Title: Week 2
1Week 2 Cryptography
2Cryptography Concepts
- Concerned with developing algorithms
- Conceal the context of some message from all
- except the sender and recipient (privacy or
secrecy), - and/or
- Concerned with developing algorithms
- Verify the correctness of a message to the
recipient - (authentication)
- Form the basis of many technological solution to
computer - and communications security problems
cryptography - study of encryption
5Goals Setting
- To ensure security of communication across
- an insecure channel.
- The ideal channel
Dedicated, untappable, impenetrable
6Secure Channel
7Secure Channel
8Secure Channel
9Secure Channel
10Secure Channel
11Secure Channel
12Secure Channel
13Secure Channel
14Secure Channel
15Secure Channel
Connection Established
16Goal Setting
Adversary (Attacker)
The source of all possible threats
Not all aspect of an ideal channel can be
17Basic Terminology
- plaintext - the original message
- ciphertext - the coded message
- cipher - algorithm for transforming plaintext to
ciphertext - key - info used in cipher known only to
sender/receiver - encipher (encrypt) - converting plaintext to
ciphertext - decipher (decrypt) - recovering ciphertext to
18Simple Process
The secret message is You can get A-/A in
SKR5200 (however depend on you)
The secret message is You can get A-/A in
SKR5200 (however depend on you)
hjfjghkf_at__at_jklll 098GHJFD!_at_
19Categories of cryptography
20Comparison between two categories of cryptography
21Encryption Method
Symmetric Encryption
Asymmetric Encryption
- uses two keys a public a private key
- asymmetric since parties are not equal
- uses clever application of number
- theoretic concepts to function
- complements rather than replaces
- private key crypto
- conventional / private-key / single-key
- sender and recipient share a common key
- all classical encryption algorithms are
- private-key
22Symmetric Encryption
23Symmetric Encryption Technique
Symmetric Encryption
Stream cipher
Block cipher
24Symmetric Encryption
- conventional / private-key / single-key
- sender and recipient share a common key
- 2 Techniques Classical Modern
- Classical Techniques
- Substitution
- Caesar Cipher
- Monalphabatic Cipher
- Playfair Cipher
- Hill Cipher
- Polyalphabetic Cipher
- One-Time Pad
- Transposition
- Rotor Machines
- Steganography
- Modern Techniques
25Basic of Symmetric Cryptography
Classical Substitution Cipher
Classical Transpositions Cipher
26Symmetric Encryption
- or conventional / private-key / single-key
- sender and recipient share a common key
- all classical encryption algorithms are
private-key - was only type prior to invention of public-key in
27Basic Terminology
- plaintext - the original message
- ciphertext - the coded message
- cipher - algorithm for transforming plaintext to
ciphertext - key - info used in cipher known only to
sender/receiver - encipher (encrypt) - converting plaintext to
ciphertext - decipher (decrypt) - recovering ciphertext from
plaintext - cryptography - study of encryption
principles/methods - cryptanalysis (codebreaking) - the study of
principles/ methods of deciphering ciphertext
without knowing key - cryptology - the field of both cryptography and
28Symmetric Cipher Model
- two requirements for secure use of symmetric
encryption - a strong encryption algorithm
- a secret key known only to sender / receiver,
have - plaintext X
- ciphertext Y
- key K
- encryption algorithm Ek
- decryption algorithm Dk
- Ciphertext Y EK(X) Plaintext X DK(Y)
- assume encryption algorithm is known
- implies a secure channel to distribute key
- can characterize by
- type of encryption operations used
- substitution / transposition / product
- number of keys used
- single-key or private / two-key or public
- way in which plaintext is processed
- block / stream
31Types of Cryptanalytic Attacks
- ciphertext only
- only know algorithm / ciphertext, statistical,
can identify plaintext - known plaintext
- know/suspect plaintext ciphertext to attack
cipher - chosen plaintext
- select plaintext and obtain ciphertext to attack
cipher - chosen ciphertext
- select ciphertext and obtain plaintext to attack
cipher - chosen text
- select either plaintext or ciphertext to
en/decrypt to attack cipher
32Simple Question
- What are the essential ingredients of a symmetric
cipher? - How many keys are required for two people to
communicate via a cipher? -
33Simple Question
- What are the essential ingredients of a symmetric
cipher? - Plaintext, encryption algorithm, secret key,
ciphertext, decryption algorithm. - How many keys are required for two people to
communicate via a cipher? - One secret key.
34Basic of Symmetric Cryptography
Classical Substitution Cipher
Classical Transpositions Cipher
35Classical Substitution Ciphers
- where letters of plaintext are replaced by other
letters or by numbers or symbols - or if plaintext is viewed as a sequence of bits,
then substitution involves replacing plaintext
bit patterns with ciphertext bit patterns
36Caesar Cipher
- earliest known substitution cipher
- by Julius Caesar
- first attested use in military affairs
- replaces each letter by 3rd letter on
- example
- meet me after the toga party
37Caesar Cipher
- can define transformation as
- Plain a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u
v w x y z - CipherD E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X
Y Z A B C - mathematically give each letter a number
- a b c d e f g h i j k l m
- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
- n o p q r s t u v w x y Z
- 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
- then have Caesar cipher as
- C E(p) (p k) mod (26)
- p D(C) (C k) mod (26)
38Example 1
- Caesar used a shift of 3
- Using this encryption, the message
- treaty impossible
- Would be encoded as
- t r e a t y i m p o s s i b l e
39Example 2
- Caesar used a shift of 5
- Using this encryption, the message
- treaty impossible
- Would be encoded as
- t r e a t y i m p o s s i b l e
40To test your understanding
Ceasar wants to arrange a secret meeting with
Marc Anthony, either at the Tiber (the river) or
at the Colisuem (the arena). He sends the
ciphertext EVIRE. However, Anthony doest not know
the key, so he tries all possibilities. Where
will he meet Caesar?
41To test your understanding
Ceasar wants to arrange a secret meeting with
Marc Anthony, either at the Tiber (the river) or
at the Colisuem (the arena). He sends the
ciphertext EVIRE. However, Anthony doest not know
the key, so he tries all possibilities. Where
will he meet Caesar? Among the shifts of EVIRE,
there are two words arena and river. Therefore,
Anthony cannot determine where to meet Caesar.
42Cryptanalysis of Caesar Cipher
- only have 26 possible ciphers
- A maps to A,B,..Z
- could simply try each in turn
- a brute force search
- given ciphertext, just try all shifts of letters
- do need to recognize when have plaintext
- eg. break ciphertext "GCUA VQ DTGCM"
43Summary of Substitutions
Substitutions are effective cryptographic
devices. In fact, they were the basis of many
cryptographic algorithms used for diplomatic
communication through the first half of the
century. But substitution is not only kind of
encryption technique. The goal of substitution is
confusion the encryption method is an attempt
to make it difficult for cryptanalyst or intruder
to determine how a message and key were
transformed into ciphertext.
44Basic of Symmetric Cryptography
Classical Substitution Cipher
Classical Transpositions Cipher
45Transpositions (permutations)
A transposition is an encryption in which the
letters of the message are re arranged. With
transposition is an encryption in which the
letters of the message are rearranged. With
transposition, the cryptography aims for
diffusion, widely spreading the information from
the message or key across the ciphertext.
Transpositions try to break established patterns.
Because a transposition is re arranged of the
symbols of a message, it also known as a
46Transposition Ciphers
- now consider classical transposition or
permutation ciphers - these hide the message by rearranging the letter
order - without altering the actual letters used
- can recognise these since have the same frequency
distribution as the original text
47Rail Fence cipher
- write message letters out diagonally over a
number of rows - then read off cipher row by row
- eg. write message out as
- meet me after the toga party
- giving ciphertext
48Row Transposition Ciphers
- a more complex scheme is to write the message in
a rectangle, row by row, and read the message
off, column by column, but permute the order of
the columns. The order of the columns then
becomes the key of the algorithm. - write letters of message out in rows over a
specified number of columns - then reorder the columns according to some key
before reading off the rows - Key 4 3 1 2 5 6 7
- Plaintext a t t a c k p
- o s t p o n e
- d u n t i l t
- w o a m x y z
49Product Ciphers
- ciphers using substitutions or transpositions are
not secure because of language characteristics - hence consider using several ciphers in
succession to make harder, but - two substitutions make a more complex
substitution - two transpositions make more complex
transposition - but a substitution followed by a transposition
makes a new much harder cipher - this is bridge from classical to modern ciphers
50Basic of Symmetric Cryptography
Classical Substitution Cipher
Classical Transpositions Cipher
Stream cipher that is, they convert one symbol
of plaintext immediately into a symbol of
ciphertext. (The exception is the columnar
transposition cipher). The transformation depends
only on the symbol, the key, and the control
information of the enciperment algorithm. A
model of stream enciphering is shown
Plain text
Key (optional)
Some kinds of errors, such as skipping a
character in the key during encryption, affect
the encryption of all future characters. However,
such errors can sometimes be recognized during
encryption because the plan text will be
properly recovered up to a point, and then all
following characters will be wrong.
If that is the case, the receiver may be able to
recover from the error by dropping a character of
the key on the receiving end. Once the receiver
has successfully recalibrated the key with the
ciphertext, there will be no further effects from
this error.
To address this problem and make it harder for
cryptanalyst to break the code, Therefore, a
block chipper has been introduced.
53Summary easy to break
The Caesar Cipher allows simple straightforward
encoding and decoding. Therefore, it allows
unauthorized message recipients to crack such
encoded messages easily. If an eavesdropper
manages to obtain the encoded message, he only
has to test the 26 possible shifts in order to
find the original message. This message-cracking
attack is called brute force and is best
performed with the aid of computers. In our
example, however, the pen and pencil approach is
54Summary easy to break
eulqj fvmrk gwnsl hxotm iypun jzqvo karwp lbsxq mc
tyr nduzs oevat pfwbu ogxcv
rhydw sizex tjafy ukbgz vlcha wmdib xnejc yofkd zp
gle aqhmf arena csjoh dtkpi
55Classical Techniques
Substitution Technique
- where letters of plaintext are replaced by other
letters or by numbers or symbols - or if plaintext is viewed as a sequence of bits,
then substitution involves replacing - plaintext bit patterns with ciphertext bit
Transposition Technique
- transposition or permutation ciphers
- these hide the message by rearranging the letter
order - without altering the actual letters used
- can recognise these since have the same
frequency distribution as the original text
56Stream Cipher Structure
- A typical stream cipher encrypts plaintext one
byte at a time. - Use a key as input to a pseudorandom bit
generator that - produces a stream of 8-bit numbers that are
apparently random. - Pseudorandom stream is one that is unpredictable
without knowledge of the - input key.
Key K
Key K
Pseudorandom byte Generator (key stream
Pseudorandom byte Generator (key stream
Ciphertext Byte stream C
Plaintext Byte stream M
Plaintext Byte stream M
57Stream Cipher Structure
- The output of the generator, called a keystream,
is combined one byte at a time - with the plaintext stream using the bitwise
exclusive-OR (XOR) operation.
11001100 Plaintext
01101100 key stream
10100000 Ciphertext
Decryption requires the use of the same
pseudorandom sequence
10100000 Ciphertext
01101100 key stream
11001100 Plaintext
58Symmetric Encryption Technique
Symmetric Encryption
Stream cipher
Block cipher
59Block Ciphers / Feistel Cipher
60Block Ciphers
- A block cipher is one in which a block of
plaintext is treated as a - whole and used to produce a ciphertext block of
equal length. - Typically, a block size of 64 or 128 bits is
used. -
- Block cipher algorithms can operate in many
Modes. A block cipher - algorithm can be a
- Electronic Codebook Mode
- Cipher block Chaining Mode
- Cipher Feedback Mode
- Output Feedback Mode
- Counter Mode
- provide secrecy and/or authentication services
61Feistel Cipher Design Principles
- block size
- increasing size improves security, but slows
cipher - key size
- increasing size improves security, makes
exhaustive key searching harder, but may slow
cipher - number of rounds
- increasing number improves security, but slows
cipher - subkey generation
- greater complexity can make analysis harder, but
slows cipher - round function
- greater complexity can make analysis harder, but
slows cipher - fast software en/decryption ease of analysis
- are more recent concerns for practical use and
62Block Cipher Design
- Divide input bit stream into n-bit sections,
encrypt only that section, no
dependency/history between sections
- In a good block cipher, each output bit is a
function of all n input bits and all k key bits
63Fiestel Cipher Encryption
Ln 1 Rn
64Fiestel Cipher Encryption
65Fiestel Cipher Decryption
Rn Ln - 1
66Fiestel Cipher Decryption
Round 1
Round i
Round n
67Fiestel Cipher Decryption
Round 1
Round i
Round n
68Fiestel Cipher Algorithm
Input T 2t bits of clear text k1, k2, ...,
kr r round keys f a block cipher with bock
size of t Output C 2t bits of cipher
text Algorithm (L0, R0) T, dividing T in
two t-bit parts (L1, R1) (R0, L0 f(R0,
k1)) (L2, R2) (R1, L1 f(R1, k2)) ......
C (Rr, Lr), swapping the two parts is the
XOR operation.
69One of Security Implementations
70ATM Introduction
- Automated Teller Machines (ATM) have become
ubiquitous and let you withdraw money from - your bank account 24 hrs a day and 7 days a week
with your ATM card. The ATM card - constitutes of two things
- the Card number and
- the Personal Identification Number or PIN.
- Each bank issues a card number that is unique to
each customer. If it is a debit card, the card - number will also be unique worldwide.
- The PIN is like a password to verify a
customers authenticity. - Cash dispensers in the ATM verify both the card
number and the PIN.
71Working Principle of ATM
- The ATM systems have three main components
- Cash dispenser, ATM Server and PIN machine.
- The Cash dispenser reads the Card number and the
PIN entered by a customer and sends - them to a central ATM Server.
- The ATM Server has a database which stores ATM
card no. and PIN details. - The third component, the PIN machine is used to
authenticate the customer s ATM PIN. - It is directly connected to the ATM Server and
is a tamper proof device that stores a single - secret key.
72Working Principle of ATM
Leased Line
ATM Server
PIN Machine
Customer Account Holding Server
73Working Principle of ATM
- After the customer enters an ATM counter, he
inserts his ATM card into the machine and - types his PIN on a numeric keypad.
- The Cash dispenser reads the card number from
the magnetic strip and the PIN that he has - typed and sends them to the ATM Server.
- The ATM Server verifies the PIN against the card
number with the help of the PIN machine - and sends a positive or negative
acknowledgement to the Cash dispenser. - At this point, the customer is authenticated and
can use his account.
74ATM PIN Security
- The security of the ATM PIN is a critical
element in the entire process. - There are two ways that an attacker could try to
get the ATM PIN - He could either sniff the network when the Cash
dispenser is transmitting the PIN to - ATM Server or
- he could compromise the ATM Server and PIN
machine to extract the PIN of a user. - How these threats have been addressed in todays
ATM systems? - how.
75ATM PIN Security
- To prevent the sniffing of the PIN during the
transmission, PIN is encrypted using DES - or 3DES encryption algorithm and then
transmitted from Cash dispenser to ATM Server. - The shared secret key is stored in Cash
dispenser as well as in ATM Server. This
application - stores the shared DES key in encrypted form
using vendors proprietary algorithm (e.g. ACI - ATM software).
- The solution for the second problem is
interesting. The system splits each customers
PIN into - two parts and stores them in two different
machines. So even if one of the machines is - compromised, the PIN is still secure. Now the
problem is of course how to split the PIN - securely into two parts. Here we also have to
keep in mind that customer can always change - his PIN.
76ATM PIN Security
- An algorithm has been designed that allows the
customers PIN to be split and - also allows the customer to change his PIN.
- Let the customer PIN be a and lets say it is
split into two parts b and c . -
- a b c
- b is a variable part of the PIN and is called
PIN Offset. - The PIN Offset is stored in the ATM
Server - c is the constant part of the PIN and is called
Natural PIN. - The Natural PIN is generated in the
PIN machine each time. - How does the PIN Machine generate the constant c
for each customer and yet keep it a secret? - Remember that the ATM card number of a customer
is unique. So, the constant part c can be - a cryptographic function of the card number.
- c f (card)
77ATM PIN Security
There are different methods to derive a constant
number from a card number and a popular method is
to derive it using the DES algorithm. The PIN
machine stores a DES key in its Electrically
Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory (EEPROM).
This key is used to encrypt the card number and
generate DES encrypted value.
The DES key is stored in the EEPROM of the
machine. EEPROM is chip which is fixed on
machines circuit board. To retrieve the key,
one has to open the box case, remove the circuit
board from the box, connect the EEPROM to a
EEPROM reader to get the key. So physical
security is very important for ATM Server room.
78ATM PIN Security
Card DES key DES encrypted value This DES
encrypted value is then converted into
decimalized form and the first four digits of the
value are taken. That is the Natural PIN, c .
Once again, to summarize, the path is DES
encrypted value ? Decimalized value ? First 4
digits of the value c The Natural PIN, the
constant part, c is not stored anywhere in the
entire process. Nobody can get the PIN by
compromising the PIN machine. The PIN Offset or
b is the variable part. When a customer changes
his/her PIN only this part is changed. So even if
the ATM Server is compromised only b will be
revealed and it is useless without c to get
actual Customer PIN a .
The DES key is stored in the EEPROM of the
machine. EEPROM is chip which is fixed on
machines circuit board. To retrieve the key,
one has to open the box case, remove the circuit
board from the box, connect the EEPROM to a
EEPROM reader to get the key. So physical
security is very important for ATM Server room.
79ATM PIN Authentication Process
- The mechanism for authenticating the ATM PIN is
quite simple. When a customer inserts his - ATM card and type the PIN, the card number and
PIN are sent to the ATM Server encrypted. - The ATM Server decrypts the card number and the
PIN it first validates the card number - against its database.
- The valid card number, the PIN Offset b of that
card and the PIN typed by the customer are - sent to the PIN machine.
- Now the PIN machine generates the Natural PIN c
from the card no., adds it with PIN Offset b - and generates the true Customer PIN a .
- Then it compares the actual Customer PIN a with
the customer supplied PIN. If the two of - them matched then it sends positive
acknowledgement to ATM Server indicating that the - customer is authenticated.
- Note that in this process, the Natural PIN never
leaves the tamper proof PIN Machine, and - the PIN machine does not have to store
individual PINs of all the users. Instead, it
securely - stores the DES key for generating the Natural
PIN from each users card number.
80Generation Distribution of ATM PIN
- The ATM system deals with critical customer
information and is more secure by design. - But there can still be security risks during the
generation and distribution of a new card and PIN
. - The Card number is generated by the ATM Server
and the PIN is generated by the PIN - machine from the card number as mentioned
above. - But for the first time, the PIN Offset of the
new PIN is randomly generated by the PIN machine. - There are two ways to print the PIN mailer.
- In the first method, the operator will generate
a new PIN using the PIN machine, - get the PIN and generate the printout of the
PIN mailer. - In the second method, the operator requests the
PIN machine to generate a new PIN. - The PIN machine generates the PIN and
directly prints it to a connected printer and
seals - the print mailer before giving it to the
operator. - The second method is clearly more secure than
first one as the operator never comes to know
81Modern Techniques (Block Ciphers) Asymmetric
82Using Key in Cryptography
83Definition of Key
- A sequence of symbols that controls the operation
of a cryptographic transformation (e.g.
encipherment, decipherment). - In practice a key is normally a string of bits
used by a cryptographic algorithm to transform
plain text into cipher text or vice versa. The
key should be the only part of the algorithm that
it is necessary to keep secret.
84Key Length
- The key length is usually expressed in bits, 8
bits to one byte. Bytes are a more convenient
form for storing and representing keys because
most computer systems use a byte as the smallest
unit of storage (the strict term for an 8-bit
byte is octet). - Just remember that most encryption algorithms
work with bit strings. It's up to the user to
pass them in the required format to the
encryption function they are using. That format
is generally as an array of bytes, but could be
in hexadecimal or base64 format. - In theory, the longer the key, the harder it is
to crack encrypted data. The longer the key,
however, the longer it takes to carry out
encryption and decryption operations.
85Analogy - Strength
86Analogy - Breaking
87Key Length
- Block cipher encryption algorithms like AES and
Blowfish work by taking a fixed-length block of
plaintext bits and transforming it into the same
length of ciphertext bits using a key. - Most other block cipher encryption methods have a
fixed length key. For example, DES has a 64-bit
key (but only uses 56 of them) and Triple DES has
a 192-bit key (but only uses 168 of them). - IDEA uses a 128-bit key.
- The Advanced Encryption Algorithm (AES) has a
choice of three key lengths 128, 192 or 256
bits. - Public key encryption algorithms like RSA
typically have key lengths in the order of
1000-2000 bits. Be careful with the difference in
key lengths for block cipher algorithms and
public key algorithms. - 192-bit Triple DES key is equivalent in security
terms to a 2048-bit RSA key, and an AES-128 key
is equivalent to a 3072-bit RSA key
88Relevant of Key Length
- To crack some ciphertext encrypted with a 64-bit
key by the brute-force method of trying every
combination of keys possible means you have 264
possible combinations or 1.8 x 1019 (that's 18
followed by 18 naughts). - We can expect, on the average, to find a correct
answer in half this number of tries. If we have a
computer that can carry out one encryption
operation every millisecond, it will take about
292 million years to find the correct value.
Speed up your computer by a million times and it
will still take about 3 centuries to solve. - The equivalent brute force technique for a
128-bit key will, in theory, take a "long time",
probably past the expected life of the universe.
But, in practice, a set of supercomputers
operating in parallel can crack a 64-bit key in a
relatively short time. - If an attacker has access to a large selection of
messages all encrypted with the same key, there
are other techniques that can be used to reduce
the time to derive the key.
89How do encryption schemes fail?
- Most encryption schemes are cracked not by brute
force trying of all possible combinations of key
bits, but by using other knowledge about how the
sender derived the key. - This could be a faulty random number generator
known to used by the system, or knowledge that
the user derived the key solely from a password
of only the letters a to z, or just used simple
English words. Or perhaps by finding out the
keystrokes typed on the keyboard by the user with
a keystroke logger, or by bribing (or torturing)
someone to give them the key, or by reading the
post-it note the user has conveniently left on
the side of the computer with the password
written on it. The traps are many and subtle and
even the experts get it wrong. - Why spend hours trying to pick the expensive
security lock when the owner of the house has
left a window open?
90How do encryption schemes fail?
- Strictly, it's not the length of the key, but the
"entropy" in the method used to derive the key.
There is approximately one bit of entropy in an
normal ASCII character. - If you derive a 128-bit key from a password or
pass phrase, you will need a very long pass
phrase to get enough theoretical entropy in the
key to match the security of the underlying key
length Bruce Schneier estimates that you need a
98-character English pass phrase for a 128-bit
key. Most people can't be bothered with such a
cumbersome pass phrase.
91How do encryption schemes fail?
- Using AES with a 128-bit key should provide
adequate security for most purposes. The longer
you intend to keep the encrypted data secret, the
longer the key you should use, on the principle
that cracking techniques will continue to improve
over time. Bruce Schneier recommends a 256-bit
key for data you intend to keep for 20-30 years. - No one is going to criticise you for using a key
that is too long provided your software still
performs adequately. However, the biggest danger
in using a key that is too large is the false
sense of security it provides to the implementers
and users. "Oh, we have n-million-bit security in
our system" may sound impressive in a marketing
blurb, but the fact that your private key is not
adequately protected or your random number
generator is not random or you have used an
insecure algorithm may mean that the total
security is next to useless. - Remember it is the security of the total system
that counts, including procedures followed by
92Choice of Algorithm
- Whatever you use, use an accepted algorithm
- DES, Triple DES, RSA, AES, Blowfish, IDEA, etc.
- Don't try making up your own algorithm we
(learners) aren't that good. The only secret
should be in the value of the key.
93Password, Pass Phrase Key
- People often get confused between "password" and
"key". A password is typically a series of ASCII
characters typed at a keyboard, e.g. "hello123"
or "my secret pass phrase". This makes it easier
for users to remember. They are, of course, much
easier to crack because there are significantly
fewer combinations to choose from. - A pass phrase is simply a password that consists
of several words in a string, e.g. "she sells sea
shells", so the terms "password" and "pass
phrase" are equivalent for our purposes. In
principle, a pass phrase makes it easier for a
user to remember a long combination of
characters. In practice, this adds to security
only if the pass phrase is something known only
to the user. Don't use quotes from famous
literature - hackers read them, too.
94Password, Pass Phrase Key
- A password is typically a series of ASCII
characters typed at a keyboard, e.g. "hello123"
or "my secret pass phrase". This makes it easier
for users to remember. They are, of course, much
easier to crack because there are significantly
fewer combinations to choose from. - A pass phrase is simply a password that consists
of several words in a string, e.g. "she sells sea
shells", so the terms "password" and "pass
phrase" are equivalent for our purposes. In
principle, a pass phrase makes it easier for a
user to remember a long combination of
characters. In practice, this adds to security
only if the pass phrase is something known only
to the user. - A key used by an encryption algorithm is a bit
string. A 128-bit key will have exactly 128 bits
in it, i.e. 16 bytes. You will often see keys
written in hexadecimal format where each
character represents 4 bits, e.g.
"FEDCBA98765432100123456789ABCDEF" represents 16
bytes or 128 bits. The actual bits in this
example are - 1111 1110 1101 1100 1011 1010 1001 1000 0111 0110
0101 0100 0011 0010 0001 0000 0000 0001 0010 0011
0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101
1110 1111
95Just to test 1
- In a university, a student needs to encrypt her
password (with a unique symmetric key) before
sending it when she logs in. Does encryption
protect the university or the student? Explain
your answer.
96Answer for the Just to test 1
- In a university, a student needs to encrypt her
password (with a unique symmetric key) before
sending it when she logs in. Does encryption
protect the university or the student? Explain
your answer. - The encryption protects the student and the
university for the first time. However, the
intruder can intercept the encrypted password and
replay the process some other times. The intruder
does not have to know the password in plaintext
the encrypted password suffices for replaying.
The university system cannot determine if the
student has encrypted the message again or the
intruder is replaying it.
97- How should I derive the key?
98Just to test 2
- What are two basic functions used in encryption
algorithm? Explain how each of these methods
works and please include the example.
99Answer for the Just to test 2
- What are two basic functions used in encryption
algorithm? Explain how each of these methods
works and please include the example. - Substitution and Transposition/Permutation
- Substitution
- where letters of plaintext are replaced by other
letters or by numbers or symbols. Or if plaintext
is viewed as a sequence of bits, then
substitution involves replacing plaintext bit
patterns with ciphertext bit patterns. - Transposition/Permutation
- A transposition is an encryption in which the
letters of the message are re arranged. With
transposition is an encryption in which the
letters of the message are rearranged. With
transposition, the cryptography aims for
diffusion, widely spreading the information from
the message or key across the ciphertext.
Transpositions try to break established patterns.
Because a transposition is re arranged of the
symbols of a message, it also known as a
100Block Cipher
- A block cipher is a function E 0,1k x 0,1n ?
0,1n . This notation means that E takes two
inputs, one being a k-bit string and the other an
n-bit string, and returns an n-bit string. The
first input is the key. The second might be
called the plaintext, and the output might be
called a ciphertext. The key-length k and the
block-length n are parameters associated to the
block cipher. They vary from block cipher to
block cipher.
101Block Cipher
- For each key K ? 0,1k we let Ek 0,1n ?
0,1n be the function defined by EK(M) E(K,M).
For any block cipher, and any key K, it is
required that the function EK be a permutation on
0,1n. This means that it is a bijection (ie., a
one-to-one and onto function) of 0,1n to 0,1n
. (For every C ?0,1n there is exactly one M ?
0,1n such that EK(M) C.) Accordingly EK has
an inverse, and we denote it (EK)-1.
102Block Cipher
- This function also maps
- 0,1n ? 0,1n , and of course we have
- (EK)-1(EK(M)) M and
- EK ((EK)-1(C)) C
- for all M, C ? 0,1n .
- We let
- E-1 0,1k x 0,1n ? 0,1n be defined by
E-1(K,C) (EK)-1(C). This is the inverse block
cipher to E. - Note
- ? implies ? set membership
- A ? B means if A is true then B is also true if
A is false then nothing is said about B. - a ? S means a is an element of the set S
103Block Cipher
- The block cipher E is a public and fully
specified algorithm. Both the cipher E and its
inverse E-1 should be easily computable, meaning
given K,M we can readily compute E(K,M), and
given K,C we can readily compute E-1(K,C). By
readily compute" we mean that there are public
and relatively efficient programs available for
these tasks.
104Before Start, Just Review Back
Block Ciphers / Feistel Cipher
DES of Modes Operation
105DES Data Encryption Standard
- A Block cipher
- Data encrypted in 64-bit blocks using a 56-bit
key (effective key) Ciphertext is of 64-bit long - Encrypts by series of substitution and
transpositions (or permutations)
106DES - Basics
- DES uses the two basic techniques of cryptography
- confusion and diffusion. - At the simplest level, diffusion is achieved
through numerous permutations and confusions is
achieved through the XOR operation and the
S-Boxes. - This is also called an S-P network.
107DES - Basics
- Fundamentally DES performs only two operations on
its input, bit shifting (permutation), and bit
substitution. - The key controls exactly how this process works.
- By doing these operations repeatedly and in a
non-linear manner you end up with a result which
can not be used to retrieve the original without
the key.
108Input of DES
- Data need to be broken into 64-bit blocks add
pad at the last message if necessary. - e.g. X(3 5 0 7 7 F 1 0 A B 1 2 F C 6 5)HEX
- Secret key
- Any string of 64 bits long including 8 parity
bits. - 1 parity bit in each 8-bit byte of the key may be
utilized for error detection in key generation,
distribution, and storage - K(k1k7k8 k15k16k17k24k32 k40 k48 k56
k64) - The parity bits k8,k16,k24,k32,k40,k48,k56,k64
help ensure that each byte is of odd parity
109DES Block cipher
110DES Encryption
111DES Encryption Diagram
64-bit plaintext
Initial permutation
Iteration 1
Iteration 2
16 subkeys of each 48-bits
Iteration 16
32-bit Swap
Inverse permutation
64-bit ciphertext
112How to use DES?
- Four modes of operations were defined for DES in
ANSI standard ANSI X3.106-1983 Modes of Use - subsequently now have 5 for DES and AES
- have block and stream modes
113Handle long messages
- Block ciphers encrypt fixed size blocks
- eg. DES encrypts 64-bit blocks, with 56-bit key
- How to encrypt arbitrary amount of information ?
- Message is broken into blocks of 64 bits
- At end of message, handle possible last short
block - by padding either with known non-data value (eg
nulls) - or pad last block with count of pad size
- eg. b1 b2 b3 0 0 0 0 5 lt- 3 data bytes, then 5
bytes padcount - Then they are encrypted and decrypted in various
combinations of keys and texts.
114- Details for DES, Please refer and read
- Stallings, W. (2006). Cryptography and Network
Security. New Jersey Prentice-Hall. Page 63 - 90
115Chapter 3 Public-Key Cryptography
Symmetric Cryptography Summary
Public-Key Cryptography
Example RSA
117Categories of cryptography
An asymmetric-key (or public-key) cipher uses two
keys one private and one public. We discuss one
algorithms RSA
Topics discussed in this section
119Asymmetric Cryptography
120Comparison between two categories of cryptography
121Symmetric Cryptography Summary
Public-Key Cryptography
Example RSA
122Symmetric Concept
Man needs Woman, Woman Needs Money for
123456696 096785403 657849302 610395867 567484509
Man needs Woman, Woman Needs Money for
Authentication only from Alice, therefore is
cannot be altered in transit
No signature - Bob could forge the message
- Sender could deny the message
123Symmetric Cryptography Summary
Public-Key Cryptography
Example RSA
124Private-Key Cryptography Definition
- public-key/two-key/asymmetric cryptography
involves the use of two keys - a public-key, which may be known by anybody, and
can be used to encrypt messages, and verify
signatures - a private-key, known only to the recipient, used
to decrypt messages, and sign (create) signatures - is asymmetric because
- those who encrypt messages or verify signatures
cannot decrypt messages or create signatures
125Private-Key Cryptography - Concept
- allows users to communicate securely without
having prior access to a shared secret key, - by using a pair of cryptographic keys, designated
- as public key and
- private key, which are related mathematically.
- the private key is generally kept secret, while
the public key may be widely distributed. - In a sense, one key "locks" a lock while the
other is required to unlock it. It should not be
possible to deduce the private key of a pair
given the public key.
126Public-Key Basic Concept
Message is encrypted
Bobs Public Key (EB)
Bobs Private Key (DB)
127Public-Key Basic Concept
- This model provides no authentication because
any party - could also use Bobs public key to encrypt
Message (M)
128Private-Key Cryptography
129Public-Key Cryptography Options
There are many forms of public-key cryptography,
including public key encryption keeping a
message secret from anyone that does not possess
a specific private key. public key digital
signature allowing anyone to verify that a
message was created with a specific private
key. key agreement generally, allowing two
parties that may not initially share a secret
key to agree on one.
130Private-Key Cryptography
The most obvious application of a public key
encryption system is confidentiality a message
which a sender encrypts using the recipient's
public key can only be decrypted by the
recipient's paired private key. Public-key
digital signature algorithms can be used for
sender authentication. For instance, a user can
encrypt a message with his own private key and
send it. If another user can successfully
decrypt it using the corresponding public key,
this provides assurance that the first user (and
no other) sent it.
131To Provide Authentication Signature
- This model does provide authentication and
digital signature
- But, this scheme not provide confidentiality,
because anyone - has Alices public key can decrypt the
132To Provide Confidentiality, Authentication and
Message (M) Plaintext
Message (M) Plaintext
Man needs Woman, Woman Needs Money for
123456696 096785403 657849302 610395867 567484509
Man needs Woman, Woman Needs Money for
123456696 096785403 657849302 610395867 567484509
123456696 096785403 657849302 610395867 567484509
- Bottleneck The public-key algorithm is complex
and must be exercised - four times rather than two
in each communication
133Why Public-Key Cryptography?
- developed to address two key issues
- key distribution how to have secure
communications in general without having to trust
a KDC with your key - digital signatures how to verify a message
comes intact from the claimed sender - Need to read page
134Public-Key Applications
- can classify uses into 3 categories
- encryption/decryption (provide secrecy)
- digital signatures (provide authentication)
- key exchange (of session keys)
- some algorithms are suitable for all uses, others
are specific to one
135Security of Public Key Schemes
- like private key schemes brute force exhaustive
search attack is always theoretically possible - but keys used are too large (gt512bits)
- security relies on a large enough difference in
difficulty between easy (en/decrypt) and hard
(cryptanalyse) problems - more generally the hard problem is known, its
just made too hard to do in practise - requires the use of very large numbers
- hence is slow compared to private key schemes
136Example of Public-Key Cryptographic Techniques
- 1) Well-regarded public-key techniques include
- Diffie-Hellman
- RSA encryption algorithm
- ElGamal
- DSS (Digital Signature Standard), which
incorporates the - Digital Signature Algorithm.
- Various Elliptic Curve techniques
- Various Password-authenticated key agreement
techniques - Paillier cryptosystem
- 2) Protocols using asymmetric key algorithms
include - PGP Pretty Good Privacy
- GNU Privacy Guard (GPG) an implementation of
OpenPGP - Secure Shell (SSH)
- SSL now implemented as an IETF standard
- Trasnsport Layer Security (TLS)
137Course Work Presentation
Symmetric Cryptography Summary
Public-Key Cryptography
Example RSA
- As previously mentioned, this algorithm was
created by Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Len
Adleman of MIT. - Dr. Ron Rivest received his Bachelors Degree in
Mathematics from Yale University in 1969, while
obtaining his Doctorate Degree in Computer
Science from Stanford University in 1974. He is
most famously known for his work in the RSA
algorithm, along with his creation of the
symmetric key encryption algorithms (RC2, RC4,
RC5, and RC6). - Dr. Rivest is currently working as a senior
Professor of Computer Science in the Department
of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at
- Dr. Adi Shamir received his Bachelors Degree in
Mathematics from Tel-Aviv University in 1973, and
received his MSc and PhD Degrees in Computer
Science from the Weizmann Institute of Israel in
1975 and 1977, respectively. During the latter
half of the 1970s Dr. Shamir participated in
research at the facilities of MIT, where he took
part in inventing the RSA algorithm. Apart from
the RSA algorithm, Dr. Shamir is well known for
breaking the Merkle-Hellman cryptosystem and for
his creation of the Shamir secret sharing scheme
(cryptography). - Presently, Dr. Shamir is a faculty member of the
Weizmann Institute in the Department of
Mathematics and Computer Science.
- Dr. Len Adleman received his Bachelors Degree in
Mathematics in 1968 and his Doctorate Degree in
Computer Science in 1976 from the University of
California, Berkeley. In addition to his
involvement in designing the RSA algorithm, Dr.
Adleman is widely known for creating the initial
field of DNA Computing at the University of
Southern California (USC). - At the present time Dr. Adleman is working as a
Professor of Computer Science and Molecular
Biology at USC. - In 2002 Dr. Rivest, Dr. Shamir, and Dr. Adleman
received the ACM Turing Award, awarded on behalf
of the Association of Computing Machinery in
recognition of their discovery of the RSA
encryption algorithm. (This award is commonly
referred to as the Nobel Prize of Computer
142Selecting Keys
- Bob use the following steps to select the private
and public keys - Bob chooses two very large prime numbers p and q.
Remember that a prime number is one that can be
divided evenly only by 1 and itself. - Bob multiplies the above two primes to find n,
the modulus for encryption and decryption. In
other words, n p x q. - Bob calculate another number ? (p-1) x (q-1).
- Bob chooses a random integer e. He then
calculates d so that d x e 1 mod ?. - Bob announces e and n to the public he keeps ?
and d secret.
143Need To Know
In RSA, e and n are announced to the public d
and F are kept secret.
- Anyone who needs to send a message to Bob can use
n and e. For example, if Alice needs to send a
message to Bob, she can change the message,
usually a short one, to an integer. This is the
plaintext. She then calculates the ciphertext,
using e and n. - Alice sends C, the ciphertext, to Bob.
C Pe (mod n)
- Bob keeps ? and d private. When he receives the
ciphertext, he uses his private key d to decrypt
the message.
P Cd (mod n)
146Example 2 - Question
- Bob chooses 7 and 11 as p and q and calculates n
7- 11 77. The value of Ø(7-1) or 60. Now he
chooses two keys, e and d. if he chooses e to be
13, then d is 37. Now Alice sends the plaintext 5
to Bob. She uses the public key 13 to encrypt 5.
147Example 2 - Answer
- Bob chooses 7 and 11 as p and q and calculates n
7 11 77. The value of Ø(7-1) or 60. Now he
chooses two keys, e and d. if he chooses e to be
13, then d is 37. Now Alice sends the plaintext 5
to Bob. She uses the public key 13 to encrypt 5.
Plaintext 5 C 513 26 mod 77 Ciphertext 26
Bob receives the ciphertext 26 and uses the
private key 37 to decipher the ciphertext
Ciphertext 26 P 2637 5 mod 77 Plaintext
5 Intended message sent by Alice
The plaintext 5 sent by Alice is received as
plaintext 5 by Bob.
148Example 3
Let me give a realistic example. We choose a
512-bit p and q. We calculate n and ?. We then
choose e and test for relative primeness with
?(n). We calculate d. Finally, we show the
results of encryption and decryption. A program
written in Java/C/C to do so this type of
calculation cannot be done by a calculator.
The integer q is a 160-digit number.
149Example 3
We calculate n. It has 309 digits
We calculate F. It has 309 digits
150Example 3
We choose e 35,535. We then find d.
Alice wants to send the message THIS IS A TEST
which can be changed to a numeric value by using
the 0026 encoding scheme (26 is the space
151Example 3
The ciphertext calculated by Alice is C Pe,
which is.
Bob can recover the plaintext from the ciphertext
by using P Cd, which is
The recovered plaintext is THIS IS A TEST after
152Example 4
Bob chooses 7 and 11 as p and q and calculates n
7 11 77. The value of F (7 - 1) (11 - 1)
or 60. Now he chooses two keys, e and d. If he
chooses e to be 13, then d is 37. Now imagine
Alice sends the plaintext 5 to Bob. She uses the
public key 13 to encrypt 5.
153Example 4
Bob receives the ciphertext 26 and uses the
private key 37 to decipher the ciphertext
The plaintext 5 sent by Alice is received as
plaintext 5 by Bob.
154Example 5
Jennifer creates a pair of keys for herself. She
chooses p 397 and q 401. She calculates n
159,197 and F 396 400 158,400. She then
chooses e 343 and d 12,007. Show how Ted can
send a message to Jennifer if he knows e and n.
155Example 5
Solution Suppose Ted wants to send the message
NO to Jennifer. He changes each character to a
number (from 00 to 25) with each character coded
as two digits. He then concatenates the two coded
characters and gets a four-digit number. The
plaintext is 1314. Ted then uses e and n to
encrypt the message. The ciphertext is 1314343
33,677 mod 159,197. Jennifer receives the message
33,677 and uses the decryption key d to decipher
it as 33,67712,007 1314 mod 159,197. Jennifer
then decodes 1314 as the message NO. Figure
30.25 shows the process.
156Example 5
157Example 6 - Question
- Alice wants to send a cellphone text message to
Bob securely, over an insecure communication
network. Alice's cellphone has a RSA public key
KA and matching private key VA likewise, Bob's
cellphone has KB and VB. Let's design a
cryptographic protocol for doing this, assuming
both know each other's public keys. Here is what
Alice's cellphone will do to send the text
message m - Alice's phone randomly picks a new AES session
key k and computes c RSA- Encrypt(KB, k), c
AES-CBC-Encrypt(k, m), and t RSA-Sign(VA, (c,
c)). - Alice's phone sends (c, c, t) to Bob's phone.
- And here is what Bob's cellphone will do, upon
receiving (c, c, t) - Bob's phone checks that t is a valid RSA
signature on (c, c) under public key KA. If
not, abort. - Bob's phone computes k RSA-Decrypt(VB, c) and
m AES-CBC-Decrypt(k, c). - Bob's phone informs Bob that Alice sent message
158Example 6 - Question
- Does this protocol ensure the confidentiality of
Alice's messages? Why or why not? - Does this protocol ensure authentication and data
integrity for every text message Bob receives?
Why or why not? - Suppose that Bob is Alice's stockbroker. Bob
hooks up the output of this protocol to an
automatic stock trading service, so if Alice
sends a text message Sell 100 shares MSFT using
the above protocol, then this trade will be
immediately and automatically executed from
Alice's account. Suggest one reason why this
might be a bad idea from a security point of view.
159Example 6 - Answer
- Does this protocol ensure the confidentiality of
Alice's messages? Why or why not? - Yes. Since AES-CBC-Encrypt is secure, no one can
recover m from c without knowledge of k. Also,
since RSA-Encrypt is secure, only someone who
knows KBnamely, Bobcan recover k. - Does this protocol ensure authentication and data
integrity for every text message Bob receives?
Why or why not? - Yes. Since RSA-Sign is secure, if (c, c) passes
step 1, then only someone who knew vAnamely,
Alicecould have sent (c, c). Now (c, c)
uniquely determines m, the message that Alice
wanted to send. - Conclusion If Bob accepts m in step 3, then
Alice sent m.
160Example 6 - Answer
- Suppose that Bob is Alice's stockbroker. Bob
hooks up the output of this protocol to an
automatic stock trading service, so if Alice
sends a text message Sell 100 shares MSFT using
the above protocol, then this trade will be
immediately and automatically executed from
Alice's account. Suggest one reason why