411 on Including LGBT Communities in CTG Proposals - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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411 on Including LGBT Communities in CTG Proposals


411 on Including LGBT Communities in CTG Proposals Scout, Ph.D. Director, Network for LGBT Health Equity at The Fenway Institute Debra Morris, MPH CHES – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: 411 on Including LGBT Communities in CTG Proposals

411 on Including LGBT Communities in CTG Proposals
Scout, Ph.D. Director, Network for LGBT Health
Equity at The Fenway Institute
Debra Morris, MPH CHES Director of Technical
Assistance Tobacco Technical Assistance Consortium
Gustavo Torrez, Manager - Network for LGBT Health
Equity at The Fenway Institute
  • Network for LGBT Health Equity
  • The Network for LGBT Health Equity is
    community-driven network of advocates and
    professionals enhancing LGBT health by countering
    tobacco use, and enhancing diet and exercise. We
    are one of six CDC-funded tobacco disparity
    networks and a project of The Fenway Institute in
    Boston. We advance these issues primarily by
    linking people and information to advocate for
    policy change. We actively monitor national and
    state health policymakers and urge community
    action when there is an opportunity to enhance
    LGBT wellness.
  • We would like to thank our cosponsor for this

  • This webinar is the 2nd in a series
  • The first webinar was for LGBT community
    experts/advocates, training them on how to
    identify and offer assistance to their local CTG
  • We would like to thank our community
    collaborators for the LGBT engagement

  • Why integrating LGBT partners strengthens your
  • Data sources for local LGBT health information
  • How to identify local LGBT partners
  • Examples of successful LGBT policy advocacy
  • Models for inclusion in CTG proposals and/or
    action planning
  • Comments from Tobacco Technical Assistance
    Consortium staff

Goals of This Webinar
  • Educate CTG applicants on the policies urging
    LGBT inclusion
  • Provide the information so you can successfully
    integrate LGBT people into your CTG proposal and
  • Provide linkages to local LGBT organizations
  • Build the number of LGBT focused/inclusive CTG
    programs nationwide

Why integrating LGBT partners strengthens your
LGBT Cultural Competency in 1 Slide
  • LGBT people have notable health disparities, for
    example we smoke at rates 35-almost 200 higher
    than the general population.
  • Due to a legacy of discrimination, LGBT people
    often do not trust that mainstream health
    interventions are welcoming to them.
  • You need to demonstrate a project is welcoming to
    LGBT people, otherwise you will perpetuate old or
    build new disparities.

LGBT Wellness Disparities in 1 Slide
  • Smoking rates much higher
  • Major access to care barriers aggravate all
    health issues
  • Some concerns of overeating ( undereating)
  • Lack of data defines much of knowledge not
    enough to comment on diet/exercise widely
  • Remember We need to include LGBT people in all
    health work, so we dont accidentally create new
    disparities by only changing behavior among

CTG Request for Applications
  • There is much stronger focus on including
    disparity populations routinely, sexual
    orientation specifically mentioned as a possible
  • It didnt take as much leadership as desired
    (see http//lgbthealthequity.wordpress.com/2011/
    thumbs-down/) but other policy docs do show
    notable leadership on including LGBT folk.

New Changes in Federal Commitment to LGBT
  • A series of policy documents in the last year
    capture the newly enhanced commitment to LGBT
    inclusion in health activities.

Healthy People 2020
  • Overarching goal Achieve health equity,
    eliminate disparities.
  • Disparities/inequity to be assessed by
    Race/ethnicity, Gender, Socioeconomic status,
    Disability status, Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and
    transgender status, Geography
  • New LGBT Topic Area

IOM Report
  • Historic review of LGBT health disparities
  • Calls for data collection, cultural competency,
    additional research.
  • Read more Is This The Biggest 48 Hrs Ever for
    LGBT Health? Why the IOM report is a healthy
    change for LGBTs Op-Ed on IOM Report on
    LGBT Health

HHS Tobacco Action Plan
  • Available evidence also reports very high
    smoking rates among lesbian, gay, bisexual and
    transgender populations however these
    populations remain underrepresented in current
    surveillance systems used to monitor tobacco
  • Read more here HHS Tobacco Strategic Plan
    Launch Eyewitness Account LGBT
    Inclusion Details

National Prevention Strategy
  • Pillar 4. Eliminate Health Disparities
    Eliminate disparities in traditionally
    underserved populations to improve the quality of
    life for all Americans. Some groups are
    disproportionately affected by health risks
    including major disorders such as heart disease,
    obesity, diabetes, HIV/AIDS, or viral hepatitis
    high rates of infant mortality and high rates of
    violence. Disparities often occur under
    conditions of social, economic, and environmental
    disadvantage. All Americans should have access to
    opportunities for healthy living and be supported
    in their efforts to make choices that promote
    long, healthy, and productive lives, regardless
    of race or ethnicity religion socioeconomic
    status gender age mental health cognitive,
    sensory, or physical disability sexual
    orientation or gender identity geographic
    location or other characteristics.

HHS ACA LGBT Factsheet
  • In addition, the Affordable Care Act is funding
    preventive efforts for communities, including
    millions of dollars to use evidence-based
    interventions to address tobacco control, obesity
    prevention, HIV-related health disparities, and
    better nutrition and physical activity. The
    Department of Health and Human Services intends
    to work with community centers serving the LGBT
    community to ensure the deployment of proven
    prevention strategies.
  • Read more here New Government Factsheet on LGBTs
    Health Care Reform

  • Including the LGBT population in your CTG
    application work is not only scientifically
    indicated, it reflects the latest policy
    directives from HHS.

Data sources for local LGBT health information
LGBT local needs assessments
Michigan Breaking the Habit Southeastern
Michigan LGBT Tobacco Use Report (2006)   New
Mexico New Mexico LGBT Tobacco Community Survey
(2006) Adding Sexual Orientation Questions to
Statewide Public Health Surveillance New
Mexico's Experience (2010)   Arizona Smoking
Prevalence and Cessation among Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual, and Transgender Residents in Arizona
(2008) Tobacco Use and Interventions among
Arizona Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender
People   New York A Blueprint for Meeting LGBT
health and Human Services Needs in NYS
(2010)   Minnesota Creating an Effective Tobacco
Plan for Minnesota's Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and
Transgender Communities (2005)   Idaho Idaho
Tobacco Prevention and Control Program
(2004)   North Carolina North Carolina Report-
Tobacco Disparities in the LGBT Community
(2004)   Ohio Ohio LGBT Report Voices of the
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender on Tobacco
Use, Tobacco Control, and the Effects of
Tobacco   Colorado Tobacco Control Needs in
Colorado For more, check out our website for
further assessments lgbttobacco.org
States that have included LGB on BRFSS
Sexual orientation included (22 and DC)
Sexual orientation not included (19)
Sexual orientation included in specific counties
Leigh Evans, MPH, The Fenway Institute, 2011
Information not available (7)
LGBT national data sources
  • Full probability
  • NHIS same sex household data
  • Pooled YRBS data (caveats)
  • National Survey of Family Growth
  • (NATS?)
  • Tobacco use among sexual minorities in the USA,
    1987 to May 2007 a systematic review Tobacco
    Control August 2009. Joseph Lee, Gabriel Griffin,
    Cathy Melvin
  • Community based sample
  • National transgender survey (tobacco info in full
    report only, not exec summary)

How to identify local LGBT partners
Our secret formula
  • Do we have members in your state?
  • Is there one or more community centers in your
  • If youre a large city, you could also have one
    of the 12 health centers.
  • Are there members of the National Coalition for
    LGBT Health in your state?
  • Is there an equality federation in your state

But lets make it easy
  • We will send each of you an email with the names
    of one more key LGBT leaders/organizations in
    your state

Examples of successful LGBT policy advocacy
Examples 01
  • DC - CIA passage in Washington DC
  • CA legislators refusing tobacco money
  • CA assisting getting tobacco out of pharmacies
  • WA No tobacco funds pledge for pride

On the horizon
  • MO created an LGBT tobacco/wellness action
    plan, now moving to implementation phase
  • IL, DC CPPW subcontracts in action
  • GA planning LGBT wellness campaign heavily
    focused on policy changes

Our Tools/Assistance
  • LGBT organizational wellness policy toolkit
  • Online LGBT organizational environmental scan
  • Online resource library needs assessments,
    sample reports, etc.
  • We can do LGBT cultural competency trainings
    help you find local experts provide technical
    assistance to them.

Models for inclusion in CTG proposals and/or
action planning
How you can include us big picture
  • Subcontract to local LGBT organization(s).
  • Fund a project that pushes for policy changes in
    LGBT organizations.
  • Fund local organization to assist general
    coalitions working on policy change (e.g. clean
    air measures)
  • Require other subcontractors to demonstrate LGBT
    inclusion in their work.
  • Add smart LGBT measures to health surveys to
    evaluate LGBT disparity changes.

Where to mention LGBT in proposal
  1. Needs section (10 pts) write 1-2 paras
    describing LGBT community health disparities
  2. Leadership Team Coalitions (20 pts) a. Commit
    to include LGBT leadership in the leadership team
    or coalition. B. Secure letter(s) of support
    from LGBT groups
  3. Community Transformation Implementation Plan
    (20 pts) include or plan to include LGBT
    targeted activities in the implementation plan
  4. Performance Monitoring Evaluation (10 pts)
    Commit to adding LGBT measure in eval measures.
    (we have resources to assist)

Comments from Tobacco Technical Assistance
Consortium staff
  • We look forward to working with you to
    collaboratively address LGBT wellness
  • Please take 2 minutes to complete an evaluation
    on this call http//www.zoomerang.com/Survey/WEB2
  • Additional questions?
  • Feel free to contact us whenever needed

Debra Morris Tobacco Technical Assistance
Consortium debra.morris_at_emory.edu
Network for LGBT Health Equity lgbthealthequity_at_gm
ail.com The Fenway Institute Fenway Health 1340
Boylston Street Boston, MA 02215 voice
401-263-5092 fax 401-633-6092 Our Blog
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