Title: Pathway Analysis
1Pathway Analysis
Martina Kutmon
- Background on Pathway Analysis
- Data Analysis with PathVisio
- Introduction to the Afternoon Session
3Biological Pathways
4Why Pathway Analysis?
- Intuitive to biologists
- Puts data in biological context
- More intuitive way of looking at your data
- More efficient than looking up gene-by-gene
- Computational analysis
- Overrepresentation analysis
- Network analysis
5Why Pathway Analysis?
6Biological Context
- Statistical results
- 1,300 genes are significantly regulated after
treatment with X - Biological Meaning
- Is a certain biological pathway activated or
deactivated? - Which genes in these pathway are significantly
7Pathway Collection
- Where to get pathways?
- Online pathway databases
- WikiPathways www.wikipathways.org
- Reactome www.reactome.org
- Many more ... http//pathguide.org
8Identifier Mapping
Identifier Mapping
Annotation ENSG00000131828
9Identifier Mapping
- Microarrays typically use internal ids
- Affymetrix 205749_at
- Agilent A_14_P106416
- Illumina ILMN_4380
- Pathways typically use gene/protein ids
- Entrez Gene 1543
- Ensembl ENSG00000140465
- UniProt P04637
10Identifier Mapping
- 2 scenarios
- Software will take care of it
- e.g. PathVisio uses synonym databases
- You will have to convert the ids yourself
- DAVID http//david.abcc.ncifcrf.gov
- SOURCE http//smd.stanford.edu/cgi-bin/source/so
urceBatchSearch - BioMART http//www.biomart.org
- NetAffx http//www.affymetrix.com
11Pathway Analysis Tools
- PathVisio
- BioRAG
- MetaCore (GeneGO)
- Pathway-Express
- GenMAPP / MAPPFinder
13Data Analysis with PathVisio
14Pathway Analysis Workflow
- Prepare your data
- Import your data in PathVisio
- Find enriched pathways
- Visualize data on pathways
- Export pathway images
151. Prepare your data
16File Format
- PathVisio accepts delimited text files
- Prepare and export from Excel
17File Format
write.table(myTable, file txtFile, col.names
NA, sep "\t", quote FALSE, na "NaN")
18Identifier Systems
- PathVisio accepts many identifier systems
- Probes
- Affymetrix, Illumina, Agilent,...
- Genes and Proteins
- Entrez Gene, Ensembl, UniProt, HUGO,...
- Metabolites
- ChEBI, HMDB, PubChem,...
192. Import your data
20Import Expression Data
21Gene Database
A pathway
Your data
Entrez Gene 5326 153 4357 65543 2094 90218
22Gene Database
- Download from www.pathvisio.org/wiki/PathVisioDown
load - 32 species
- supported
23Identifier and System Code
24Exception File
Exceptions file
25Pgex File
- Imported data is stored in a .pgex file
- Load an existing dataset
263. Find enriched pathways
Unchanged gene Changed gene
- Question
- Does the small circle have a higher percentage of
changed genes than the large circle? - Is this difference significant?
28Calculate Z-scores
- The Z-score can be used as a measure for how much
a subset of genes is different from the rest - r changed genes in Pathway
- n total genes in Pathway
- R changed genes
- N total genes Other enrichment calculation
methods - Ackermann M et al., A general modular
framework for gene set enrichment analysis,
BMC bioinformatics, 2009
- The Z-score is a ranking method.
- High Z-score ? selection is very different from
the rest of the dataset - Z-score 0 ? selection is not different at all
Define criterion and select pathway collection
31Z-score Calculation
r changed genes in Pathway n total genes
in Pathway
32Z-score Calculation
334. Visualize your data
34Create a Visualization
Add/Remove Visualizations
Activate visualization options
35Color by Data Values
36Color Set based on Criterion
37Color Set based on Gradient
- Gradient based
- Fold-change
- Rule based
- Significant genes
39Gradient based
40Rule based
415. Export Pathways
42Export Pathway
43Any data associated to a gene, protein or
44PathVisio Team
- Maastricht University
- Martijn van Iersel
- Thomas Kelder
- Chris Evelo
- Gladstone Institute (San Francisco)
- Alexander Pico
- Kristina Hanspers
- Bruce Conklin
- Around the world
- Open Source Community
45Afternoon Session
46Afternoon Session
- Pathway Analysis of liver data set with PathVisio
- Find enriched pathways in a WikiPathways
analysis collection for rats - Create visualization and set the data in a
biological context