Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) Training Program Overview - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) Training Program Overview


Program Overview & Recent Changes Department of Economic Opportunity * * * * ATAA applies to Petitions numbered between 50000 and 69999. For the worker to be eligible ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) Training Program Overview

Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA)
TrainingProgram Overview Recent Changes
  • Department of Economic Opportunity

PowerPoint Commentary
  • This presentation includes information on the
    Trade Act of 2002 as well as the Trade and
    Globalization Adjustment Assistance Act of 2009.
  • Information that runs parallel to both programs
    and where there are no changes is in black.
  • Where there have been changes under the new
    program, the information is in burgundy.

Group Eligibility
  • The 2009 Amendment, in addition to production
    workers, now covers workers employed in the
  • Workers in firms that supply services
  • Workers whose firm has shifted production to any
    foreign country
  • Workers in public agencies
  • Workers whose firm produces component parts based
    on increased imports of finished products
  • Workers in firms that supply testing, packaging,
    maintenances and transportation services to
    companies with TAA-certified workers
  • Workers whose firm is identified in an
    International Trade Commission injury
    determination listed in the Act.

Petition Filing
  • Petitions should be filed simultaneously with
    the United States Department of Labor (USDOL) and
    the State by
  • A group of workers at the trade-affected company
    (minimum of three)
  • Company Official
  • Union Official
  • State Workforce Office
  • One-Stop Operator/Partner
  • Other Authorized Representative
  • The Petition format can be found in English and
    in Spanish at the following website

Petition Filing (contd)
  • In response to the filing of a petition
  • The USDOL publishes a notice in the Federal
    Register and on its website and begins
  • The State initiates rapid response activities and

Rapid Response Assistance
  • Rapid Response is a proactive approach designed
    to respond to layoffs and plant closings by
    quickly coordinating services and providing
    immediate aid to companies and their affected

Petition Certification
  • If the criteria are met, the USDOL issues a
    determination of eligibility (certification)
    within 40 days from the date the petition is

Notifying Regional Workforce Boards (RWBs) and
  • Upon receiving a Certified Petition issued by the
    USDOL, the State TAA Coordinator sends
    information to partners Executive Director in
    the administrative area where the primary layoff
    occurred, local TAA Coordinator, Rapid Response
    Coordinator, Department of Education - Workforce
    Education, Department of Economic Opportunity
    (DEO) Reemployment and Emergency Assistance
    Coordination Team (REACT) Unit, etc.

Trade-Affected Worker Notification Process
  • A list of affected workers is provided to the
  • DEO sends a TAA/Trade Readjustment Allowance
    (TRA) Notification packet to affected workers
    which outlines the services and benefits.
  • Additionally, the packet includes information
    regarding a TAA Informational Meeting and local
    contact, as described on the next slide.

TAA Informational Meeting
  • RWBs and partners should schedule a TAA
    Informational Meeting with the affected workers.
    This meeting provides the workers with
    information on the services and benefits they may
    be eligible to receive, local assessment
    procedures, information on training providers and
    approved occupational skills/vocational training
    programs, etc.
  • Note The TAA Informational Meeting can be
    customized to meet the needs of the affected

TAA Services and Benefits for Workers
  • Rapid Response Assistance
  • Employment and Case Management Services
  • Reemployment Services
  • Job Search Allowances
  • Relocation Allowances
  • Training
  • Income Support Trade Readjustment Allowances
  • Waivers from Training

TAA Services and Benefits for Workers (contd)
  • Alternative Trade Adjustment Assistance for older
    workers (ATAA) (Petitions filed prior to May 18,
  • Reemployment Trade Adjustment Assistance (RTAA)
    (Petitions filed on or after May 18, 2009)
  • Health Coverage Tax Credits (HCTC)

Comparable Differences
  • A petition number allows one to distinguish
    between the trade programs for which a
    trade-affected worker is covered.
  • North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
  • Trade Act of 2002
  • Trade Act of 2009
  • For those petitions that were certified under
    the NAFTA, the petition number begins with a
    letter followed by a four digit number - i.e.,

Comparable Differences (contd)
  • For workers covered under a certified NAFTA/TAA
    petition, the numbers range up to 49999.
  • For workers covered under the Trade Act of 2002
    petition, the numbers range from 50000 to 69999.
  • For workers covered under the 2009 Amendment
    petition, the numbers range from 70000 and up.

Guiding Principles
  • Rapid ReemploymentIncrease the focus on early
    intervention, upfront assessment, and
    reemployment services for adversely affected
  • Coordination with Workforce Investment Act (WIA)
    and/or Wagner-Peyser (W-P)Use One-Stop Career
    Centers as the main point of intake and delivery
    of benefits and services to participants

Guiding Principles (Contd)
  • Fiscal IntegrityMaintain fiscal integrity and
    promote performance accountability
  • Data Integrity Performance GoalsCommon
    measures, identical to WIA (Dislocated Worker)

Enrollment in Training
  • Verify separation date from trade-affected
    employer and reason for separation
  • Verify Petition number that covers the affected
  • Establish 8 or 16 week deadline for enrollment in
    training for Petitions filed prior to May 18,
    2009 (Petition number 69999 or lower) for TRA
  • Establish 26-week deadline for enrollment in
    training for Petitions filed on or after May 18,
    2009 (Petition number 70000 or higher) for TRA
  • Verify that the trade-affected worker has filed
    for regular unemployment insurance

Enrollment in Training (contd)
  • Conduct an initial assessment
  • Complete a TAA Bona fide Application (TAA
  • Conduct a comprehensive assessment
  • Provide Employment and Case Management services
  • Apply the six program criteria for training
  • Mandatory co-enrollment in WIA
  • Note Under the 2009 Amendment, the assessment
    process can be provided by staff using TAA case
    management funds.

Enrollment in Training (contd)
  • Select appropriate training
  • Determine the length of time to complete the
    training program
  • Identify prerequisites that are required for the
    training program
  • Determine the total cost of training to be
    completed (tuition, fees, books, supplies,
    transportation and/or subsistence, etc.)

Enrollment in Training (contd)
  • Verify the date the individual will begin
    participating in training
  • Ensure that the approval date (enrollment in the
    TAA program) is within 30 days of the training
    begin date

Six Program Criteria for Training
  • There is no suitable employment available to the
  • The worker would benefit from training
  • There is a reasonable expectation of employment
    following completion
  • Training is reasonably available to the worker
  • The worker is qualified to undertake and complete
    the training
  • Training is suitable and available at a
    reasonable cost
  • Note There is no entitlement to receive
    training. All six (6) program criteria must be
    met before training is approved.

Incumbent Worker (Pre-Separation) Training
  • Under the 2009 Amendment, an AdverselyAffected
    Incumbent Worker may receive TAA-funded training
    while still employed by the trade-affected firm.
    An Incumbent Worker means a worker who
  • Is a member of a group of certified workers
  • Has not yet been totally separated from
    trade-affected employment
  • Is threatened with total or partial separation

Incumbent Worker (Pre-Separation) Training
  • The following limitations apply to training for
    incumbent workers
  • On-the-job training (OJT) is not allowable for
    incumbent workers
  • Customized training may only be approved if the
    training is for a position other than the
    workers position in the adversely affected
    employment, i.e. only if the position is not
    similarly threatened by trade

Full-Time/Part-Time Training
  • Participant must be in training on a full-time
    basis under the Trade Act of 2002.
  • The 2009 Amendment allows for participants to
    enroll in training part-time.
  • Note Full-time part-time are defined by the
    training institution.

No Enrollment Deadlinefor Training
  • There is no time limit affecting approval for
    enrollment in TAA paid training. (Deadlines apply
    to the receipt of TRA payments.)

Length of Training
  • Participation in an approved training program
    cannot exceed 104 weeks (or 130 weeks if remedial
    education is required).
  • For Petitions filed on or after May 18, 2009, the
    maximum length of training increases to 130 weeks
    (156 if remedial and/or prerequisite courses
  • Note The 2009 Amendment allows for training to
    be approved for longer than the 156 week period,
    but only if the participants can establish up
    front that they can find the means to pay for the
    training (e.g., grants, loans or partner
    programs) as TAA will not pay for training beyond
    156 weeks.

Prerequisite/Remedial Education
  • Approved training can include prerequisite (under
    the 2009 Amendment) and remedial education
    concurrently with and/or followed by occupational
    skills training.
  • Remedial/prerequisite education cannot be
    approved as stand-alone training, but should be
    combined with occupational skills training and
    be identified in the Training Plan.
  • Note Remedial English for Speakers of Other
    Languages (ESOL) can be approved as a stand-alone
    as long as the affected worker has marketable

Approval of Training
  • Types of Allowable Training
  • Occupational Skills
  • Remedial Prerequisite Training
  • On-the-Job Training
  • Customized Training
  • Registered Apprenticeships (under the 2009

Approval of Training (contd)
  • Training Vendors must be selected from the State
    Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL) or the
    locally approved list.
  • Occupational skills training must be identified
    on the state or local targeted occupations list.
  • Training may be approved even if it exceeds the
    maximum time allowed under TAA if the participant
    can establish the ability to afford the training
    after the TAA funding runs out.

Reasonable Cost
  • TAA participants shall not be required to pay any
    portion of their approved training cost through
    personal funding sources during the TAA-funded
    period of training.

Reasonable Cost (contd)
  • Under the 2009 Amendment, a State/Region may
    determine a maximum reasonable cost for training,
    but only with a mechanism for exceeding that
    maximum when that results in the most reasonable
    and cost effective way of returning the
    trade-affected worker to sustainable employment.
  • The State/Region must ensure that any Individual
    Training Account (ITA) caps developed are
    sufficient to cover the total costs of suitable
    training for high growth, demand, and green
    occupations in all localities in which those ITA
    caps apply.

  • Participants can be disqualified if they cease
    training without justifiable cause refuse to
    accept or continue training or fail to make
    satisfactory progress in approved training.

Waiver of Training Requirement
  • A Waiver of Training Requirement is issued to
    protect the workers receipt of TRA. It may be
    necessary to issue a Waiver of Training
    Requirement if training has not been approved.
  • If the worker has not been approved for training
    prior to the enrolled in training deadline, a
    waiver must be issued.
  • There is no need to issue a waiver of training
    requirement if the worker will not qualify for

Waiver of Training Requirement (contd)
  • An adversely-affected worker may be granted a
    waiver of training requirement for one of the
    following reason(s)
  • Enrollment Unavailable
  • Training Unavailable
  • Recall
  • Marketable Skills
  • Retirement
  • Health

Waiver of Training Requirement (contd)
  • A waiver can be issued for six months or longer.
    The waiver must be reviewed every 30 days to
    determine if the condition for issuing the waiver
    is still valid.
  • The 2009 Amendment allows for the initial waiver
    to be issued for three months, and renewed every
    30 days.
  • Note While the amendment allows for waivers to
    be reviewed only after three months, Regional
    Workforce Boards and their partners need to
    continue to review waivers monthly, until new
    guidance is issued.

Waiver of Training Requirement (contd)
  • The first waiver issued and approved should be
    recorded as an activity in Employ Florida
    Marketplace (EFM) and thereafter should be
    recorded as a waiver entry every 30-day period.
    Should the reason or condition for the waiver
    change, the case manager will need to assign a
    different activity.
  • In addition, TAA case managers must send the
    Waiver of TAA Training Requirement (form DEO-566)
    to the Special Payment Unit.

Waiver of Training Requirement (contd)
  • Issuing waivers for an extended period of time
    can prevent an individual from receiving
    additional TRA benefits when looking at the 210
    day deadline, for Petitions filed prior to May
    18, 2009.
  • The 210 day rule does not apply to Petitions
    filed on or after May 18, 2009.

Employment Case Management Services
  • The 2009 Amendment allows for TAA funds to pay
  • Comprehensive Assessment
  • Individual Employment Plan (IEP)
  • Information on available training and how to
    apply for training
  • Information on how to apply for financial aid
  • Short-term prevocational services
  • Individual career counseling
  • Labor Market Information
  • Issuance of a waiver of training requirement

Employment Case Management Services (contd)
  • If there are no available TAA funds to support
    case management, other allowable federal funds
    (WIA and/or Wagner-Peyser, etc.) must be used.

What is Trade Readjustment Assistance (TRA)?
  • TRA is an extension of Unemployment Insurance
    (UI) benefits. A trade-affected worker who
    qualifies for UI may be eligible to receive
    income support after exhausting regular and/or
    extended/emergency UI benefits.

  • The trade-affected worker must have 26 weeks of
    employment with the trade-affected employer at
    30 or more per week in the 52 week period ending
    with the total or partial separation from the
    adversely affected employment.
  • The 2009 Amendment allows the trade-affected
    worker to begin receiving TRA benefits
    immediately upon certification of a petition if
    UI entitlement has been exhausted. (Prior to the
    amendment, there was a 60-day waiting period
    before a worker could receive TRA.)

TRAEligibility/Deadlines (contd)
  • For Petitions filed prior to May 18, 2009, a
    workers eligibility for TRA benefits requires
    the individual to be enrolled in approved
    training or placed on a waiver of the training
    requirement within
  • Eight (8) weeks after the date of Certification
  • Sixteen (16) weeks after the most recent
    qualifying separation
  • For Petitions filed on or after May 18, 2009, the
    individual must be enrolled in approved training
    or placed on a waiver of the training requirement
    within 26 weeks of the date of Certification or
    qualifying separation.
  • Under previous law, an application for training
    must be made within 210 days to qualify for
    Additional TRA. The 210-day deadline is
    eliminated under the 2009 Amendment.

TRAEligibility/Deadlines (contd)
  • Florida may extend the deadline for enrollment in
    training 45 days for extenuating circumstances.
  • Under the 2009 Amendment, if the worker does not
    receive timely notification, the deadline for
    enrollment is 60 days from the date of
  • A participant may receive TRA during an approved
    scheduled training break not to exceed 30
    calendar days.
  • Note Scheduled breaks take into account normal
    school days and run consecutive for each
    identified break published by the training

TRAMilitary Service
  • The 2009 Amendment adjusts periods of eligibility
    for trade-affected workers called or ordered to
    active duty in the Armed Forces, Army National
    Guard of the United States or Air National Guard
    of the United States for more than 30 days.
    (Restarts enrollment process.)

Election of TRA or UI
  • In some situations a worker earns wages after the
    most recent separation from trade-affected
    employment, qualifying the worker for a
    subsequent benefit year of UI at a lower weekly
    benefit amount (WBA) than for the first benefit
    year. Based upon this, the higher WBA of the
    first benefit year must stop while the worker
    collects UI based upon the lower WBA of the
    second benefit year.
  • The 2009 Amendment resolves this dilemma by
    allowing the worker to elect to receive TRA
    instead of UI for any week where the worker meets
    two conditions

Election of TRA or UI (contd)
  • The worker is entitled to receive UI as a result
    of a new benefit year based in whole or in part
    upon part-time or short-term employment in which
    the worker engaged after the workers most recent
    total separation from the adversely affected
    employment and
  • the worker is otherwise entitled to TRA.
  • Note This interpretation is advantageous to the
    worker because it looks to a broader range of
    wages upon which the new benefit year may be
    based in order to allow the worker the election.

UI and TRA Weekly Benefit Amounts (WBA)
  • Currently, the maximum WBA in Florida is 275 per
    week. If the trade-affected worker qualifies for
    TRA, the same weekly benefit received for UI is
    payable to the worker.
  • The Trade Act requires that earned wages be
    deducted from the weekly benefit amount (WBA). If
    earned wages exceed the WBA, the individual
    receives no TRA for that period.
  • The 2009 Amendment requires that when the
    individual is enrolled in full-time training and
    is also working part-time, earnings from work
    that are equal to or less than the most recent
    WBA will not be deducted from the WBA.

TRA Payable Weeks
Under the 2002 Trade Act Regular Unemployment Benefits 26 weeks Basic TRA Benefits 26 weeks Additional TRA Benefits 52 weeks Total 104 weeks Remedial TRA 26 weeks Total with Remedial 130 weeks Under the 2009 Amendment Regular Unemployment Benefits 26 weeks Basic TRA Benefits 26 weeks Additional TRA Benefits 78 weeks Total 130 weeks Prerequisite/Remedial TRA 26 weeks Total with Prerequisite/Remedial 156 weeks
Extended/emergency benefits will be deducted from
Job Search Allowance
  • A job search allowance may be granted to an
    adversely affected worker to assist the worker in
    securing a job outside of the commuting area, but
    within the United States. The worker must meet
    specific eligibility requirements.

Job Search AllowanceCriteria
  • A worker may receive Job Search Allowances if
    the following conditions are met
  • The worker is covered under a certified petition.
  • The worker has been totally separated from the
    trade-affected employer.
  • The worker has an active job seeker registration
    on file at the One-Stop Career Center

Job Search AllowanceCriteria (contd)
  1. The worker has a TAA application in the EFM
  2. The worker has no reasonable expectations of
    securing employment within the commuting
  3. There must be an existing job opening for which
    the worker is being interviewed. The worker must
    provide documentation of actual date of
    interview, time, and position title. One-Stop
    Career Center staff must confirm the information
    with the employer.

Job Search AllowanceCriteria (contd)
  1. A Job Search Application (Request for Job Search
    Allowance) must be filed prior to interview.
  2. The application must be filed by the 365th day
    after the date of the certification in which the
    worker is covered, or the 365th day after the
    date of the workers last total separation,
    whichever is later, or the 182nd day after the
    concluding date of the approved training.

Job Search AllowanceForms
  • The Request for Job Search Allowance (DEO 861)
    must be signed, dated and completed prior to the
  • After the interview, the Certification of
    Suitable Employment (DEO MA-861-A) must be
    completed by One-Stop Career Center staff and
    must include receipts with amounts expended,
    including daily mileage, for the job search.

Job Search AllowanceReimbursable Amount
  • Job Search Allowance
  • For Petitions filed before May 18, 2009, the
    allowance is up to 90 of the total allowable
    costs of transportation, lodging, and meals. For
    Petitions filed on or after May 18, 2009, the
    allowance increases to 100 of total allowable
  • The total Job Search Allowance must not exceed
    1,250 regardless of the number of job searches
    for Petitions filed before May 18, 2009. For
    Petitions filed on or after May 18, 2009, the
    maximum total Allowance is 1,500.

Job Search AllowanceReimbursable Amount
  • Travel
  • Cost is not to exceed the lesser of (1) the
    actual round trip cost by reasonable public
    transportation or (2) cost per mile at the
    prevailing federal mileage rate from the workers
    residence to the area of job search and return to
    residence (round trip).

Job Search AllowanceReimbursable Amount (contd)
  • Lodging and MealsAllowable costs for lodging
    and meals will not exceed the lesser of (1)
    actual cost to the worker of lodging and meals
    while engaged in the job search or (2) 50 of the
    prevailing federal per diem allowance rate for
    the locality in which the job search is conducted.

Relocation Allowances
  • A relocation allowance may be granted to an
    adversely affected worker to assist the worker in
    securing a job outside of the commuting area, but
    within the United States. The worker must meet
    specific eligibility requirements.

Relocation AllowancesCriteria
  • A worker may be approved for a relocation
    allowance if the following conditions are met
  • The worker is covered under a certified petition.
  • The worker is totally separated from adversely
    affected employment at the time relocation
  • The worker must have an active job seeker
    registration on file at the One-Stop Career
    Center (Wagner-Peyser).

Relocation AllowancesCriteria (contd)
  • The One-Stop Career Center must determine that
    the worker has no reasonable expectation of
    securing suitable employment within the commuting
  • The worker has obtained suitable employment of
    long-term duration, or a bona fide offer of such
    in the area of intended relocation.
  • An application (Request for Relocation
    Allowances) must be filed by the 425th day after
    the later of the date of certification or the
    date of the workers last total separation.

Relocation AllowancesCriteria (contd)
  1. The local TAA Coordinator is to review the
    application for accuracy and completeness.
  2. For the worker to receive relocation allowances,
    the relocation must occur within 182 days from
    the date of application or the end of training.
  3. A relocation allowance will not be granted to
    more than one member of a family.
  4. A relocation allowance may be granted to a worker
    only once under a certification.

Relocation AllowanceForms
  • The Request for Relocation Allowances (DEO-860)
    must be signed, dated and completed prior to the
  • The Certification of Suitable Employment (DEO
    MA-861-A) must be completed by One-Stop Career
    Center staff and must include receipts with
    amounts expended for the relocation.

Relocation AllowancesAllowable Costs
  • The amount of a relocation allowance includes
  • A lump sum payment equivalent to three times the
    workers average weekly wage that the individual
    was making from the trade-affected employer not
    to exceed 1,250 and
  • 90 of the total allowable costs for
    transportation, lodging, meals, moving and, if
    necessary, temporary storage.
  • Note For Petitions filed on or after May 18,
    2009, the limits are raised to 1,500 and 100

Agent/Liable State Coordination
  • The liable state is the state where wages are
    paid for employment.
  • The liable state is responsible for making all
    determinations, redeterminations, and decisions
    on appeals on claims for program benefits (UI,
    TRA, Job Search, Relocation Allowances and
  • If any individual relocates to another state, UI,
    TRA, and ATAA/RTAA benefits remain payable from
    the liable state.
  • Waivers and revocations issued by the agent state
    must be approved and processed by the liable
  • Training must also be approved by the liable

Agent/Liable State Coordination
  • The agent state is any state other than the
    liable state.
  • The agent states responsibility is to pay for
    the cost of any approved training, including
    subsistence and transportation costs, after such
    training and costs have been approved by the
    liable state.
  • Once an individual has officially relocated, the
    agent state may also pay for approved job search
    and relocation allowances.
  • Additionally, it is the agent states
    responsibility to cooperate with the liable state
    by providing information needed to issue
    determinations, redeterminations and decisions on
    appeals, including training.

Out-of-State Coordination
  • In the event an individual has relocated from
    another state, case managers must
  • Verify the workers name and social security
  • Determine if the individual is covered under a
    certified petition
  • Determine the Enrolled in training deadline
  • Verify the workers official termination date
    from the trade-affected employer
  • Determine if the worker is currently on a waiver
    of training requirement
  • Determine if the worker started training before
    relocating to Florida (agent state)

Out-of-State Coordination (contd)
  • For petitions approved prior to May 18, 2009,
    find out the workers 210 day deadline.
  • Note If an out-of-state trade-affected worker
    meets the six program criteria and qualifies for
    training, the training must be approved by the
    liable state prior to local approval. The Request
    by Worker for Approval of Training Allowances
    form (DEO ETA 858), along with a training plan,
    should be submitted to the liable state as the
    initial documents.

Alternative Trade Adjustment Assistance (ATAA)
  • ATAA is a component under the Trade Act of 2002
    that provides a wage subsidy to older workers who
    become reemployed within 26 weeks of separation
    from the trade-affected company. ATAA applies
    only to Petitions filed before May 18, 2009.

Alternative Trade Adjustment Assistance (ATAA)
  • Eligibility Criteria (Must meet all criteria
  • At least age 50 at the time of reemployment
  • Obtain reemployment by the last day of the 26th
    week after the workers qualifying separation
    from the trade-affected employer
  • Current reemployment wages must be less than
    those earned from the trade-affected employer
  • Must not be expected to earn more than 50,000
    annually in gross wages (excluding overtime pay)
    from the current reemployment

Alternative Trade Adjustment Assistance (ATAA)
  1. Employed full-time as defined by state law (32
    hours per week)
  2. Cannot return to work for the trade-affected
    employer from which the worker separated
  3. Must establish a valid Florida Reemployment
    Assistance (RA) claim

Alternative Trade Adjustment Assistance (ATAA)
  • Wage Subsidy Payment Limit
  • 50 of the difference between reemployment wage
    and wage at the time of separation
  • Up to 10,000 over a maximum period of two years

Reemployment Trade Adjustment Assistance (RTAA)
  • RTAA provides a wage supplement to older workers
    who become reemployed. RTAA replaces ATAA and
    applies only to Petitions filed under the 2009
    Amendment on or after May 18, 2009.

Reemployment Trade Adjustment Assistance (RTAA)
  • Eligibility Criteria (Must meet all criteria
  • Is a member of a TAA-certified group based on a
    Petition filed on or after May 18, 2009
  • Is at least 50 years of age at time of
  • Is employed on a full-time basis (32 hours per
    week) OR is employed at least 20 hours per week
    while enrolled in full-time training
  • Is not employed at the firm from which the worker
    was separated

Reemployment Trade Adjustment Assistance (RTAA)
  • Current reemployment wages must be less than
    those earned from the trade-affected employer
  • Must not be expected to earn more than 55,000
    annually in gross wages (excluding overtime pay)
    from the current reemployment
  • Must establish a valid Florida RA claim

Reemployment Trade Adjustment Assistance (RTAA)
  • Eligibility Period For RTAA Payments
  • Worker who has not received TRA, the earlier of
  • Up to two years from date on which worker
    exhausts all rights to UI or
  • Up to two years from the date on which the worker
    was reemployed
  • Worker who received TRA
  • 104 weeks beginning on the date on which the
    worker was reemployed
  • Minus the total number of weeks for which the
    worker received TRA

Reemployment Trade Adjustment Assistance (RTAA)
  • Wage Supplement Payment Limit
  • 50 of the difference between reemployment wage
    and wage at the time of separation
  • Up to 12,000 over a maximum period of two years
  • For part-time work coupled with full-time
    training, the percentage is modified by the
    number of hours worked. (For half-time work,
    e.g., the payment will be 25 of the difference.)

Reemployment Trade Adjustment Assistance (RTAA)
  • Workers who receive RTAA may also receive regular
    TAA benefits and services employment and case
    management services, training, relocation, HCTC,
    and job search allowances.

EFM TAA ModuleData Entry Instructions
  • Put it where it Counts

EFM Data Entry Instructions
  • The Employ Florida Marketplace (EFM) management
    information system is used to track participant
    information. Through EFM, the state is able to
    report to the USDOL information required for each
    workforce program (WP, WIA and TAA).
  • Case managers must enter information in EFM for
    TAA participants. Information entered in EFM
    should mirror documentation in your manual file.
    This will allow for successful data validation of
    records and monitoring of participant files.
  • Case notes should be recorded in the module to
    support eligibility, waivers, visits, progress
    reports, attendance, etc.

EFM Data Entry Instructions (contd)
  • Those trade-affected workers who are covered
    under a certified trade-act petition must have
    the following reflected in the TAA Module
  • TAA Application
  • TAA created participation, if the worker
    qualifies for a waiver, approved training, job
    search, and/or relocation allowances
  • Note Prior to assigning a training activity,
    the case manager will need to create a TAA
    Approve Training Application in EFM (Applying the
    six program criteria).

EFM Data Entry Instructions (contd)
  • Waiver
  • A waiver activity should be assigned with an
    actual begin date and a projected end date.
  • Each 30-day review should be recorded under a
    waiver entry.
  • The Waiver of TAA Training Requirement must be
    submitted to the Trade Program Unit each month.
  • Copies of waivers must be maintained in the
    participants file.
  • Worker must be enrolled in Wagner-Peyser, and be
    engaged in an active job search.

EFM Data Entry Instructions (contd)
  • Approve Training
  • All approve training activities must be
    entered in the participants record.
  • Create activity record with actual begin and
    projected end dates.
  • Allow the activity to remain open until the
    actual end date.
  • Scheduled breaks should be recorded in the
    Activity screen.
  • Worker must be enrolled in WP and WIA.
  • The proper funding sources must be identified for
    core, intensive and training activities (for
    example, WIA core and intensive TAA training).

EFM Data Entry Instructions
  • RWBs are encouraged to use TAA funds for training
    activities for TAA participants.
  • If funds are not available, an RWB can request
    supplemental funds.

Health Coverage Tax Credit (HCTC)
  • The HCTC is a federal tax credit that pays 80 of
    qualified health insurance premiums for eligible
    individuals and their family members.
  • HCTC is administered by the Internal Revenue
    Service (IRS).

Health Coverage Tax Credit (HCTC)
  • The following individuals may be eligible for the
  • Individuals who meet requirements under the TAA
    for workers program
  • Individuals who are eligible to receive or those
    receiving TRA benefits
  • Individuals who receive payments under the ATAA
    or RTAA programs or
  • Individuals who are age 55 or older and receive a
    benefit from the Pension Benefit Guaranty
    Corporation (PBGC), including lump-sum payments
    paid after August 5, 2002.

Health Coverage Tax Credit (HCTC) (contd)
  • Qualified Health Plans
  • Individuals must be enrolled in a qualified
    health plan to receive the advance or end of the
    year tax credit.

Automatic Options COBRA or Mini-COBRA Spousal Coverage if the employer subsidizes less than 50 of the premium. (The individual can only receive a tax credit at the end of the year.) Non-group/Individual Health Plans (The affected worker must have the coverage at least 30 days prior to separation from the trade-affected employer.) State-Arranged Plan State Qualified Health Plan (Blue Cross Blue Shield)
Health Coverage Tax Credit (HCTC) (contd)
  • General Requirements for Continued HCTC Benefits
  • An individual must
  • Be a TAA recipient or qualified family member
  • Be covered by a qualified health plan
  • Not be claimed as a dependent on anothers tax
  • Not be enrolled in Medicare
  • Not be enrolled in the federal employee health
    benefit plan, Medicaid or the state childrens
    health insurance program
  • Not be imprisoned by a federal, state or local
  • Not be entitled to health coverage through U.S.
    military health systems (CHAMPUS-TRICARE)

Health Coverage Tax Credit (HCTC) (contd)
  • Information for Qualified Family Members
  • Qualified family members may continue to be
    eligible for the HCTC if the original HCTC
    candidate (a PBGC payee or the recipient of one
    of the TAA programs) enrolls in Medicare, dies,
    or divorces.  Qualified family members must
    be spouses or dependents at the time of the
    event, and meet all HCTC general requirements and
    have or get a qualified health plan.

Health Coverage Tax Credit (HCTC) (contd)
  • Insurance Timelines
  • If an individual has a gap in health insurance
    coverage, the individual may find that certain
    forms of coverage are not available to them, and
    that pre-existing conditions may be excluded from
  • To preserve their rights and get the best
    possible health insurance benefits,
    trade-affected workers should make sure that they
    preserve their rights by
  • Enrolling in COBRA or Mini-COBRA within the
    deadline expressed by the employer (60 days), or
  • Enrolling in a State-qualified plan within 62
    days from the end of their previous coverage

Health Coverage Tax Credit (HCTC) (contd)
  • How to Receive HCTC Benefits
  • To receive HCTC benefits, TAA-eligible
    individuals need to complete and mail the
    Registration Form to the HCTC Program.
  • Upon enrollment in HCTC, the individual will be
    eligible to receive the tax credit through one of
    two options
  • Monthly advance of 80 of the insurance premium.
    (Because of delays in the start-up of the HCTC
    Program, individuals must pay 100 of their
    health insurance premiums until they are enrolled
    in the program.)
  • Year-end tax credit claimed on the individuals
    tax return by filing IRS Form 8885.

  • The TAA Program will monitor processes and
    participant records to ensure that One-Stop
    Career Centers and partners are in compliance
    with federal regulations and state and local
  • Monitoring includes
  • Intake and eligibility of clients served under
  • Services and benefits received by TAA clients
  • Appropriateness of training
  • Appropriate use of waivers
  • Operational procedures and practices

Data Validation
  • The USDOL introduced this initiative in 2003 to
    verify the accuracy of performance reporting
  • The purpose of data validation is to ensure the
  • Data Integrity
  • Uniformity
  • Coordination
  • Acceptable Efficiency Rate

Data Validation (contd)
  • Benefits
  • Develop reliable and accurate program data
  • Focus on management and accountability
  • Provide for continuous improvement
  • Create an improved basis for determining
    incentives and sanctions

Data Validation (contd)
  • Programs required to be validated
  • Trade Adjustment Assistance
  • Workforce Investment Act
  • Wagner-Peyser Employment Services
  • Migrant and Seasonal Farm Workers
  • Native American Employment and Training
  • Senior Community Services Employment
  • Unemployment Insurance Benefits and Tax

TAA-Related Websites
  • United States Department of Labor Employment
    Training Administration - http//
    adeact/(Guidance for the 2009 Amendment can be
    found in TEGL 22-08.)
  • Florida Department of Economic Opportunity -
  • http//
  • Internal Revenue Service HCTC Site
  • http//,,id10991
  • Florida Apprenticeship Program
  • http//

Contact Information
  • Trade Program Unit
  • 1-800-342-3450
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