Title: Classifying Rocks
1Classifying Rocks
- What characteristics are used to identify rocks?
4Texture Is
- The look and feel of the rocks surface
5Mineral Composition
6Check your understanding
- What three characteristics do geologists use to
identify a rock sample?
7What is meant by the texture of a rock?
8Rock Groups
- There are three major groups of rocks
9Igneous Rocks
10Igneous Rock forms from the cooling of molten
rock either magma below the surface or lava at
the surface
11Geologists classify igneous rocks according to
where they formed
- Intrusive
- Formed from Magma
- Beneath the surface
- Extrusive
- Formed from Lava
12Sedimentary Rocks
13Sedimentary rock forms when particles of other
rocks or the remains of plants and animals are
pressed and cemented together.
14Sedimentary Rocks form in layers beneath the
earths surface. As the surface is weathered
away they are exposed.
15Geologists classify sedimentary rocks according
to the type of sediment that make up the rock.
163 groups of Sedimentary Rocks
- 1. Clastic rock fragments squeeze
- together (shale Sandstone Breccia)
172. Organic Sedimentary Rock
- Forms where the remains of plants and animals are
deposited in thick layers. - Coal
and limestone
183. Chemical Sedimentary Rock
- Forms when minerals that are dissolved in a
solution crystallize. (chemical limestone)
- Chemical rocks can also form when seas or lakes
evaporate, (Gypsum)
19Metamorphic Rock
- Formed when an existing rock is changed by heat,
pressure or chemical reactions.
20Geologists classify Metamorphic Rocks by the
arrangement of the grains that make up the rock.
- Foliated
- arranged in parallel layers or bands
- Gneiss slate schist
- Non-foliated
- Mineral grains arranged randomly
- (do not split into layers)
- Marble quartzite
21Checking your understanding
- What are the three MAJOR ROCK Groups?
22How do Geologists classify Igneous Rocks?What
are the 2 types of igneous rocks?
23How do Geologists classify Sedimentary
Rocks?What are the 3 major groups of
Sedimentary Rocks?
24How do Geologists Classify Metamorphic
Rocks?What are the 2 major types of Metamorphic
25How do Igneous Rocks form?
26How do Sedimentary Rocks Form?
27How do Metamorphic Rocks Form?