Political Science and International Organization Licence 3 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Political Science and International Organization Licence 3


Political Science and International Organization Licence 3 me ann e The Politics of International Economic Relations Session 1 Manfred Elsig World Trade Institute ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Political Science and International Organization Licence 3

Political Science and International
OrganizationLicence 3ème annéeThe Politics of
International Economic RelationsSession 1
Manfred ElsigWorld Trade Institute Berne
Graduate Institute of International Studies
Teaching Assistants
  • Jérôme Bachelard, bachela8_at_hei.unige.ch, 022 908
    59 48 Rachelle Cloutier, cloutie3_at_hei.unige.ch,
    022 908 59 41 Lucile Eznack, eznack2_at_hei.unige.c
    h, 022 908 59 51 Jonas Hagmann,
    hagmann9_at_hei.unige.ch, 022 908 59 47
  • Omar Serrano, serraoa5_at_hei.unige.ch, 022 908 59
    47 Thorsten Wetzling, wetzlin2_at_hei.unige.ch,
    022 908 59 51

Course requirements
  • Students are expected to write one short essay
    (take home exam) before the Christmas break and
    to take a two-hour exam at the end of the
    semester. The essay will count for 40 and the
    final exam for 60 of the overall grade.
  • Students are expected to prepare for the
    lectures. A reader will be available for the
    mandatory texts. Further information on where to
    purchase it will be provided by the assistants
  • For those who intend to take the exam at the end
    of semester, seminars and lectures are mandatory

Course objectives
  • Become accustomed to theories, perspectives, and
    approaches in global economic politics
  • Improve analytical skills by applying
    theory-based arguments to real world politics

What do we call the area of study?
  • The Politics of International Economic Relations
  • International political economy
  • Global political economy

What is it about?
  • International political economy (IPE) developed
    as a subfield in the study of international
  • IPE is about the interaction between the state
    (politics) and the market (economics) at various
  • IPE studies the interrelationship between public
    and private power in the allocation of scarce
  • Who gets what, when, and how (Harold Lasswell

General research questions
  • How, when and why do states choose to open up
    themselves to transborder flows of goods,
    services, capital, people
  • How does integration into the international
    economy affect interests of actors and eventually
    national policies
  • What explains cooperation in GEMs or regional and
    bilateral economic agreements

  • IPE emerged as a heterodox approach to
    international studies during the 1970s as the
    1973 world oil crisis and the breakdown of the
    Bretton Woods system alerted academics,
    particularly in the U.S., of the importance,
    contingency, and weakness of the economic
    foundations of the world order. IPE scholars
    asserted that earlier studies of international
    relations had placed excessive emphasis on law,
    politics, and diplomatic history. Similarly,
    neoclassical economics was accused of abstraction
    and being ahistorical. Drawing heavily on
    historical sociology and economic history, IPE
    proposed a fusion of economic and political
    analysis. In this sense, both Marxist and liberal
    IPE scholars protested against the reliance of
    Western social science on the territorial state
    as a unit of analysis, and stressed the
    international system. (wikipedia free

  • IPE emerging true interdiscipline
  • Multi-level governance
  • Interest, Ideas
  • --------------------------------------------------
  • Global economy /
  • international politics
  • (e.g. international bargains, IOs)
  • --------------------------------------------------
  • Interest, Ideas,
    Institutions (Policies)

  • WTO in Crisis
  • Affect domestic interests?
  • Affect domestic institutions?
  • Affect domestic ideas?
  • Affect the global economy?
  • Affect other global trade fora, regional and
    bilateral trade agreements?

I Approaches and Concepts in
Global/International Political Economy
  • 24 October 2006 Introduction What is IPE
  • 31 October 2006 Different perspectives to
    study IPE
  • 7 November 2006 On Hegemons and the
    development of regimes
  • 14 November 2006 Cooperation and
    International Institutions
  • 21 November 2006 Domestic sources of foreign
    economic policies

II The Evolution of the International
Political Economy
  • 28 November 2006 The Post-1945 International
    Economic Order
  • (first paper questions)
  • 5 December 2006 Evolution of Monetary and
    Trade Regimes
  • (paper due)

III Globalization and Contemporary Issues in
the International Political Economy
  • 12 December 2006 Globalization and the State
  • 19 December 2006 MNCs and non-state actors
    (private actors)
  • 9 January 2007 Regionalism
  • 16 January 2007 Developing countries and IPE
  • 23 January 2007 Global Economic Institutions
    and Law

  • 30 January 2007 Exam
  • Do you have any questions?
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