Title: Who is this for?
1 Who is this for? MES students who are children
of Active Duty Military Service Members. Who are
we? We are a committee under the MES Parent
Teacher Organization (PTO). Volunteers are
parents of MES students, familiar with the school
as well the military community. Volunteers know
about the concerns of parents, and the
challenges that only military families face.
MISSION The MESPTO Military Liaison committee
helps foster a rewarding learning experience for
the military child. We are available to assist
in orienting new families to MES. We offer
support and resources to help children and
families become integrated to the school
community. We continue to encourage parent
involvement and welcome volunteers.
- To ease the adjustment to new school.
- Assist in the orientation process.
- Explore resources with families.
2- Moanalua Elementary
- School
Services Orientation Available to meet
with families to learn more about school and its
community. School Tour Provide tours of MES
campus. Resources Assist in seeking resources
through military and civilian programs. Special
Events Coordinate events to honor military
For more information contact Moanalua
Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization
(MESPTO) Military Liaison Committee Email
military_at_moanaluapto.org Parent Volunteers
Daryl Kanayama 497-4190 Brad Momohara 352-8016
Because we serve too, their sons and daughters