Title: Searching for Nursing Concepts
1Searching for Nursing Concepts
Health Sciences Library
- This module introduces searching techniques to
research Nursing Concepts using Library resources - Note this course has 32 slides and should take
20-30 minutes to complete. - Last Reviewed 05/2009
- Upon completion of this module, the participant
will - Understand what steps are involved in researching
a nursing concept. - Understand how to search for nursing concepts in
Cinahl. - Understand how to search for nursing concepts in
non-biomedical databases.
4Steps in researching Concepts
Steps in Researching Concepts
- To get a complete understanding of a Nursing
Concept you should - 1. Look up your concept in dictionaries and
encyclopedias - 2. Search your concept in Pegasus (Loyola
Libraries Online Catalog) - Search your concept in Cinahl to find nursing
articles - 4. Search your concept in other disciplines
5Look up your concept in dictionaries
Dictionaries Encyclopedias
- Look up your concept in dictionaries from various
disciplines (philosophy, psychology,
sociology,etc.) - Look up your concept in encyclopedias from
various disciplines
6Look up your concept in dictionaries
Dictionaries Encyclopedias
- The Health Sciences Library has many dictionaries
and encyclopedias for various disciplines. - See the following section on searching the online
catalog Pegasus for tips in finding these works
in the library.
7Search Pegasus
Searching Pegasus
- Search the online catalog, Pegasus, to identify
resources available at all Loyola Libraries. - Pegasus can be searched on campus or at home.
Direct link is http//pegasus.luc.edu
8Search Pegasus
Searching Pegasus
- Example Find Psychology dictionaries
- Click on Advanced Search, enter search criteria
and click on search
9Search Pegasus
Searching Pegasus
- Two results found
- The dictionary of psychology by R. Corsini. H.S.
Stacks (Health Sciences Library) - The concise dictionary of psychology by D. Statt.
(H. S. Reference)
10Search Pegasus
Searching Pegasus
- Example Find books that have HOPE in the title
- Click on Advanced Search, enter search criteria
note use drop down box to change search
parameters and click on search
11Search Pegasus
Searching Pegasus
- Two of the results found
- The Anatomy of hope how people prevail in the
face of illness by J. Groopman. (Cudahy Main
Stacks) - Fighting for our future how young women find
strength, hope and courage while taking control
of breast cancer by B. Murphy. H.S. Stacks
(Health Sciences Library) - Ask a reference librarian for more information on
searching Pegasus.
12Searching for Concepts in Cinahl
Searching for Concepts in Cinahl
- Cinahl Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied
Health Literature is an excellent resource for
searching a nursing concept. - Cinahl can be accessed through the library
homepage http//library.luhs.org.
13Searching for Concepts in Cinahl
- You will find a link to CINAHL in the Quick Links
on the Health Sciences Librarys home page at
14Searching for Concepts in Cinahl
The following example will demonstrate how to
search the Cinahl database for citations on the
concept of hope. Step 1 search for papers
about hope Step 2 search for papers about
concepts Step 3 Combine the results for hope
concepts Step 4 Refine search
15Searching for Concepts in Cinahl
- Step 1 Search for papers about hope
- Type your topic which is HOPE in the keyword
box and click on Browse.
16Searching for Concepts in Cinahl
- Select appropriate heading by checking the box in
front of the term check boxes for Explode to
maximize the retrieval for this term (if
available) click on Search Database
17Searching for Concepts in Cinahl
- Step 2 Search for papers about concepts
- Choose the tab Cinahl Headings to enter the
second part of your search.
18Concept Subject Headings
- There are four subject headings in Cinahl that
help in searching for concepts - Concept formation
- Concept analysis
- Concept mapping
- Conceptual framework
- The following slides will show how to use these
headings in a search.
19Concept Subject Headings
- Type the word CONCEPT in the search box, and
click Browse
20Concept Subject Headings
- Choose the 3 subject headings and click Search
21Concept Subject Headings
- Repeat the steps in the previous two slides to
find the 4th concept subject heading, Conceptual
Framework. - In the search box, type the word CONCEPTUAL
22Combining Terms
- Step 3 Combining Terms
- Before you can combine your separate search
queries into one, you need to clear the search
23Combining Terms
- Step 3 Combining Terms
- With the search box clear, you can then combine
the results for the two concept searches with
an OR by clicking on the boxes in front of the
search statements and clicking on Search with
24Combining Terms
Step 3 Combining terms Click Clear again and
then combine the results for hope the
concepts headings by clicking on the box
Search with AND
25Viewing Results
The results will show in the bottom half of the
26Access to Full Text Articles
When browsing the results, click on PDF Full Text
to open the electronic article.
The results will show in the bottom half of the
27Using Limits in Cinahl
- Step 4 Refine search
- To refine or narrow your results click on Revise
Search to the left of the Search statement and
choose the limits needed.
Partial screen print of the refine search options
28Additional Tips for Searching Cinahl
- For further information on searching Cinahl,
refer to the Cinahl Tutorial found on the library
website. - Go to http//library.luhs.org
- Click on Resources for
- Click on Nursing
- You will find the Cinahl tutorial, as well as
other useful guides and tutorials.
29Searching in other databases
- Try searching your concept in these other
databases available through Ovid - Medline
- AMED (Allied Complementary Medicine)
- PsychInfo
30Non-biomedical databases
- To search non-biomedical databases, go to the
library webpage http//library.luhs.org and click
on Electronic Resources gt Databases
31Non-biomedical databases
Here is a partial list of the databases available
through the Health Sciences Library. For
information about a database, click here To
access a database, click on the database name.
On the next screen, click on the link
Alphabetical list of databases which leads to
the following listing
- If you need help finding information on your
concept, contact a Research Services Librarian at
(708) 216-9192 or email researchservices_at_lumc.edu.
- You can ask the librarian to do a literature
search for you or request an appointment.