Liberal Churches of Christ ( - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Liberal Churches of Christ (


Liberal Churches of Christ ( Institutional )? Conservative Churches of Christ ( Non-institutional ) What is the difference? What do these terms mean? – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Liberal Churches of Christ (

Liberal Churches of Christ( Institutional
)?Conservative Churches of Christ(
Non-institutional )
  • What is the difference?

What do these terms mean?
  • These terms have been used since the 1950s
  • Liberal is in reference to how some brethren
    use the scriptures not strictly following the
    pattern of the Bible allowing unauthorized
    changes to be made (progressives)
  • Institutional refers to human institutions
    (businesses) built and maintained by some local
    churches to do the work of the local church

What do these terms mean?
  • Liberal brethren appeal to scripture but they
  • misuse the scriptures
  • misunderstand expediency
  • apply passages concerning individuals to local
  • invent good works without authority

What do these terms mean?
  • Conservative refers to the commitment of some
    brethren to strictly follow, protect and preserve
    the Bible pattern without changing its
    instructions (Col. 317 2 Tim. 113 Heb. 85 2
    Jn. 9-11 Rev. 2218-19) (non-progressives)
  • Non-institutional refers to the refusal to
    build and maintain human institutions
    (businesses) through which the local church will
    do its work
  • Anti is the term liberal brethren use to
    describe conservative brethren. We are not
    anti in the way they use it (like
    anti-cooperation or anti-orphan). We are
    against (anti) acting without Bible authority!

Local Church Organization
  • Liberal brethren
  • send funds
  • from the
  • local church
  • Human Institutions
  • Missionary Society (evangelism)
  • College (edification)
  • Orphan Home (benevolence)
  • to do work
  • Conservative brethren
  • use funds
  • from the
  • local church
  • to do work
  • Acts 1126 (edification)
  • Acts 1129-30 (benevolence)
  • Acts 131-3 (evangelism)

A human institution is added to the NT pattern
Local Church Organizationa search for authority
  • Liberal brethren appeal to
  • Expediency the Bible does not say how we are
    not given the exact method of how to do local
    church work
  • Answer
  • We are not told exactly how, but we are told who
    (the local church) is to do the work we are told
    the organization which is to do the work (the
    local church) - its who, not how
  • The local church, not a human institution, does
    its own work and uses expediencies to do its work

Local Church Organizationa search for authority
  • Liberal brethren appeal to
  • In loco parentis (the orphan home is in place of
    the parents, a restored home)
  • Answer
  • a family is a home
  • a human institution (board of directors) is not a
  • a facility or dwelling place is not a home

Local Church Organizationa search for authority
  • Liberal brethren appeal to James 127 and brand
    the conservative brethren as anti-orphan or
    anti pure religion
  • the church can do what individuals can do
  • the church is not excluded
  • the church can practice pure religion

Local Church Organizationa search for authority
  • Answer (James 127)
  • the immediate context applies to the individual,
    not the local church collectively (begin in verse
    23 and note the singular nouns and pronouns)
  • liberal brethren are not consistent may
    churches own a business (1 Thess. 411-12)?
  • the local church is excluded if the passage is
    silent about the church
  • the local church (collectively) must first be
    given authority to care for orphans

Local Church Benevolence
  • Liberal brethren
  • give church funds
  • to needy saints
  • and to
  • non-saints
  • 2 Corinthians 913
  • Galatians 610
  • Conservative brethren
  • give church funds
  • to needy saints
  • only
  • Acts 244 432 61ff 1129
  • Romans 1526
  • 1 Corinthians 161-2
  • 2 Corinthians 91ff
  • 1 Timothy 516

General benevolence to all people is added to the
NT pattern
Local Church Benevolencea search for authority
  • Liberal brethren appeal to 2 Corinthians 913
  • Answer
  • the word men is italicized and added
  • the context refers to all Christians
    (82-4 91,12 Rom. 1526)
  • Liberal brethren appeal to Galatians 610
  • Answer
  • the immediate context refers to individuals
  • was Paul a church?
  • good is defined by Gods word (Eph. 210)

Local Church Cooperation
  • Liberal brethren
  • send funds
  • from many local churches
  • to one sponsoring
  • church eldership
  • Herald of Truth, Foreign Evan.
  • One Nation Under God
  • disaster relief
  • start other churches
  • to do work
  • Conservative brethren
  • send funds
  • from one
  • local church
  • directly to do work

A sponsoring church organization is added to the
NT pattern
Benevolence Acts 1129 Rom. 1525 Acts 2417
Evangelism 2 Cor. 118 Phil. 415ff
Local Church Cooperationa search for authority
  • Liberal brethren appeal to the one sponsoring
    church eldership i.e. the elders are in control,
    not a board of directors (human institution)
  • Answer
  • Yes, but the sponsoring church elders have been
    placed in an unscriptural role i.e. overseeing
    the money and work of many churches instead of
    one (Acts 2028 1 Pet. 52)
    this is centralized control

Local Church Cooperationa search for authority
  • Liberal brethren appeal to the need for
    cooperation they brand the conservative brethren
    as anti-cooperation (anti brethren dont want
    to cooperate against cooperating in preaching)
  • Answer
  • We cooperate, but the NT pattern is concurrent
    cooperation (each church sending directly to the
    need), not collective cooperation (many churches
    sending to one church who then sends out money to
    the need)

Local Church Cooperationa search for authority
  • Liberal brethren appeal to the great commission
    of Matthew 2819-20 without some sort of
    cooperative effort this cannot be carried out
  • Answer
  • Yes, we preach the gospel to every creation, but
    we must follow the pattern
  • No sponsoring church is found in the NT did
    those Christians carry out the great commission?
    Yes, without a sponsoring church

Local Church Cooperationa search for authority
  • Liberal brethren appeal to 2 Corinthians
  • Answer
  • The messengers took the money from the churches
    directly to the need
  • The messengers exercised no centralized control
    as the sponsoring church elders do

Local Church Cooperationa search for authority
  • Liberal brethren appeal to Acts 1129-30 money
    was sent to the elders who then forwarded it to
    the needy brethren (from one church, to another
    church, then distributed to the needy
  • Answer
  • The elders that received the money were the
    elders among the needy brethren

Local Church Cooperationa search for authority
  • Liberal brethren appeal to no specific
    directive (an exclusive pattern) for how
    preachers are to be supported
  • Answer
  • The specific pattern of sending directly to the
    preacher is found in scripture all other
    arrangements are excluded

Local Church Cooperationa search for authority
  • Liberal brethren say that they are still in
    control when they voluntarily turn the money over
    to the sponsoring church elders
  • Answer
  • Oversight and autonomy is lost
  • Voluntarily turning over control does not make
    the new arrangement authorized (consider parents
    turning over their children to another, or
    husband turning over his wife to another)

Local Church Fellowship
  • Liberal brethren
  • use church funds
  • to build and maintain
  • Fellowship Halls
  • kitchens
  • used for social
  • and recreational use
  • Conservative brethren
  • use church funds
  • to build and maintain
  • a place to assemble
  • for worship
  • Acts 207
  • 1 Cor. 1133
  • Hebrews 1025

Social and recreational uses of the building are
added to the NT pattern
Local Church Fellowshipa search for authority
  • Liberal brethren appeal to Acts 207-11 Paul
    ate a fellowship meal
  • Answer
  • Paul ate, but we are not told anything else
  • Where is the Fellowship Hall built and
    maintained by the church treasury in this passage?

Local Church Fellowshipa search for authority
  • Liberal brethren appeal to 1 Corinthians
    1122ff and say the problem was selfishness and
    worldliness during the Lords supper keeping the
    worship spiritual
  • Answer
  • Liberal brethren do not eat a common meal during
    the Lords supper this is not the issue
  • The assembly in the building is for spiritual
    worship purposes this excludes social purposes

Local Church Fellowshipa search for authority
  • Liberal brethren appeal to love feasts
    (2 Pet. 213 Jude 12) these love feasts
    are the same as fellowship meals today
  • Answer
  • The love feasts were meals, but there is no
    evidence concerning (1) what the meals were, (2)
    who ate the meals, or (3) whether a church, from
    its treasury, planned and purchased the meal and
    the place to eat it

Local Church Fellowshipa search for authority
  • Liberal brethren appeal to fellowship meals
    are one way Christians have fellowship together
  • Answer
  • The word fellowship (Gr. koinonia), when used
    of churches, always refers to spiritual communion
    or join-participation in spiritual activities
  • If Christians want to eat together fine they do
    it at home (Acts 246 1 Cor. 1122,34)
  • The fellowship meal is the Lords supper
    (1 Cor. 1016), and the fellowship hall is the
    auditorium where we worship (1 John 16-7)

Local Church Fellowshipa search for authority
  • Liberal brethren appeal to early Christians
    meeting in homes they also ate in those homes
  • Answer
  • There is no evidence that these early Christians
    took money from the church treasury to buy a
    social meal for the church or build a fellowship
    hall onto the house that they were meeting in

Local Church Fellowshipa search for authority
  • Liberal brethren appeal to the church building
    not being holy or sacred
  • Answer
  • Yes, the building is not holy or sacred (the
    materials), but its use must be limited to the
    purpose authorized in the NT (Col. 317)
  • The time spent in the assembly for spiritual
    purposes is a sacred occasion

Local Church Fellowshipa search for authority
  • Liberal brethren appeal to the water fountain
    if you cant eat in the building, you cant drink
    in it either
  • Answer
  • The building may contain anything necessary to
    carry out the command to assemble for spiritual
    worship (water fountain, restrooms,
    heating/cooling, lights, etc.)

Local Church Fellowshipa search for authority
  • Liberal brethren appeal to the preachers
    house anti brethren say you can eat in the
    preachers house bought by the church, but not
    the building anti brethren are silly and
  • Answer
  • the preacher, supported by the church, may do
    what is right to do in his own home including

Local Church Work
  • Liberal brethren
  • use church funds
  • to do social and
  • recreational works
  • social reform
  • recreational activities
  • business operations
  • secular education
  • domestic services
  • Conservative brethren
  • use church funds
  • for authorized
  • works only
  • Evangelism
  • (Matthew 2819-20)
  • Edification
  • (Ephesians 411-16)
  • Benevolence
  • (Acts 244-45 432-35 61-6)

Social and recreational works are added to the
NT pattern
Local Church Worka search for authority
  • Liberal brethren appeal to individual action
    what the individual Christian can do, the local
    church can do
  • Answer
  • the individual and the local church can do only
    what each one is authorized to do
  • the individual and the local church do not always
    do the same things (1 Tim. 516)
  • may churches vote, start a business?

Local Church Worka search for authority
  • Liberal brethren social and recreational
    activities are used to reach people for
    evangelism and edification
  • Answer
  • the gospel is used for evangelism (2 Tim. 42,5)
  • the gospel is used to edify people (Acts 2032)
  • Jesus did not use social and recreational
    activities to draw people (Jn. 627,44-45)
    neither did the first NT church (Acts 214ff)
    neither should we!

Local Church Worka search for authority
  • Liberal brethren appeal to the good works
    they are doing
  • Answer
  • good works are defined by God in His word, not
    by man (Eph. 210)
  • a work can be good, but not authorized for the
    local church

What is next?
Mid-1800s to Present Day (digression)
Mid-1800s to early 1900s
1950s and 60s
1960s and 70s
1980s and 90s
Missionary Society Colleges Orphan Homes
General Benevolence and Sponsoring Church
Fellowship Halls Social Recreational Activities
Instrumental Music Baptism Not E. Unity
with Denominations
Some shall fall away from the faith 1 Timothy
41-2 Acting without Bible authority leads to
further digression Whats next? How far will you
What do we need today?
  • A Plea For Honest Study
  • Respect Bible Authority
  • Handle Aright the Bible
  • Keep an Open Mind
  • Resolve to Follow Truth
  • Stand for Truth without Carnal Fighting
  • Teach on Authority
  • Generic and Specific Authority
  • Proper use of Expediencies
  • Respect the Silence of the Scriptures
  • NT Commands, Approved Examples and Inferences
  • Follow the Pattern
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