International Conference on Services and Equipment for the Russian Oil and Gas Industry - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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International Conference on Services and Equipment for the Russian Oil and Gas Industry


Nuts and Bolts: Legal Aspects of Oilfield Services in Russia by Shane R. DeBeer, Partner Chadbourne & Parke LLP International Conference on Services and Equipment – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: International Conference on Services and Equipment for the Russian Oil and Gas Industry

Nuts and Bolts Legal Aspects of Oilfield
Services in Russia
by Shane R. DeBeer, Partner Chadbourne Parke
  • International Conference on Services and
    Equipment for the Russian Oil and Gas Industry
  • December 2, 2003Moscow

  • As we have heard earlier today, Russia is one of
    the largest markets in the world for oilfield
    equipment and services, and still growing. But
    sponsors and contractors alike face legal
    challenges on any project in Russia.
  • What do Sponsors and Contractors need to know
    about the legal environment in Russia?
  • How to Structure the Business or Deal
  • How to Operate Legally
  • What to Do if Disputes Occur

A. How to Structure the Business or Deal
  • Does a foreign contractor need to form a Russian
    legal entity or a Representative Office?
  • If a foreign company plans on bringing a
    significant amount of equipment or cash into
    Russia to pursue its business, it should consider
    setting up a legal entity.
  • The foreign company can set up a Russian company
  • Equipment or cash can be contributed as charter
    capital to the newly formed Russian company free
    of VAT
  • If cash is contributed, it can be used to
    purchase or manufacture equipment in Russia

How to Structure the Business or Deal(contd)
  • But the rules on contributions to charter capital
    are complicated and restrictive
  • The Russian company can be set up by the foreign
    company alone or together with a Russian partner
  • A Russian partner may be necessary for a foreign
    company that seeks business in Russian content
    restricted work, such as certain PSAs.
  • A Russian legal entity provides another layer of
    limitation of liability.
  • If a foreign company is largely in the business
    of selling equipment (or in a few situations
    services) outside Russia (to Russian buyers), a
    Representative Office is a better option.
  • A Representative Office is not a separate legal
    entity. Instead, it is the face (including
    eyes and ears) of a foreign company in Russia.

How to Structure the Business or Deal(contd)
  • Where a foreign company sells equipment, (or
    certain services) outside Russia, the
    Representative Office merely provides information
    and support.
  • The Representative Office cannot sign contracts
    in its own name it is the foreign company
    itself that has the capacity to enter into
  • This method is advantageous to a foreign seller
    because sales can be made in convertible
    currency, and the Russian buyer must deal with
    customs and other import formalities.
  • But even information and support can lead to a
    permanent establishment (as I shall discuss
    shortly), and a Representative Office must
    register with the Tax Inspectorate even if it is
    not liable (or thinks it is not liable) for
    Russian taxes.

How to Structure the Business or Deal(contd)
  • What is a Permanent Establishment?
  • A permanent establishment of a foreign company
    for tax purposes is a branch office,
    representative office, department, office,
    bureau, agency, or any other separate division or
    any other place of activity, through which the
    foreign company conducts, on a regular basis,
    activity within Russia, relating to
  • use of subsoil and/or other natural resources
  • carrying out construction, installation,
    maintenance and exploitation of equipment
  • sale of goods from warehouses located in Russia
    and owned or leased by the foreign company
  • rendering services in Russia, and certain other

How to Structure the Business or Deal(contd)
  • Under Russian tax law, a separate division is any
    division, territorially separated from the head
    office, with stationary work places. The
    authority or competence of this division, or the
    mention of or silence on such division in the
    foundation documents of the foreign company, is
    irrelevant for tax purposes. Work places are
    deemed stationary when they are created for a
    period of more than one month.
  • The activity of other persons (natural persons or
    legal entities), acting in the name and on behalf
    of the foreign company, authorized to enter into
    agreements in the name of the foreign company or
    negotiate the substantive provisions of such
    agreements, where those persons exercise that
    authority on a regular basis, may be grounds for
    permanent tax establishment.

How to Structure the Business or Deal(contd)
  • No permanent establishment. Examples include
  • A foreign company involved in importing goods
    into Russia would not in itself be grounds for a
    permanent establishment. However, a permanent
    establishment would nevertheless be found if the
    activity has any features of the "catch-all"
    definition above.
  • Pure secondment agreements, which do not provide
    for any other services except for the secondment
    services (and with some other conditions), are
    not grounds for permanent tax establishment.

How to Structure the Business or Deal(contd)
  • Leasing
  • Equipment can also be supplied to Russian oil
    and gas projects via a cross-border
    (international) lease or a domestic lease.
  • An international lease would be covered by the
    UNIDROIT Convention.
  • Domestic leasing under the Russian Law on
  • International leasing is not widespread, largely
    because of enforcement/repossession issues.
  • Domestic leasing is now simpler and more
    flexible, and most important for the lessor it
    expressly permits the seizure of leased assets.
  • Domestic leasing provides certain tax benefits,
    but it is still subject to VAT.

B. How to Operate Legally
  • Counterparty to the Contract
  • Even if a company other than the licensee in an
    oilfield is financing operations, the contractor
    will often need to enter into the service/supply
    contract with the licensee, due to the licensees
    rights to the development site. Also, the terms
    of the license may establish special rules on
    using contractors for the licensee.

B. How to Operate Legally (contd)
  • Licensing Issues
  • Licensing Requirements for Service and
    Engineering Companies
  • Russian law imposes licensing requirements for a
    variety of activities relating to oilfield
  • The Law "On Underground Resources" (the
    "Underground Resources Law"), imposes licensing
    requirements for certain types of activity,
  • regional geological studies, including regional
    geological and geophysical work
  • geological surveys and site surveys
  • geological studies, including exploration and
    estimates of mineral deposits
  • construction and operation of underground
    facilities other than for the extraction of
    mineral resources.

B. How to Operate Legally (contd)
  • Also, Article 24 of the Underground Resources
    Law provides that all work involving dangerous
    conditions in the course of using underground
    resources must be carried out on the basis of a
    separate license for the particular dangerous
  • The Law "On Licensing of Certain Types of
    Activities" mandates a license for a variety of
    other activities including
  • mine surveys
  • geodesic (land-surveying) activity
  • map-making
  • the use oil and gas production equipment,
    including servicing of oil and gas drilling
  • the use of flammable, hazardous or explosive
    industrial equipment and the use or storage of
    explosive industrial materials.

B. How to Operate Legally (contd)
  • Status of Geological Information
  • Under Russian law, geological information is
    accorded a special status.
  • Underground Resources Law
  • Article 27 of the Underground Resources Law
    mandates that information on the geological
    structure of a subsurface deposit, its reserves,
    its development conditions, as well as other
    characteristics of the deposit included in
    geological reports and other materials may only
    be owned either by the state or by the licensed
    user of underground resources.
  • Geological information is presumed to be owned
    by the state. However, if geological and other
    information on the deposit was obtained by the
    licensed user of underground resources and paid
    for with the licensed user's own funds, it is
    treated as the property of the licensed user.

B. How to Operate Legally (contd)
  • Such information must be reported to the
    appropriate government agencies, including the
    federal and territorial geological information
    funds. Commercial and other use of such
    information must be coordinated with the
    appropriate governmental agencies.
  • Law on State Secrets
  • Under the RF Law "On State Secrets", certain
    geological information is considered a state
    secret and is subject to a confidentiality
  • Additionally, according to Article 8 of the
    Russian Law "On Participation in International
    Informational Exchanges", the export of
    confidential information is allowed only in cases
    expressly provided by the Russia Government. The
    owner of such confidential information (e.g., the
    operator) or its users (e.g., the shareholders of
    the operator) may have access to the documents
    containing geological confidential information
    only within Russia.

B. How to Operate Legally (contd)
  • PSA Law
  • Under the Law On Production Sharing Agreements
    (the PSA Law), there are similar provisions on
    confidentiality. The PSA Law designates all raw
    geological, geophysical, geochemical and other
    data, data on its interpretation and derived data
    as well as rock samples, including core and
    reservoir fluids obtained by the investor as a
    result of PSA operations as State property.

B. How to Operate Legally (contd)
  • An investor has the right to freely and
    gratuitously use the information, data, and
    samples for the purposes of operations under the
    PSA, but subject to the confidentiality
    provisions of the PSA. The procedure for the use
    of such information, data and samples as well as
    the procedure for the export of such information,
    etc., outside Russia is spelled out in the PSA,
    in accordance with Russian law.
  • Also, the underground resources license itself
    may limit the ability to use geological

B. How to Operate Legally (contd)
  • Oilfield Activities License
  • Any services related to the operation of
    hydrocarbon production facilities require a
    special license Oilfield Activities License
    which is issued by Gosgortechnadzor.
  • Gosgortechnadzor issues Oilfield Activities
    Licenses for a term of 5 years, and they are
    generally renewable.
  • Gosgortechnadzor must issue a license within 60
    days of receiving a complete and accurate
    application with all supporting documentation.

B. How to Operate Legally (contd)
  • Other Licenses and Permits
  • Depending on the Services provided, other
    licenses and permits may be needed
  • Licenses for exploitation of hazardous objects
    (pipelines, refining equipment, etc.)
  • Licenses for the exploitation of oil gas
    production facilities
  • Licenses for processing, storage and
    transportation through trunk pipelines of oil,
    gas and related products
  • Approval of design and feasibility studies, pilot
    projects and development plans. Approvals for
    construction of any facilities on site

B. How to Operate Legally (contd)
  • Licensing Rules and Related Issues
  • Liability for Failure to Comply with Licensing
  • Fines and restrictions may be imposed and/or
    licenses may be suspended, amended, or terminated
    if a licensee fails to
  • Comply with license requirements (such as
    stipulated levels of oil gas extraction in the
    case of production licenses). Oilfield
    Activities Licenses can also be suspended or
    terminated for non-compliance.

B. How to Operate Legally (contd)
  • Make timely payments of levies and taxes for
    subsoil use
  • Provide geological information to the relevant
  • Meet other reporting requirements

B. How to Operate Legally (contd)
  • Environmental, and health and safety issues
  • Environmental impact assessment must be made
    prior to implementation of a project related to
    the use of natural resources this is generally
    the Operators responsibility.
  • Obtaining operational licenses and permits
    usually authorize the discharge of pollutants
    into the air, water and soil under a
    "pay-to-pollute" regime. If such discharge
    exceeds permissible levels, the company is
    subject to fines calculated as a multiple of the
    original "fee" set for the discharge of

B. How to Operate Legally (contd)
  • Russian environmental legislation consists of
    numerous federal and regional regulations which
    quite often contradict one another and cannot be
    consistently interpreted. As a result, full
    environmental compliance may not always be
  • Nothing like CERCLA or Superfund in Russia
  • Often only small penalties applied
  • It is a good idea to check for any existing court
    cases or documents concerning administrative
    proceedings. Contractors should pay special
    attention to the use of any hazardous substances
    (e.g., asbestos)

B. How to Operate Legally (contd)
  • Work Permits
  • Who needs to obtain a work permit?
  • All foreign citizens who satisfy the following
  • are employed in Russia, or
  • have contractual obligations to perform work in
    Russia, or
  • are seconded to perform work in Russia.
  • Who does not need a work permit?
  • In particular, the following individuals
  • permanent or a temporary resident of Russia, or
  • employees of foreign companies (producers or
    suppliers) installing or servicing technical
    equipment imported into Russia.

B. How to Operate Legally (contd)
  • What is the procedure for obtaining work permits?
  • The following procedure is set forth by the
    Russian Law "On the Legal Status of Foreign
    Citizens in the Russian Federation"
  • an employer must obtain approval from the local
    State Employment Service Office,
  • an employer must obtain the recruitment permit
    applicable to all foreign citizens to be employed
    in Russia, issued by the local department of the
    Ministry of Internal Affairs,
  • an employer must obtain an entry invitation for
    each foreign citizen, issued by the local
    department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs,

B. How to Operate Legally (contd)
  • an employer must obtain a work permit for each
    foreign citizen, issued by the local department
    of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the whole
    procedure usually takes 6-12 weeks,
  • the total State duty to be paid
  • 3,000 Rubles (approximately US 94.50) for the
    recruitment permit,
  • 200 Rubles (approximately US 6.50) for each
    entry invitation, and
  • 1,000 Rubles (approximately US 31.50) for each
    work permit.
  • costs for services of third parties to facilitate
    the process generally vary from US 1,500 to US

B. How to Operate Legally (contd)
  • Practical Note "Unofficial Guidelines"
  • A non-resident who spends more than 30 days in
    total within a period of one year in Russia on
    business trips must obtain a work permit, if the
    relationship between a foreigner and a Russian
    legal entity could be qualified
    as employment-related or contractual (including
    secondment) in nature. 

C. What to Do if Disputes Occur
  • Courts versus Arbitration
  • Russia is a signatory to the New York Convention
    on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign
    Arbitral Awards (1958), but not a signatory to
    the Hague Convention on the Recognition and
    Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Civil and
    Commercial Matters (1971).
  • Russia does have bilateral treaties on the
    enforcement of judicial decisions with a limited
    number of countries (mostly former socialist
  • As a result, a judgment from a foreign arbitral
    tribunal (UNCITRAL, LCIA in London, AAA in New
    York) can be enforced against a Russian party in
    Russia, but a Russian court is not required to
    enforce a decision of a foreign court against a
    Russian party in Russia.

C. What to Do if Disputes Occur (contd)
  • What about Russian courts? A foreign company
    doing business in Russia can certainly bring a
    lawsuit against a Russian party in a Russian
    court (unless a contract between the parties
    provides otherwise).
  • Note the arbitrage (misnomer they are judicial)
    courts specialized to deal with commercial
  • What about corruption in Russian courts? Of
    course it exists (indeed President Putin recently
    formed a new federal agency to deal with it), but
    it is incorrect to automatically assume it in
    every case.

C. What to Do if Disputes Occur (contd)
  • Chadbourne Parke has a litigation practice in
    Russia, and we have won many cases even where the
    other party may be suspected of corruption.
  • If the corruption takes the form of a judicial
    error (as it often must for a clearly breaching
    party to win), these errors can be appealed and
    overruled in appeals or cassation courts.

  • Thank you!
  • Shane R. DeBeer
  • Chadbourne Parke LLP
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