Title: The Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
1The Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- 109 years in service to the business
2BCCI -Advantage to the business
28 regional Chambers
Over 44 000 members and 2 148 trade
representation offices of foreign persons in
Joint chambers, clubs etc.
73 branch organizations covering all branches
Participation in International organizations
Services of the BCCI
Special structures (EAN, NCVT, VEZNI, BBCQM)
The role of BCCI in the Bulgarian Economy
(click on icon for details)
3BCCI - Advantage to the business
- Established in 1895 entering the third century
in service of the business - National network of 28 Regional Chambers of
Commerce and Industry - Member of Eurochambers a part of the European
network of Chambers of Commerce and Industry
Information about the BCCI members
4Arbitration Court
Computer Center
Business Center
Consultations and information bureau
Our services activities
Business Analyses
Quality Management Center
Fairs and Exhibitions Department
Legislative Initiative
e-Commerce center
Daily online info publications
Trade Register
(click on icon for details)
5(click on icon for details)
6Thank you!Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and
42, Parchevich Str., BG-1058 SofiaBulgariaTel.
(359 2) 987 25 28Fax (359 2) 987 32 09Web
http//www.bcci.bgE-mail bcci_at_bcci.bg
728 regional Chambers
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9The National Centre for Vocational Training
within BCCI
- The National Centre for Vocational Training
within BCCI (NCVT) is the only Bulgarian training
centre with a national branch network licensed by
the National Agency for Vocational Education and
Training at the Council of Ministers. - Basing on the 108 yeas of tradition of BCCI and
28 regional Chambers of Commerce and Industry in
servicing the business, NCVT - Studies the requirements of the employers and
offers training in 30 modern professions - Offers competent vocational training in 16 cities
countrywide in partnership with Sectorial
organisations and associations and experts from
the practice. - Issues internationally recognised certificates
together with foreign partners - Our partners are
- Universties, vocational schools, specialised
schools and vocational training centres, NGO - Regional Chambers of Commerce and Industry
- Sectorial organisations
- Institute for International Cooperation of the
German Adult Education Association - The Bulgarian-german Centres for Vocational
Training - The Mugelsee Academy, Berlin, Germany
- Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany
- Contact education_at_bcci.bg
10Information publishing house VEZNI
- Offers the following services
- Printing of business cards, forms, invoices,
blanks, advertising booklets, labels, calendars,
magazines, etc. - Developing folders
- Laminating
- Bookbinding of documents
- Other business services
11The Bulgarian-Bavarian Center for Quality
- Created in 1996 as a joint project between the
Bavarian management consulting center OWZ and
BCCI - Meanwhile an established provider of qualitative
management related training and internal auditing - Special emphasis on the promotion of quality
management systems - Building up awareness for QM issues
- Preparation for the certification process
- Training of internal and external auditors
- More info under http//www.bcci.bg/bbzqm.htm
- Contact quality-centre_at_bcci.bg
12Members of BCCI
- The Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry is
the oldest business organization in the Republic
of Bulgaria, uniting over 44 000 members,
having entered into its Unified Trade Register.
The Register is standardized with the existing
trade registers of the foreign Chambers of
Commerce and Industry. Juridical and physical
persons, registered properly, companies, unions
and other associations, carrying out or
supporting the business activity enter it. The
Chamber provides a number of free and
prefer?ntial-price services for facilitation and
promotion of its members. Through their
membership with BCCI, they take an active part
with ideas and suggestions for improvement of the
economic climate in the country.
13Trade representation offices of foreign persons
in Bulgaria
The registration of trade representation offices
of foreign entities with the BCCI Trade Register
is obligatory, therefore the most updated
information about them can be obtained only from
the Chamber
14- Participation in Management Boards of National
Institutional Bodies
- Supervisory Board of National Security Institute
- Management Board of the National Agency for
Professional Training - Supervisory Board of the National institute of
Reconciliation and Arbitration - Assembly of the Representatives of the National
Health Insurance Fund. - Management Board of the Social Investment Fund.
15Participation in National Councils with
Consultative Functions
- National Council for Tripartite Cooperation
- Council for Economic Growth
- National Council for Working Conditions
- National Council for Employment Promotion
- Economic and Social Council
- Council for Accreditation with the Executive
Agency Bulgarian Accreditation Service - Standardization Council with the Bulgarian
Standardization Institute - Consultative Council with the Small And Medium-
Sized Enterprises Agency - Tax policy council
- High Statistical Council with National
Statistical Institute - Consultative Council for the euro integration
with the Ministry of Economy
16Participation In Permanent And Created On Purpose
Commissions, Working Groups And Committees
- Participation In Regional Tripartite Cooperation
Bodies By The Regional Chambers Of Commerce And
Industry - - Municipality Councils for Tripartite
Cooperation - - Regional /district and municipality/ Councils
for Working Conditions - - Others
17Information about the BCCI members
BCCI - Advantage to the business
Sales revenues
18Membership structure
19Information about the BCCI members
20Information about the BCCI members
21Information about the BCCI members
22Role of BCCI in decision making on economic policy
- Participation in working out national development
programs. - Presenting before the competent bodies the
members attitudes towards legal act drafts and
economic decisions. - Reviewing the application of economic laws and
proposing to authorities and companies ways for
their improvement.
- Taxation reduction of taxation and promoting
investments - Protection of the employers interests
- Limitation of registration and licensing
procedures and regimes
- International agreements concerning Bulgaria
- National programmes and strategies
- Legislation
- Legal advise given upon request to the
Competition protection commission and the
Constitution court
- Participation on expert groups for setting up
legislative drafts - Law on NGO
- Law on Sectorial organizations
- Law on employee guarantees in case of insolvency
- Lobbying
- Participation in commissions and councils
- Social dialogue
- International level
- National councils
- Managerial boards of tripartite national
- 42 legislative proposals on
- Taxation
- Registration and licensing modalities
- Labour legislation
- Social insurance
- Other topics
- 24 accepted proposals
27Arbitration court at the BCCI
- Settles in average over 200 disputes yearly,
including - 150 disputes between Bulgarian companies
- 50 disputes with foreign partners involved.
- 75 of the disputes between Bulgarian companies
are settled within 9 months, and between
Bulgarian and foreign companies within a year - Current disputes in the process of settlement
- 268 in this country
- 93 international
- More information under http//www.bcci.bg/arbitrat
ion/index.html - Contact acourt_at_bcci.bg
28Branch Organizations
- Council of Sectorial organizations
- 73 members
- 2-4 meetings monthly
- Training and consulting project with the German
Corporation for Technical Cooperation (GTZ) - Contact branch_at_bcci.bg, infom_at_bcci.bg
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30The Bulgarian-Bavarian Center for Quality
- Created in 1996 as a joint project between the
Bavarian management consulting center OWZ and
BCCI - Meanwhile an established provider of qualitative
management related training and internal auditing - Special emphasis on the promotion of quality
management systems - Building up awareness for QM issues
- Preparation for the certification process
- Training of internal and external auditors
- More info under http//www.bcci.bg/bbzqm.htm
- Contact quality-centre_at_bcci.bg
31The Bulgarian trade facilitation body BULPRO
- BULPRO was established in September 1990 as a
Council with BCCI. - The statute of BULPRO with the Bulgarian Chamber
of Commerce and Industry has been approved by a
Decision No 313 of 30.07.93 of the Council of
Ministers. - The Decision states that All ministries and
administrative bodies should require BULPRO
written statement regarding activities, connected
with facilitation of procedures, unification of
documents in public administration and in foreign
trade in compliance with the international
32Members of BULPRO
- Companies
- Bulgarkontrola
- TÜV Bulgaria
- ProSoft
- Kuhne Nagel
- Institute of Transport and Communications
- Ministries and Governmental Bodies
- Ministry of Interior
- Ministry of Finance
- Ministry of Transport and Communications
- Ministry of Agriculture and Forests
- National Institute of Statistics
- Ministry of Economy
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works
- Bulgarian National Bank
- Committee of Standartization and Metrology
- Export Promotion Center
- Non - Governmental Organisations
- Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- Association of Bulgarian Enterprises for
International Transport and Roads - National Association of Bulgarian Freight
Forwarders - Bulgarian Union for Customs and Foreign Trade
Service - Association of Commercial Banks
33Structure of BULPRO
34Activities of BULPRO
- Unification and standardization of documents in
foreign trade (CEFACT) - Data classification and coding in documents
related to foreign trade - Electronic data interchange, based on EDIFACT
- Training related to facilitation to procedures in
foreign transaction - Participation in international forums, bodies and
organisations, active in the fields UN/CEFACT,
SECIPRO - Participation in project of the World Bank Trade
and Transport Facilitation in Southeast Europe
(TTFSE) - Organizing bilateral meetings with the PRO
committees from the neighboring countries - Border crossing guide Handbook and Internet
- BULPRO home page http//www.bcci.bg/mact/bulpro/
- Contact tchernev_at_bcci.bg
35Business Analyses
- Financial analyses of companies basing on the
submitted annual reports - Company ratings. Top 100 companies
- Overview of the economical development
- Marketing and sectorial analyses
- Financial planning assistance and setting up of
business plans - Contact ikontr_at_bcci.bg
36Business and information centre
- Business meetings
- Business delegations
- Workshops
- Participation in fairs and exhibitions abroad
- Company presentations
- Courses
- Demands and offers
- Contact bcentre_at_bcci.bg , interdpt_at_bcci.bg
37Computer and information systems
- Web site of BCCI
- INFOBUSINESS (in English and Bulgarian), BULGARIA
ANALYTICA - Hot news
- Useful information on organizations and bodies
- Others
- Web hosting and design
- Contact bcci_at_bcci.bg
38Consultations and information bureau
- Company registration
- Specific foreign trade contracts
- Franchising and risk capital consultations
- Marketing research
- Consultancy on legal, financial, insurance and
other issues - Assistance to companies with their foreign
activities - Translation and legalization of documents
- Contact mardor_at_bcci.bg
39EAN Bulgaria
- Member of EAN International
- Implementation and promotion of EAN/UCC system
on the territory of Bulgaria - Training, information and consulting on
identification of trade and logistic items and
barcode applications - EDI based on EANCOM standard
- Barcode generation and verification
- Communication with the Uniform Code Council (UCC)
for UPC Company prefixes - Issuing of EAN bulletin
- Information http//www.bcci.bg/services/ean/catal
og_en.html - Contact eanbg_at_bcci.bg
40e-Commerce Info Center
- Registration Authority for issuing Digital Sign
Certifications - Information about e-business
- Elaborating of individual e-business strategies
- B2B B2C B2A
- Participation in EU programmes
- Detailed information www.ecic.bcci.bg
- Contact ecic_at_bcci.bg
- Organizes national and international exhibitions
in Bulgaria and abroad, parallel seminars,
demonstrations and presentations. - Publishes annually the Calendar of the Fairs and
Exhibitions in Bulgaria. - Detailed information www.bcci.bg/fairs.html
- Contact fairs_at_bcci.bg
42EU Club with the BCCI
- Set up on 10th February, 2000 under the aegis of
the European Commission. - Members more than 600 entrepreneurs,
journalists politicians, and diplomats. - National coverage.
- Instrument for awareness raising of SME of the
challenges and opportunities of EU accession,
contributing to better conformity with the
requirements of the EU internal market and to
greater visibility of the process of European
integration. - Quoted as a good practice in the Regular Report
on BEST for Bulgaria of the European Commission,
in the Annual Report of Enterprise DG and on its
web site. - Member of the International network of the
European Clubs since 18th November 2003.
43Joint Chambers, Committees, Councils and Business
Club with BCCI
- Switzerland-bulgaria Chamber of Commerce
- Bulgarian-Italian Chamber of Commerce
- Bulgaria-Israel Chamber of Commerce And Industry
- Bulgarian-Macedonian Chamber of Commerce And
Industry - Bulgarian-Russian Chamber of Commerce and
Industry - Bulgarian-Arab Chamber of Commerce
- Bulgarian-Jordan Chamber for Economic Cooperation
44Joint Chambers, Committees, Councils and Business
Club with BCCI
- Bulgaria-Japan Economic Committee
- Bulgaria-Korea Economic Cooperation Committee
- Bulgarian-Libyan Trade and Economic Council
- Bulgaria-India Business Council
- Bulgarian-U.S. Trade and Economic Council
- Bulgarian-Libyan Trade and Economic Council
- Bulgarian-Iranian Business Council
- Bulgarian-Lebanese Business Club
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- Over 8 000 volumes in more than 10 languages
- Over 400 trade catalogs
- Information and invitations on international
events - Reading room with over 100 periodicals, including
publications of WTO, ICC, EUROCHAMBRES, WTCO, EU,
EFTA, CEFTA, AIPPI, ILO, International
Arbitration, OECD, BSEC, IMF - Services
- Providing company addresses and profiles
- Filling out of business documents, copying
- Contact libr_at_bcci.bg
47Trade register
- Unified trade register of BCCI
- registration of Bulgarian merchants, companies,
co-operatives, unions and other legal entities - registration of trade representation offices of
foreign entities - changing and updating of the registration
information - Services, provided on the base of the trade
register information - issuance of Certificates and References in
Bulgarian and foreign languages about the current
and financial status of the registered legal
entities - legalization of Certificates of Origin, export
invoices, etc - certification of the signatures of the official
representatives of the registered entities, put
on foreign trade documents - certification of invitation-declarations for
business visits of foreigners to the Republic of
Bulgaria - issuance and guarantee of ATA Carnets
- issuance of Force Majeure Certificates
- preparing and providing of information about
details liable to registration - providing of assistance for amicable
(non-arbitration) settlement of disputes - General Trade Adjusters office
- Informationhttp//www.bcci.bg/mact/trader.htm
http//www.bcci.bg/mact/trader8.htm - Contact tradereg_at_bcci.bg
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