INTERVIEW Skills - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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INTERVIEW Skills 2-* Effective Speaking Techniques Be clear and organized: Answer 5 X Ws and H, the speech will automatically turn out to be clear and effective. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: INTERVIEW Skills

What is an Interview?
  • A formal meeting in person, especially one
    arranged for the assessment of the qualifications
    of an applicant.

Types of interview
  • ONE to ONE Interview
  • PANEL JOB Interview

  • Before you walk into any interview, you should
    know as much about the company and the position
    as you possibly can.
  • In todays world of mass communication, theres
    no excuse for lack of research search the web or
    go to the library.
  • Discuss about the position with concerned people,
    they should be able to provide that information
    for you.

The Interview Psych Technique
  • The night before the interview, spend some time
    with a friend or family member, have mock
  • Use correct words, sentences and paragraphs.
  • The purpose is to put you in the right frame of
    mind for the interview, so that you truly believe
    you are the best possible candidate for the job.

Your job is to sell me on you
  • Before you can possibly convince me as the
    interviewer that you are right for the job, you
    have to believe it yourself.
  • Remember, you are all alone once the interview
    starts. No one will sell you if you dont sell
  • Once you have sold me on you, I will sell you on
    the position and the company, but not until then.
    So dont expect the interviewer to tell you why
    you are right for the job. That is your job.

Interviews are always stressful
  • The best way to reduce the stress is to be
  • Take time to understand some of the standards
    when it comes to interviewing questions.
  • Take the time to review the standard interview
    questions you will most likely be asked.

Guidelines for the Interviewee
  • Be prepared for the interview
  • Just as the interviewer has to plan out the event
    in advance, so has the interviewee to be prepared
    for it. Be prepared for the unexpected.
  • Have a presentable appearance
  • Everybody appreciates a pleasant personality.
  • As in the case of a presentation, so in an
    interview, the concerned persons appearance is a
    part of the message.
  • Show interest by making effective use of body
  • Eye contact with the interviewer shows ,
    interviewee genuinely interested in the event and
    keen to participate in it.
  • Sit in a correct, confident posture, straight,
    balanced and not stiff in the chair offered.
  • Hands be neatly locked in lap or comfortably
    placed on the arms of the chair.

Guidelines for the Interviewee
  • All the questions must be correctly and
    completely answered
  • Since the primary aim of an interview is to
    exchange information it should be done
  • If the interviewee is not clear about a suitable
    answer to a question, there is no harm in
    admitting it
  • One must never try to bluff. Be honest.
  • Be polite
  • Politeness is indispensable in every situation.
  • Avoid talking too much
  • Avoid making boastful statements. The interviewer
    is intelligent enough to find out the
    interviewees intelligence and suitability for
    the job.

Guidelines for the Interviewee
  • Avoid criticism
  • Do not criticize the previous employer or anybody
  • Negative statements are looked down upon.
  • Do not forget to thank the interviewers
  • For having spared time for you
  • Granting an interview is indeed a favour.
  • Do not hesitate to ask
  • Any questions to seek clarification regarding the
    company profile, service conditions etc
  • It will not only satisfy your curiosity but also
    give the interviewer an idea of your confidence
    and interest in the organization. But only
    towards the end of the interview and when you
    feel you are likely to get the job.

(No Transcript)
1- Tell me about yourself.
  • It seems like an easy interview question. Its
    open ended. I can talk about whatever. Right?
  • Wrong.
  • What the hiring manager really wants is a quick,
    two- to three-minute snapshot of who you are and
    why youre the best candidate for this position.
  • Use an example or two to back it up. Always point
    back to an example when you have the opportunity.
  • Tell me about yourself does not mean tell me
    everything. Just tell me what makes you the best.

2- Why should I hire you?
  • The easy answer is that you are the best person
    for the job. And dont be afraid to say so. But
    then back it up with what specifically
    differentiates you.
  • For example You should hire me because Im the
    most suitable person for the job. I realize that
    there are other candidates who also have the
    ability to do this job. Yet I bring an additional
    quality that makes me the best person for the
    job--my passion for excellence. I am passionately
    committed to producing truly world class results.
    For example.
  • Are you the best person for the job? Show it by
    your passionate examples.

3- What is your long-range objective?
  • The key is to focus on your achievable objectives
    and what you are doing to reach those objectives.
  • For example Within five years, I would like to
    become the very best engineer your company has on
    staff. I want to work toward becoming the expert
    that others rely upon. And in doing so, I feel
    Ill be fully prepared to take on any greater
    responsibilities which might be presented in the
    long term. For example, here is what Im
    presently doing to prepare myself . . .
  • Then go on to show by your examples what you are
    doing to reach your goals and objectives.

4- How has your education prepared you for
your career?
  • This is a broad question and you need to focus on
    the behavioral examples in your educational
    background which specifically align to the
    required competencies for the career.
  • For example My education has focused on not
    only the learning the fundamentals, but also on
    the practical application of the information
    learned within those classes. For example, I
    played a lead role in a class project where we
    gathered and analyzed best practice data from
    this industry. Let me tell you more about the
    results . . .
  • Focus on behavioral examples supporting the key
    competencies for the career. Then ask if they
    would like to hear more examples.

5- Are you a team player?
  • Almost everyone says yes to this question. But it
    is not just a yes/no question. You need to
    provide behavioral examples to back up your
  • A sample answer Yes, Im very much a team
    player. In fact, Ive had opportunities in my
    project, school and college to develop my skills
    as a team player. For example, on a recent
    project . . .
  • Emphasize teamwork behavioral examples and focus
    on your openness to diversity of backgrounds.
    Talk about the strength of the team above the
    individual. And note that this question may be
    used as a lead in to questions around how you
    handle conflict within a team, so be prepared.

6- Have you ever had a conflict with a senior or
professor? How was it resolved?
  • Note that if you say no, most interviewers will
    keep drilling deeper to find a conflict. The key
    is how you behaviorally reacted to conflict and
    what you did to resolve it.
  • For example Yes, I have had conflicts in the
    past. Never major ones, but there have been
    disagreements that needed to be resolved. I've
    found that when conflict occurs, it helps to
    fully understand the other persons perspective,
    so I take time to listen to their point of view,
    then I seek to work out a collaborative solution.
    For example . . .
  • Focus your answer on the behavioral process for
    resolving the conflict and working

7- What is your greatest weakness?
  • Most career books tell you to select a strength
    and present it as a weakness. Such as I work
    too much. I just work and work and work.. First
    of all, using a strength and presenting it as a
    weakness is deceiving. Second, it misses the
    point of the question.
  • You should select a weakness that you have been
    actively working to overcome. For example I
    have had trouble in the past with prioritization.
    However, Im now taking steps to correct this. I
    just started using a pocket planner . . . then
    explain them your planner and how you are using
  • Talk about a true weakness and show what you are
    doing to overcome it.

8-If I were to ask your professors to describe
you, what would they say?
  • This is a threat of reference check question. Do
    not wait for the interview to know the answer.
    Ask your professors in advance. And if theyre
    willing to provide a positive reference, ask them
    for a letter of recommendation.
  • Then you can answer the question like this
  • I believe he/ she would say I'm a very
    energetic person, that Im results oriented and
    one of the best people she has ever worked with.
    Actually, I know he/ she would say that, because
    those are his/ her very words. May I show you
    his/ her letter of recommendation?
  • So be prepared in advance (with your letters of
    recommendation, if possible).

9- What qualities do you feel a successful
manager/engineer should have?
  • Focus on two words leadership and vision.
  • Here is a sample of how to respond The key
    quality in a successful manager should be
    leadership--the ability to be the visionary for
    the people who are working under them. The person
    who can set the course and direction for
    subordinates. The highest calling of a true
    leader is inspiring others to reach the highest
    of their abilities. I'd like to tell you about a
    person whom I consider to be a true leader . . .
  • Then give an example of someone who has touched
    your life and how their impact has helped in your
    personal development.

10- If you had to live your life over again, what
one thing would you change?
  • Focus on a key turning point in your life or
    missed opportunity. Yet also tie it forward to
    what you are doing to still seek to make that
  • Stay focused on positive direction in your life
    and back it up with examples.

  • In reviewing these responses, PLEASE remember
    that they are only to be viewed samples. Please
    do not rehearse them verbatim. They are meant to
    stir your creative mind and get you thinking
    about how to properly answer the broader range of
    questions that you will face.

The Most Important Aspect of Interviewing
  • What can you do to set yourself apart in your
    interview ?
  • The most important aspect of successful
    interviewing is not your experience, your degree
    or your resume. Thats what got you the
  • The key to successful interviewing can be summed
    up in one word
  • Its your passion for the job that will set you
    apart from the crowd.

How can you demonstrate your passion in the
  • Though your enthusiasm for the job and behavioral
    examples of how your passion has had a positive
    impact on results.
  • If you can show me, in your words, actions and
    past behaviors, that you have true passion toward
    achieving excellence, you can and will be chosen
    over the superstar. Let your passion for the job
    show through in every aspect of your interview.

The Second Most Important Aspect of Interviewing
  • Another key element to successful interviewing is
    your attitude.
  • Attitude is everything.
  • If you want to rise above others with better
    experience, better grades, or better anything,
    you will need to work on developing a highly
    positive work attitude.
  • The way most employers differentiate at the entry
    level is by candidates attitude and passion
    toward the job.
  • Your attitude and passion is what recruiters
    remember when the dust has settled after they
    have reviewed ten, twenty, or even one hundred
    candidatesyou were the one who was sincerely
    willing to put forth your very best effort.

  • You can show your winning attitude in the way you
    present yourself. Incorporate the actual words
    positive attitude , passion for excellence
    and striving to be my best into your interview
  • If you can show me, by words and examples, your
    can do attitude, it is you I will hire

Interview Dos
  • Arrive 15 minutes early.
  • Late attendance is never excusable.
  • Make your halo effect impressive. Remember that
    first impression is long lasting for the
    interviewing board.
  • Clarify questions. Be sure you answered the
    questions the employer really asked.
  • Give your qualifications. Stress the
    accomplishments that are most pertinent to the

  • Anticipate tough questions. Prepare in advance so
    you can turn apparent weaknesses into strengths.
  • Conduct yourself professionally. Be aware of what
    your body language is saying. Smile, make eye
    contact, dont slouch and maintain composure.
  • Dress appropriately. Make your first impression a
    professional one.
  • Listen. This is probably the most important "do"
    of all. By concentrating not only on the
    employers words, but also on the tone of voice
    and body language, you will be able to pick up on
    the employers style.

  • Do not lack self confidence or appear shaky.
  • Poor communication skills are an absolute put
  • Body language must not reflect negatively.
  • Do not lack the relevant subject knowledge.
  • There is a difference between self confidence and
    over confidence.
  • Do not hide background and family history.

  • Do not have inadequate knowledge about the
    company and the industry in which you have
    applied for the employment.
  • Do not be improperly dressed or display lack a
    sense of hygiene.
  • If the interview board is harsh, do not lose cool
    during the interview.
  • Do not reply unfocussed and out of context.
  • Thus, answers should be
  • as precise as possible.

  • Mental fear
  • of the unknown is often what produces the
    physical symptoms of nervousness. In addition to
    preparing yourself physically, you need to
    prepare yourself mentally.
  • The best way to prepare mentally is to know what
    may be coming.
  • Fear of the unknown can only exist when there is
    an unknown.

Effective Public Speaking
Public Speaking The preparation
Cardinal Question Implied
Questions 1 W What? What do I wish to
communicate? 2 W Why? Why should the audience
listen to me? 3 W When? Have I taken care of
the timing of my speech?
When are the listeners most likely to be
interested? 4 W Where? Where have I to speak??
5 W Who? Who am I going to speak to? An
individual ,or several persons, or a large
audience? What
are the interests and expectations of the
audience? H How? How can I best convey my
message? Have I
taken care to prepare my message in the most
persuasive language? Do I need any audio
visual aids to make my speech effective?
Effective Speaking Techniques
  • Be clear and organized
  • Answer 5 X Ws and H, the speech will
    automatically turn out to be clear and effective.
  • Clarity is the very life of all speech and
  • No listener / reader likes to be caught up in a
    jumble of confused thinking.
  • Mental training and logical thinking that come
    from all good education.
  • Especially in the world of business, clarity of
    thought is the greatest asset.
  • All powerful speakers religiously stick to the
    principle - Be clear.
  • Be simple
  • From clarity of thought emerges simplicity.
  • Simpler the language the greater is the appeal.
  • A really effective speaker
  • is one who can explain the most difficult or
    complex matter in the simplest language to a
  • No audience likes to listen to jargon. They can
    be patient only with the simplest language.

Effective Speaking Techniques
  • Furnish Concrete Details
  • Many speakers spoil their speeches by talking in
  • Make speech vivid by furnishing details and
    actual experiences to capture the attention of
    the audience.
  • Such attention to speech makes it full of life
    which is the literal meaning of the word vivid.
  • Make his speech lively and brilliant with
    eye-catching details, humorous anecdotes,
    relevant examples and enthusiastic eye-toeye
    contact with the audience.

Effective Speaking Techniques
  • Cultivate Effortless Grace and Naturalness
  • Many things - smiling, going to sleep or
    behaving unaffectedly are done worst when we try
    hardest to do them.
  • A cultured person moves and speaks with grace and
    sounds natural.
  • When face-to-face with a large, selected
    audience, it is quite natural to be conscious,
    perhaps over conscious, and, for the moment, to
    find it difficult to be natural.
  • Devise own ways to look, move and speak with
  • Practicing to speak in front of a mirror.
  • Find a popular anchor / personality and emulate
    his / her style.

Effective Speaking Techniques
  • Enrich Mental Equipment
  • Be a learned / well informed person.
  • As the old Greek proverb says, Out of nothing,
    nothing comes.
  • So, we must remember that for every occasion, and
    for every kind of speech, the best armament is a
    well stocked minda mind stocked / equipped with
    all kinds of information / facts/ figures /
    general awareness / readings in literature and
    philosophy, current affairs, economic and
    political developments, new advancements in
    science and technology, emergence of new business
    organizations and so on.
  • Having the right kind of information for the
    right moment.

Effective Speaking Techniques
  • Be Brief
  • Excessive information does not mean that one can
    go on rambling or going into unnecessary details.
  • Quantity of information and quality of speech.
  • All that is superfluous must be cut out in order
    to make the speech concise.
  • Every word we speak is valuable, and there are no
    words to waste.
  • Be informal Informality creates nearness.
  • The occasion may be formal but the speaker must
    strive to give his speech a personal touch.
    Establish rapport with the audience.
  • Create an impression that will last.

Effective Speaking Techniques
  • Be Enthusiastic
  • Making an effective speech is not just a matter
    of doing a duty performing a ritual.
  • One has to get into the spirit of the occasion
    with enthusiasm and keen interest.
  • No one likes to listen to a dull or monotonous
    speaker. But an enthusiastic speaker gets an
    immediate response.
  • Enthusiasm is contagious.
  • Mind Non-verbal Language
  • Effective use of gestures is a necessary
    component of a speech whether prepared or
  • Eye contact is indispensable.
  • Anybody aspiring to be a good speaker,
    also, keeps training himself in voice modulation,
    use of proper word stress and gestures.

Effective Speaking Techniques
  • Facts and Figures are not enough
  • If facts and figures had been enough there would
    have been no speeches.
  • Anybody can have access to facts and figures.
  • They can just be circulated or blandly stated.
  • They are just like a skeleton. It is the
    imaginative and effective use of language in a
    speech / writing that breathes life into that
    skeleton and supplies it with flesh and blood.
  • Many great entrepreneurs, chairpersons, statesmen
    and scholars are known for their oratory that
    stems from their command over language.

Effective Speaking Techniques
  • Control Emotions, but make an Emotional Speech
  • What comes from the heart goes to the heart.
  • Every human being is full of emotions. But an
    effective speaker cannot afford to be carried
    away by his own emotions.
  • On the other hand, while exercising poise and
    maintaining composure, he can stir up his
    audience to action.
  • His job is not just to inform but also to
    convince and influence his audience. That is how
    many speeches become memorable.
  • Share Significant Experiences / Expertise with
  • This will not only give a personal touch to the
    speech, but also confidence to the speaker and
    comfort to the listeners.
  • It will make the audience feel important to the

  • All
  • the
  • best

  • No one can predict the exact questions that an
    interviewer will ask, but you can rehearse your
    CV get a good idea of a few important questions
    that the employer is likely to ask.

Ten Tough Interview Qs Ten As
  • Some of the difficult questions you will face in
    the course of your job interviews.
  • The answers are provided to give you a new
    perspective on how to answer tough interview
  • They are provided for you to use as the basic
    structure for formulating your own answers.
  • While the specifics of each reply may not apply
    to you, try to follow the basic structure of the
    answer from the perspective of the interviewer.
  • Answer the questions behaviorally, with specific
    examples that show that clear evidence backs up
    what you are saying about yourself.
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