Reciprocity - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Reciprocity Reciprocity measures the extent to which a tie from A to B is reciprocated by a tie from B to A. Obtained for directed (asymmetric) ties. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Reciprocity

  • Reciprocity measures the extent to which a tie
    from A to B is reciprocated by a tie from B to A.
    Obtained for directed (asymmetric) ties.
  • Networks with lots of reciprocity are often more
    balanced, stable, harmonious.
  • Different ways to measure reciprocity
  • Dyad based
  • Proportion of dyads (pairs) with reciprocated
    ties among all possible dyads
  • 1/3.333 (AB/AB,BC,AC)
  • Proportion of dyads with reciprocated ties
    among all connected dyads
  • 1/2.5 (AB/AB,BC)
  • Arc (tie) based
  • Proportion of reciprocated ties among all
    possible ties
  • 2/6.333 (AB,BA/AB,BA,BC,CB,AC,CA)
  • Proportion of reciprocated ties among all
    existing ties
  • 2/3.667 (AB,BA/AB,BA,BC)

In UCINET Network ? Cohesion? Reciprocity Then
choose either the Dyad-based or Arc-based Method.
(You will get the Proportion of dyads with
reciprocated ties among all connected dyads or
the Proportion of reciprocated ties among all
existing ties
Transitivity measures a tendency for a tie from A
to C to exist if a tie from A to B and a tie from
B to C exist. If A? B B? C A? C then the
three are transitive. Networks with high level of
transitivity are often more stable, balanced,
harmonious. Suppose we have symmetric ties,
transitivity then means that If A is friends
with B and B is friends with C (suppose that
friendship is always symmetric) A is friends with
C (Fig.1). (In other words the triad is closed.)
A?B, B ?C, A?C In that case, however, it is also
true that if A is friends with C and C is friends
with B, A is friends with B. A?C, C?B, A?B Four
other statements also must be true B?A, A?C,
B?C B?C, C?A, B?A C?A, A?B, C?B C?B, B?A,
C?A This triad is fully transitive you can take
the three nodes in any configuration, you will
get transitivity. Any particular configuration
of three nodes is called a triple. Three nodes
can form triples (321) 6 different ways ABC,
ACB, BAC, BCA, CAB, CBA Suppose we have directed
ties, but all happen to be reciprocal (Fig.2.).
We have the same results as with symmetric ties.
Indeed, all triples are transitive.
Now C is friend of A but A is NOT friend of C.
How many transitive triples do we have left? Only
3 B?C, C?A, B?A C?A, A?B, C?B C?B, B?A,
C?A Now if you remove B?C too you will have only
2 transitive triples (Fig.4.), but if you remove
C?B instead, you are down to 1 transitive triple
(Fig.5.), and if you remove C?A instead, you NO
transitive triple is (Fig.6.).
  • In this network of 4 there is no reciprocal
  • But it has one transitive triple ABC A?B, B?C,
  • E.g. BCA is intransitive B?C, C?A, B?A.
  • So is BAC B?A, A?C, B?C etc.
  • What should we do with ACD?
  • A?C, C?D, A ? D
  • ACD is not intransitive, it is called vacuously
    transitive. A triple that has fewer than three
    ties is called vacuously transitive.
  • Therefore transitive triples are also referred to
    as non-vacuously transitive.
  • Reported as
  • Proportion of transitive triples among all
    possible triples
  • All possible (ordered) triples from 3 nodes is 6.
    4 nodes can form 4 triads (leaving out a
    different one each time.) All possible triples
    from 4 nodes is 6424. We find only 1
    (non-vacuously) transitive triple ABC
  • 1/24.042
  • Proportion of transitive triples among triads
    where one single link could complete a triad.
  • We have three such triples ABC, ACD, BCD but the
    last two triples have only two ties, so they are
    vacuously transitive.
  • 1/3.333
  • transitive triples/( transitive triples
    vacuously transitive triples that could be
    non-vacuously transitive )

In UCINET Network ? Cohesion? Transitivity
Choose Adjecency for the Type of transitivity
  • Clustering measures a tendency towards dense
    local neighborhoods
  • neighborhood other nodes to which ego is
  • size of the neighborhood the number of
    potential connection among the nodes in the
  • Nodes clustering coefficient
  • density of ties between nodes directly adjacent
    to it, excluding the ties to the node itself.
  • A has two neighbors B and C. They make one pair
    (BC), and have one tie between them. The density
    of the network consisting of B and C is 1/11.
  • B the same for B
  • C has three potential pairs in its neighbors
    AB,AD, BD. Density of the network consisting of
    these nodes is 1/3.333
  • For the coefficient to be calculated, a node has
    to have at least two ties
  • D has only one ties, no clustering coefficient
    can be calculated
  • Note when UCINET calculates ties, 1 tie is a
    symmetric or a reciprocal tie. An asymmetric
    directed tie counts as half a tie. Here all ties
    are symmetric.
  • Average node (overall graph) clustering
  • Average node clustering weighted by the size of
    nodes neighborhood (1111.3333)/(113).600

In UCINET Network ? Cohesion? Clustering
Correlation between Two Networks with the Same
Friendship Network
Invitation to a Birthday Party Network
Bivariate Statistics
1 2 3 4 5
6 7
Value Signif Avg SD P(Large)
P(Small) NPerm
--------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
--------- --------- 1 Pearson Correlation
0.331 0.194 0.004 0.244 0.194
0.964 2500.000 2 Simple Matching
0.667 0.194 0.513 0.115 0.194
0.964 2500.000 3 Jaccard Coefficient
0.412 0.194 0.254 0.115 0.194
0.964 2500.000 4 Goodman-Kruskal Gamma
0.625 0.194 -0.001 0.460 0.194
0.964 2500.000 5 Hamming Distance
10.000 0.194 14.598 3.447 0.964
0.194 2500.000
In UCINET Tools ? Testing Hypotheses ? Dyadic
(QAP) ? QAP Correlation (old)
Measures of Correlation between Two Networks with
the Same Actors
  • The units of analysis or cases here are the
    dyads. With N actors you have MN(N-1) cases.
  • The data file used here is of the familiar cases
    by variables format
  • Which correlation measure to use depends on how
    the tie is measured.
  • Binary ties (the two variables are dichotomous)
  • If the information content of 0 is less than the
    information content of 1. E.g., if we both
    mention X as our best friend that reveals our
    similarity. But if neither of us mentions X as
    our best friend that does not necessarily mean we
    are similar.
  • Jaccard coefficient
  • JM11/(M01M10M00) M11 of dyads
    where both ties are 1, M01 of dyads where 1st
    tie is 0, 2nd tie is 1 etc.
  • If the information content of 0 is the same as
    the information content of 1. E.g., if we are
    forced to sort people into friend or enemy and we
    both choose X as friend, that is as informative
    as both of us choosing X as our enemy.
  • Simple Matching
  • S(M11M00)/(M00M01M10M11)
  • Hamming Distance(1-S)M
    or the number of mismatched dyads
  • Ordinal ties (the two variables are ordinal,
    e.g. Do you talk often, rarely, never?)

Network Positions and Social Roles
  • Similarity or equivalence of actors positions
    can be defined in several ways
  • Structural equivalence two nodes have the
    same relations with the same set of other nodes
  • Actors A and B each is tied to nodes C,D,E,F,G
  • Actors C,D,E,F,G each is tied to both A and B
  • Automorphic equivalence identifies actors in
    the same configuration of ties. They do not have
    to have ties to the same set. But they have the
    same centrality, ego density and clique size.
  • Actors A, B A is tied to C,G,D and B is tied to
    E,F,D and C,G are like F,E
  • Actors C, G, F, E
  • Actors C and G are not just automorphically but
    also structurally equivalent and so are F and E.
  • Regular equivalence two nodes have the same
    profile of ties with members of other sets of
    actors. It describes social roles, e.g. mother in
    a family.
  • Actors A, B -- e.g. mothers
  • Actors C, G, D, F, E e.g. children
  • Actors C and G are also automorphically and
    structurally equivalent, so are D,F,E

Network Positions and Social Roles
  • In the figure you find
  • Structural equivalence
  • Actors E and F
  • Actors H and I
  • Automorphic equivalence
  • Actors B, D
  • Actors E, F, H, I
  • Regular equivalence
  • Actors B, C, D
  • Actors E, F, G, H, I
  • Actors that are structurally equivalent
  • are also automorphically and regularly
  • Actors that are automorphically equivalent
  • are also regularly equivalent

In UCINET Network ? Roles Positions ?
Structural ? Profile for stuctural equivalence
(for full s.e. you look for a coefficient of
0.00) Network ? Roles Positions ? Automorphic ?
All Permutations for automorphic
equivalence Network ? Roles Positions ? Maximal
Regular ? Optimization for regular equivalence
Network Subgroups Cliques
  • Clique - a sub-set of a network in which the
    actors are more closely and intensely tied to one
    another than they are to other members of the
    network. It is a cohesive subgroup connected with
    many direct and reciprocated ties.
  • Formally, a clique is the maximum number of
    actors but at least three, who have all possible
    ties present among themselves
  • Within a clique the geodesic distance is 1 for
    everyone (everyone is directly related)
  • In terms of friendship ties, for example, it is
    not unusual for people in human groups to form
    "cliques" on the basis of age, gender, race,
    ethnicity, religion/ideology, and many other
  • Cliques tend to indicate stronger relationships,
    similarity in information and resources
    available, more constraint, but also more support
  • The above definition of the clique is very
    strict, so there are many other types of
    sub-groups you can identify in a network
    (N-cliques, N-clans, K-plexes, K-cores, F-groups)
    with less restrictive assumptions about in-group
    and out-group ties

1 cliques found. 1 Ana Jen Liz
Pat Actor-by-Actor Clique Co-Membership
Matrix 1 2 3 4 5 6 A J L P
N M - - - - - - 1 Ana 1 1 1 1 0
0 2 Jen 1 1 1 1 0 0 3 Liz 1 1 1 1 0 0
4 Pat 1 1 1 1 0 0 5 Nancy 0 0 0 0 0 0 6
a M A J L P n o n e i a c
n a n z t y a Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 -----
- - - - - - 1.000 XXXXXXX . . 0.000
In UCINET Network ? Subgroups ? Cliques
Correspondence Analysis for Two-Mode Networks
  • In UCINET Tools ? Scaling/Decomposition ?

Correspondence Analysis for Two-Mode Networks
  • There are four birthday parties, therefore we can
    display every girl in a four dimensional space.
  • Correspondence analysis (CA) tries to find a
    simpler space with fewer dimensions, that still
    describes the relative positions of the six girls
    fairly accurately.
  • It is always possible to derive K-1 dimensions
    (or factors) from K dimensions, if you are
    willing to take the sum of the four dimensions as
    given. The last dimension then can be obtained
    from the sum by subtraction.
  • CA derived 3 factors from the 4 birthday parties.
  • The first factor explains 47.9 of the
    connections among the 6 girls.
  • The second explains 32, the third 20.1.
  • The factors are always ordered from the highest
    to the lowest explanatory power. The hope is that
    one can derive a few (say, two) factors that
    explains a large percent of the connections.
  • The plot takes the first two dimensions and
    places each girl and birthday party according to
    their scores on those two factors. E.g. Anas
    position on the 1st factor is 0.678 and on the
    2nd 0.596. Pat and Liz have identical values
    (0.240, -0.941) and they are occupying the exact
    same spot.
  • The question is what do these factors mean? What
    explains the pattern of association?
  • If we know something about the parties we can
  • E.g. Suppose Factor 1 is the size of the party,
    Factor 2 is the amount of dancing at the party.
  • Then BDP3 was the largest, BDP2 was almost as
    large, and BDP4 was the smallest. BDP3 was the
    danciest and BDP1 was the least dancy. Ana is
    invited to larger and dancier parties, Mona to
    small and dancy parties etc.This may tell you
    something about the relationships among the girls.
  • ------- ------ ------- ------- ------- -------
  • 1 0.848 47.9 47.9 1.495 0.616
  • 2 0.567 32.0 79.9 1.597 0.275
  • 3 0.355 20.1 100.0 0.108
  • 1.770 100.0
  • Row Scores
  • 1 2 3
  • ------ ------ ------
  • 1 Ana 0.678 0.596 0.273
  • 2 Jen 0.545 -0.032 -0.672
  • 3 Pat 0.240 -0.941 0.239
  • 4 Liz 0.240 -0.941 0.239
  • 5 Nancy -0.841 -0.196 0.072
  • 6 Mona -1.921 0.549 -0.096
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