Title: Stroke-Neurocritical Care
1Neurology Divisions
- Stroke-Neurocritical Care
- Epilepsy
- Movement Disorders
- Dementia
- Neuromuscular Disorders
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Neuro-oncology
- Headache
- General Neurology
- Pediatric Neurology
2Neurology Divisions
- Stroke-Critical Care-NeuroIntervention
- Epilepsy
- Neuromuscular Disorders
- Dementia
- Movement Disorders
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Neuro-oncology
- Child Neurology
- Sleep
- Headache
3Stroke-Neuro Critical Care
Stanford TIA Clinic
TIA gt 50 strokes within 30 days
4Mismatch Good outcome following repurfusion
Before tPA
65 cc
3 cc
After tPA
6 cc
0 cc
5No Mismatch Poor outcome following repurfusion
Before tPA
Before tPA
215 cc
105 cc
After tPA
77 cc
6MERCI Retrieval System
7Neuro-critical Care
Dr. Christine Wijman hypothermia therapy
MRI-ADC color map good vs. poor outcome post
cardiac arrest
Poor outcome
Good neurologic recovery
8Stroke Summary
- TIA Clinic
- Assessment of stroke risks
- Post stroke prevention
9Epilepsy Level 4 Center
- Diagnosis
- EEG Telemetry
- New generation medications
- Electrical stimulation therapy
- Surgical treatment
10Epilepsy Electrical Stimulation Therapy
Dr. Robert Fisher Medtronic SANTE Trial Dr.
Martha Morrell Neuropace Trial
11Movement Disorders
- Parkinsons disease (dx, meds vs DBS)
- Dystonia (Botox)
- Tremor
- Huntingtons disease
12Deep brain stimulation
Stereotactic functional neurosurgery- a team
13Parkinsons Deep Brain Stimulation
14Stanford Human Motor Control and Balance
Dr. Helen Bronte-Stewart
Motion Monitoring Angular Velocity Sensors
Computerized Dynamic Posturography
Quantitative Digitography (QDG)
15Stanford Center for Memory Disorders
Mild cognitive impairment
Alzheimers disease
16Conventional MRI scan
17Stanford Resting State fMRI
Healthy elderly
Early Alzheimers
Drs. Michael Greicius and Vinod Menon
18Alzheimer trials
clinicaltrials.gov Interventional
San Francisco
Bapineuzumab (antibody) T-817MA
(antibody) LY2062430 (antibody) CAD-106
(immunization) ACC-001 (immunization) LY450139
(?-secretase) PF-04494700 (neuroprotective-RAGE)
SB-742457 (5HT7 antagonist)
Total 633 Open 242 Treatment 205 CA 47 San
Francisco 12 SF New Treatment 8
19Alternative treatments?
20Neuromuscular Disorders
- Peripheral neuropathies
- Muscular disorders
21Multiple Sclerosis
Dr. Larry Steinman Natalizumab (Tysabri)
Dr. Larry Recht
Treatment options and quality of life issues
23Neurology Clinic Contacts
New Pt Referrals 650 725-5792 Fax 650
723-6002 dl-neurocoordinators_at_stanfordmed.org
Main Clinic 650 723-6469
Clinic Mgr Alison Kerr 650 498-6180
Frank Longo longo_at_stanford.edu