Buoqc Zangc Nyei Jauv Da - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Buoqc Zangc Nyei Jauv Da


Oix zuqc jangx jienv Tin-Hungh se hlo haic, nernh haic, cing-nzengc haic nyei wuov dauh Ziouv. Mbuo se benx laih hlopv haic, waaic haic nyei zuiz-mienh, zungv maiv ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: buoqc | jauv | nyei | revelation | zangc


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Buoqc Zangc Nyei Jauv Da

Buoqc Zangc Nyei Jauv DaNyeic Ginc Worship Part
Two Ging-Sou Laauc Yaangh 41-11
Ging-Sou Laauc Yaangh 41-11, Naaiv deix sic
jiex liuz, yie mangc ziouc buatc wuov tin-dorngh
maaih dauh gaengh nqoi nyei. Zinh ndaangc haiz
qiex hnangv nzatc nyei qiex nor mbui caux yie
gorngv waac, yie ih zanc aengx haiz wuov nyungc
qiex gorngv, "Faaux naaiv daaih maah! Yie oix bun
meih mangc nqa'haav hingv oix cuotv nyei sic."
1 After this I looked, and there before me was
a door standing open in heaven. And the voice I
had first heard speaking to me like a trumpet
said, "Come up here, and I will show you what
must take place after this."
2 Liemh zeih Singx Lingh daaih gunv jienv yie,
yie ziouc buatc yiem wuov tin-dorngh maaih norm
hungh weic, aengx maaih dauh zueiz jienv weic. 2
At once I was in the Spirit, and there before me
was a throne in heaven with someone sitting on
3 Zueiz jienv weic wuov dauh nyei mou zeiv buatc
hnangv maeng-luoqc caux siqv nyei la'bieiv-jaaix.
Aengx maaih diuh jung hnangv la'bieiv-jaaix
ndiemh maeng nyei, nzang nyei, kuing gormx weic.
3 And the one who sat there had the appearance
of jasper and carnelian. A rainbow, resembling an
emerald, encircled the throne.
4 Wuov norm hungh weic maaih nyic ziepc feix norm
weic weih gormx, aengx maaih nyic ziepc feix dauh
mienh gox zueiz jienv wuov deix weic. Ninh mbuo
zuqv lui-houx-baeqc, m'nqorngv yaac ndongx jienv
jiem-ningv. 4 Surrounding the throne were
twenty-four other thrones, and seated on them
were twenty-four elders. They were dressed in
white and had crowns of gold on their heads.
5 Yiem hungh weic borngz mba'lingc cuotv njapc
njapc nyei, maaih ziex nyungc qiex mbui, mba'ong
mbui paengz-paengz nyei. Yiem weic nza'hmien
maaih siec baav douz, dongh Tin-Hungh nyei wuov
deix siec norm lingh wuonh. 5 From the throne
came flashes of lightning, rumblings and peals of
thunder. Before the throne, seven lamps were
blazing. These are the seven spirits of God.
6 Yiem weic nza'hmien yaac buatc hnangv longc
gingx zoux daaih nyei koiv, nzang-nzang nyei
hnangv gingx-zaanv nor. Wuov norm weic nyei biei
bung, yietc bung maaih dauh nangh nyei ga'naaiv.
Wuov deix ga'naaiv nza'hmien caux nqa'haav maengx
maaih m'zing buangv nzengc. 6 Also before the
throne there was what looked like a sea of glass,
clear as crystal. In the center, around the
throne, were four living creatures, and they were
covered with eyes, in front and in back.
7 Da'yietv dauh nangh nyei ga'naaiv buatc hnangv
sienh nor. Da'nyeic dauh buatc hnangv ngongh
gouv. Da'faam dauh maaih hmien hnangv baamh mienh
nyei hmien. Da'feix dauh buatc hnangv ndaix jienv
nyei domh jaangv nor. 7 The first living
creature was like a lion, the second was like an
ox, the third had a face like a man, the fourth
was like a flying eagle.
8 Naaiv deix biei dauh nangh nyei ga'naaiv dauh
dauh maaih juqv kuaaiv ndaatv. Yaac maaih m'zing
buangv nzengc sin, liemh gu'nyuoz ga'nyiec. Ninh
mbuo ziangh hnoi ziangh muonz maiv dingh liouh
nyei baaux nzung gorngv, "Cing-nzengc,
cing-nzengc, cing-nzengc, Nernh Jiex nyei Ziouv
Tin-Hungh, dongh zinh ndaangc yiem, ih zanc yiem,
nqa'haav oix daaih wuov dauh. 8 Each of the
four living creatures had six wings and was
covered with eyes all around, even under his
wings. Day and night they never stop saying
"Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who
was, and is, and is to come."
9 Haaix zanc naaiv deix biei dauh nangh nyei
ga'naaiv ceng, taaih, laengz zingh zueiz jienv
hungh weic, dongh yietc liuz ziangh jienv taux
maanc gouv maanc doic wuov dauh, 9 Whenever the
living creatures give glory, honor and thanks to
him who sits on the throne and who lives for ever
and ever,
10 wuov deix nyic ziepc feix dauh mienh gox ziouc
gueic njiec baaix zueiz jienv hungh weic, dongh
yietc liuz ziangh taux maanc gouv maanc doic wuov
dauh. Ninh mbuo muonx ganh nyei ningv hietv jienv
wuov norm weic nyei nza'hmien yaac baaux nzung
gorngv. 10 the twenty-four elders fall down
before him who sits on the throne, and worship
him who lives for ever and ever. They lay their
crowns before the throne and say
11 "Yie mbuo nyei Ziouv, yie mbuo nyei Tin-Hungh
aah! Meih puix duqv yie mbuo ceng,puix duqv yie
mbuo taaih, puix duqv zipv lingc, weic zuqc meih
zeix maanc muotc cuotv daaih.Maanc muotc ei meih
nyei eix duqv zeix cuotv daaih, yaac duqv ziangh
jienv. 11 "You are worthy, our Lord and God, to
receive glory and honor and power, for you
created all things, and by your will they were
created and have their being."
Biux Mengh Waac Naaiv zaang Laauc Yaangh
Ging-Sou njaaux taux 10 nyungc jauv mbuo hnangv
haaix nor buoqc zangc caux ceng baaix Tin-Hungh
nyei jauv. Naaiv deix 10 nyungc jauv se maaih
hnangv naaiv mingh This chapter of Revelation
taught us 10 things about worshiping God. These
ten things as the following
(1) Singx Lingh dorh Yohan mingh taux
Tin-Dorngh, Yesu bun Yohan buatc nzengc
nyungc-nyungc yiem Tin-Dorngh caux yiem baamh gen
nyei ganaaiv (ys.1-2). The Holy Spirit leads
John to heaven, and Jesus let John saw all the
thing in heaven and on the earth (vs.1-2).
(2) Yohan duqv buatc Tin-Hungh nyei mou zeiv
caux Tin-Dorngh Guoqv hnangv haaix nor (ys. 3).
John has seen the appearance of God and heaven
how it look like.
Yiem naaiv yiemc Ging-Sou nyei waac biux mengh
taux Tin-Hungh caux Ninh yiem nyei dorngx.
Tin-Hungh yiem nyei dorngx se cing-nzengc haic
jaaix haic, nzueic haic nyei dorngx. Mbuo baamh
mienh mv maaih waac gaux haih porv mengh taux
Tin-Hungh caux Tin-Dorngh Guoqv nyei jauv. Se
gorngv meih oix hiuv duqv muonc nor doqc (Laauc
Yaangh 211-27 Isaayaa 61-9). This verse show
us about God and his throne. The throne of God is
holy, precious, and beauty. Our human word can
describes God and heaven. If you want to know
the detail read (Revelation 211-27 Isaiah
(3) Naaiv deix nyic ziepc feix dauh mienh gox
maaih eix-leiz beiv taux Loz-Ngaengc Waac caux
Siang-Ngaengc Waac lungh ndiev yietc zungv sienx
Tin-Hungh nyei mienh caux ziepc nyeic fingx
Isaalaaen Mienh, caux Yesu nyei ziepc dauh
Gong-Zoh (ys. 4) These twenty-four elders
represent the Old Testament and New Testaments
believers and the twelve tribes of Israelites and
twelve apostles.
(4) Naaiv deix buo yiemc Ging-Sou, biux mengh
taux yiem Tin-Hungh nyei nzahmien hnangv haaix
nor. Yaac biux mengh taux zangc Tin-Hungh nyei
mienh oix zuqc hnangv haaix nor zangc (ys. 4-6).
Beiv mangc (Cuotv Iyipv 2412-18). These three
verses, represent Gods presence. And it
demonstrates how the worshipers should worship
God (vs.4-6). Compare to (Exodus 2412-18).
(5) Naaiv deix biei dauh fin-mienh se dongh yiem
Tin-Hungh nyei nzahmien fu-sux Ninh wuov deix
fin-mienh (ys.6-8). These four angels are
minister in Gods presence (vs. 6-8).
(6) Buoqc zangc Tin-Hungh nyei jauv se maiv zeiz
weic dangh baav hnangv, se oix zuqc zanc-zanc
maiv dingh liouh nyei mingh (ys.8). Worshiping
God is not for one time, it continue forever.
(7) Buoqc zangc Tin-Hungh nyei jauv se oix zuqc
maaih ceng taaih Tin-Hungh nyei waac, yiem mbuo
baaux nyei nzung caux zoux nyei nyungc-nyungc
jauv oix zuqc bun Tin-Hungh duqv njang-laangc
(ys.8). The way worshiping God, need to have a
word of praise and magnified the Lord, in every
thing we do to give God glory (vs. 8)
(8) Buoqc zangc Tin-Hungh nyei mienh oix zuqc
maaih nyiemc ganh zoux faix nyei jauv yiem
Tin-Hungh nyei nzahmien (9-11). The worshipers
need to have a humble heart in the presence of
God (vs.9-11).
(9) Buoqc zangc Tin-Hungh nyei mienh oix zuqc
zieqv duqv gorngv, ninh mbuo buoqc zangc wuov
dauh Tin-Hungh se Nernh jiex, cing-nzengc jiex
wuov dauh Tin-Hungh (ys.4-9). Yaac oix zuqc
zieqv duqv gorngv ninh mbuo se benx zuiz mienh,
zungv liemh maiv puix duqv buoqc zangc Tin-Hungh,
hnangv Isaayaa buatc ninh ganh nor (Isaayaa
61-4). The worshipers must recognize the Lord
God is holy one and Almighty. And also, they
must recognized they are sinners, as Isaiah
(Isaiah 61-4).
(10) Naaiv deix buo yiemc Ging-Sou nyei waac biux
mengh bun mbuo hiuv taux hnangv haaix nor mbuoqc
zangc Tin-Hungh nyei jauv. Mbuo ceng baaix
Tin-Hungh nyei waac, oix zuqc longc haaix nyungc
waac ceng taaih Tin-Hungh, buoqc zangc Tin-Hungh
nyei mienh zoux nyei sic caux fiem-fingx jauv
hnangv haaix nor haih puix duqv Tin-Hungh(ys.
9-11). These three verses give us the
description how to worship God. How should we
sing and praise to God. The worshipers how to act
in the worship, and the attitudes of worshipers,
how to fit in the worship (vs. 9-11).
"Faaux naaiv daaih maah! Yie oix bun meih mangc
nqa'haav hingv oix cuotv nyei sic. Come up here
and I will show you.
Laauc Yaangh 41 Revelation 41
Naaiv norm fangx se beiv taux hnangv Tin-Hungh
nyei hungh weic nor. This picture represent Gods
" 9 Haaix zanc naaiv deix biei dauh nangh nyei
ga'naaiv ceng, taaih, laengz zingh zueiz jienv
hungh weic, dongh yietc liuz ziangh jienv taux
maanc gouv maanc doic wuov dauh, 10 wuov deix
nyic ziepc feix dauh mienh gox ziouc gueic njiec
baaix zueiz jienv hungh weic, dongh yietc liuz
ziangh taux maanc gouv maanc doic wuov dauh. Ninh
mbuo muonx ganh nyei ningv hietv jienv wuov norm
weic nyei nza'hmien yaac baaux nzung gorngv, 11
"Yie mbuo nyei Ziouv, yie mbuo nyei Tin-Hungh
aah! Meih puix duqv yie mbuo ceng,puix duqv yie
mbuo taaih, puix duqv zipv lingc, weic zuqc meih
zeix maanc muotc cuotv daaih.Maanc muotc ei meih
nyei eix duqv zeix cuotv daaih, yaac duqv ziangh
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Setv Mueiz Waac Ih hnoi nyei Ging-Sou biux mengh
mbuox mbuo, hnangv haaix nor ceng baaix
Tin-Hungh. Mbuo daaih zoux leiz-baaix, baaix
zangc Tin-Hungh nyei ziangh hoc oix zuqc longc
ziepc zuoqv hnyouv zoux. Todays scriptures
taught how to worship God. When we come to
church, we come for worshiping God. In time of
worshiping God, we must us our sincere heart to
worship God.
Oix zuqc jangx jienv Tin-Hungh se hlo haic, nernh
haic, cing-nzengc haic nyei wuov dauh Ziouv. Mbuo
se benx laih hlopv haic, waaic haic nyei
zuiz-mienh, zungv maiv zic duqv daaih buoqc zangc
Tin-Hungh. Buoqc zangc Tin-Hungh nyei ziangh hoc,
oix zuqc nyiemc ganh zoux faix, yaac suonc zingh
suonc eix bun Tin-Hungh nyei waac njaaux mbuo.
Oix zuqc hiuv duqv taaih Tin-Hungh, gamh nziez
Ninh. Remember, God is great, majestic, and
holy. We are a sinners, filthy, not worthy to
worship God. When we come worship God, we have to
humble ourselves, and let Gods Word teaches us.
Know how to respect, reverence, and fear God.
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