Applicatons of AI in finance - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Applicatons of AI in finance


Applicatons of AI in finance Amit Anshum Pratyush Siddharth – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Applicatons of AI in finance

Applicatons of AI in finance
  • Amit
  • Anshum
  • Pratyush
  • Siddharth

The AI view of money
  • ''Money is just a type of information, a pattern
    that, once digitized, becomes subject to
    persistent programmatic hacking by the
    mathematically skilled. As the information of
    money swishes around the planet, it leaves in its
    wake a history of its flow, and if any of that
    complex flow can be anticipated, then the hacker
    who cracks the pattern will become a rich
    hacker." -- from Cracking Wall Street

Why Computers?
  • Computers can process lot more information per
    unit time than we can, without getting tired
  • Computers can recognize patterns in data easily
  • Computers can do calculations for you, so that
    you can work at a higher level of abstraction
  • You don't have to pay a computer on an yearly

Areas where AI is applied
  • Financial Data mining
  • Arbitrage Opportunities
  • Hedging and Trading Strategies
  • Financial Time Series Forecasting
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Fraud Detection

  • Arbitrage is an investment, where there is no
    chance of loss in any case (state), and a
    positive cash inflow in atleast one case.
  • Liquid market Minimal Arbitrage opportunities
  • For example In India 1 Euro 65Rs, 1 50 Rs
  • In US 1 Euro 1.5
  • Purchase Euros from India, sell them in US to get
    , sell them back in India. Sure Profit!!

How can we make MONEY
  • Arbitrage opportunities are mostly present after
    following a long chain of relationships
  • In an efficient market, arbitrage opportunities
    exist for very small periods of time
  • Can be taken advantage of, using fast computers,
    and launching automatic trades

Statistical Arbitrage -- Casinos
  • The arbitrage opportunity, which are true in
    expectations, i.e. In the long run, repeating a
    trading strategy
  • In financial markets, wherever statistical
    arbitrage is used, it involves hundreds and
    thousands of transactions of various securities
    over short holding periods, days to seconds.
  • Clearly, we need intelligent systems to gain from

Online Auctions
  • Various bidding strategies possible Bid shading,
    Chandelier binding
  • Data needs to be processed on the fly
  • Complicated models to select a good Opening Bid
  • Probabalistic models
  • Need for intelligent systems
  • False-name bids possible Leveled division set

Genetic Algorithms for our aid
  • Genetic Algorithms Good for optimization
  • Provide quick acceptable solution
  • Particularly good for noisy and discontinuous
    functions appearing so frequently in market
    modelling and asset allocation
  • Also very good for combinatorial optimisation

Genetic Algorithms
  • GAs work with a population of individuals
  • Fitness Score of Individuals
  • Fit individuals are given opportunities to
    reproduce by cross breeding. Least fit members
    die out
  • A well designed GA, converged to optimal solution
    of the problem

Genetic Algorithms Method Overview
  • Evaluation Function Provides a measure of
    performance wrt the set of parameters
  • Fitness Fuction Provides a relative measure of
    fitness using the evaluation function. Generally
    it is the ratio of my evaluation function to the
    avg of evaluation function
  • Each individual gets to place number of copies in
    the population depending upon the ratio. Higher
    your ratio, more you represent.

Genetic Algorithms Method Overview
  • Recombination MutationTake any two parent
    strings, choose a 1 point crossover. Swap the
    strings on either side mutate with some low
  • The recombination probabilities depend on the
    type of coding which you choose for the problem.
  • Mutation is done so that no point in the search
    space has zero probability of being examined.

AI in Financial Data Mining and Manufacturing
  • What is the role of AI in data mining?
  • What is the nature of its contribution towards
  • What is the role of an intelligent machines in

AI in Data Mining
  • Data mining is the process of extracting hidden
    patterns and useful knowledge from a set of raw
  • Computers come into picture when the data is too
    large to be analysed manually and when greater
    speed and accuracy is required.
  • Modern computers have largely enhanced data
    mining by use of sophisticated tools and complex
    algorithms. An important part of this is
    performing complex calculations in feasible time.

Automated data mining in Finance
  • The need for data mining in finance arises due to
    the following (and many others)
  • Benefit from short-term subtle patterns.
  • Read the impact of market players on market
  • Make coordinated multi resolution forecast
    (minutes,days,weeks,months,and years).

AI in manufacturing
  • AI provides the edge required to stay in
    competition in today's highly competitive market.
  • On the factory floor, Artificial Intelligence
    will enable machines of automated reasoning thus
    providing solutions to manufacturing problems
    during the production process.
  • Automatic scheduling of manufacturing operations
    helps in better utilization of resources.

Practical applications of AI in manufacturing.
  • Nissan and Toyota, for example, are modeling
    material flow throughout the production floor
    that a manufacturing execution system applies
    rules to in sequencing and coordinating
    manufacturing operations.
  • Many automotive plants use rules-based
    technologies to optimize the flow of parts
    through a paint cell based on colors and
    sequencing, thus minimizing spray-paint

Benefits of AI in Manufacturing
  • Production Scheduling
  • Advanced Planning and Scheduling
  • Production Reporting
  • Inventory Management
  • Accounting
  • Capacity Planning
  • Materials Requirements Planning
  • Process Control.

How AI has fared so far
  • Abundance of data in financial market and
    diversity of the requirements provide a suitable
    environment for testing the data mining
    techniques and models.
  • Since 1990 there has been a huge revolution in
    application of AI in business and
    manufacturing.AI has become a mainstream
    phenomenon and has largely benefited those who
    have adopted it.

Fraud detection
  • Fraud cases has a severe impact on company profit
    and reputation.
  • Number of fraud cases are increasing day by day.
  • Fraud detection might need to be done at real
    time,For exampleConsider the case of credit card
    company.In this case fraud must be detected while
    transaction going on.

Expert system in fraud detection.
  • Although a given case may look legal,Experienced
    expert may tell that it is the case of fraud
  • We can Extract the experience of the expert and
    put them into the system.

Rule Based Expert System
  • Rule Based Expert System work on set of rules
    given to it(fraud rule),Based on experts
  • For exampleIf pin for ATM card is entered
    wrongly for more than three times,An expert
    system might detect the possibility of fraud.

Share and Confidence of Rule
  • We define the share of fraud rule as the
    percentage of fraud cases which is covered by the
  • Share of fraud rule does say about acurracy of
    the rule.

Confidence of fraud rule
  • Some non-fraud cases may also be flagged as a
    case of fraud,which may lead to wrong diagnosis.
  • We define the confidence of the fraud rule
    asnumber of misused cases covered by the
    rule/total number of cases covered by the rule
  • More confidence means greater accuracy and less
    false alarm.

Problem with rule based System
  • Number of rules increases substantially over the
    years,slowing the process of fault detection
  • Rules valid few years ago might not be valid now
    or may be of very little use,Which might still be
    there in the system.

Fraud Detection using neural Networks
  • fraud detection in many operation falls neatly in
    principle within the scope of pattern recognition
    procedures.Hence neural network as fraud
    detection technique is a good option
  • Neural Networks can even detect new types of fraud

Problems with Neural Networks
  • Number of fraud cases as compared to legal cases
    is very low.
  • Difficult to collect data and training set for
    the network.
  • Data set are given in different ratio of fraud
    cases to legal cases,then it occur in practice.
  • neural network will start flagging legal cases
    as the case of fraud

Market Forecasting
  • What is forecasting?
  • Need for forecasting?
  • What is the role of AI in forecasting?
  • Applications of forecasting in various domain
  • What all things Intelligent System still cant

Need for forecasting
  • High incentives
  • Strategic decision and Policy making
  • Manage risk
  • Capture the dynamics of market and complex
    patterns in data

Where does AI fit in?
  • Sum up the experience of seasoned investor
  • Indicators for different phases of business life
  • Recession ?consolidation/ fiscal
    recovery ? growth ? fiscal decline
  • Efficient market hypothesis
  • Different methods of forecast eg. GARCH, ARCH,
    ARIMA, Neural Networks.

Flow Diagram and basic model of Neural Network
Data Collection
Data Preprocessing
Extract Test Data Set
Select Network Architecture
Result Analysis
Uses of Intelligent System
  • Manage Risk eg. Currency market average daily
    turnover is 3.2 trillion as reported in April
  • Building up portfolio eg. Hedge funds, mutual
    funds, fund managers use intelligent system to
    build up portfolio from different asset classes.
  • Forecast future returns.
  • Analyze risk-reward ratio.
  • Trend analysis and pattern recognition.
  • Trading strategies and economic indicators
    eg.Projecting Inflation and GDP figures.

What all things Intelligent Systems still cant
  • Market sentiments eg. War situations, natural
    calamities etc.
  • Emotional attachment to an investment. eg. Gold
    in india people are attached.
  • Market reaction to scams and scandals eg. Satyam

Questions and Answers
(No Transcript)
  •  Data Mining For Financial Applications.  Boris
    Kovalerchuk , Central Washington University USA
    Evgenii Vityaev , Institute of Mathematics
    Russian Academy of Sciences Russia
  • Artificial Intelligence in  Manufacturing -
    improving the bottom line. Dawn Tupciauskas,
    Tuppas Software Corporation ,2008.
  • Financial forecasting using neural networks, Ed.
    Gately 1996.

  • Genetic algorithms overview, Franco Busset.
  • Wikipedia for most of the other references.
  • R. Brause, T. Langsdorf, M.Hepp Neural Data
    Mining for Credit Card Fraud Detection,IEEE Int.
    Conf on Tools with Art. Intell. ICTAI-99, IEEE
    Press 1999, pp.103-106
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