Title: Benign Ovarian Tumors
1Benign Ovarian Tumors
2Dr.Pravin Mhatre Associate Professor and Unit
incharge, Nowrosjee Wadia Maternity Hospital and
G.S. Medical college, Parel, Mumbai
3Solid Ovarian Tumors
- Child Germ cell
- Post pub. Germ cell, Dysgerminoma
- 20-35 Germ cell, Dysgerminoma
- 35-45 Thecoma, Metastatic
- Post meno. Thecoma, Metastatic
- Fibroma
4Solid Ovarian Tumors
- Brenner
- Fibroma
- Theca cell tumor
- Arrhenoblastoma
- Dysgerminoma
5Solid Ovarian Tumors
- Brenner
- Fibroma (Capsule)
- Granulosa cell tumor
- Teratoma
- Dysgerminoma (Capsule)
- Sarcoma
6Solid Ovarian Tumors
- Brenner
- Fibroma (Capsule-Pedicle)
- Krukenberg (Capsule-Pedicle)
- Carcinomata
7Cystic Ovarian Tumors
- Child Terratoma, Granulosa cell
- Post pub. Terrato, FOLL.
- 20-35 Terrato, FOLL. Epith(B/M)
- 35-45 Terrato, FOLL.
- Post meno. Epith(B/M)
8Cystic Ovarian Tumors
- Follicular cyst
- Follicular hematoma
- Corpus Luteual cyst
- Corpus Luteual hematoma
- Dermoid (ped. Capsulated)
9Cystic Ovarian Tumors
- Cystoma simplex
- Granulosa Theca leutin cyst
- Papillary serous cystadenoma
- Granulosa
- Dermoid (ped. Capsulated)
10Cystic Ovarian Tumors
- Mucinous cystadenoma
- Serous cystadenoma
11Pedunculated Ovarian Tumors
- Child Teratoma
- Post pub. Teratoma
- 20-35 Teratoma, Mucinous
- 35-45 Teratoma, Mucinous
- Post meno. Krukenberg (long pedicle)
- Fibroma
12Capsulated Ovarian Tumors
- Child Terato, Granulosa cell.
- Post pub. Terato, GR.
- 20-35 Terato, GR., Mucin/Serous
- 35-45 Terato, GR., Mucin/serous
- Post meno. GR., Krukenberg, Sertoli.
13Unilateral Ovarian Tumors
- Child Terratoma
- Post pub. Terrato, FOLL.
- 20-35 Terrato, FOLL. Epith(B)
- Germ cell
- 35-45 Terrato, FOLL. Epith(B)
- Germ cell
- Post meno. Epith(B/M)
14Bilateral Ovarian Tumors
- Child Terratoma
- Post pub. Terrato,
- 20-35 Terrato, Epith(B)
- 35-45 Terrato, Epith(B)
- Post meno. Epith(B/M)
15Ovarian Tumors
- Ascites and Metastesis
- Child
- Post pub. Germ cell (M)
- 20-35 Epith(M)
- 35-45 Epith(M)
- Post meno. Epith(M)
16Ovarian Tumors Associations
- Mucinous Fibroma
- Mucinous Terratoma (same/opp)
- Mucinous Brenner
17Ovarian Tumors Associations
- Brenner Terratoma
- Granulosa cell tumor
- Mucinous cystadenoma
18Ovarian Tumors Associations
- Granulosa cell tumor
- Brenner
- Fibroma
- Terratoma
- Fibroid
- Endometrial hyperplasia
- Hyperthecosis
19Ovarian Tumors Associations
- Dermoid (Benign cystic terratoma)
- Granulosa cell tumor
- Thecoma
- Androblastoma
- Dermoid
- Mucinous cystadenoma
- Meigs syndrome
- Dysgerminoma
- Granulosa cell Tumor
- Arrhenoblastoma
- Theca cell Tumor
- Brenner
- Krukenbergh
- fibroma
21Dermoid ( Benign cystic terratoma )
- 10 of all cystic swellings
- 12 bilateral
- Pedunculated
- Well capsulated
- 15 cm
- Common on Right side
- Multicentric
22Dermoid ( Benign cystic terratoma )
- Ectoderm Mesoderm Endoderm
- Supradiaphramatic structures
- Teeth permanent never deciduous
- Teeth canines,molars,incisors
- but never premolars
- No Gonadal tissue
- But assoc. with Granulosa
- Theca
- Androblastoma
23Dermoid ( Benign cystic terratoma )
- Complications
- Torsion 10
- Rupture 1
- Infection
- Hemolytic anemia-splenomegaly
- Malignancy
24Dermoid ( Benign cystic terratoma )
- Radiological Signs
- Presence of teeth and bone
- Halo sign due to thick capsule
- Calcification in capsule
- Commonest tumor _ pregnancy
25Dermoid ( Benign cystic terratoma )
26Mucinous Cystadenoma
- 10 Bilat, 6 malignant
- Pedicle large size Complications
- Pseudomyxoma Peritonei -2-5
- Mucin- ppt by alcohol
- Pesudomucin-sol in water dil acid
- - stained by Hematoxyline.
- - high con of neutral polysaccharide.
- Silomucin res. to sialase Malign.
- Enzymes-Hyal, tryp, amyl, pep, peroxidase
27Meigs Syndrome
- Demons (Fra) Lawson Tait (Briton)
- Criteria for Meigs Syndrome (3)
- Psuedo-Meigs
- Theca/Granulosa Tumor
- Hyperstimulaion
- Ovarian malig.
- Struma ovari 10
- Serous/Mucinous
- 1906-Chevassu Dis neutral/disgermal
- 1911-Chenot Dys primitive germ cell
- yolk sac
gonadal ridge - same sex
as host - Japan India high incidence
- Age 20
- 50 unilateral Rt sided, 20 bilateral
- Size 3-50 cm ,common size 15cm.
- Intersex-xo,xy,xxx Fathalla /Mayers
- Teratoma, Gonadoblastoma, End.sinus
- Precos puberty
- Hirsut/virilisation due to Exosteroid
- Common assoc. with Pregnancy
- ve pregnancy test
- LDH monitoring
- Spread 20-30locally
- Lymphatic main
- Hematogenous -late
- Greshams criteria conservative treat.
- Unilat.,non adherent, Encapsulated
- Less than 10 cm
- Pure
- No ascities / Lymph node / spread
- No dysgenetic gonads / 46 xy
- Desired Fertility
- Close follow up
- Brodys survival
- Encapsulated 95
- Adherent
75 - Rupture
60 - Metastasis
33 - Recurrence
- Con. Surg.
22 - Radiation
18 - Rad. Surg. 10
32Granulosa Cell Tumor
- Age 2 prepubertal
- 37 childbearing
- 61 postmenopausal
- Test /dhea /Androd5-estrone, estradiol
- Pregnanolone/progest-absent
- 50 malig. Granulosa cell carcinoma
33Granulosa Cell Tumor
- Poor Prognosis
- Age gt40
- Size gt15cm
- Abd. Symptoms
- Palpable mass
- Bilat. Tumor
- Solid tumor
- Extraovarian spread
- Neumerous mitotic figure
- Sertoli Leydig Mixed
- Rare rare rare
- 5cm lt5cm gt5cm
- Capsule no capsule
- 37 decade 34 decade
- Lob/solid/elastic fleshy / soft
- Peripheral hilar hilar
- Benign benign benign
- Sertoli Leydig Mixed
- Hormone
- 70 estr 80andr. 75andr.
- 20andr. 10estr.
- Assoc.
- Ut.anom streak gonad cort. hyper.
- End.hyp. Brgrmuci. Adenocar.
36Theca cell tumor
- Rare
- After menopause
- Always unilat.
- Benign
- Non capsulated
- 8cm
- Oestradiol secretion
- Assoc- der / fibroid / fibroma
37Brenner Tumor
- Rare
- Solid
- Postmenopausal
- Benign , ?malignant
- 99unilateral
- Walthard inclu. (origin) Werth1887, walthard1903
- Area of central liquif.,resembels Graff. foll.
Oophoroma folli. - Similar to theca cell, Estrogenic
- Lined by transitional cells.
38Krukenberg Tumor
- Large ,solid, long pedicle, capsulated.
- Waxy, ovarian shape, signet ring,
- Usually sec. Stomach 70
- Large bowel 18
- Breast 6
- Prim. Kruken. 5yr. Survival
- Autopsy no primary.
- 18 cases
- Retrograde spread.
- Commonest solid benign ov. Tumor
- 15cm
- Torsion
- 3 Types - Surface pappillary growth
- - Small encap.Normal ov. Tissue
- - Fibroma replaces ovary