Correlation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Correlation & Causal Comparative Research Class 6 – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Correlation

Correlation Causal Comparative Research
  • Class 6

This Weeks Schedule
  • Today Review and continue w/ statistical
  • Tuesday
  • 3 individual meetings 9-10am
  • Full class (Stats Method) 10-11am
  • 3 individual meeting 11am-12noon
  • Wednesday
  • 9am-10am Music ed history (Skype w/ Eastman
    Class) Show and tell!!
  • 1000am-1100am Qualitative Research-Full class
  • 1100am-12noon-3 individual meetings

This Weeks Schedule
  • Thursday
  • 4 Project Presentations (20 minutes)
  • 2 qualitative/historical 5ish minute
    presentations (in pairs a trio)
  • Disseminating research
  • Friday
  • 5 Project Presentations
  • 2 qualitative/historical 5ish minute
    presentations (in pairs a trio)

  • Tuesday Work on presentations, projects, etc.
  • Wednesday
  • Read Queen Bees and Wanna Bees chapt. 1 OR 6
  • Read one historical article from the Journal of
    Historical Research in Music Education. Be
    prepared to write or discuss
  • Chapter 3 Method
  • Thursday Friday
  • Project Presentations (20 minute w/ 5 minutes for
    questions discussion)
  • Informal presentation in pairs of a qualitative
    or an historical article
  • Monday, July 22 by 5pm Final Project Proposal

Who When
  • Tuesday Meetings
  • 9-10 (3)
  • 11-noon (3)
  • Weds Meetings
  • 11-noon (3)
  • Thursday
  • Project Presentations (4)
  • Qual./Hist. presentations (2 pairs)
  • Friday
  • 5 presentations
  • Qual./Hist. trio presentation

APA Format
  • Headers
  • Chapter title Level 1
  • Others Level 2 (Flush left)
  • Remember title page, page s
  • Running Head lt 50 characters total. Goes in the
    header flush left
  • Research Question after purpose statement
    before need for study (Header?)
  • Commas apples, oranges, and grapes.

Types of Data Revisedsimple to complex lowest
to highest
  • Nominal/Categorical numbers as labels
  • Male/female (1 or 2)
  • Sop/Alto/tenor/bass (1, 2, 3, 4)
  • Ordinal ranks
  • Contest ratings
  • Interval Scale (equal distance b/w each number)
  • Contest scores (1-100)
  • Lack of meaningful zero (0 on test no
    knowledge?, 0 temperature arbitrary) or
    meaningful ratios (2x as smart?)
  • Ratio
  • Equal interval data
  • True zero possible (0 decibels, 0 money)
  • Ratios can be calculated in a meaningful way 2x
    as loud, ½ money, height, weight, depth (a lake
    can dry up) (?), etc.

  • Inferential statistics
  • Parametric vs. non-parametric
  • Assumptions/Parameters
  • Variances?
  • Randomization
  • Mean vs. variance
  • Used to compare 2 groups and no more?
  • Independent vs. dependent (paired or correlated)
  • One tail vs. Two tail tests?

  • What is I have more than 2 groups? I need a?
  • If there is a significant difference in the test
    above, then what do I need to do?
  • Why do we test the significance of the difference
    in variances?
  • What if the variances are sig. different?

Statistical Significance
  • Probability that result happened by chance and
    not due to treatment
  • Expressed as p
  • p lt .1 less than 10 (1/10) probability
  • p lt .05 less than 5 (1/20) probability
  • p lt .01 less than 1 (1/100) probability
  • p lt .001 less than .1 (1/1000) probability
  • Computer software reports actual p
  • alpha level probability level to be accepted as
    significant set b/f study begins
  • Statistical significance does not equal practical

Statistical Power
  • Likelihood that a particular test of statistical
    significance will lead to the rejection of null
  • Parametric tests more powerful than
    nonparametric. (Par. more likely to discover
    differences b/w groups. Choice depend on type of
  • The larger the sample size, the more likely you
    will be to find statistically significant
  • The less stringent your criteria (e.g., .05 vs.
    01 vs. 001), the easier it is to find statistical

Statistical Tests
  • http// (Windows)
  • http//
  • http//

See Handout from Friday
  • Awareness of non-parametric tests
  • 3 groups, ordinal data?
  • 2 groups, interval data?
  • 2 groups, nominal/categorical data?
  • Relationship b/w two groups, ordinal data?

Independent Samples t-test
  • Used to determine whether differences between two
    independent group means are statistically
  • n lt 30 for each group. Though many researchers
    have used the t test with larger groups.
  • Groups do not have to be even. Only concerned
    with overall group differences w/o considering
  • A robust statistical technique is one that
    performs well even if its assumptions are
    somewhat violated by the true model from which
    the data were generated. Unequal variances
    alternative t test or better Mann-Whitney U
  • Application Explore Data
  • Compare science tests of inst non-inst. students

Correlated (paired, dependent) Samples t-test
  • Used to determine differences between two means
    taken from the same group, or from two groups
    with matched pairs are statistically significant
  • e.g., pre-test achievement scores for the whole
    song group vs. post-test achievement scores for
    the whole song group
  • Group size must be even (paired)
  • N lt 30 for each group
  • Application Compare Reading Math test scores
    of Instrumental Students

Compare 2 means
  • Need sample of at least 10
  • Work like Independent and dependent t tests
  • Independent
  • Mann Whitney U
  • Application Data set 3. Is there a sig. diff.
    b/w Final ratings at Site 1 vs. site 2?
  • Pairs or dependent samples
  • Wilcoxon signed ranks
  • Application Data set 2. Is there a sig.
    difference b/w rating of judges 1 2?

  • Analyze means of 2 groups
  • Homogeneity of variance
  • Independent or correlated (paired) groups
  • More rigorous than t-test (b/w group w/i group
    variance). Often used today instead of T test.
  • F statistic
  • One-Way 1 independent variable
  • Two-Way/Three-Way 2-3 independent variables
    (one active one or two an attribute)

  • Calculate a One-Way ANOVA for data-set 1 All
    non-instrumental tests
  • Post Hoc tests
  • Used to find differences b/w groups using one
    test. You could compare all pairs w/ individual t
    tests or ANOVA, but leads to problems w/ multiple
    comparisons on same data
  • Tukey Equal Sample Sizes (though can be used
    for unequal sample sizes as well)
  • Sheffe Unequal Sample Sizes (though can be used
    for equal sample sizes as well)

ANCOVA Analysis of Covariance
  • Statistical control for unequal groups
  • Adjusts posttest means based on pretest means.
  • example http//
  • The homogeneity of regression assumption is met
    if within each of the groups there is an linear
    correlation between the dependent variable and
    the covariate and the correlations are similar
    b/w groups

Effect Size (Cohens d) http//
ty/lbecker/es.htm http//
  • Mean of Experimental group Mean of Control
    group/average SD
  • The average percentile standing of the average
    treated (or experimental) participant relative to
    the average untreated (or control) participant.
  • Use table to find where someone ranked in the
    50th percentile in the experimental group would
    be in the control group
  • Good for showing practical significance
  • When test in non-significant
  • When both groups got significantly better (really
    effective vs. really really effective!
  • Calculate effect size
  • Treatment group M24.6 SD10.7
  • Control Group M10.8 SD7.77

Cohen's Standard Effect Size Percentile Standing Percent of Nonoverlap
  2.0 97.7 81.1
  1.9 97.1 79.4
  1.8 96.4 77.4
  1.7 95.5 75.4
  1.6 94.5 73.1
  1.5 93.3 70.7
  1.4 91.9 68.1
  1.3 90 65.3
  1.2 88 62.2
  1.1 86 58.9
  1.0 84 55.4
  0.9 82 51.6
LARGE 0.8 79 47.4
  0.7 76 43.0
  0.6 73 38.2
MEDIUM 0.5 69 33.0
  0.4 66 27.4
  0.3 62 21.3
SMALL 0.2 58 14.7
  0.1 54 7.7
  0.0 50 0
  • Measure statistical significance b/w frequency
    counts (nominal/categorical data)
  • http//
  • Test for independence Compare 2 or more
  • Goodness of Fit compare w/ you have with what is
  • Proportions of contest ratings (I, II, III or I
    non Is)
  • Agree vs. Disagree
  • Weak statistical test

  • Pearson
  • Spearman
  • Cronbachs alpha (a)

Correlational Research Basics
  • Relationships among two or more variables are
  • The researcher does not manipulate the variables
  • Direction (positive or negative -) and
    degree (how strong) in which two or more
    variables are related

Uses of Correlational Research
  • Clarifying and understanding important phenomena
    (relationship b/w variablese.g., height and
    voice range in MS boys)
  • Explaining human behaviors (class periods per
    weeks correlated to practice time)
  • Predicting likely outcomes (one test predicts

Uses of Correlation Research
  • Particularly beneficial when experimental studies
    are difficult or impossible to design
  • Allows for examinations of relationships among
    variables measured in different units (decibels,
    pitch retention numbers and test scores, etc.)
  • DOES NOT indicate causation
  • Reciprocal effect (a change in weight may affect
    body image, but body image does not cause a
    change in weight)
  • Third (other) variable actually responsible for
    difference (Tendency of smart kids to persist in
    music is cause of higher SATs among HS music
    students rather than music study itself)

Interpreting Correlations
  • r
  • Correlation coefficient (Pearson, Spearman)
  • Can range from -1.00 to 1.00
  • Direction
  • Positive
  • As X increases, so does Y and vice versa
  • Negative
  • As X decreases, Y increases and vice versa
  • Degree or Strength (rough indicators)
  • lt .30 small
  • lt .65 moderate
  • gt .65 strong
  • gt .85 very strong
  • r2 ( of shared variance)
  • of overlap b/w two variables
  • percent of the variation in one variable that is
    related to the variation in the other.
  • Example Correlation b/w musical achievement and
    minutes of instruction is r .86. What is the
    of shared variance (r2)?
  • Easy to obtain significant results w/
    correlation. Strength is most important

  • Rate your principal school quality on a scale
    of 1-7
  • Principal (1highly ineffective 2ineffective
    3somewhat ineffective 4neither effective nor
    ineffective 5somewhat effective 6effective
    7highly effective
  • School cleanliness (1very dirty 2dirty
    3somewhat dirty 4neither dirty or clean
    5somewhat clean 6clean 7very clean)
  • Type of data? Calculation (Pearson or Spearman?)
  • Reliability (Cronbachs alpha) www.gifted.uconn.ed

Interpreting Correlations (cont.)
  • Words typically used to describe correlations
  • Direct (Large values w/ large values or small
    values w/ small values. Moving parallel. 0 to 1
  • Indirect or inverse (Large values w/small values.
    Moving in opposite directions. 0 to -1
  • Perfect (exactly 1 or -1)
  • Strong, weak
  • High, moderate, low
  • Positive, Negative
  • Correlations vs. Mean Differences
  • Groups of scores that are correlated will not
    necessarily have similar means (e.g.,
    pretest/posttest). Correlation also works w/
    different units of measurement.

50 75 9 40 62 14 35 53
20 24 35 45 15 21 58
Statistical Assumptions
  • The mathematical equations used to determine
    various correlation coefficients carry with them
    certain assumptions about the nature of the data
  • Level of data (types of correlation for different
  • Normal curve (Pearson, if not-Spearman)
  • Linearity (relationships move parallel or
  • Non linear relationship of of performances
    anxiety scores Young students initially have a
    low level of performance anxiety, but it rises
    with each performance as they realize the
    pressure and potential rewards that come with
    performance. However, once they have several
    performances under their belts, the anxiety
    subsides. (
  • Presence of outliers (all)
  • Ho/mo/sce/da/sci/ty relationship consistent
  • Performance anxiety levels off after several
    performances and remains static (relationship
    lacks Homoscedascity)
  • Subjects have only one score for each variable

Correlational Approaches for Assessing
Measurement Reliability
  • Consistency over time
  • test-retest (Pearson, Spearman)
  • Consistency within the measure
  • internal consistency (split-half, KR-20,
    Cronbachs alpha)
  • Spearman Brown Prophecy formula
  • 2r/(1 r)
  • Among judges
  • Interjudge (Cronbachs Alpha)
  • Consistency b/w one measure and another
  • (Pearson, Spearman)

Reliability of Survey
  • What broad single dimension is being studied?
  • e.g. attitudes towards elementary music
  • Preference for Western art music
  • People who answered a on 3 answered c on 5
  • Use Cronbachs alpha
  • Measure of internal consistency
  • Extent to which responses on individual items
    correspond to each other

Spearman Brown Prophesy Formula
  • Reliability ___n x r___
  • 1(n-1)r
  • nnumber of times we multiply items to get new
    test length (10 item to 20 item n2)
  • For a test of 10 items w/ reliability (a) of .60
  • (15 items) 1.5 x .60/1(1.5 - 1).60 reliability
    for test 1.5x size
  • (20 items) 2 x .60/1(2-1).60 reliability for a
    test 2x size
  • (25 items) 2.5 x .60/1(2.5 1).60 reliability
    for test 2.5x size
  • (5 items) .5 x .60/1(.5 1).60 reliability
    for test .5 size
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