Title: 4.01 C Individual Food Choices and Influences
14.01 C Individual Food Choices and Influences
4.01C Individual Food Choices and Influences
2How do we use food?
Comfort soothe you.
Nutrition to maintain the functions of the body.
Wellness to affect ones well being.
Is how we use food for/to
To entertain us
Enjoyment to satisfy the senses.
Family and social ties to bring us together
Adventure new experiences.
4.01C Individual Food Choices and Influences
3What influences food choices?Individual
4.01C Individual Food Choices and Influences
4Physiological Influences
- Gender/Age
- Caloric needs
- Nutritional needs
- Health
- Wellness
- Activity levels
4.01C Individual Food Choices and Influences
5Psychological influences
4.01C Individual Food Choices and Influences
6Personal Beliefs and Tastes
- Likes
- Why do you like foods that you choose?
- Dislikes
- Why do you dislike the foods you refuse?
4.01C Individual Food Choices and Influences
7Culture and Customs
- Racial, religious and social groups that practice
similar traditions. - Dietary laws
- Muslims and Jews consider pork unclean.
- Fish is eaten during Lent.
- Traditions that are practiced yearly
- Thanksgiving
- Easter
- Christmas
4.01C Individual Food Choices and Influences
8Situational Factors
- Stages of the family life cycle.
- Family Schedules.
- Peer Groups
- Financial Resources
- Family Budget
- Knowledge and Skills
- Culinary Skills
4.01C Individual Food Choices and Influences
9Lets Review.
- Food Choices include
- Nutrition
- Wellness
- Enjoyment
- Family and social ties
- Comfort
- Entertainment
- Adventure
4.01C Individual Food Choices and Influences
10- Food influences affect food selection through
- Physiological factors
- Psychological factors
- Cultural factors
- Situational factors
4.01C Individual Food Choices and Influences