American Timeline - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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American Timeline


American Timeline of Events American Timeline 1793: Cotton Gin is invented by Eli Whitney The Cotton Gin separated the cotton seeds from the cotton fibers. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: American Timeline

American Timeline of
American Timeline
1793 Cotton Gin is invented by Eli Whitney
The Cotton Gin separated the cotton seeds from
the cotton fibers. Daily, 50 pounds of cotton
were cleaned Making cotton production more
1813-1840s Industrial Revolution begins in
1813 a weaving factory opens in Massachusetts
The factory system begins- (The Mills)
The Lowell mills employed young farm girls who
work 12 hours making 2-3 dollars a week.
The girls lived in a boarding house strictly
supervised at work, church, and in between. The
coal mines and the Breaker Boys Interchangeable
Parts- parts were separately manufactured and
broken parts were simply replaced. Robert
Fulton invents the steamship (1807) The
Clermont, Fultons Folly by 1816, the
steamship was sailing up and down the
Mississippi River. Samuel B. Morse demonstrates
the telegraph (1837)
(The Telegraph)
1815- Nationalism a feeling of pride,
loyalty, and protectiveness
toward ones country.
President Madison introduced a plan called the
American System Establish a protective
tariff a tax on imported goods protects our
nations businesses and encourages citizens to
by less expensive American-made goods. Establish
a national bank Using a single currency made
trade easier. Improve the countrys
transportation system This will make for a
stronger economy.
The Erie Canal
1817 - Sectionalism Loyalty to the interests
of your own region or section of the country,
rather than to the nation as a whole.
Slavery From 1790 to 1860, slavery expanded
across the South. Cotton became a valuable crop
and more workers were needed for the harvest.
Origins of Slavery in America
Slavery in America
Frederick Douglass
Missouri Compromise 1820 Northern and
Southern states fought in Congress over free
states and slave states. A compromise was made
Maine would become a free state Missouri
admitted as a slave state Slavery banned north
of 36º 30 Louisianas northern border Jeffer
son (80 years old) worried that sectionalism
would destroy America.
Monroe Doctrine - December 1823 Russia, Spain,
and Portugal were actively trying to reclaim
colonies or settle new lands in North and
Central America. President Monroe warned
European nations. He told them not to try to
re-establish colonies that we were closed to
further colonization. He promised that the U.S.
would stay out of European affairs. This
doctrine showed that America saw itself as a
world power and protector of Latin America.
1828 Andrew Jackson elected- Son of a poor
S.C. farmer orphaned at 14 wild and reckless
youth/temper Became lawyer and plantation
owner Jacksonian Democracy government spread
to ALL people-the common people he eased
voting restrictions so ALL could vote First
president of the people Started the Spoils
System - government jobs given to political
1830 - Indian Removal Act- Jackson viewed Native
Americans as conquered subjects (they could
not have their own government within the
U.S.) After discovering gold in Georgia, Congress
passed the Removal Act allowing states to take
over their lands. The Cherokee sued the
government and won but Jackson ignored the order.
1838 Trail of Tears During the fall and
winter, troops lead by Gen. Winfield Scott
forced 16,000 Cherokees to relocate westward.
Over 4,000 died on the harsh journey.
1845 Manifest Destiny term used by newspaper
editor (Sullivan) It is our destiny to
overspread the continent it was bound to
happen 1846-48 - The Mexican-American
War Polk manipulates American into war with
Mexico to win the Mexican territory Treaty of
Guadalupe Hidalgo officially ended the war (15
million) 1849 The California Gold Rush
begins 1850 Compromise of 1850 Introduced by
Sen. Henry Clay (Ky) 1. California admitted as
free state 2. NM and Ut admitted as territories
(people to decide) 3. Fugitive Law Act will
be enforced 4. Slaves no longer bought and sold
in D.C. - however, slavery still legal in
D.C. 1852 Uncle Toms Cabin is published
author Harriet Beecher Stowe
1854 Kansas-Nebraska Act Sen. Stephen Douglas
(Il) introduces a proposal divide the Ne.
territory -slavery prohibited north of
36º30 -this bill would repeal the Mo.
Compromise Popular Sovereignty residents vote
to decide an issue (in this case-slavery) 1854
Republican Party created The Republican party
grew out of the problems caused by the Ks-Ne
Act. Northern Whigs joined with others as
opponents of slavery Southern Whigs joined the
Democrats. Their first presidential candidate was
John C. Fremont Bleeding Kansas
(1855-58) Violence spreads through Ks. As pro
and anti slavery settlers rush into the
state for the vote. Mobs and gangs fight for
dominance as towns are sacked and people are
killed. John Brown and his gang become
well-known. This continues for three
years. Congress witness to the ruthless caning
of Sen. Sumner (Ma) Sectional tensions erupts as
Preston Brooks (Congressman S.C.) walks
into Congress and severely beats Sumner with a
cane because of insulting remarks towards the
1856 Dred Scott Decision Supreme Court
decides that popular sovereignty was
unconstitutional people could not take away
other peoples rights (slave owners property
rights) Scott was not a U.S. citizen and could
not sue in our court system. Oct. 16, 1859
John Brown attacks Harpers Ferry Browns plan
was to steal military weaponry and arm the slaves
to rebel. No slaves joined the melee and Brown
was caught. Tried for murder and treason, he
was sentenced to hang. While abolitionists
saluted him as a martyr, the South was horrified
by it all, calling him a terrorist. 1858-59
Lincoln Douglas Debates The two men debated
states rights and slavery around Illinois
during the congressional election year. A
house divided against itself cannot stand
Spring 1858 Douglas retained his senate seat
in the election. The Republican party
took Lincoln to the 1860 election.
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