Dynamics of Ecosystems Chapter 57 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Dynamics of Ecosystems Chapter 57


Chapter 57 Biogeochemical Cycles Ecosystem: includes all the organisms that live in a particular place, plus the abiotic environment in which they live and interact ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Dynamics of Ecosystems Chapter 57

Dynamics of EcosystemsChapter 57
Biogeochemical Cycles
  • Ecosystem includes all the organisms that live
    in a particular place, plus the abiotic
    environment in which they live and interact
  • Biological processing of matter cycling of
    atoms in the environment and in living organisms
  • Biogeochemical cycles chemicals moving through
    ecosystems biotic and abiotic

Biogeochemical Cycles
  • Biogeochemical cycles usually cross the
    boundaries of ecosystem
  • One ecosystem might import or export chemicals to
  • Carbon is a major constituent of the bodies of
  • 20 of weight of human body is carbon
  • Makes up 0.03 volume of the atmosphere 750
    billion metric tons

Biogeochemical Cycles
  • The carbon cycle

Biogeochemical Cycles
  • Carbon fixation metabolic reactions that make
    nongaseous compounds from gaseous ones
  • In aquatic systems inorganic carbon is present in
    water as dissolved CO2 and as HCO3- ions
  • CO2 is used by algae and aquatic plants for
    photosynthesis (make glucose)

Biogeochemical Cycles
  • Methane producers
  • Microbes that break down organic compounds by
    anaerobic cellular respiration provide an
    additional dimension to the carbon cycle
  • Methanogens produce methane (CH4)
  • Wetland ecosystems are a source of CH4
  • CH4 is oxidized to CO2, but can remain as CH4 for
    a long time

Biogeochemical Cycles
  • Over time, globally, the carbon cycle may proceed
    faster in one direction
  • This can cause large consequences if continued
    for many years
  • Earths present preserves of coal, and other
    fossil fuels were built up over geological time
  • Human burning of fossil fuels is creating large
    imbalances in the carbon cycle
  • The concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere is
    going up year by year

Biogeochemical Cycles
  • Water Cycle
  • All life depends on the presence of water
  • 60 of the adult human body weight is water
  • Amount of water available determines the nature
    and abundance of organisms present
  • It can be synthesized and broken down
  • Synthesized during cellular respiration
  • Broken down during photosynthesis

Biogeochemical Cycles
  • Basic water cycle
  • Liquid water from the Earths surface evaporates
    into the atmosphere
  • Occurs directly from the surfaces of oceans,
    lakes, and rivers
  • Terrestrial ecosystems 90 of evaporation is
    through plants
  • Water in the atmosphere is a gas
  • Cools and falls to the surface as precipitation

Biogeochemical Cycles
  • Groundwater under ground water
  • Aquifers permeable, underground layers of rock,
    sand, and gravel saturated with water
  • Important reservoir 95 fresh water used in
    United States
  • Two subparts
  • Upper layers constitute the water table
  • Lower layer can be tapped by wells

Biogeochemical Cycles
  • Water cycle

Biogeochemical Cycles
  • Changes in the supply of water to an ecosystem
    can radically alter the nature of the ecosystem
  • Deforestation disrupts the local water cycle
  • Water that falls as rain drains away
  • Tropical rain forest ? semiarid desert

Biogeochemical Cycles
  • Nitrogen Cycle
  • Nitrogen is a component of all proteins and
    nucleic acids
  • Usually the element in shortest supply
  • Atmosphere is 78 nitrogen
  • Availability
  • Most plants and animals can not use N2 (gas)
  • Use instead NH3, and NO3-

Biogeochemical Cycles
  • Nitrogen fixation synthesis of nitrogen
    containing compounds from N2
  • Nitrification N2 --gt NH3 --gt NO3-
  • Denitrification NO3- --gt N2
  • Both processes are carried out by microbes free
    or living on plant roots
  • Nitrogenous wastes and fertilizer use radically
    alter the global nitrogen cycle
  • Humans have doubled the rate of transfer of N2 in
    usable forms into soils and water

Biogeochemical Cycles
  • Nitrogen Cycle

Biogeochemical Cycles
  • Phosphorus cycle
  • Phosphorus is required by all organisms
  • Occurs in nucleic acids, membranes, ATP
  • No significant gas form
  • Exists as PO43- in ecosystems
  • Plants and algae use free inorganic phosphorus,
    animals eat plants to obtain their phosphorus

Biogeochemical Cycles
  • Phosphorus cycle

Biogeochemical Cycles
  • Limiting nutrient weak link in an ecosystem
    shortest supply relative to the needs of
  • Iron is the limiting nutrient for algal
  • Nitrogen and phosphorus can also be limiting
    nutrients for both terrestrial and aquatic

Flow of Energy in Ecosystems
  • Energy exists as
  • Light
  • Chemical-bond energy
  • Motion
  • Heat
  • First Law of Thermodynamics energy is neither
    created nor destroyed it changes forms

Flow of Energy in Ecosystems
  • Organisms do not convert lost heat to any of the
    other forms of energy
  • Second Law of Thermodynamics whenever organisms
    use chemical-bond or light energy some is
    converted to heat (entropy)
  • Earth functions as an open system for energy
  • Sun our major source of energy

Flow of Energy in Ecosystems
  • Earths incoming and outgoing flows of radiant
    energy must be equal for global temperatures to
    stay constant
  • Human activities are changing the composition of
    the atmosphere
  • Greenhouse effect heat accumulating on Earth,
    causing global warming

Flow of Energy in Ecosystems
  • Trophic levels which level an organism feeds
  • Autotrophs self-feeders synthesize the
    organic compounds of their bodies from inorganic
  • Photoautotrophs light as energy source
  • Chemoautotrophs energy from inorganic oxidation
  • prokaryotic

Flow of Energy in Ecosystems
  • Heterotrophs cannot synthesize organic
    compounds from inorganic precursors
  • animals that eat plants and other animals
  • fungi that use dead and decaying matter

Flow of Energy in Ecosystems
  • Trophic levels
  • Primary producers autotrophs
  • Consumers heterotrophs
  • Herbivores first consumer level
  • Primary carnivores eat herbivores
  • Secondary carnivores eat primary carnivores or
  • Detritivores eat decaying matter
  • Decomposers microbes that break up dead matter

  • Trophic levels within an ecosystem

Flow of Energy in Ecosystems
  • Productivity the rate at which the organisms in
    the trophic level collectively synthesize new
    organic matter
  • Primary productivity productivity of the
    primary producers
  • Respiration rate at which primary producers
    break down organic compounds

Flow of Energy in Ecosystems
  • Gross primary productivity (GPP) raw rate at
    which primary producers synthesize new organic
  • Net primary productivity (NPP) is the GPP less
    the respiration of the primary producers
  • Secondary productivity productivity of a
    heterotroph trophic level

Flow of Energy in Ecosystems
  • Standing crop biomass chief static property of
    a population or trophic level the amount of
    organic matter present at a particular time
  • Fraction of incoming solar radiant energy
    captured by producers is 1/year
  • Used to make chemical-bond energy
  • ATP for metabolic processes

Flow of Energy in Ecosystems
  • 50 of chemical-bond energy is not assimilated
    and is egested in feces
  • 33 of ingested energy is used for cellular
  • 17 ingested energy is converted into insect

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  • Ecosystem productivity per year

Flow of Energy in Ecosystems
  • Limits on top carnivores exponential decline of
    chemical-bond energy limits the lengths of
    trophic chains and the numbers of top carnivores
    an ecosystem can support
  • Little energy
  • Large carnivores
  • Longest chains occur in the oceans
  • Top carnivore populations are small

Flow of Energy in Ecosystems
Humans may not have metabolic access to all
calories in plants... Other organisms make fats
and metab. byproducts helpful to humans
  • Flow of energy through the trophic levels of
    Cayuga Lake

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Flow of Energy in Ecosystems
  • Trophic level interactions
  • Trophic cascade process by which effects
    exerted at an upper level flow down to influence
    two or more lower levels
  • Top-down effects when effects flow down
  • Bottom-up effects when effect flows up through
    a trophic chain

Flow of Energy in Ecosystems
  • Top-down effects in a simple trophic cascade in a
    New Zealand stream

Flow of Energy in Ecosystems
Top-down effects in a four-level trophic cascade.
Stream enclosures with and without large
carnivorous fish
Flow of Energy in Ecosystems
  • To predict bottom-up effects must take into
    account life history of the organisms
  • When primary productivity is low, producer
    populations cannot support herbivore populations
  • As primary productivity increases, herbivore
    populations increase
  • Increased herbivore populations lead to carnivore
    populations increasing

Flow of Energy in Ecosystems
  • Bottom up effects
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