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2SMEs in FP7 proposal
- SMEs at the core of European industry and a key
component of the - of the innovation cycle, transforming knowledge
into products processes - 99 of all EU enterprises are SMEs
- employing 66 of the workforce
- producing 66 of GDP
- European SMEs are faced with increasing
competition in the internal - market and globally and therefore need to
increase their knowledge - and research intensity and internationalize
- Member States actions relevant to SMEs often do
not encourage or - support trans-national research cooperation
- Actions at EU level necessary to complement /
enhance the impact - of actions taken at national and regional level
3SMEs in FP7 proposalOutline
A broad approach to promote participation of SMEs
in EU research actions
- Optimized participation of SMEs across the
specific - programmes (COOPERATION PEOPLE IDEA)
- Strengthened SMEs specific actions in the
Capacities programme Research for the benefit
of SMEs - Article 169 initiative in the field of research
performing - SMEs, building on EUREKA Eurostars
- Competitiveness and Innovation Programme (CIP)
- complementary services encouraging the
participation of - SMEs in FP7
4SMEs in FP7 proposal
5ETI under FP6
- Stepping up economic and technological
- intelligence (ETI) is a scheme aimed to
- promote innovation in SMEs through
- activities aimed at facilitating their
- participation in the Community research
- programmes
6ETI under FP6
How? For example, through
facilitating the creation of groupings or
clusters of SMEs that have similar innovation
needs promoting trans-regional cooperation of
SMEs facilitation of an innovation and SME
component in strategic projects and technology
platforms collecting, analysing and
disseminating information on scientific and
technological developments, applications and
markets etc identifying and disseminating
best practice with regard to ETI.
7Activities to encourage and facilitateparticipati
on of SMEs in FP7(in line with Councils Partial
General Approach)
8The new SME definitionthe new thresholds
9Optimized participation of SMEs (I)
Cooperation programme SME research needs
and potential are taken into account in
developing content of thematic areas, and topics
of particular interest to SMEs will be
further identified in work programmes
Improved and simplified financial and
administrative procedures Increased
flexibility in choosing the appropriate funding
scheme Joint Technology Initiatives will
encourage the involvement of SMEs, where
10Optimized participation of SMEs (II)
People programme Industry-academia
partnerships and pathways dedicated scheme for
knowledge sharing in partnerships between the
public and private sector, including in
particular SMEs. Objective To open and foster
dynamic pathways based on longer term
co-operation programmes with a high potential
for increasing knowledge-sharing and mutual
understanding of the different cultural settings
and skill requirements of both sectors Actions -
Staff secondment between both sectors for
intersectoral coop - Temporary hosting in both
sectors of experienced researchers - Organisation
of workshops and conferences - Contribution to
small equipment related to SMes participation
11Optimized participation of SMEs (II)
Ideas programme SMEs will also be able
to participate in this programme individual
teams from SMEs may compete on grounds of
12Strengthened SME specific actionsTarget
Two specific actions to support SMEs or SME
associations in need of outsourcing research will
be pursued with increased budget Research for
SMEs all SMEs that need to outsource research
activities - mainly low to medium technology
SMEs with little or no research capability
- research intensive SMEs that need to
outsource research to complement their core
research capability Research for SME
associations SME associations which are
normally best placed to know or identify the
common technical problems of their members
13Strengthened SME specific actionsBudget
FP7 Commission proposal overall budget of
1,901 million euro Substantial increase of the
average annual budget for SME specific actions
This budget includes possible EU contribution
in support of Article 169 initiative
14Art. 169 initiative
Joint implementation of national research
programmes Under discussion Eurostars
programme, a joint RD programme for the benefit
of research performing SMEs with the objective to
boost their research and innovative capacity
Building on EUREKA it will stimulate and
support trans-national RD projects led by
research performing SMEs Complements other
SME-targeted actions carried out under FP7
Identified in the Capacities Specific programme
15Eurostars programmebackground information
Main features Support innovative RD projects
led by researchperforming SMEs Bottom-up
nature Selection of projects based on
Scientific assessment by independent experts
Financial legal check by national E! offices
Separate Legal Entity to manage the programme
16SMEs in FP7 and CIP
- CIP Services encouraging SME participation
- in FP7 by
- Raising awareness among SMEs regarding
- the Community RTD Framework Programme
- Helping SMEs to identify their RTD needs
- and to find partners with similar needs
- Assisting SMEs in the preparation and
- coordination of project proposals
- Close coordination between CIP and FP7
- related actions
17CIP and previous programmes
18CIP 3 pillars
19EIP 3 new elements
1. Risk capital instrument for High Growth and
Innovative Companies
2. Securitisation of banks SME loan portfolios
3. Enhanced role for innovation and business
support networks
20Network for provision of integrated services in
support of business and innovation in Bulgaria -
- List of participants
- 1. Applied Research and Communications Fund
- 2. Bulgarian Industrial Association
- 3. Center for Innovations Bulgarian Academy
of Sciences - 4. Association Business Information and
Consulting Centre - Sandanski - 5. Business Support Centre for Small and Medium
Enterprises - Ruse - 6. Chamber of Commerce and Industry - Dobrich
- 7. Yambol Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- 8. Chamber of Commerce and Industry - Stara
Zagora - 9. Chamber of Commerce and Industry - Vratsa
- 10. Plovdiv Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- 11. GIS-Transfer Center Foundation
- 12. Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- 13. ARC Consulting
- Coordinating person Dipl. Eng. Angel Milev
- Co-ordinator organisation name Applied Research
and Communications Fund - e-mail arc_at_online.bg tel 359 2 9733000 fax
359 2 9733588
21Euro Info Centres
22Innovation Relay Centres Network
- 71 IRC consortia
- 243 organisations
- 33 countries
- EU25
- Iceland
- Norway
- Switzerland
- Bulgaria
- Romania
- Turkey
- Israel
- Chile
23Services in support ofbusiness and innovation
defined in Art. 21.2
- Information, feedback, business cooperation and
internationalisation services - Services for innovation and for the transfer of
both technology and knowledge - Services encouraging the participation of SMEs in
the seventh Framework RTD Programme
24Innovation, technology and knowledge transfer
- Disseminating information and raising awareness
regarding innovation-related policies,
legislation, and support programmes - Engaging in the dissemination and exploitation of
research results - Providing brokerage services for technology and
knowledge transfer, and for partnership building
between all kinds of innovation actors - Stimulating the capacity of firms, especially
SMEs to innovate - Facilitating linkage to other innovation services
including intellectual property related services.
25Encouraging the participation of SMEs in the
Community Framework Programme for RTD
- Raising awareness among SMEs regarding the
Community Framework Programme for RTD - Helping SMEs to identify their RTD needs and find
relevant partners - Assisting SMEs in the preparation and
coordination of project proposals for the
participation in the Community Framework
Programme for RTD.
26Module (c)-Main activities
- Targeted information and promotion events
- Technology audits and formulation of project
ideas - Partner finding
- Assistance in negotiation and conclusion of
cooperation agreements - Training
- Innovation Vouchers
27Background information
- http//ec.europa.eu/enterprise/networks/eic/eic.ht
ml - http//www.innovationrelay.net
28Background information
- CIP websites
- http//ec.europa.eu/enterprise/index_en.htm
- http//ec.europa.eu/enterprise/funding/cip/index.h
29The new SME definition01.01.2005
Does my organisation qualify as an SME? Is the
organisation an enterprise, i.e. engaging in
economic activity? Does it have fewer than 250
employees? Does it have an annual turnover not
exceeding lt50 million? or Does it have a
balance sheet total not exceeding lt43 million?
Is it autonomous? If not, it may still qualify
as an SME, but must take into account the
effect of outside shareholdings (see leaflet on
30Capacities Call for ProposalsResearch for the
benefit of SMEs
Research for SMEs Call 1 Identifier
FP7-SME-2007-1 Publication date 22 December
2006 Budget 100 000 000 Deadline 04 September
2007 at 1700 (Brussels local time) OJ
Reference OJ C316 of 22 December 2006 Specific
Programme Capacities Theme Research for
the benefit of SMEs Restrictions to
31Capacities Call for ProposalsResearch for the
benefit of SMEs
Coordination and Support Actions Call 1
Identifier FP7-SME-2007-3 Publication date 22
December 2006 Budget 2 000 000 Deadline 10
May 2007 at 1700 (Brussels local time) OJ
Reference OJ C316 of 22 December 2006 Specific
Programme Capacities Theme Research for
the benefit of SMEs
32Capacities Call for ProposalsResearch for the
benefit of SMEs
Capacities Call for Proposals Research for the
benefit of SMEs Preparation and Submission of
Proposals Information PackageAdditional
Documents Get Support Build Your Consortium
Research for SME Associations Call 1
Identifier FP7-SME-2007-2 Publication date 22
December 2006 Budget 10 000 000 Deadline(s) 01
June 2007 at 1700 (Brussels local time) 28
November 2007 at 1700 (Brussels local time) -
OJ Reference OJ C316 of 22 December
2006 Specific Programme Capacities
Theme Research for the benefit of SMEs
33 SMEs go Health
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- Project aim
- To promote the SMEs to participate in FP7 -
34 SMEs go Health
- 1. Do you know if SMEs can receive national
funding in addition to our "up to" 75 for
research activities? - Additional funding to the 75 is possible. There
are three obvious ways - IF the money were paid for a separate, but
closely related piece of RTD, there is no
problem. - the MS can give regional/specific assistance to
SMEs as long as it is within the de minimis rule
(see below) or in a convergence/ coherence region
- the research is fundamental and as such 100 of
all costs can be covered. - To generalize -if we are talking about the same
project (as the same eligible costs and the same
activities), national funding can top-up FP
funding up to the limits stated by State aid the
limit is 100 for fundamental research for
industrial research it can go up to 80 for
small enterprises (so the top-up allowed of 5
if FP funds at 75). In State aid we are always
talking of total project costs (full-cost model). - -other, even neighbouring projects, can be
funded without taking FP contribution into
account - -de minimis of up to 200,000 gt? can be given if
it is not used to specifically top-up FP funding
beyond what is otherwise allowed. - -State aid under other headings is subject to
its specific rules (regional, employment and
training, innovation...)
35 SMEs go Health
- 2
- How to handle in the INCO projects the issue of
differences of EU salaries and INCO salaries? - It exists an optional clause for ICPC partners
to use a lump sum for the calculation of the cost
of their participation. It seems to Indridi that
the result of that calculation would be very low
as compared to western costs and thus in most
cases it would be advisable not to use the lump
sum. - 3 Where to find info on the EDCTP calls?
- Information on the EDCTP initiatives and calls
can be found on their homepage www.edctp.org
36- CLUSTERS Linked over Europe
- Regions 1. Karlsruhe
- 2. Kaliningrad
- 3. Linz
- 4. Lyon
- 5. Nottingham
- 6. Tartu
- 7. Timisoara
- 8. Wermland
- 9. Banska Bystrica
- 10. Gorenjska Region
- 11. Lithuania
- 12. Maribor
- 13. Moravia-Silesia
- 14. Sofia GIS-TransferCenter Sofia
Municipality - 15. West Pannon
37(No Transcript)
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