Title: Halina Bilokon, Vitaliano Chiarella, Simonetta Gentile, Giovanni Nicoletti
1 Data based method for background subtraction Z
Halina Bilokon, Vitaliano Chiarella, Simonetta
Gentile, Giovanni Nicoletti Laboratori Nazionali
di Frascati, Università di Roma La Sapienza,
- Motivation.
- Example of application bb Z ? m m-
- Method proposed
- Software Generators
- Simulation, Reconstruction, Analysis.
- Sample
- Conclusion and future development
- Les Houches Guidebook hep-ph/040345
4Shower MonteCarlo
- It is then extremely important to rely
- on alternative method to MonteCarlo, as much we
can - We propose a method based on a different
- data sample of experimental data
- Only hypothesis lepton universality.
- Example of application bb Z ? m m-
- (most copious background of bb h0/A ? m m-
studies (14/12/2005) S.G. presentation,
ATLAS-PHYS-2003-015, June 2003.)
6Signal background
- 0.2 - 0.01 pb
- (even lower)
s 22.8 pb
(Pythia 6.226)AcerMC (v.2.3) interfaced with
Pythia 6.2 (hep/ph0405247).
7Background Subtraction Method
Precise Knowledge of background is crucial
- Experimental method
- proposed based on
- Z? m m- and Z? e e-
- Relying on experimental data
- Br( h0? e e-) neglegible
- Different Inner Bremsstrahlung
8 Z production
9Software Release Sample
- Generation Athena 9.0.4 - Pythia (v.6.226) - Acer
(v. 2.3) - Simulation, Digitalization, Reconstruction Athena
10.0.1 - Analysis based on CBNT (root ntuples).
- Final study in scenario
- 600000 events
- In this presentation Lint 20 fb-1
- 400000 events
10Study performed
- Different Inner Bremsstrahlung
- Zbb ? m-m bb (g) Ng 0.086 Nev464522
- Zbb ? e-e bb (g) Ng 0.157 Nev442828
- Different Detector Response
- The most significative variable of
- bb h0/A ? m m- analysis has be chosen Minv
as test . - NB. The combination of a same flavor lepton
originating from b and one of Z are included
inevitably in the plots
11Bremsstrahlung Photons
Zbb ? m-m bb
Zbb ? e-e bb
Ng MC 0.086
Ng MC 0.157
12Bremsstrahlung Photons
Zbb ? m-m bb
Zbb ? e-e bb
13Generator level Zbb ? m-m bb
14Generator level Zbb ? m-m bb
Only events with a g of Bremsstrahlung
15Generator level Zbb ? m-m bb
16Generator level Zbb ? e-e bb
17Generator level Zbb ? e-e bb
Only events with a g of Bremsstrahlung
18Generator level Zbb ? e-e bb
19Generator level
Bremsstrahlung events
20Generator level
21Generator level
23Photons Zbb ? m-m bb
Bremsstrahlung photons
All photons
watch the different scale! Subsample(25000 ev)
PT vs. Distance between g and m
24Photons Zbb ? m-m bb
All photons
Bremsstrahlung photons
DR 0.15
Distance between g and m
watch the different scale!
25Photons Zbb ? e-e bb
Bremsstrahlung photons
All photons
5x5 cluster in ATLAS
watch the different scale! Subsample(25000 ev)
PT vs. Distance between g and e
26Photons Zbb ? e-e bb
All photons
Bremsstrahlung photons
DR 0.25
watch the different scale!
Distance between g and e
- If the photon is emitted close to electron,
- only one cluster is reconstructed and the
combined - 4-momentum is measured. For
- the g is effectively absorbed in the same
cluster of the electron. -
corresponds to a 5x5 cluster in ATLAS. The energy
of electron is measured in e.m. calorimeter, q
and f are measured in tracker. - Photons, inside cone DR, are taken in account
summing their 4-momentum to the 4-momentum of the
nearest lepton. - Photons reconstructed are e.m. clusters without
track associated (Dh 0.025,Df 0.05 ) and PT
gt5GeV, h gt2.5.
28All Photons Zbb ? m-m bb
Zbb ? e-e bb
Zbb ? m-m bb
PT ggt 5 GeV h gt2.7 recontructed g
- Muons combined reconstruction (inner detector
spectrometer), PT gt10 GeV, h gt2.5. - Electrons energy measured in calorimeter,(q,f)
measured from tracker, PT gt10 GeV , h gt2.5. - Photons e.m. cluster without track associated
- Dh 0.025, Df 0.05, PT gt 5 GeV, h gt2.5.
- Brem photons gt2 leptons reconstructed
- g reconstructed in a cone around lepton
direction lt DR. - Electrons sample only one cluster is
reconstructed. - Muon sample m track near photon cluster,
misidentification. - The number events reconstructed with g brem
identified is at percent level.
30Reconstruction Zbb ? m-m bb
31Reconstruction Zbb ? m-m bb
Only events with a g of Bremsstrahlung
32Reconstruction Zbb ? e-e bb
33Reconstruction Zbb ? e-e bb
Only events with a g of Bremsstrahlung
Only events with a g of Bremsstrahlung
The number g bremsstrahlung reconstructed
separatly in muons events is higher than
electron events, where are mostly absorbed in
the electron cluster
- A study for an experimental method of background
subtraction is developed based on fully
simulated samples, Lint 20 fb-1 of - bb Z ? m m- and bb Z ? e e-
- comparing
- the Bremsstrahlung of the two samples.
- the ATLAS detector response.
- The study is preliminary and needs careful
tuning on data collected. - DR is an extremely important parameter, that
should be carefully tuned. -
- In the region Minv 98 -135 GeV the ratio is
reasonably - stable and the effect of Bremsstrahlung is
negligible with respect to detector response - The same method can be applied to H? tt and in
general to all decays where the electron decay
is negligible in the signal. - The method relies on lepton universality and
needs a good knowledge of detector response for
different leptons - The method doesnt need an implementation on MC
of higher order corrections -
Acknowledgements Borut Kersevan, Dirk
Zerwas,Donatella Cavalli
41- Matching track narrow
- Dh 0.025 Df 0.05
- Isolation broad
- h 0.05 Df 0.10
DR 0.07 size of cluster 5x 5 Dh 0.025 Df 0.05
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