ICTs as a green technologies for Sustainable Development - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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ICTs as a green technologies for Sustainable Development


ICTs as a green technologies for Sustainable Development - ICT & Climate Change Policies and Actions- Koichi Fujinuma Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: ICTs as a green technologies for Sustainable Development

ICTs as a green technologies for Sustainable
Development - ICT Climate Change Policies and
Koichi Fujinuma Ministry of Internal Affairs and
Communications JAPAN
ITU Symposium on ICTs, the Environment and
Climate Change Accra, Ghana, 7-8 July 2011
Global Warming and ICT

? ICTs themselves produce CO2 emissions due to
consumption of electrical power to operate
equipment/systems. ? On the other hand, ICT usage
can contribute to a reduction in CO2 emissions
due to a marked improvement in the efficiency of
production, consumption and business, also that
of traffic alternatives, and a reduction in
traffic volume. ? It is possible to make
environmental measurements and predictions using
Improved energy efficiency
Improved efficiency of production and consumption
Supply chain management e-publication and
distribution Paperless office
ITS (Intensive control of ETC, VICS, and
traffic lights) BEMS (Building energy
management system) HEMS (Household energy
management system)
General households
Reduced movement of people and products
Environmental measurements and predictions
Production/ distribution/ transportation
Radar for measuring CO2 Sensing network
Global simulator
Online shopping, online trading Telework, TV
conferencing Music, video, and software
distribution e-applications (tax declarations,
online receipts)
Use of ICT
Contribute to tackling global warming issues by
promoting wider use of ICT
The Great East Japan Earthquake
Near-term electricity supply-demand forecast in
TEPCO areas
Source Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
Power Shortage in JAPAN
large-lot power users midsized and small
corporations and households ? cut electricity
use this summer by a uniform 15 percent from a
year ago
ICT related solutions Short-term
solution Telecommuting Visualization of energy
consumption Long-term solutionSmart
meter Renewable energy
Source Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
Japans Climate Policies and Actions (ICTCC
related Issues)
The New Growth Strategy (Cabinet decision)
(June, 2010)
Toward becoming the worlds top environment and
energy power through a comprehensive policy
package Japan will play a leading role in a
low-carbon society, having set a Japanese target
of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 25
percent by 2020 compared to the 1990 level this
target is premised on the creation of a fair and
effective international framework that includes
all major economies and an agreement on ambitious
targets by each of them. Under an initiative to
be known as Challenge 25, Japan will mobilize
all possible policy tools to advance this
initiative together with the Japanese people.
The New Strategy in Information and
Communications Technology (May, 2010)
?Goals for 2020 Smart grid network shall
become a common practice. We shall also see the
home and business sectors reducing CO2 emission
as the Information and communications
technology-aided zero-energy buildings becomes a
reality in typical new homes and in all new
public buildings.
MICs ICT Restoration Vision 2.0(April, 2010)
Build the infrastructure underlying a knowledge
and information-based society
? By around 2015, achieve 100 of New Broadband
Super Highway (all households use broadband
Maximize Japans potential
? Through the Japan x ICT strategy, achieve an
annual average potential growth rate of
approximately 2.6 over the next 10 years (2011
Make contributions internationally to help solve
problems facing the world
? Achieve CO2 emissions reductions of more than
10 from 1990 levels by 2020 through the ICT.
? Promote ICT green project
MICs ICT Green Project
  • Greening of the ICT system itself (Green of ICT)
  • Responding to increased power consumption
    by expanding usage of ICT systems (e.g., RD to
    conserve power in the overall system from carrier
    equipment to in-home equipment)
  • Greening of other fields through extensive use of
    ICT (Green by ICT)
  • E.g., formulation of communication
    standards for achieving early practical
    implementation of smart meters
  • Establishing best practices such as by
    demonstration testing to promote usage of ICT
  • International cooperation
  • Establishment of methodologies for
    evaluating GHG reductions by using ICTs and
    contribute to International Organizations.

Green by ICT
Green of ICT
Carrier data center
Reducing CO2 emissions at companies and homes by
using ICT and making power consumption more
Communication network
3) International cooperation (e.g.,
establishing techniques for evaluating
effectiveness in reducing CO2 emissions)
Reduction of CO2 emissions
Green-of-ICT RD on Green of ICT
Nationwide network of carriers
Reduce power usage through optimal control of
entire network by carriers
High-reliability, power-saving network control
technology to support cloud services
Control the number of routers used in accordance
with the traffic volume
Reduce power usage of large routers of carriers
Ultra high-speed optical edge node
Reduce power usage of general-purpose routers
High-speed, power-saving network node
Reduce power usage of ICT equipment in the home
Power-saving broadband set-up technology
Achieves power savings in entire ICT system from
carrier equipment to in-home equipment
Discovering new ICT technologies to reduce CO2
emissions through a competitive funding system
Office bldg.
Green-of-ICT Environmental Guidelines for the
ICT Field
Members of the Conference on Environmental
Guidelines for the ICT Field
Telecommunications Carriers Association
Communications and Information Network
Association of Japan Telecom Services
Association ASP and SaaS Industry
Consortium Japan Internet Providers Association
MIC participates as an observer.
Evaluation standards for equipment and data
  • (1) Equipment
  • Small routers L2 switches Transport
    equipment (WDM) PON equipment(GE-PON) Broadband
    base station equipment (WiMAX) External power
    supplies (AC adapters) Server equipment
  • An estimate based on evaluation indicators was
    determined on a 5 point scale, and the ranking
    was indicated by number of stars (?-?????). Of
    these, two stars (??) was taken to be the rank
    including the standard value.
  • (2) Data centers
  • For the moment, PUE? was adopted as one indicator
    of energy conservation at data centers.

PUE (Power Usage Effectiveness) Power
consumption of entire facility/Power consumption
of ICT
Self-evaluation checklist and Eco ICT Mark
  • Telecommunications carriers evaluate their own
    efforts to reduce CO2 emissions according to a
    checklist, and publish the efforts they are
  • If a company describes their specific efforts for
    all mandatory items, then they can use the Eco
    ICT Mark

Green of ICT Reducing the Environmental Impact
of Data Centers
As cloud technology and other forms of ICT
advance, data center usage is expected to rise
dramatically. This will be accompanied by
increased power consumption by data centers. Air
conditioning and power distribution account for
more than 50 of total data center power
consumption. Therefore, by holding down such
power consumption, it is possible to reduce the
power consumption of the entire data center. MIC
is working to establish standardized models by
conducting highly effective demonstration
Power supply facilities
Within IT devices
DC 300V or more
Commercial grid
Green-of-ICT Reducing power consumption in
the ICT field
In the BaU case (where no additional measures
are implemented), total power consumption in the
ICT field will rise sharply to over 51 million
tons (125.6 billion kWh) by 2020 due to increased
ICT usage. In the New Measures case, which
includes RD and demonstration experiments (such
as optical communication network technology),
ecological ICT equipment and data canters, and
promoting cloud computing , power consumption
could be cut back to under 30 million tons (72.3
billion kWh).
Communication 1057 broadcasting 199
(51.50 million t-CO2)
?No Action case New Measures case
Communication 570 broadcasting 180
53.3 billion kWh/yr(21.85 million t-CO2)
Communication 502 broadcasting 150
(29.66 million t-CO2)
Communication 573 broadcasting 150
Communication 440 broadcasting 157
CO2 emission base unit 0.41 kg-CO2/kWh
Green-by-ICT Efforts using ICT to reduce CO2
?Special Ubiquitous Area Project (Demonstration
of environmental home account book using
ASP/SaaS, and appliance state monitoring service
using PLC etc. ) ?Investigation and demonstration
of ITS systems for realizing a low-carbon
society ?Investigation and research on
next-generation telecommuting environments ?Demons
tration experiments on shared systems for
telecommuting Etc.
Smart grid
Green-by-ICT teleworking
Excerpt from A New Strategy in Information and
Communications Technology, IT Strategic
Headquarters, May 11, 2010
We shall advance the development of an
appropriate environment and public education to
help promote teleworking. Teleworking contributes
to prompting the aged and physically impaired to
engage with the world, creating employment
opportunities for persons of diverse employment
needs for example, women who are forced to stay
home to raise their children or to care for
someone and revitalizing local communities.
Timetable Reach 7 million home-based teleworkers
by 2015
Home-based teleworkers 3.27 million (2009)
Reference State of Telework Adoption in Japan
Teleworkers accounted for 15.3 percent of the
total labor force in 2009 (Telework Population
Survey 2009, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure,
Transport and Tourism)
Telework had been introduced at 19.0 percent of
private businesses in 2009 (Telecommunications
Usage Trend Survey 2009, Ministry of Internal
Affairs and Communications)
Have specific telework plans
Percentage of home-based teleworkers
Green-by-ICT Demonstration experiments of ICT
systems for Smart Community
To support the development of environmentally
friendly cities, this project will build and
demonstrate ICT system infrastructures suited to
local characteristics. The project will establish
technical standards for ICT equipments/services
necessary to reduce environmental loads, and
promote production of local power resources
(green energy, etc.) and optimization of
Data center
IPv6 net work
Wide area network

Data center
Neighborhood network
Data center
In-home network
Points to be demonstrated (Examples)
Verification of best approach for
management/protection of data in cloud system
Verification of network combination suited to
local characteristics
Establish necessary technical standards
Verification of security issues in cloud system
Radio frequency band available in local area
(white space)
List of Selected Projects (Regional Pilot
Projects promoting the standardization of
integrated network-based control systems
Projects constructing regional ICT system
infrastructure that mitigates environmental impact
Kurihara, Miyagi Prefecture (Tohoku University,
etc.) Constructed an ICT system to unify a region
where residences and urban functions are spread
over a broad area so that people can live in
harmony with the natural environment.
Rokkasho, Aomori Prefecture (Hirosaki
University, etc.) Constructed and demonstrated an
ICT system that measures electric power usage
with sensors in each home to make electricity
usage more efficient and optimal with the use of
a system that simulates demand forecasts within a
regional network cloud.
Goto, Nagasaki Prefecture (Keio University,
etc.) Centering on a port terminal building,
constructed a communication system that
integrated various existing but independently
standardized technologies (communication
networks, communication QoS, security,
information appliances, EV/ITS, smart grid).
Matsuyama, Ehime Prefecture (Kajima Corporation,
etc.) Verified technical specifications for home
communications in residential districts and
verified the potential for a unique Japanese
smart grid that targets multiple energy and
resource modalities, such as electricity, gas,
water, and automobiles.
Kitakyushu, Fukuoka Prefecture (NTT West Japan,
etc.) Confirmed the reliability and security of
communication networks for community-based
energy-management systems, made it possible to
visualize energy consumption, and verified the
contribution this made on lowering environmental
Kumamoto, Kumamoto Prefecture (Japanese Red
Cross Kumamoto Hospital, etc.) Constructed
specifications for the visualization of energy
consumption and data-based simulation of
forecasts of electric power usage in a local
community centered on a hospital. Also examined
and simulated regional energy storage data
systems and electric power transfer systems that
will be needed in the future.
Example 1. Pilot Project in Kurihara, Miyagi
Constructed an ICT system to unify a region where
residences and urban functions are spread over a
broad area so that people can live in harmony
with the natural environment
Emission Reduction (percentage) Contributing factors assumed in the calculation of CO2 emission reductions (percentage)
11.2 Monitoring of energy consumption by ICT systems Cloud (monitoring of energy consumption by buildings)
Kurihara was formed with the 2005 merger of nine
towns and one village
40 km (wider in the east-west direction than
Tokyos 23 wards)
  • Special characteristics
  • Residences and municipal offices (administrative
    functions) are spread over a broad area
  • Residents near Mt. Kurikoma and other regions are
    far from any municipal office

20 kam
Town hall
Municipal office
10 municipal offices (administrative functions)
are spread out in a 20-kilometer radius of the
main town hall
Tohoku Earthquake (March 11, 2011)magnitude 6
Kurikoma, Semine
Example 2. Pilot Project in Goto, Nagasaki
Project Overview Centering on a port terminal
building, constructed a communication system that
integrated various existing but independently
standardized technologies (communication
networks, communication QoS, security,
information appliances, EV/ITS, smart
grid). Project Results Created a best-practice
for reducing CO2 emissions within buildings
through network-based air conditioning
controls Developed an international standard for
a platform mechanism (a shared platform) that can
handle data conversions and integrated databases
between normally incompatible systems across many
different fields
Private communication network (IP-VPN)
Pilot Project Overview
Air conditioning on/off controls
HVAC control data
Electricity data
Devices outside climate-controlled rooms
University (remote location)
Input data RFID data on room entry/exit
Temperature and humidity data Room-comfort
survey data Predictive simulations ? Cut
buildings CO2 emissions by more than 10 percent
Shared platform
EV charging data
Resource manage-ment server
Environment sensor data (temperature, humidity,
lighting intensity, air flow)
Charging station
Solar power data
Lighting intensity sensor
Emission Reduction (percentage) Contributing factors assumed in the calculation of CO2 emission reductions (percentage)
15.8 Control of Air conditioning equipment in the Port terminal
Air-flow sensor
Temperature and humidity sensors
Solar panels
Fukue Port terminal building
Fukue Port parking lot
Example of Further Regional Deployments Based on
the Regional Pilot Projects Results
Full ICT utilization in the business sector
(i.e., BEMS, FEMS, and SCM)
HEMS and other regional energy network centers
networking regional systems
Solar power data
Housing complex cloud center
Lighting controls HVAC data/controls Room
temperature/occupancy sensors
EV car-sharing
Fast-charging station
Electric appliance data
Smartphone monitoring/controls
Energy monitors (devices for viewing energy
consumption) Smart meter data Home fuel cell (FC)
Coordination of clean energy sources and EV
EV charging data/controls
Full ICT utilization in homes (i.e., HEMS,
visualization of energy consumption)
Electric vehicle (EV)
Smart community
Green-by-ICT Estimate CO2 Emission reduction
through the use of ICT
At current ICT usage levels (i.e., BaU case), a
CO2 reduction of around 95 million tons would be
achieved in 2020. This could be boosted to 150
million tons such as by installation of smart
grids, BEMS/HEMS, and paperless office systems in
a range of industries (the New Measures case).
Evaluation Field Application 2020 (BaU) 2020 (BaU) 2020 (New Measure Case) 2020 (New Measure Case)
Evaluation Field Application 10000t-CO2 Percentage () 10000t-CO2 Percentage ()
E-commerce(B2C) Online shopping 805 0.6 805 0.6
E-commerce(B2C) e-tickets for air travel 7 0.0 7 0.0
E-commerce(B2C) Purchasing of event and other tickets at convenience stores 6 0.0 6 0.0
E-commerce(B2C) ATM terminals 598 0.5 598 0.5
E-commerce(B2B) Online trading 605 0.5 1456 1.2
E-commerce(B2B) Supply chain management 2289 1.8 2289 1.8
E-commerce(B2B) Second-hand market 644 0.5 1863 1.5
Digital Content Music content 213 0.2 653 0.5
Digital Content Video content 119 0.1 653 0.5
Digital Content Computer software 97 0.1 653 0.5
Digital Content Newspapers/magazines 165 0.1 653 0.5
Digital Content Digital patient records - - 84 0.1
Digital Content Paperless office - - 130 0.1
Passenger transport Teleworking 77.2 0.1 103 0.1
Passenger transport Video-conferences 1169 0.9 1181 0.9
Passenger transport Remote monitoring of vending machines 2 0.0 2 0.0
Automobile traffic ITS(Intelligent Transportation system) 1220 1.0 1332 1.1
E-government (national and local) Electronic tender processes 6 0.0 6 0.0
E-government (national and local) e-applicationstax returns 25 0.0 25 0.0
E-government (national and local) e-applicationsonline statements 2 0.0 2 0.0
Energy usage BEMS,HEMS 1430 1.1 2393 1.9
Energy usage Smart grids (other than above) - - 2240 1.8
Energy usage Optimized motor control - - 370 0.3
Total 9480 7.5 15545 12.3
Note)a percentage of total greenhouse gas
emissions in Japan for 1990
Estimate of reductions in CO2 emissions
? Green by ICT ICT can potentially reduce
CO2 emissions by up to 155 million tons in 2020.
This is equivalent to a 12.3 reduction in total
emissions relative to 1990 levels in JAPAN.
? Green of ICT In terms of the amount of
CO2 generated by ICT equipment, new strategies
are expected to reduce CO2 emissions to around 30
million tons, roughly equivalent to CO2 emissions
in 2012.
CO2 emissions from all ICT fields, and reduction
effect in CO2 emissions through utilization of ICT
Electric power consumption rate 0.41 kg-CO2/kWh
BaU Business as Usual (Green of ICT) No new
measures to reduce CO2 from ICT equipment
assumes ICT usage (by ICT) maintained at current
levels New measures New effective measures taken
to reduce CO2 generated by ICT equipment
assumes ICT usage expands into other fields, with
maximum effort made to promote usage of ICT
Green of ICT
Green by ICT
ICTs contribute to energy saving in
various socio economic activities ?Sharing of
best practices for ICT usage from the viewpoint
of energy saving ?Developing methodologies to
evaluate ICTs contribution to mitigating
environmental loads
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