Title: Elective Angioplasty Pathway
1Elective Angioplasty Pathway
Patient given contact details of rehabilitation
team after angiogram. Risk assessment at first
surgical/cardiology OPA Attend prehab clinics
exercise component included if appropriate and
resourced, MI Patients referred for surgery
already exercising eg Tai Chi, phase 3,
Pre-admission clinic - patients invited to attend
tertiary centre 0 5 days prior to admission
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
Phase 4
Receive information talk by competent
practitioner prior to discharge to provide
individual plan
Patient contacted within 0-3 working days by
member of CR team and a home visit or clinic
appointment arranged within 3 - 8 working days,
according to clinical need
Three weeks post- discharge (if uncomplicated)
six weeks post CABG/Valve surgical discharge
patient offered an exercise educational
programme lasting 4 8 weeks in primary or
secondary care, depending on risk stratification
and individual need
Formal referral from Phase 3
Provide info. on long term exercise structured
f/up (annual CHD Reviews)
Admission time 5 7 days (surgical)
Be an integral part of long term follow up
Home visit menu based on individual assessment
Admission time 2 4 days (PCI)
Instructor ideally be BACR trained or have
recognised exercise qualification
- Goal Setting
- Address problems
- Refer to other specialities
- Arrange F/up on clinical need
- Angioplasty Plan
On day of discharge or next working day, rehab
team faxes referral to appropriate DGH or PCT
Referral to phase 4 programme after this
programme if appropriate
Venues must comply with HS regulations
Primary Care follow up via CHD Practice Nurse