Title: The Magnetic Tower of Hanoi
1The Magnetic Tower of Hanoi
2The Classical Tower of Hanoi
3Classical ToH video-clip 1 (053)
Click link to play a YouTube video 1.
4Positional Notations
5Babylonian mathematics (3-rd millennium BC)
It originated with the ancient Sumerians in the
3rd millennium BC, was transmitted to the
Babylonians, and is still used - in modified
form - for measuring time, angles, and
geographic coordinates.
6A short reminder of bases (Positional Notation)
Indian mathematicians developed the Hindu-Arabic
numeral system, the modern decimal positional
notation, in the 9-th century.
2506 2 x 103 5 x 102 0 x 101 6 x 100
7A short reminder of bases base 2
Base 2
20 21 22 23 24 Weight
1 2 3 4 5 Position
1 1 1 0 1 Number
10111(2) 124 023 122 121 120
10111(2) 16(10) 4(10) 2(10) 1(10)
8A short reminder of bases base 3
Base 3
30 31 32 33 34 Weight
1 2 3 4 5 Position
2 2 1 0 1 Number
10122(3) 134 033 132 231 230
10122(3) 81(10) 9(10) 6(10) 2(10)
9The Classical Tower and base 2
10A. The Classical Tower of Hanoi ToH
The classical Tower of Hanoi "puzzle" or
"mathematical game" invented by the French
mathematician Edouard Lucas in 1883.
11Classical ToH video-clip 2 (114)
Click link to play a YouTube video 2.
12ToH Puzzle Description
Puzzle Components Three equal posts A set of N
different-diameter disks Puzzle-start setting
N disks arranged in a bottom-to-top
descending-size order on a "Source"
Post Move Lift a disk off one Post and land it
on another Post Disk-placement rules The Size
Rule A small disk can not "carry" a larger one
(Never land a large disk on a smaller
one) Puzzle-end state N disks arranged in a
bottom-to-top descending-size order on a
"Destination" Post (one of the two
originally-free posts)
13ToH Recursive Relations
14ToH Number of Moves
2N - 1 SUM 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 k N
1 1 1 1
3 3 2 1 2
7 7 4 2 1 3
15 15 8 4 2 1 4
31 31 16 8 4 2 1 5
63 63 32 16 8 4 2 1 6
127 127 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 7
255 255 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 8
15Classical ToH spans base 2
2N - 1 SUM 4 3 2 1 k N
1 1 1 1
3 3 2 1 2
7 7 4 2 1 3
15 15 8 4 2 1 4
21-1 20
22-1 21 20
22 21 20
23-1 22 21 20
23 22 21 20
24-1 23 22 21 20
16A Base 2 game
Base 2
5 4 3 2 1 Element (k)
16 8 4 2 1 of moves
24 23 22 21 20 of moves
17The Classical Tower Spans base 2
18Challenge invent a base 3 game
Can we invent a game that Spans base 3?
19Elements of aBase 3 game
Base 3
5 4 3 2 1 Element (k)
81 27 9 3 1 of moves
34 33 32 31 30 of moves
20Challenge invent a base 3 game
So - can we invent a game that Spans base 3?
21Yes we can
22MToH video-clip 3 (129)
Click link to play a YouTube video 3.
23B. The Magnetic Tower of Hanoi MToH
24MToH when we where Young and Brave
Yaron (10) and a home-made Magnetic Tower of
Hanoi Rehovot, Israel - Autumn 1984.
25MToH Puzzle Description
- Puzzle Components
- Three equal posts. A set of N different-diameter
disks - Each disk's "bottom" surface is colored Blue and
its "top" surface is colored Red - Puzzle-start setting
- N disks arranged in a bottom-to-top
descending-size order on a "Source" Post - The Red surface of every disk in the stack is
facing upwards - Move
- Lift a disk off one post
- Turn the disk upside down and land it on another
post - Disk-placement rules
- The Size Rule A small disk can not "carry" a
larger one (Never land a large disk on a smaller
one) - The Magnet Rule Rejection occurs between two
equal colors (Never land a disk such that its
bottom surface will touch a co-colored top
surface of the "resident" disk) - Puzzle-end state
- N disks arranged in a bottom-to-top
descending-size order on a "Destination" Post
(one of the two originally-free posts)
26MToH Solving the N2 Puzzle
27Colored MToH video-clip 4 (124)
Click link to play a YouTube video 4.
28B1. The Colored MToH
29The Colored MToH Number of Moves
(3N - 1)/2 SUM 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 k N
1 1 1 1
4 4 3 1 2
13 13 9 3 1 3
40 40 27 9 3 1 4
121 121 81 27 9 3 1 5
364 364 243 81 27 9 3 1 6
1093 1093 729 243 81 27 9 3 1 7
3280 3280 2187 729 243 81 27 9 3 1 8
30Colored MToH spans base 3
(3N1)/2 SUM 5 4 3 2 1 k N
1 1 1 1
4 4 3 1 2
13 13 9 3 1 3
40 40 27 9 3 1 4
(31-1)/2 30
(32-1)/2 31 30
22 21 20
(33-1)/2 32 31 30
23 22 21 20
(34-1)/2 33 32 31 30
31Challenge met
And the fun just begins
32MToH The Three Versions
B1. The Colored MToH B2. The Semi-Free MToH B3.
The Free MToH
33B2. The Semi-Free MToH
- An MToH is Semi-Free if
- One of its posts say S, is permanently
colored say Red - Another post say D, is permanently and
oppositely colored - The third post I - is Free (has a Neutral
color at the start of the algorithm) - We need to move N disks from Post S to Post D
using Post I
34The Semi-Free MToH Number of Moves
SUM 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 k N
1 1 1
4 3 1 2
11 7 3 1 3
32 21 7 3 1 4
93 61 21 7 3 1 5
276 183 61 21 7 3 1 6
823 547 183 61 21 7 3 1 7
2464 1641 547 183 61 21 7 3 1 8
35The Semi-Free MToH Duration Ratio
36The Free MToH
- The 67 Algorithm
- The 62 Algorithm
37The Free MToH video-clip 5 (243)
Click link to play a YouTube video 5.
It is (this) FREEDOM that makes the Magnetic
Tower of Hanoi Puzzle so COLORFUL
39B3. The Free MToH The 67 Algorithm
40The 67 Algorithm Number of Moves
3(N-1) N-1 SUM 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 k N
1 1 1 1
4 4 3 1 2
11 11 7 3 1 3
30 30 19 7 3 1 4
85 85 55 19 7 3 1 5
248 248 163 55 19 7 3 1 6
735 735 487 163 55 19 7 3 1 7
2194 2194 1459 487 163 55 19 7 3 1 8
41The 67 Algorithm Duration Ratio
42B3. The Free MToH The 62 Algorithm
43The 62 Algorithm Number of Moves
SUM 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 k N
1 1 1
4 3 1 2
11 7 3 1 3
30 19 7 3 1 4
83 53 19 7 3 1 5
236 153 53 19 7 3 1 6
691 455 153 53 19 7 3 1 7
2050 1359 455 153 53 19 7 3 1 8
44The 62 Algorithm Duration Ratio
45SF 67 62 Duration Ratio
46SF 67 62 Duration-Ratio Curves
47The double-pan balance Puzzle
48Effective (minimum of) weights for a balance
49Minimum of weights - continue
50Minimum of weights - continue
51Elegance of the 67 Algorithm
52The 67 Algorithm find a simple rule
SUM 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 k N
1 1 1
4 3 1 2
11 7 3 1 3
30 19 7 3 1 4
85 55 19 7 3 1 5
248 163 55 19 7 3 1 6
735 487 163 55 19 7 3 1 7
2194 1459 487 163 55 19 7 3 1 8
53What about the total number of moves?
The Free 67 Magnetic Tower of Hanoi Total
number of moves
1 1
4 2
11 3
30 4
85 5
54Recursive Relations
55Recursive Relations - 1
The 100 Algorithm
The 67 Algorithm
56Recursive Relations - 2
The SF Algorithm
57Recursive Relations - 3
The 62 Algorithm
58Recursive Relations - 4
All without exception
59Color Crossings
60MToH Color Crossings - 1
61MToH Internet Movie
A "movie" showing the "62" Algorithm solving a
height five MToH in (only) 83 moveshttp//www.nu
62MToH Internet Movie
Shown in the movie solution of the height 5
MToH puzzle by (only) 83 moves
Click link to play a YouTube video 6.
It is Freedom that makes the MToH so colorful.
63MToH Color Crossings - 2
The 100 Algorithm NO color crossings
64MToH Color Crossings - 3
The 62 Algorithm EIGHT color crossings
66Tower Theory Further Modifications
- Further expansions
- Puzzle-start setting
- Number of posts
- Disk" structure (may "quickly" lose its circ.
symmetry) - Move rules
- Puzzle-end state
- ? "Tower Field in Number Theory?
68Gathering 4 Gardner 9 Atlanta, GA (March 10)
69Gathering 4 Gardner 9 Atlanta, GA (March 10)
Game inventor Martin Gardner
70Gathering 4 Gardner 9 mini-MToH
71G4G9 - Handouts
1 "The Magnetic Tower of Hanoi", Uri
Levy, Journal of Recreational Mathematics
353, to be published (May 2010) 2 Paper
download http//arxiv.org/abs/1003.0225 3 "M
ovie (and paper download, different Abstract)
http//www.numerit.com/maghanoi 4 Contact
73Cornell University Library
75The Magnetic Tower of Hanoi Realization
76The Colored Magnetic Tower of Hanoi
77Free or Classical MToH
79Illegal Move!
80One-Two-Three GO!
81The End