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Supply Chain Management and Analysis What is Supply Chain Management (SCM)? ... (Toyota example) Logistics is Important to Strategy(Benetton example) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • Winter 2000
  • Prof. Dr. Füsun Ülengin

Supply Chain Management and Analysis
  • What is Supply Chain Management (SCM)?
  • What is the difference (if any) between SCM and
    Business Logistics Management?
  • Supply Chain Definition (G.C. Stevens, 1989) .
    . . a connected series of activities which is
    concerned with planning, coordinating and
    controlling materials, parts, and finished goods
    from supplier to customer. It is concerned with
    two distinct flows (material and information)
    through the organization.
  • The Basic Problem Get the right amounts of the
    right products to the right markets at the right
    time in the most economical way.

The Supply-Chain

Credit Flow
Materiall Flow
The Supply Chain
Key Supply Chain Activities
  • Customer Service Standards
  • Cooperate with marketing to
  • Determine customer needs and wants for logistics
    customer service
  • Determine customer response to service
  • Set customer service levels
  • Transportation
  • Mode and transport service selection
  • Freight consolidation
  • Carrier routing
  • Vehicle scheduling
  • Equipment selection
  • Claims processing
  • Rate auditing

Key Supply Chain Activities
  • Inventory management
  • Raw materials and finished goods stocking
  • Short-term sales forecasting
  • Product mix at stocking points
  • Number, size, and location of stocking points
  • Just-in-time, push, and pull strategies
  • Information flows and order processing
  • Sales order-inventory interface procedures
  • Order information transmittal methods
  • Ordering rules
  • Cooperate with production/operations to
  • Specify aggregate quantities
  • Sequence and time production output

Supply Chain Support Activities
  • Warehousing
  • Space determination
  • Stock layout and dock design
  • Warehouse configuration
  • Stock placement
  • Materials handling
  • Equipment selection
  • Equipment replacement policies
  • Order-picking procedures
  • Stock storage and retrieval

Supply Chain Support Activities
  • Purchasing
  • Supply source selection
  • Purchase timing
  • Purchase quantities
  • Protective package design for
  • Handling
  • Storage
  • Protection from loss and damage
  • Information maintenance
  • Information collection, storage, and manipulation
  • Data analysis
  • Control procedures

Additional Factors to Consider
  • Product design for manufacture and distribution,
    i.e., the constraints that product
    characteristics place on ease of manufacture and
  • Product mix from a marketing standpoint, i.e.,
    which products the chain will carry.

Evolution of Logistics
  • Pre-1950 Dormant years
  • 1950-1970 Development Years
  • Shift in consumer attitude and demand pattern
  • Cost pressure in industry
  • Improvement in computer technology
  • Experience of military logistics
  • 1970-1980 The Take-off Years
  • 1980- Vital importance
  • Costs
  • Supply and Distribution Lines are Lengthening
    (Toyota example)
  • Logistics is Important to Strategy(Benetton
  • Customers Increasingly Want Quick Customized
  • Logistics in Non-manufacturing Areas(Service
    industry,Military etc.)

Logistics Strategy and Planning
  • Three objectives of logistics strategy
  • Cost reduction (variable costs)
  • Capital reduction (investment, fixed costs)
  • Service Improvement (may be at odds with the
    above two objectives).
  • Primary Logistics Planning Areasi
  • Short term(operational level)
  • How to load trucks for delivery
  • How much stock to allocate to each warehouse from
    a current production run
  • Vehicle routing, vehichle scheduling
  • example(dispatching the trucks Sweep algorithm)
  • Tactical level
  • purchasing, production decisions, inventory
    policies, transportation strategies including the
    frequency with which the customers are visited
  • Long term(Strategic level)
  • Facility location
  • Example(warehouse territory definition landed
    cost method)
  • Specification of the customer service standards

An Example to Operational PlanTSP Formulation
  • Minimize
  • Subject to

Coincident Origin and Destination The TSP
  • Often firms maintain one or more warehouses which
    stock goods and make periodic deliveries to
    customers. The firm maintains a fleet of
    vehicles at the warehouse and when customers
    require delivery the vehicle transports the goods
    to one or more customers and returns to the
  • If vehicle must travel to one customer and back,
    problem reduces to finding shortest path to the
    customer. If vehicle must deliver to two
    customers, then we only have two points to visit
    and the problem reduces to finding the shortest
    path to customer 1, finding the shortest path
    between customers 1 and 2, and then finding the
    shortest path between customer 2 and our depot
    (we assume that distances are symmetric).

Coincident Origin and Destination The TSP
  • If, however, the vehicle must deliver to more
    than two customers, we must decide the order in
    which we will visit those customers so as to
    minimize the total cost of making the delivery.
  • We first suppose that any time that we make a
    delivery to customers we are able to make use of
    only a single vehicle, i.e., that vehicle
    capacity is not an issue. We need to dispatch a
    single vehicle from our depot to n - 1 customers,
    with the vehicle returning to the depot following
    delivery. This is the well-known Traveling
    Salesman Problem (TSP). The TSP has been well
    studied and solved for problem instances
    involving thousands of nodes. We can formulate
    the TSP as follows

TSP Formulation
  • In the TSP formulation if we remove the third
    constraint we have the simple assignment problem,
    which can be easily solved.
  • The addition of the third constraint set,
    commonly called subtour elimination constraints,
    makes this a very difficult problem to solve.
  • The subtour elimination constraints state the
    following take any strict subset U of the nodes
    in the network (where the depot and each customer
    represent a node) and let E(U) denote the set of
    all arcs with both ends touching nodes in the set
    U. If we sum over all of the arc flow variables
    corresponding to the arcs in E(U), their sum
    cannot exceed one less than the number of nodes
    in the set U (U denotes the number of nodes in
    the set U) or we have a subtour.

Questions about the TSP
  • Given a problem with n nodes, how many distinct
    feasible tours exist?
  • How many arcs will the network have?
  • How many xij variables will we have?
  • How could we quantify the number of subtour
    elimination constraints?
  • The complexity of the TSP has led to heuristic or
    approximate methods for finding good feasible
    solutions. The simplest solution is that of the
    nearest neighbor.
  • Begin at the depot and calculate the distance to
    each of the remaining n 1 nodes. Select the
    closest node as the one you visit immediately
    after leaving the depot. Call this node 1. Next
    determine the distance from node 1 to each of the
    remaining n 2 nodes, and visit the node that
    minimizes this distance immediately following
    your visit to node 1. Continue choosing the
    nearest neighbor until the only remaining
    choice is to return to the depot.

6 City TSP Network
Illustration of subtours
TSP Heuristics
  • The sweep heuristic will perform much better in
    the worst case then the nearest neighbor. The
    sweep heuristic basically attempts to make an
    outer loop around the nodes.
  • To implement the sweep heuristic we need to
    create a map of the nodes we will visit. Then
    draw a straight line emanating from the depot
    (the direction of the line is not important).
    Next visualize the line as sweeping either
    clockwise or counter-clockwise through a circle
    of radius r. Each time the radius line
    intersects a customer location make that customer
    the next customer on the route. If we have ties,
    implement a tie breaking rule, such as that of
    first visiting the customer that is closest to
    the previous customer on the route.

Illustration of VRP
Sweep Heuristic
Single Depot, Multiple Destinations, Vehicle
  • When the depot contains many vehicles and vehicle
    capacity constraints come into play, the problem
    becomes even more complex.
  • If each customer has enough demand to receive a
    full truckload the problem is easy and we simply
    use the shortest path to get the single truck to
    each customer. Otherwise, we must decide which
    customers will receive deliveries from the same
    truck, and then decide how to route the trucks to
    the customers on the route.
  • We will look at a mixed-integer programming
    formulation of the Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP).

The Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP)
  • VRP generalizes the TSP since we have K capacity
    constrained (homogeneous) vehicles at a depot,
    each of which must visit a subset of the n - 1
    customers once and return to the depot. No two
    vehicles may visit the same customer.
  • This means that each vehicle must complete a
    Hamiltonian tour (a Hamiltonian tour is a
    feasible TSP solution). The objective is to
    determine the minimum travel cost required to
    serve all customers. Let A denote the set of
    pairs of cities, and let k index trucks, each
    with capacity u. Assume that customer i has
    demand equal to di.
  • In this formulation we require two types of
    variables, one set that tells us if we use a link
    (xij, as before) and another set that assigns a
    truck to a link if we use the link . We
    formulate the VRP as follows (node 1 is the

VRP Formulation
  • Minimize
  • Subject to (i, j) ? A (V1)
  • i 2, .., n, (V2)
  • j 2, , n, (V3)
  • (V4)
  • k 1, , K, (V5)
  • subsets U of 2, 3, , n, (V6)
  • xij ? 0, 1 (i, j) ? A,
  • (i, j) ? A, k 1, , K.

VRP Formulation Comments
  • TSP is a special case of the VRP where we have a
    single vehicle with infinite capacity (K 1, u
  • Constraints (V1) force assigning a truck to link
    (i, j) if we use the link.
  • (V2) and (V3) force entering and leaving each
    city (customer) exactly once.
  • (V4) force entering and leaving the depot K times
    (once for each truck).
  • (V5) ensure that the demand of customers assigned
    to truck k does not exceed the truck capacity.
  • (V6) provide subtour elimination for any subtours
    not including the depot (note that the depot will
    be included in exactly K subtours in every
    feasible solution).

VRP Heuristic Principles
  • 1. Try to assign customers in close proximity to
    the same truck.
  • 2. Assign customers in close proximity (not on
    the same truck) to the same delivery day (to
    better manage capacity usage).
  • 3. Build routes beginning with the farthest
    delivery and cluster around this delivery first.
  • 4. Routes should form a teardrop pattern
    (similar to sweep heuristic for TSP).
  • 5. Allocate largest vehicles to routes before
    small vehicles.
  • 6. Plan pickups during deliveries, not after all
    deliveries have been made.
  • 7. Outliers are candidates for alternate means
    of transport.
  • 8. Avoid time windows if possible.

VRP Heuristics
  • Given the difficulties in solving the TSP, we
    cannot expect to have great success solving large
    VRP problems without heuristic approaches. We
    use several guiding principles in developing
    these heuristics.
  • Note that the above formulation does not consider
    additional practical restrictions such as limits
    on driver time, time window delivery
    restrictions, or return of goods from customers
    to the depot.

An Example To Strategic PlansWarehouse
Territory Definition
  • Warehouse Warehouse cost Transportation Cost
  • (/ton) Fixed((/ton) Variable(/
  • A 2.06 6.05 0.0050
  • B 1.1 2.86 0.0082
  • C 1.92 6.36 0.0042
  • D 2.38 5.76 0.0045
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