Title: Nationwide DGPS Project Status
1Nationwide DGPS Project Status
2NAVCEN Mission Statement
- The Coast Guard Navigation Center promotes safe,
secure, and efficient transportation on United
States waterways by providing - Operational and technical support for electronic
navigation systems - Quality positioning, navigation and timing
signals LORAN NDGPS DGPS NAIS - Accurate and timely waterways information
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4Maritime / Nationwide DGPS
- Currently 86 operational sites
- USCG NAVCEN is the Operational Control for all
sites. - Newly commissioned Maritime Information
Operations Center (MIOC) - Nationwide DGPS Partnership
- USCG Maritime ? 39 sites
- Dept of Transportation ? 38 sites
- U. S. Army Corps of Engineers ? 9 sites
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6USCG Maritime Coverage
- USCG funds maintains 39 sites.
- - Maritime navigation and ATON Positioning
7U. S. Army Corps Coverage
- US Army Corps of Engineers funds maintains 9
sites. -
- - Inland Waterway Coverage
- - ATON, Navigation, Underwater Surveying
Dredging -
Slide 7
8DOT Funded Coverage
- US Dept of Transportation funds 38 sites which
are operated maintained by the USCG and
contract support. - Precision Agriculture, Intelligent Transportation
Systems, Positive Train Control.
Slide 8
9Nationwide DGPS
Coverage Planning Verification
10N/DGPS Project Status Report
11Nationwide Single Coverage Goal
Sites Required for the 98 Single Coverage Goal
- Sage Junction, ID (New Build)
- Marshall, TX (New Build)
- Big Lake, TX (New Build)
- Patten, ME (New Build)
- St. Mary's, WV (New Build)
- Bliss, ID (New Build)
- Tucson, AZ (New Build)
- Carlsbad, NM (New Build)
12Sites Required for the 98 Single Coverage Goal
13NDGPS Coverage
98 Coverage
14- Prepping a Site
- Find a Candidate Property
- Conduct a Site Assessment
- Complete an Environmental Investigation under the
guidelines of the Programmatic EA (FONSI) - Complete a Real Property Survey - Includes Soil
Boring Samples - Complete the Installation Design Plan
- Complete the Property Use Agreement
15(No Transcript)
16NDGPS FY08 Progress
- Bliss, ID (AKA Gooding New Build)
- Site Assessment Completed
- Property Survey (Scheduled for June 16th-20th
Completed!) - SF299 RP Document In Progress By USCG (BLM
Property) - EA Underway Through FHWA
- IDP (Scheduled for June 9 w/Property Survey
Completed!) - Tucson, AZ (New Build)
- Site Assessment Completed
- Property Survey Completed
- SF299 RP Document In Progress By USCG (BLM
Property) - EA Underway Through FHWA Pending Biological
Evaluation PW - Public workshop (Scheduled for May 22nd
Completed!) - IDP (90 Complete Pending Results Of The EA)
17NDGPS FY08 Progress
- Carlsbad, NM (New Build)
- Site Assessment Completed
- Property Survey Completed
- SF299 RP Document In Progress By USCG (BLM
Property) - EA Underway Through FHWA Pending Public Workshop
- IDP Package Completed
- Additional Items
- Archaeological Survey letters sent to Native
American tribes on 25 Jan 08. - Public workshop (Scheduled for May 20th
18NDGPS FY08 Progress
- Sage Junction, ID (AKA Idaho Falls New Build)
- Site Assessment Completed
- Property Survey (Scheduled for June 9th-13th
Completed!) - Lease Negotiations Pending
- EA (Scheduled to commence w/Property Survey)
- IDP Pending Results Of The EA
- St Marys, WV (New Build)
- All Preparations Completed
- Site Ready For Construction (Scheduled for AUG
11th- SEP 26th) - SOVT (Scheduled for SEP 29th OCT 3rd )
19NDGPS FY08 Progress
- Marshall, TX (New Build)
- Site Assessment Completed
- Property Survey Completed
- EA Completed (FONSI signed on 17-Jun-08 and
received by CG) - IDP Completed
- Lease Negotiations Pending
- Big Lake, TX (New Build)
- Site Assessment Completed
- Property Survey Completed
- EA is Underway Through the FHWA
- IDP Completed
- Lease Negotiations Pending Results of the EA
20NDGPS FY08 Progress
- Georgetown, TX (New Build)
- Site Assessment Completed
- Property Survey Completed
- EA Completed
- IDP Completed
- Lease Negotiations Pending FOC Requirements
- Card Sound, FL (Miami Replacement New Build)
- All Preparations Completed Except Frame Relay
(FR) Circuit Delivery - NAVCEN Requesting Onsite Survey Through Provider
- Construction Is Pending SFWMD Permit (ETA Week
of June 12th Received) - Zoning Letter for
Class 4 Miami Dade County Permit
21Maritime DGPS Progress FY08
- Salinas, PR (New Build)
- Site Assessment Completed
- Property Survey Completed
- Interference Study (IS) Requested by USAF
(Pending) - EA Pending Commencement (IS)
- IDP Pending EA
- Lease Pending
- Eglin AFB, FL (Mobile Point Replacement New
Build) - Site Assessment Completed
- Property Survey Completed
- Interference Study (IS) Requested by USAF
- EA Pending Commencement (IS)
- IDP Pending EA
22Maritime DGPS Recap
- Upgraded Receivers Antennas L1/L2 (L2C)
Geodetic Grade - Accuracy is typically 1-3 meters (10 meters
published) - Much better accuracy has been observed from
prototype recap sites. - Testing is in progress to determine typical
accuracy measurements. - New system architecture is easier and less
expensive to upgrade as new technologies become
Slide 22
23Engineering Upgrades
INSTALL Driver, Virginia 31-Jan-2008 Greens
boro, North Carolina 14-Mar-2005 New Bern,
North Carolina 19-Feb-2008 Macon, Georgia
06-Apr-2005 Kensington, South Carolina
22-Feb-2008 Hudson Falls, New York
01-May-2008 Tampa, Florida
07-Mar-2008 Dandridge, Tennessee
08-May-2008 Aransas Pass, Texas
21-Mar-2008 Flagstaff, Arizona
04-Jun-2008 English Turn, Louisiana
18-Mar-2008 Albuquerque, New Mexico
10-Jun-2008 Angleton, Texas
03-Apr-2008 Moriches, New York
07-Apr-2008 Cape Canaveral, Florida
04-Mar-2008 Reedy Point, Delaware
29-Apr-2008 Lompoc, California
06-May-2008 Cape Mendocino, California
14-May-2008 Tamp, Florida
20-May-2008 Wisconsin Point, Wisconsin
18-Jun-2008 Gustavus, Alaska
18-Jun-2008 Biorka Island, Alaska
25-Jun-2008 Brunswick, ME
09-Jul-2008 Pickford, MI
24Card Sound, FL
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29LT Bion J. Holbrook Bion.J.Holbrook_at_uscg.mil 703-
350-7125 Cell 703-313-5939 Work
30Reference Information
31Federal Register Notice
- Federal Register Notice
- Comments due October 1, 2007
- Link from NAVCEN home page (http//www.navcen.uscg
.gov/Default.htm) - Link distributed via CGSIC mailing list
32A Bump On The Road
- FY06 Federal Railroad Administration (FRA)
Zeroed the FY07 NDGPS budget. - FRA Relinquishes Sponsorship of the NDGPS
Program. - FY07 Operating Expenses are Funded by FY06 Funds.
- RITA Becomes the Interim Sponsor.
- New construction of Sites were Halted!
- CG Lessons Learned Through Hurricane Katrina
(MDGPS) - Relocate Mobile Point, AL to Eglin AFB, FL
- Construct Card Sound, FL
- Look Into Redundancy In The Caribbean
33Possible FY09 Maritime DGPS