Title: Real-Time Mapping of
1Real-Time Mapping of Coastal and Estuarine Water
Mark Trice Bruce Michael Maryland Department of
Natural Resources Paul Barter Cawthron
Institute, NZ Walter Boynton University of
Maryland, Chesapeake Biological Laboratory
mtrice_at_dnr.state.md.us www.eyesonthebay.net
2Second Generation DATAFLOW Interface
3DATAVIEW Interface
1. Visual Basic Script for ArcGIS
2. Uses ArcGIS GPS Extension
3. Uses NETCOMM serial driver
4. Script Modified from Initial Application by
Cawthron Institute.
5. Full Functionality of ArcGIS
4Benefits of the Base DATAVIEW Interface
1. Follow previous or set cruise tracks
2. Navigate to existing GIS layers Bathymetry,
habitat, etc.
3. Groundtruthing
4. View map-based data in real-time.
5. Ease of operation within a regular monitoring
6. Adaptive Sampling and Better Delineation of
5Multiple Viewing Options
6Added Features Map View
8Added Features Data Flagging
9Added Features Alert System
10Added Features Automated Map Layouts
11Added Features Probability Mapping
12Case Study Fish Kill
13Case Study SAV Study
14Case Study Sample Design
15Future Directions
1. Further field testing within DNR
2. Incorporate existing QA/QC macro
3. Distribution to Chesapeake Bay partners
4. Interactive Tutorial Development
5. Distribute to wider community
16Turbidity (25m2 pixel)
Chlorophyll (25m2 pixel)
Salinity (25m2 pixel)
Regional Specific Equation
Layer of Light Attentuation (Kd)
17Only about 1-2 of Spatial Area is Passing the
deeper 1-2 meter PLL/Light Attenuation criteria
April 2004
May 2004
June 2004
July 2004
Aug 2004
Sept. 2004
Oct. 2004
Passes at 2.1 PLL
Passes at 1.0 PLL
Fails 2.1 PLL
18Maryland DNRs Eyes on the Bay Website
19(No Transcript)
2016 Surveys each month April October 2007
Tidal Fresh
Upper Oligohaline
Lower Oligohaline
Wicomico R St. Clements Bay Breton Bay
Machodoc Creek
St. Marys River
Piney Point
Rosier Creek
Mattox Creek
Nomini Creek
Lower Machodoc R.
Yeocomico River
Coan River
Lower Potomac
21This project was funded by a grant from
NOAA/UNH Cooperative Institute for Coastal and
Estuarine Environmental Technology, NOAA Grant
Number NA03NOS4190195
mtrice_at_dnr.state.md.us www.eyesonthebay.net