Title: Blood Systems Management
1Blood Systems Management Richard Hoffman Deputy
Director, Information Management Officer,
ASBPO 12 Feb 08
- Purpose
- Background
- Process Management
- Way Ahead
- To convey how we perform management of our
unique needs within the wartime environment of
the battlefield-lab-device manufacture process.
- The ASBPO is recognized as the Joint Services
Functional Representative. We collaborate with
sponsors of blood product, knowledge based,
information systems to store, track, analyze,
monitor and use, blood and products information.
- The current system designed to handle blood
collection, processing and tracking procedures,
transfusions, and automation of standards and
safeguards for the Military Health System (MHS)
blood supply is the Defense Blood Standard System
(DBSS). Through DBSS, the United States military
has the ability to automate the exchange of blood
products with our nation's allies and civilian
agencies, and to track products from ArmToArm."
- Future globalization of Blood Systems will
afford the Services access to patient and donor
information across military treatment facilities,
allowing the MHS to better serve users, donors,
and blood recipients. We are collecting and
validating both, requirements of theater
operations and sustaining operations, in support
of Blood Systems Transformation.
5Process Management
- Theater and Sustaining Base Operations
- Blood Requirements
- ASBPO Joint Services Functional Lead
- Joint Services
- Functional Resources Service SMEs
- User Buy-in and Ownership
- Collaborative/Iterative Development with the
Manufacture - Analysis and Evaluation
- Collaborative Implementation
- Blood Systems
- Requirements Foundation
- Process Driven
- Matrix Documentation
6Way Ahead
Continue the ASBPO Transformation to full
Authority for, and Governance of, the Role as
Joint Services Functional Representative.
Perform overall Blood Services Program
Management, Blood Requirements Management, Blood
Knowledge Based Systems Management and, Business
Oversight Management on all Blood related
Products and Services. Position the User
Community in the Drivers Seat for Identification
of Functional Needs and Collaborative Efforts
with the Manufacture in Developing and
Implementing Blood Solutions.