IN CASE OF QUERY, PLEASE CONTACT Mrs Claire Yarwood 0161 212 4835
PURPOSE OF PAPER This paper provides an update to the Cluster Board on the financial position for Greater Manchester for the first two months of 2011-12. PURPOSE OF PAPER This paper provides an update to the Cluster Board on the financial position for Greater Manchester for the first two months of 2011-12.
  • 1. Key Financial Performance Dashboard
  • 2. Summary Financial Position
  • 3. Risks
  • 4. Cost Improvement Programme Performance
  • PCT Performance Exception Report
  • 6. Capital Investment Programme
  • 7. Recommendations

1 Key Financial Performance Dashboard
Review Commentary Year to Date Rating Year End Rating
Revenue The current revenue position after two months is a cumulative surplus of 2,167k, which is slightly behind the planned year to date surplus of 2,604k. PCTs are forecasting achievement of the planned surplus of 14,717k for 2011-12 although this is based on limited information from providers at this early stage in the financial year, and dependent on the achievement of significant levels of QIPP savings.
Capital To date there has been minimal spend of 382k against a total net capital resource limit of 14,716k.
Cash PCTs are largely drawing down cash in accordance with their plans, with the exception of NHS Bury (1.3 ahead of plan) and NHS Trafford (0.56 ahead of plan). No PCTs are currently indicating a requirement for cash in excess of their allocation.
Provider Breakeven NHS Stockport and NHS Bolton are the only PCTs with provider arms. NHS Stockport has reported a year to date surplus of 122k due to lower than planned pay costs and NHS Bolton is reporting a break even position. Both PCTs are forecasting that their provider arms will break even in 2011-12. Both PCTs are planning to transfer their provider services to Acute Trusts during 2011/12
2 Summary Financial Position
  Surplus / (Deficit) YTD Surplus / (Deficit) YTD Surplus / (Deficit) YTD    
Resource Limit Opening in-year allocation Budget Actual Variance   Forecast Surplus
  000's 000's 000's 000's   000's
NHS Ashton Leigh and Wigan 573,073 602 486 (116)   2,726
NHS Bolton 488,691 96 79 (17)   1,000
NHS Bury 316,152 5 0 (5)   250
NHS Heywood Middleton and Rochdale 396,762 270 270 0   2,000
NHS Manchester 1,032,509 56 135 79   1,000
NHS Oldham 422,179 335 0 (335)   2,015
NHS Salford 476,052 691 691 0   2,260
NHS Stockport 482,475 111 233 122   667
NHS Tameside and Glossop 429,940 166 166 0   1,000
NHS Trafford 379,322 272 107 (165)   1,799
Total Greater Manchester 4,997,155 2,604 2,167 (437) 14,717
3 Risks
3 Risks
  • There are a number of financial risks that are
    included in the PCTs forecast financial position
    however the magnitude and certainty of these
    risks is variable. The table on the previous
    page lists the major risks and the potential best
    and worst cases. Currently the most likely
    positions are included in the forecast outturns
    and are mitigated by contingencies, under spends
    on developments and strategic initiatives.
  • Each PCT has assessed the risks applicable to
    their financial position and commissioned
    services. Whilst some risks are specific to
    particular PCTs, the risks relating to secondary
    care contracts, QIPP delivery and prescribing
    spend are common to most PCTs.
  • This format of presenting financial risks is new
    to some PCTs, and therefore the information
    contained within this schedule at month two
    should be treated with caution. However, this
    will continue to be developed with Organisations.

4 Cost Improvement Programme (CIP) Performance

Resource Limit Opening in-year allocation CIP Plan CIP Plan as of Resource Limit CIP Forecast
  000's 000's   000's
NHS Ashton Leigh and Wigan 573,073 12,700 2.2 12,700
NHS Bolton 488,691 9,300 1.9 5,944
NHS Bury 316,152 26,903 8.5 26,903
NHS Heywood Middleton and Rochdale 396,762 10,478 2.6 10,938
NHS Manchester 1,032,509 20,243 2.0 23,238
NHS Oldham 422,179   0.0  
NHS Salford 476,052 2,258 0.5 3,379
NHS Stockport 482,475 8,180 1.7 8,180
NHS Tameside and Glossop 429,940 10,200 2.4 10,200
NHS Trafford 379,322 15,300 4.0 15,300
Total Greater Manchester 4,997,155 115,562 2.3 116,782
4 Cost Improvement Programme (CIP) Performance
  • NHS Bury has the highest CIP target as a
    percentage of revenue resource limit, at 26.9m.
    Of this amount, 21.7m or 81 of the schemes are
    rated as high risk at month two, but this is a
    slight improvement over the plan position.
    However, achievement of CIP at month two is only
    1.4m , which is 2.6m behind plan, but further
    analysis will be undertaken over the course of
    the next two months to evidence the savings.
  • NHS Manchester set an initial CIP target of
    20.2m and then added a further 50 to allow for
    slippage on schemes, optimism bias, and to
    provide a potential contingency for any
    deterioration in the underlying financial
    position. Detailed plans have been drawn up by
    consortia leads and other budget holders to
    address 23m of the revised 30m target and are
    currently working on proposals to achieve the
    balance. However significant savings are
    anticipated from service agreements, with over
    50 of the original target covered by block
    contract arrangements and therefore these have
    been achieved. The highest risk areas are in
    schemes to save costs in relation to secure
    mental health and running costs.
  • NHS Stockport is reporting achievement of 6.8m
    of the 8.2m CIP savings at month two, and 4.6m
    of this relates to a 2 reduction in elective and
    unscheduled care contracts. If these contracts
    over perform later in the year, the PCT will
    report this as a cost pressure rather than an
    underachievement of CIP.
  • NHS Bolton are currently forecasting an under
    achievement against their CIP plans of 3.4m, of
    which 2m is related to prescribing schemes and
    based on holding spend to 2010-11 levels, and
    1.4m is for demand management schemes.
    However this is expected to improve as the
    programme takes effect but will be closely

5 PCT Performance Exception Report
  • PCTs are currently forecasting achievement of
    the planned surpluses totalling 14,717k. This
    is the surplus control total agreed with the
    Strategic Health Authority. Therefore achieving
    the planned 2 recurrent headroom target.
  • The year to date position is a surplus achieved
    of 2,167k against a budgeted position of
    2,604k, with the majority of the
    underachievement contributed by NHS Ashton Leigh
    and Wigan, NHS Oldham and NHS Trafford.
    However, as expected at this stage of the
    financial year, many of the sources of
    information used to generate forecasts are not
    available, most notably prescribing,
    collaborative commissioning and other provider
    activity monitoring reports. Most PCTs have
    incorporated month one activity from their main
    provider into their forecasts.
  • NHS Bury has a number of financial recovery
    schemes in place, and those related to secondary
    care, prescribing and continuing care in
    particular have had a slower impact than
    anticipated. NHS Bury is forecasting achievement
    of the target surplus on the basis that in year
    savings on financial recovery schemes will be
    made to mitigate any recurrent shortfall. To
    date, there have also been non recurrent savings
    in other areas and work will be undertaken to
    secure these savings recurrently.
  • NHS Manchester has identified forecast overspends
    of 6.3m, mainly within prescribing (2m), mental
    health non secure contracts (2m) and
    specialist/collaboratively commissioned services
    (1m). There are ongoing negotiations between
    NHS Manchester and Manchester City Council
    regarding the settlement of mental health non
    secure over performance for 2009-10, the 2010-11
    mental health pool contribution and pooling
    resources for 2011-12.
  • Currently all PCTs are assuming that the full
    amount of the 2 non recurrent top slice will be
    returned in 2011-12 and be available for planned
    non recurrent expenditure.

5 PCT Performance Exception Report
  • NHS Oldham are in the process of developing
    dashboards to provide evidence based reporting
    on CIP achievements including financial benefits
    realised, and therefore whilst banked savings
    at month two are low, it is anticipated these are
    understated. The financial position is being
    closely monitored by Cluster and Locality
    Director of Finance.

6 Capital Investment Programme

  Plan Plan Plan Forecast Forecast Forecast
  Expenditure Disposals /Grants /IFRIC-12 Charge against CRL Expenditure Disposals /Grants /IFRIC-12 Charge against CRL
NHS Ashton Leigh and Wigan 2,068 (1,633) 435 2,068 (1,633) 435
NHS Bolton 16,130 (11,925) 4,205 15,930 (11,725) 4,205
NHS Bury 1,558 (592) 966 966   966
NHS Heywood Middleton and Rochdale 925 (340) 585 925 (340) 585
NHS Manchester 3,718 0 3,718 3,718 0 3,718
NHS Oldham 15,346 (16,942) (1,596) 15,981 (18,212) (2,231)
NHS Salford 3,954 (831) 3,123 3,954 (831) 3,123
NHS Stockport 2,092 (427) 1,665 2,092 (427) 1,665
NHS Tameside and Glossop 1,105 (340) 765 1,105 (340) 765
NHS Trafford 1,900 (1,050) 850 1,900 (1,050) 850
  48,796 (34,080) 14,716 48,639 (34,558) 14,081
6 Capital Investment Programme
  • Although there has been very little expenditure
    to date on the capital programmes, all PCTs are
    forecasting to remain within the net Capital
    Resource Limit for 2011-12.
  • Approximately 6.3m of capital expenditure is
    dependent on the disposal of assets, all to non
    NHS bodies, and PCTs have programmed capital
    schemes to commence only when disposals are
    certain. However, there is a risk that if
    disposals are delayed until later in the year,
    that there will be insufficient time to complete
    planned schemes and there may be capital resource
    limit under spends which cannot be carried
    forward to 2012-13.
  • IT schemes total 4.4m and work is currently
    being undertaken to review the nature of planned
    expenditure and determine whether efficiencies in
    procurement and/or implementation are possible
    across the Greater Manchester footprint.

7 Future Performance Management Information
  • In future reports information will be presented
    on the following areas of financial performance
  • Performance against main provider contracts
  • Delivery of running cost targets/paybill
  • Non recurrent 2 expenditure plans

8 Recommendations
  • 8.1 The Cluster Board is asked to note the
    contents of the report.
  • 8.2 The Cluster Board is asked if the
    information contained within or proposed is
    sufficient to meet the needs of Board members,
    given full detailed financial reports will be
    prepared for Locality Boards. Any comments can
    be sent directly to Mrs C Yarwood.
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