Surviving an OSHA Inspection - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Surviving an OSHA Inspection


OSHA Now and In The Future & Surviving an OSHA Inspection Occupational Safety & Health Act Enacted 4/29/71 Prior to OSH Act State factory laws Federal legislation ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Surviving an OSHA Inspection

OSHA Now and In The Future
Surviving an OSHA Inspection
Occupational Safety Health ActEnacted 4/29/71
  • Reasons for OSH Act
  • Failure of existing programs
  • State programs limited
  • Federal programs partial
  • Injuries illnesses increasing
  • Prior to OSH Act
  • State factory laws
  • Federal legislation
  • Walsh-Heatly
  • Construction Safety Act
  • Workers Comp
  • Voluntary employer programs

Purpose of the OSH Act
  • .. to assure every working man and woman in
    the nation safe and healthful working conditions
    and to preserve our human resources..

Democratic OSHA Reform
  • The May 12, 2008 Issue of Inside OSHA reports
    that much-needed OSHA reform may soon be on its
    way if Senator Kennedy has anything to say about
  • Senate labor committee Chair Edward Kennedy
    (D-MA) plans to push separate sections of his
    OSHA reform bill this year if he cannot get the
    entire bill passed, a source close to the issue
    told Inside OSHA.

  • During an April 29 hearing on OSHAs outdated
    penalty structure, Kennedy heard suggestions from
    AFL-CIO, a former employee of the Department of
    Justice, and a victims representative group on
    how to strengthen the enforcement provisions in
    his bill, The Protecting Americas Workers Act
    (PAW Act) . . . .

The possible Future!
  • S. 1244, The Protecting America's Workers Act
  • This legislation is supposed to "reform" OSHA
    by increasing civil and criminal penalties for
    certain OSHA violations. In reality, this
    legislation would revert back to the failed OSHA
    policies of the 1970s.

  • The bill arbitrarily increases civil penalties
    and imposes new criminal penalties which could
    land an employer in jail if a serious accident or
    death occurs. Minimum penalties of 50,000 per
    violation for fatalities or serious injuries,
    with maximum penalties up to 250,000

  • Even if an employer was to do everything possible
    to prevent a workplace accident, s/he could still
    end up in jail.
  • The new, untested definitions in this bill are
    vague and ambiguous.
  • The bill makes it more likely that small
    businesses will have to hire an attorney to deal
    with the expanded OSHA enforcement actions.
  • The government attempts to create new criminal
    penalties that would seek to punish employers
    rather than assist them to create safer

  • This bill makes employers subject to more
    workplace inspections.
  • It gives employees expanded powers to call in an
    OSHA inspector.
  • Unions could use these unsubstantiated complaints
    as a reason to organize a non-union small
  • In addition to employees, non-employees and
    competitors are given an unfair opportunity to
    issue complaints with OSHA.

  • This bill requires employers to pay for an
    employee's personal protective equipment. (this
    has already been accomplished by an update to the
    OSHA PPE standard in 2008)

  • This bill expands OSHA and gives them the ability
    to investigate claims instead of the Justice
  • The bill requires OSHA to investigate all safety
    complaints, even those from non-employees.
  • This bill expands OSHA's coverage to some federal
    and state employees.
  • By expanding OSHA, it simultaneously opens the
    door to organized labor and gives unions one more
    step in their efforts to organize small

The General Duty Clause
  • OSH Act Public Law 91-596 Dec. 29, 1970
  • Section 5 (a) (1)
  • Each employer shall furnish to each of his
    employees employment and a place of employment
    which are free from recognized hazards that are
    causing or are likely to cause, death or serious
    physical harm to employees

  • Qualified Person
  • One who, by having a recognized degree,
    certificate, or professional standing or who by
    extensive knowledge, training, experience, has
    successfully demonstrated his ability to solve or
    resolve problems relating to the work

  • Competent Person
  • One who is capable of identifying existing and
    predictable hazards in the surroundings or
    working conditions which are unsanitary,
    hazardous, or dangerous to employees, and who has
    authority to take prompt corrective measures to
    eliminate them.

Competent Person Requirementsin 1926 Standards
  • Fall Protection
  • Scaffolding
  • Trench Excavation
  • Respirator Use
  • Cranes Derricks
  • Asbestos
  • Ladders
  • Hearing Protection
  • Welding Cutting
  • Accident Prevention
  • Slings Rigging
  • Electrical
  • Personnel Hoists
  • Concrete forms Shoring
  • Demolition Preparation
  • Compressed Air Use
  • Underground Const.
  • Lead
  • Ionizing Radiation

Types of Compliance Inspections
  • General Scheduled (Random)
  • Programmed (high hazard industry)
  • Complaint
  • Post-Incident(1 fatality or 3 injuries from 1
    event )
  • Referral
  • Special Emphasis
  • Focused (looks at 4 main hazards)
  • Follow-up (post citation)

Inspection Priorities
  • Imminent Danger
  • Fatal Accidents Catastrophes
  • Complaints
  • General Scheduled Inspections (Random)
  • Programmed Inspections (High Hzd Industy)
  • Follow-Up Inspections

Focused Inspections
  • Program Overview Allows compliance officers to
    spend less time on the sites of good contractors
    and more time on the sites of not-so-good
  • You must have a written safety program
    implemented by a competent person

Focused Inspections
  • Hazards Focused on (90 of fatalities)
  • Falls (floors, work platforms, roofs) 33
  • Struck by(falling objects, vehicles) 22
  • Caught in-between (cave-ins) 18
  • Electrical (overhead lines, tools) 17

Types of Citations
  • Other than Serious - A violation that would not
    cause death or serious injury
  • Serious - A violation where there is a high
    probability of death or serious injury occurring
  • Willful - A violation where death or serious
    injury could occur and employer knew or should
    have known the hazard existed.
  • Repeat - A violation of any standard or rule
    where upon re-inspection a similar violation is
  • Failure to Abate - A violation from failure to
    correct a previous citation in a timely manner

Citation Penalties
  • Other than Serious - 0 - 7000
  • Serious - 7000
  • Repeated - Up to 70,000
  • Willful - 70,000 (per employee exposed)
  • Failure to abate - (per calendar day 7000 to
    maximum 210,000)
  • Failure to report fatality - 5000
  • Failure to post citation - 3000
  • Failure to post to 300 log - 1000 / case

Inspection Categories
  • Comprehensive
  • A complete walk through inspection of an entire
    construction site or establishment, with the
    exception of areas, such as offices, that are
    obviously low-hazard
  • Partial
  • A walk through limited to certain areas,
    operations, or conditions that does not include
    all potentially hazardous areas. (Focused
  • Records Only
  • A safety inspection limited to an examination of
    an establishments injury and/or illness records
    and an evaluation of compliance with the hazard
    communication standard.

Surviving an OSHA Inspection
The Inspection
  • Compliance Officer arrives
  • Opening conference
  • Walk Through
  • Closing conference
  • Citations
  • Settlement agreements

  • OSHA Form 200/300 (OSHA Log)
  • Accident Reports
  • Material Safety Data Sheets
  • Self Inspection Forms
  • Training (Meeting Minutes)
  • Hazcom Program
  • Your Safety Program

Receiving the Compliance Officer
Upon arrival of the OSHA Compliance Officer, the
jobsite Superintendent (or other employer
representative) should greet the individual and
check/verify the Compliance Officers credentials.
Opening Conference
Compliance Officer will usually cover the
following topics during his briefing
  • Nature purpose of visit - Routine inspection or
    employee complaint, if applicable
  • Scope of Inspection - Areas to be inspected,
    employee interviews, etc.
  • Records to be reviewed
  • Invitation to participate in the inspection -
    Employer and subcontractor personnel.
  • Distribution of OSHA materials - Copies of the
    Act, standards, promotional materials, etc.

Walkaround Inspection
The inspection shall be conducted within
reasonable limits and in a reasonable manner
during regular working hours except when mutually
agreed upon by the parties concerned.
  • The Compliance Officer shall comply with all
    company safety and health rules during his/her
    inspection, including the wearing of required
    personal protective equipment.

Walkaround Inspection (contd)
  • During the course of the inspection, the
    Compliance Officer may
  • Agree to the participation of more than one
    employer representative and one employee
    representative in the walkaround.
  • Interview, question or invite comments from a
    reasonable number of employees. If consultation
    unduly hinders work activity, he may arrange for
    off-duty interviews at a location other than the
    workplace. Written statements may be taken under
    certain conditions

Walkaround Inspection (contd)
  • During the course of the inspection, the
    Compliance Officer may
  • Receive complaints from employees regarding
    possible violation(s) of the standards, provided
    there is no interference with the inspection
  • The Compliance Officer may take photographs.

Walkaround Inspection (contd)
  • During the course of the inspection, the
    superintendent or representative should
  • Accompany the Compliance Officer at all times
    during the inspection.
  • Take detailed notes of inspection activities
    (comments, samples/tests taken, records
    given/reviewed, location of photos taken, etc.)
  • Photograph anything that the Compliance Officer
    photographs (if a camera is convenient).
  • If requested, ensure that the Compliance Officer
    is permitted interviews with jobsite employees.

Walkaround Inspection (contd)
  • At the conclusion of the walkthrough, the
    Compliance Officer will ensure that employee reps
    are informed of the apparent violation(s), if
    any, found during inspection.

Closing Conference
At completion of the inspection, a closing
conference will be arranged to permit the
Compliance Officer to advise the company and/or
any subcontractor representatives of any alleged
violation(s) observed during the inspection.
Closing Conference (contd)
  • The Compliance Officer should indicate the
    applicable section(s) of the standards which are
    alleged to have been violated and provide
    information on the following
  • Alleged violation(s), which may be the basis of a
  • Methods used to establish abatement period(s)
  • Penalty determination procedures.

Closing Conference (contd)
  • Appeal and contest procedures.
  • Abatement letters and follow-up inspections
  • Variance procedures.
  • Availability of an informal conference with the
    area director.
  • Distribution of OSHA Material (if not done at the
    opening conference

The Citation
  • Normally arrives by mail (certified).
  • Tells what type of violations were noted
  • Serious (fine up to 7,000)
  • Other (normally no fine)
  • Repeat (fine up to 70,000)
  • Willful (fine up to 70,000/day)
  • Shows inspections date(s) and location/site

The Citation (contd)
  • Lists Information of Each Violation Type
  • Standard of Act violated
  • Description of violation
  • Abatement date for each violation
  • Penalty (if any) for each violation


Penalty Adjustment Factors
  • Size

Employees 1 - 25 26 - 100 101 - 250 251 - more
Percent Reduction 60 40 20 None

Penalty Adjustment Factors
  • Good Faith

Percent Reduction 25 15 0
  • Effective written program which includes
  • management commitment employee involvement
    worksite analysis hazard prevention control
    and safety health training
  • all applicable programs required under OSHA
  • Effective program showing minor deficiencies
  • Otherwise


Penalty Adjustment Factors
  • History

Percent Reduction 10 0
  • Employers who have not been cited for serious,
    willful or repeated violations in past 3 years
  • Otherwise


Options after the Citation arrives
  • No Contest
  • Notify OSHA by letter as to corrective action
  • Pay fine(s)/penalties
  • Contest
  • Must be done within 15 working days (by letter)
  • Can contest
  • Penalty Amount
  • Type of Citation
  • Abatement Date(s)
  • Actual Violation


Options after the Citation arrives
  • Informal Conference
  • Must be arranged within 15 working days of
    receipt of citation
  • Can negotiate same items as contest
  • Formal Contest
  • Must be done within 15 days after reciept of
    citation or 15 days after results of informal
    conference. Most likely legal council needed.

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