Title: Speech Communication for Global Literacy (Advanced students)
1 Speech Communication for Global Literacy
(Advanced students)
- Koji Nakamura
- Professor of English and Global Education
- Konan University
- Kobe, Japan
- koji_at_konan-u.ac.jp
- VTR Students of Konan Univ. Kobe Japan are
making persuasive speech and logical debate in
2What is communicative competence in writing and
- Grammatical and lexical competence
- (sentence structures, styles and vocabularies)
- Coherent and Cohesive competence
- (Flow of the writing and speech)
- Discourse and contextual competence
- (ex. You are my Desdemona. Dramatic irony May
these be the worst day. - Victorian moral, WASP and etc.)
- Socio-linguistic competence
- ( Its very hot in this room, isnt it?)
- Strategic Competence
- (Ex. Non-verbal communication)
3Organization and coherent flow in writing and
- Attention-getting Introduction ???
- Topic Sentence (???)
- Thesis Statement (???)
- Body (Support) (???)
- Cause/Effect(????) (coherence)
- Comparison/Contrast (??/??) ???
- Pro-Con Structure(????)
- Discusson (??)
- Conclusion (??) ???
- Clincher (??????)
4(No Transcript)
5What is Process Writing?
- Process writing is a productive and interactive
writing strategy between students and teachers,
or among students. White (1991) states that
writing is far from being a simple matter of
transcribing language into written symbols.
Therefore writing can be an interactive and
creative means of ommunication.
6Process Writing is a process of Academic and
Problem-solving Approach
- White (1991) defines process writing as a form of
problem-solving which involves such processes as
generating ideas, discovering a voice with which
to write, planning, goal-setting, monitoring and
evaluating what is going to be written as well as
what has been written, and searching for language
with which to express exact meanings.
7The Process of Academic Approach to (Global
- 1 Gathering information
- 2 Sharing relevant information, facts and
evidence. (Sharing) - 3 Processing the necessary information for
outlining and drafting ones own speech. - 4 Organizing and constructing ones own opinion
in written and oral forms.
8The Process of Problem-solving Approach
- 1 Narrowing down the theme into your topic
- 2 Defining the problem in the relevant issues
- 3 Analyzing the causes and effects of the
problem - 4 Exploring possible workable solutions as a
brainstorming (Sharing) - 5 Suggesting possible workable solutions with
each other (Sharing) - 6 Selecting the best solution or integrated
solutions - 7 Implementing ways of carrying out the best
9Writer-Reader-Speaker Connection
- A good writer is a good reader and speaker.
- Recent research has demonstrated the
cognitive links between writing and reading
(Blanton, 1992 Carrell, 1987). - Reading provides students with stimuli for
topics, activates the schema (that is, the
background knowledge) of the students about a
topic, and shows them the value of the audience
in writing and speaking. - The writing-reading-speaking connection is
essential to a successful writing and speech
communication. - The more writers read, the more successful their
writing and speaking will be.
101 What is communication?2 What is Speech
- Communication comes from communicatio in
Latin, which means sharing meaning and
information with others - Speech Communication?
11Speech Communication???
121 Public Speaking
- Informative Speech
- ???????????
- Persuasive Speech
- ????????
- Inspirational Speech
- ????????
13How can we make a good speech?
- 1 Delivery (???)
- Eye-Contact (??)
- Smile (???)
- Voice (????????)
- Emotional Appeal (???????)
- Logical Reasoning (Flow and support)
- 2 Content (??)
- 3 English as an International
- Language
- VTR 1 Impressive Speech 1
14 What are strategies of a Persuasive Speech?
- Logical Reasoning with valid Evidence
- Emotional Appeal
- Rhetorical Device (simile, metaphor, and analogy)
ex. - Credibility and Good Will ????
- ??1 Deductive Approach ???
- ??2 Inductive Approach ???
15The Voice from Edward SaidLecture at Cairo Univ.
in 2003before the Islamic audience
- You cannot deal with others without profound
knowledge of his or her culture, society and
history. (VTR) 2 - Force never works, because you can never destroys
the will of people and the power of people. - Idea is equality, coexistence and sustainable
life. - The present is our battle ground and knowledge is
our main weapons. - (Said2003)
16??1 ??? Deductive Approach
17??2 ??? Inductive Approach
18 Mother Teresa ??????? ????????????VTR 3
- ????????????????????
- There is a hunger, maybe not a hunger for a piece
of bread, but there is a terrible hunger for
love. - Find them, love them and put your love for them
in your living actions. - For loving them, you are loving God himself. God
bless you.
19I Have a Dream (VTR 4)by Dr. Martin Luther
King, Jr.
- I have a dream that one day on the red hills of
Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of
former slave owners will be able to sit down
together at the table of brotherhood
20I Have a Dream by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
- I have a dream that one day even the state of
Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of
injustice, sweltering with the heat of
oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of
freedom and justice
21I Have a Dream by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
- I have a dream that my four little children will
one day live in a nation where they will not be
judged by the color of their skin but by the
content of their character I have a dream today
22I Have a Dream by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
- With this faith we will be able to transform the
jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful
symphony of brotherhood.
23Why do people regard this speech as one of the
best speeches in the 20th century?
- Repeating American Dreams positively
- Hating discrimination but loving people
- Universality (beyond race, religion, culture)
- Excellent Rhetoric
- Analogy ?? oasis of freedom and justice
- Metaphor ?? a beautiful symphony of
- brotherhood
- Simile ?? justice rolls down like waters
- Parallel ?? I have a dream that I have a dream
- Persuasive Speeches impress people and enlighten
people and bring compassion, and people translate
their feelings into their action.
24How to start your speech(Attention-getting
- How do Japanese people start their speeches?
- How do Westerners start their speeches?
- Toastmasters International Speech Contest in
- 1995 by Mark Brown(VTR 5 )
- The real monster is within your heart.
- Intolerance ???
- Ignorance ??
- Indifference ???
25How to end your speech (The Power of Clincher)
- Government of the people, by the people, and for
the people shall not perish from the earth.
(Lincoln) - Intolerance, indifference and ignorance.
- Yes, lets kill the beast. Because everyone
deserves a second chance. - Free at last! free at last!Thank God almighty,
we are free at last! (Dr. King) - And so my fellow Americans, ask not what your
country can do for you, ask what you can do for
your country. - (John F. Kennedy)
26How do famous speakers prepare for their
- 1 You should be an expert on your
- subject. ????????????
- 2 Gathering information. ????
- All the facts on both sides of your subjects
must be collected, arranged, studied, digested. - Prove them be sure they are facts then think
out yourself the best solution. -
27Strategy and procedure to present a good speech
- 1 State your facts.---Argue from them---Appeal
for action. - ????????????
- 2 Show something that is wrong (Analysis of the
status-quo) - ???????
- 3 Show how to remedy it.---Appeal for action.
????????????? - 4 Appeal to the motives that make people act.
28Strategy and procedure to present a good speech
- 5 If possible record your speech in your tape
recorder and listen it again and again to feed
back (??????) - 6 Do not read your note. Do not see your notes.
(????????????) - 7 Notes destroy about fifty percent of the
interest in your talk. - (????????????)(
29Strategy and procedure to present a good speech
- 8. After you have thought out and arranged your
talk, then practice it as you walk along the
street. ??????? ( A dog barked at me when I
walked and reciting my own speech.) - 9.Imagine that you are addressing a real
audience. The more of this you do, the more
comfortable you will feel when the time comes for
you to make your talk. - (Dale Carnegie)
30Memory System(??????)?????
- 1. Impression ??????
- impressive memory
- 2. Repetition ??????
- through the power of repetition
- 3. Association ?????
- We can associate one fact with others.
- 4.Reading aloud (Lincoln Method)
- ????????????
31The Magic of Presentation Spaced Rehearsal.
- The magic power of spaced rehearsal.
??????????????? - After we memorize a thing, we forget as much
during the first eight hours as we do during the
next thirty days. So go over your notes and
practice every day. - ???????8???????
- ?????????????????????
32A speech must grow. A speech can grow and
explore with enough spaced rehearsal and
- A speech must grow. A speech can grow and
explore with enough spaced rehearsal and
rewriting. - ???????????????
- We can select our topic early in the week. We
can narrow down the subject into our own favorite
topic. Think over it during the day, brood over
it and sleep over it and even dream over it.
This is a Lincoln Method. (Dale
33 Speech is a human art.
- Its just like an art, creating a wonderful
sculpture. - ??????????????
- We cant become an expert of speech, but we can
become an expert of our own topic. - ?????????????????
- ?????????????
- Actor of Royal Shakespeare Theater
34A Speech is a Voyage ???????
- A Speech is a voyage. It must be charted.
??????? (????) - A Speech is like drawing a picture. ????????????
- Draw a horizon, mountains, hills, rivers,
villages, parks, gardens, houses, a seashore and
a big ocean. ??????????????
35How to Develop Self-confidence in Public Speaking
- Everybody feels butterflies in his/her stomach
in public speaking. - ????????
- ???????????????????????
- ????????????????????????????????? ?????????
- ??????????????????????
- ???????????????
- ?????????????????????????????????????????????????
36Public Speaking ????
- 1. Start with a strong and persistent
- desire. ????????????????
- 2. Arouse your enthusiasm, urge,
- passion, zeal, drive and motivation.
- 3. Prepare everyday. ???????
- 4. Enough preparation. If you prepare well
- and practice hard, you will have a strong
- desire to express yourself.
- 5. Act confidently. ?????????
- 6. Practice. Practice makes perfect. ??
- This is the most important point of
- all in public speaking. Fear is the
- result of a lack of confidence.
37Robert Kennedy made an excellent speech in the
midst of anti-US Waseda Students at Waseda Univ.
Tokyo, Japan in 1967.
- My friends, I appreciate very much the welcome
you have given to me and to my wife. We are here
to discuss in a frank and candid manner questions
which will be of interest to you. - There is a gentleman down in the front who
evidently disagree with me. If he will ask a
single question, I will try to give an answer.
That is the democratic way and the way we should
proceed. He is asking a question and he is
entitled to courtesy.
382 Discussion????
- Democratic Discussion
- ??????
- Problemsolving Discussion ????????
- (John Deweys Reflective
- Thinking)
- ?????????????
39John Deweys Reflective Thinking for Problem
- ????????????????????
- 1. Defining the problem ???????
- 2. Analyzing the problem
- ?????????????????
- 3. Suggesting every possible solution
- ???????????????
- 4. Selecting the best solution
- ??????
- 5. Carrying out the plan for the best
- solution (Implementing) ??
40Subject Sexual Harassment
- (1) Defining the problem mental/physical and
- sexual bullying/offense/teasing/attack
- (2) Analyzing the problem gender
discrimination in a - male dominated society /infringement of
human - rights
- (3) Possible solutions
- organized protest and bringing it to the
court - education for human rights and egalitarian
society - social and public education, organized
protest - through womens network
- (4) Selecting the best solution
- organized protest and public
education - (5) Suggesting way of carrying out the solution
- Public Education, education at school,
home and - working places
413 Debate????????????????????? VTR8
- with valid evidence
- ??????????
- Logical Rebuttal
- (Refutation)
- ????????
42Research Paper on Asia Pacific War
- 1. Academic Approach
- Narrow down the subject (Asia Pacific War) into
your own topic. - Collect relevant information and select necessary
information to organize your own opinion in your
research paper. - Be an expert of your topic/issue and discuss the
causes and effects of the facts. - The following three factors are necessary in your
research paper. -
- Defining the Issue/Problems
- Analyzing causes and effects of the issue
- Your own interpretation and Opinion (Critical
43(Ex.) Your topics will be
- Great East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere
- Tripartite Pact made with Germany and
Italy - Japans Modernization and Japanese
Imperialism - Japanese Emperor and Asia Pacific War
- Japanese People and Asia Pacific War
- Kamikaze Commando (Special Attack Corps)
- 1910 Japan Annexed Korea ????
- 1931 Japanese Kwantung Army seized Manchuria
- 1932 Japanese puppet state of Manchukuo ???
- 1933 Japan withdraw from League of Nations
- 1937- 1945 War with China ????
- 1938 Nanking Massacre ????
- 1940 Tripartite Pact made with Germany and Italy
- 1941 Japan attacked US (Pearl Harbor) Pacific War
- 1942 Battle of Midway
- 1945 Atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and
Nagasaki - Japans unconditional surrender
- GHQ, Occupation Troops, Allied Nations,
- Douglas MacArthur and Emperor
442. Format of Research Paper
- 1. Quality, originality and critical thinking,
not quantity is the aim. - 2. The research paper must be more than 800
words-excluding appendices and other diagrams,
charts and diagrams. - 3 Research paper must be presented with academic
format/style making effective use of diagrams,
charts and tables with clear sourceseither your
own or properly attributed--in communicating key
elements and concepts of the topic. - 4 All sources (including web research) must be
clearly referenced in the text. - 5 All references must be sourced, otherwise
students will be penalized for plagiarizing
others work. Plagiarism is fatal which includes
failure of your class.