Engineering of electromagnetic systems for controlled thermonuclear fusion - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Engineering of electromagnetic systems for controlled thermonuclear fusion


Engineering of electromagnetic systems for controlled thermonuclear fusion Scuola di Dottorato in Ingegneria Industriale Universit degli Studi di Bologna – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Engineering of electromagnetic systems for controlled thermonuclear fusion

Engineering of electromagnetic systemsfor
controlled thermonuclear fusion
Scuola di Dottorato in Ingegneria
Industriale Università degli Studi di Bologna
22,24 giugno 2009
  • Introduction to controlled thermonuclear fusion
  • Superconductivity
  • NbTi e Nb3Sn superconducting cables
  • ITER (International Tokamak Experimental
    Reactor) experiment
  • Wendelstein experiment

Introduction toControlled Thermonuclear Fusion
Fission and Fusion nuclear reactions
Fusion reactions
With neutron emission (activation of materials)
Without neutron emission
Fusion reactions
In order for the fusion reaction to take place,
the kinetic energy of the reacting nuclei must be
high enough to overcome the repulsive force due
to their positive electric charge.
Potential energy vs. distance between nuclei
Thermonuclear fusion
The higher is the temperature of the the nuclear
fuel (a gas mixture of deuterium and tritium for
the D T reaction), the higher is the kinetic
energy of the nuclei.
Maxwell velocity distribution
k Boltzmann constant 1.3805 10-23 J K-1
Thermonuclear fusion
R reaction rate ? cross section
  • The D -T gas mixture should reach a temperature
    higher than 1 keV 11 600 000 K.
  • The gas is in the plasma state fully ionized but
    macroscopically neutral (for distances larger
    than the Debye length).

Plasma confinement
  • The plasma can be confined by means of
  • High magnetic fields (magnetic confinement)
  • Due to the high value of the required magnetic
    field the winding producing it must be realized
    with superconducting materials.
  • High power LASER pulse (inertial confinement)

Magnetic Confinement
  • An electric charged particle (q electric
    charge) moving in a uniform magnetic field
    region, follows an helical trajectory around a
    field line.
  • The velocity component parallel to the field
    (vp) is constant.
  • In the plane orthogonal to the field the motion
    is of the uniform circular type with a radius rL
    which is called Larmor radius and an angular
    velocity (?) which is called cyclotron frequency.

Particles are completely confined in the
directions normal to the field but no confinement
is present in the direction parallel to the field
Magnetic confinement
A magnetic field with closed toroidal field line
can be utilized.
  • The magnetic field is larger in the inner region
    than in the outer one. As a consequence a charge
    separation takes place which produces a vertical
    electric field.

Magnetic confinement
  • Due to the electric field a drift velocity of the
    particles vD in the radial direction is present
    which is independent from the charge of the
    particle and produces a motion of the entire

In order to confine the plasma one more component
of the magnetic field is necessary, normal to the
toroidal one. Thus should be simultaneously
  • A toroidal magnetic field
  • A poloidal magnetic field

And the field lines should be of helical type
Magnetic confinement
The poloidal magnetic field can be generated by
  • A toroidal plasma current (TOKAMAK TOroidalnaya
    KAmera and MAgnitnaya Katushka (toroidal chamber
    and magnetic coil) )
  • External windings (STELLARATOR)

Equilibrium equation
  • The plasma is the secondary winding of a
    transformer the primary winding of the
    transformer is the central solenoid external coil.

Radial profiles of pressure (p), toroidal
magnetic flux density (B?) and poloidal magnetic
flux density (B?)
Winding system to produce poloidal magnetic field
  • Ignition is reached when the energy produced by
    the fusion reactions and transported by the
    charged particles which are confined in the
    plasma equals the energy which is lost by the
    plasma due to thermal conduction and radiation.

At ignition, the energy which is transported by
the neutrons, which are not confined in the
plasma, can be used to produce heat and then
electric energy by means of a standard turbine
Natural Litium is a mixture of Litium-6 (7.4 )
and Litium-7 (92.6 )
Reactor plasma energy balance
E Plasma energy (n density of D and T nuclei)
POH Power loss due to Joule effect
P? Power generation due to fusion reactions
the fraction which is released to the plasma is
that transported by alfa particles which are
confined in the plasma
PL Power loss due to heat conduction,
convection and radiation (?E energy confinement
Paux Power input by additional heating system
At ignition
Research and development ..
International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor
The goal is
  • To demonstrate the scientific and technological
    feasibility of electric energy production by
    means of controlled thermonuclear fusion
    ignition conditions should be reached and the
    energy produced by fusion reaction should be much
    larger than that utilized to heat the plasma

International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor
Fusion power 500 MW Q (
) 10 Average neutronic flux 0.57
MW/m2 Maior radius 6.2 m Minor radius 2.0
m Plasma current 15 MA Magnetc flux density on
axis 5.3 T Plasma volume (m3) 837 m3
ITER superconducting magnets
  • 18 coils to generate toroidal field stored
    magnetic energy 41 GJ, maximum field 11.8 T,
    centripetal force on each coil 403 MN, vertical
    force on half coil 205 MN, discharge time 11 s.
  • 6 coils to generate poloidal and field and the
    field for plasma stability maximum field 5.8 T.
  • 1 central solenoid
  • Total weight of the system 10130 t
  • The cost of the SC coil system is about 30 of
    the total cost of the machine

  • Normal conductors (copper, aluminum, ..) can
    not be utilized to generate the magnetic field
    necessary for the plasma confinement due to the
    excessive joule power loss
  • Superconducting magnets need to be utilized.

Superconductivity history
1911 Kamerlingh-Onnes finds transition from normal state to superconducting state of a mercury sample at 4.19 K
1957 Bardeen, Cooper e Schrieffer state a microscopic theory of susperconductivity (BCS theory)
1973 Superconductivity of Nb3Ge at 23.2 K
1986 Bednorz and Mueller find superconductive state in La2-xBaxCuO4 at 30 K
1987 Superconductivity of Y-Ba-Cu-O (YBCO) at 93 K
1988 Superconductivity of Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O (BSCCO) at 125 K
2001 Superconductivity of MgB2 at 40 K
Properties of superconducting materials
  • Type I superconductors
  • Low transition temperature Type II
  • High transition temperature Type II
  • Losses in transient regime

Type I superconductors
At temperatures lower than the critical one the
electrical resistivity is nil (lt 10-21 ?m)
Type I superconductors
The superconducting state is a new phase of the
Thermal conductivity vs. temperature
Heat capacity vs. temperature
Type I superconductors
  • Perfect diamagnetism (Meissner effect) the
    magnetic flux density inside a type I
    superconducting material is nil.

? penetration length
Superconducting screen currents (supercurrents)
are presents which flow in a shell, with
thickness of about the penetration length, near
the surface of the sample.
Type I superconductors
From a macroscopic point of view the phenomenon
can be modeled with a volume magnetization of the
superconducting material.
Magnetization characteristics
Type I superconductors
A type I superconductor is not only a perfect
Field cooling
Zero field cooling
Perfect conductor
Perfect conductor
Type I superconductors
  • The superconducting state is destroyed when
    magnetic flux density becomes larger than a
    critical value Bc (critical field)
  • The superconducting state is destroyed when
    current density becomes larger than a critical
    value Jc (critical current density)

Type I superconductors
The critical surface defines all the possible
operating condition for the superconducting state
to be present
Type I superconductors
Type I superconductors are not useful for
  • Due to the fact that current density is confined
    in a small shell near the surface, transport
    current is too low for applications.
  • Critical magnetic field is too low.

Elem. Tc0 (K) Bc0 (mT) Elem. Tc0 (K) Bc0 (mT) Elem. Tc0 (K) Bc0 (mT)
Al 1.18 10.5 Zr 0.61 4.7 Cd 0.517 2.8
Ti 0.40 5.6 Nb 9.25 206.0 Hg(?) 4.15 41.1
V 5.40 141.0 Mo 0.92 9.6 Hg(?) 3.9 33.9
Zn 0.85 5.4 Tc 7.8 141.0 Pb 7.20 80.3
BCS theory
The BCS theory (proposed in 1957 by Bardeen,
Cooper e Schriffer) state a quantistic and
microscopic model of the superconducting state in
the metallic material.
  • Couples of super-electrons can move in the
    material without loss due to collisions with the
    crystal lattice by means of a binding force
    connected with vibration of the crystal lattice
  • The energy of the couples of super-electrons is
    lower than the energy of the fundamental state of
    a single electron. The energy reduction is
    proportional to the critical temperature of the
  • The binding force between two super-electrons
    vanishes at distances larger than the coherence

Type II superconductors
When coherence length (?) is lower than the
penetration length (?) magnetic field can
penetrate in the superconducting material
Type II superconductors
Material Tc (K) ? (nm) ? (nm)
Cd 0.56 760 110
Al 1.18 550 40
Pb 7.20 82 39
Nb 9.25 32 50
Nb-Ti 9.5 4 300
Nb3Sn 18 3 65
YBa2Cu3O7 89 1.8 170
Type II superconductors
  • When Hext lt Hc1 (lower critical field) Type II
    superconductor undergoes Meissner effects as type
    I superconductor
  • When Hc1 lt Hext lt Hc2 (upper critical field)
    magnetic field penetrates into the
    superconducting material (mixed state)
  • When H gt Hc2 superconducting state is destroyed

Type II superconductors
Magnetic phase diagram
Type II superconductors
In type II superconductors, in the mixed state,
magnetic field is concentrated in normal region
(fluxoids) with the size of the coherence length,
surrounded by currents (vortexes) flowing in the
superconducting region of the material.
  • The magnetic flux connected to each fluxoid is
    equal to
  • ?0 h/2e 2.0678 ?10-15 Wb
  • When the upper critical field is reached the
    fluxoids occupy all the volume of the material

Type II superconductors
First image of Vortex lattice, 1967
Bitter DecorationPb-4atIn rod, 1.1K, 195G
U. Essmann and H. TraubleMax-Planck Institute,
Stuttgart Physics Letters 24A, 526 (1967)
Abrikosov lattice in MgB2, 2003
Bitter DecorationMgB2 crystal, 200G
L. Ya. Vinnikov et al.Institute of Solid State
Physics, ChernogolovkaPhys. Rev. B 67, 092512
Type II superconductors
Vortex structure can be modeled from a
macroscopic point of view by means of a volume
Magnetization characteristics
Macroscopic model
From a macroscopic point of view, when average
values of electromagnetic quantities over volume
with size larger than the coherence length and
the penetration length, the following usual
Maxwell equations can be considered
  • Vortex can not be modeled by means of the the
    current density J in this approach.
  • Each superconducting material is characterized by
    electrical E E(J) and magnetic M M(H)
  • Most of the models considers M 0

Type II superconductors
  • From a macroscopic point of view, in a type II
    superconductor, in the mixed state, when a
    transport current density is flowing, an electric
    field is present and a Joule dissipation of
    electric energy into heat occurs.

Type II superconductors
  • Joule dissipation (electric field) is due to
    movement of vortexes.
  • Two forces are applied to the vortexes

  • Lorentz force FL is directed normally to the
    directions either of the magnetic field and of
    the transport current density
  • pinning force Fp opposes to any movement of
    the vortexes and is connected to the lattice

Type II superconductors
  • When temperature is much lower than the critical
    one, fluxoid motion is very slow (Flux creep
    region) and the electric field is negligible

  • When temperature overcomes the critical one
    fluxoid motion is fast and electric field is
    large (Flux flow region)

Type II superconductors
  • The critical current density (Jc) is defined as
    the current density corresponding to the critical
    value of the electric field (Ec)

The value of the critical current density depends
on the choice for the value of the critical
electric field. Two different values for the
critical electric field are utilized ? Ec 10 4
V/m ? Ec 10 5 V/m

High temperature superconductors
Temperature, TC (K)

High temperature superconductors (HTSC)
  • The critical temperature is feasible for
    operation with liquid nitrogen
  • Large upper critical field

  • Brittle, low ductility and malleability
  • Strong anisotropy
  • Long and costly manufacturing process
  • Low value of the critical current density (2 104
    A/cm2 at 77K, in direct current regime, without
    external field, against 105 A/cm2 at 4.2K for
    metallic superconductors)
  • Jc is strongly dependent on strain

Typical structure of ceramic superconductors

Perovskite ABX3
BSCCO Bi2Sr2Can-1CunOy
Conducting layers Cu O
Non-conducting layers
BSCCO-2223 Jc vs. applied magnetic field
The field is normal to CU-O planes
The field is parallel to CU-O planes
Magnesium boride
J. Akimitsu, Symp. on Transition Metal Oxides,
Sendai, Jan 2001
Tc?40 K
Magnesium boride
  • Main characteristics of MgB2
  • High machinability (wires can be easily
  • Well known manufacturing technology
  • Low cost
  • Critical temperature feasible for operation with
    liquid hydrogen
  • Low electrical properties at high value of the
    magnetic field

Type II superconductors
  • Presently, in the devices for controlled
    thermonuclear fusion, the more utilized materials
    are NbTi and Nb3Sn
  • HTS materials are utilized in the current leads
    of the coils

COP Coefficient of Performance
Losses in transient regime
When a supercondutor is immersed in a time
dependent magnetic field (due to external coils
or to a transport current flowing in the
superconductor itself), due to the fluxoids
motion, electric power is dissipated into heat in
the superconducting material.

Losses in transient regime
Infinite slab in an alternate magnetic field
parallel to the main surfaces of the slab

Magnetic field penetrates into the
superconducting slab starting from the outer
surface. A current density equal to the critical
current density of the material flows in the
region occupied by the magnetic field (critical
state model).
Q Energy loss per cycle per unit volume
Losses in transient regime
Bp minimum magnetic flux density change which
fully penetrates into the slab
If magnetic field does not fully penetrates into
the slab
Losses in transient regime
If magnetic field fully penetrates into the slab
The lower is the slab thickness the larger is b
and the lower are the losses
flux jump instability

In a first approximation
DQ Energy loss per unit volume corresponding to
a change DT of the temperature
Energy balance (adiabatic case)
Effective heat capacity is lower than the real one
flux jump instability
When Ceff 0, at a small heat input corresponds
a large increase of the temperature
The smaller is the depth a of the slab the more
stable is the superconductor

Typical values for NbTi Jc 1.5 ? 109 A m-2 ?
6.2 ? 103 kg m-3 C 0.89 J kg-1 K-1 Tc 6.5 K
(B 6 T)
a lt 115 ?m
NBTi e Nb3Sn Cables
Superconducting cables
Rutherford cable
Cable in Conduit Conductor (CICC)
The most utilized cable in the winding of the
devices for the controlled thermonuclear fusion
is of the multi-filamentary, multi-stage type,
cooled by liquid helium which is forced to flow
in the channel where the SC strands are jacketed
(cable-in-conduit conductor - CICC).
  • Typical multi-filamentary, multi-stage structure
  • N. of cabling stages 5
  • N. of Strands 1350
  • Cabling pattern 3?3?5?5?6
  • Twist pitches (mm)
  • 80, 140, 190, 300, 440

Each strand is made of a lot of superconducting
wires (more than one thousand, with a diameter
lower than 10 ?m), twisted and immersed in a
matrix of normal material (typically copper)
  • The strand structure is necessary
  • To prevent flux-jump instability
  • To reduce hysteresis losses
  • To reduce power dissipation during quench
    (transition to normal state of the superconductor
    in the strand)

Strand modelling
In superconductor
In copper
From previous equation the elctrical
characteristics E-J of the strand is obtained
Experimental strand characterization is made by
measuring its critical current ( Ic) and its
current sharing temperature (Tcs)
Critical current measurement
At the critical current the value of the electric
field equals the critical value (Ec).
  • The critical value of the electric field is not
    fixed typical values are Ec 10-5 V/m, Ec
    10-4 V/m
  • At the critical conditions is Jm ltlt Js thus

Current sharing temperature measurement
The temperature correspondig to the critical
value of the electric field is the measured
current sharing temperature (Tcs)
Current distribution
  • The cable critical current / current sharing
    temperature measurements are similar to the
    strand measurements.
  • Non-uniform distribution of the current among the
    strands of the cable reduce the value of the
    critical current / current sharing temperature

A non-uniform distribution of the current among
the strands of the cable is due to
  • Non-uniform contacts of the strands at
    terminations of the cable and at joints between
    two cable-segments.
  • Electro-motive forces due to transient magnetic

Terminations / joints
In terminations/joints not all the strands touch
the current exchange surface thus current
distribution can not be uniform
Current distribution
Current can redistribute among the strands along
the cable, because the strands are not insulated
and touch each other into the cable. The lower is
the transversal contact resistance per unit
length between the strands, the higher is the
current redistribution.
  • The lower is the transversal resistance per unit
    length between the strands, the more uniform is
    the current distribution

but ..
  • The lower is the transversal resistance per unit
    length between the strands, the larger are the
    losses due to coupling currents circulating among
    the strands

NbTi strand
NbTi is a metallic alloy with good mechanical
properties it is easy to process by conventional
extrusion and drawing techniques. Given its
superconducting properties, it is well suited for
the production of fields in the 2 to10 T range
and requires liquid-helium cooling.
NbTi strand
  • A Cu-stabilized, NbTi multifilament composite
    wire is fabricated in three main steps
  • production of NbTi alloy ingot (typically 80 cm
    hight and 20 cm diameter)
  • production, extrusion and drawing of
    mono-filament billet.
  • production, extrusion and drawing of
    multi-filament billet.

NbTi strand
The electrical characteristics of aNbTi strand
can be modeled by means of the Bottura scaling
Bc20 (T) 15.07
Tc0 (K) 8.99
C0 (A T m-2) 4.7801?1011
? 1.96
? 2.1
? 2.12
I0 (A) 0.846
q 0.5925
Nb3Sn Strand
Nb3Sn is an intermetallic compound it is formed
by thermal diffusion of Sn in Nb (Sn
consentration should be in the range 18 - 25
). The process requires high temperatures (about
700 C). It is well suited for the production of
fields in the 10- 21T range
  • Nb3Sn is brittle and difficult to machinery. To
    overcome these problems the wind and react
    technique can be used. The coil is realized with
    the strand before Nb3Sn formation, then the
    thermal process takes place for the entire coil.

Some of the main process which are utilized to
manufacture Nb3Sn are the followings
  • Bronze process,
  • Internal Sn process,
  • Power-in-Tube process.

Nb3Sn Strand
Nb3Sn strand
During cool down process from the reaction
temperature (about 700 C) to operating
temperature (about 4.2 K), due to the different
value of the thermal expansion coefficients of
the materials in the strand (Nb3Sn, Cu), a strain
(thermal strain) is generated in the materials
Nb3Sn is compressed (?SC ? - 0.27 ).
T 4.2 K
T 700 C
Nb3Sn strand
The Nb3Sn electrical characteristic is strain
sensitive (? is the uni-axial strain)
Durham scaling
Nb3Sn strand
Experimental tests towards ITER
To test the design of the ITER machine
experimental activities have been performed / are
performed on small size test systems
  • Tests of short cable segments and
    joints/terminations (TFMC-FSJS, CSMC-FSJS,
    PF-FSJS, PFIS) at CRPP Losanna Switzerland
  • Tests on model coils
  • TFMC (Toroidal Field Model Coil) at FZK
    Karlsruhe Germany - 2001
  • CSMC (Central Solenoid Model Coil) at JAERI -
    Naka Japan - 2000
  • PFCI (Poloidal Field Conductor Insert) presso
    JAERI - Naka Japan just concluded

SULTAN Test Facility (Switzerland)
Sudden quench in NbTi cable
At a large value of the current, the quench of
the cable occurs and it is not possible to
measure the critical current.
  • Sudden quench shows that the current
    redistribution among the strands of the cable is
    too low.

Sudden quench in NbTi cable
  • When current was lower than 45 kA (PFISnw) and 38
    kA (PFISw), it is not possible to measure a
    critical current and/or a current sharing
    temperature, but only a quench current
  • The value of the quench current is significantly
    lower than the estimation of the critical current
    supposing uniform current distribution.

Degradation of the characteristics of Nb3Sn cable
  • The critical current of the Nb3Sn cables tested
    in the SULTAN facility is significantly lower of
    the critical current measured in the
    characterization of the strand at the same
    operating condition (temperature, field).
  • The current-sharing temperature of the Nb3Sn
    cables tested in the SULTAN facility is
    significantly lower of the current-sharing
    temperature measured in the characterization of
    the strand at the same operating condition
    (field, current).

Degradation of the characteristics of Nb3Sn cable
Cross sectio of TFI, in the lesst stressed region
Cross sectio of TFI, in the most stressed region
A possible mechanism for the degradation of the
characteristics of Nb3Sn cable is the strain
pattern which is present in the strand at
operation in the cable due to the bending action
of the Lorentz force. Each strand is maintained
in its position by the forces from the other
strands at points whose distance is about 5-10
mm, depending on the twist pitch.
Degradation of the characteristics of Nb3Sn cable
The experiments performed in Japan and The
Netherland on a single strand confirm a strong
reduction of electrical properties due to bending
Future developments
  • Nb3Al use properties are not strain sensitive
  • HTS use critical field extremely high
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