Title: Projectile Motion
1Projectile Motion
2What is projectile motion?
- Projectile motion is a form of two-dimensional
motion in which a projectile is under the
influence of gravity. - There is motion in both the horizontal plane
- (x-axis) and the vertical plane (y-axis).
3What is a projectile?
- Projectiles are objects that are launched into
the air. - Ex. balls, arrows, long jumpers
4Projectile motion
- The path in which a projectile travels is a
parabolic curve (assuming there is no wind
5Projectiles vs. Free Falling Objects
Projectiles fall at the same rate as free falling
6Solving for projectile motion
- Since projectiles travel in both the horizontal
and vertical planes, we can solve for the X and Y
components. - We can use the one-dimensional motion equations
to solve for variables involved in
two-dimensional motion problems.
7Projectile Motion
x-Motion y-motion Vavg
?x/?t ?y ½ (vi vf) ?t
g (vf - vi) / ?t
?y vi ?t ½ g?t²
vf² vi² 2g?y
The same equations we used in 1-D motion! The
trick is to solve for x and y motion of 2-D
moving objects independently!
8Projectile Motion
- Two types of projectile motion situations
- 1. Horizontally launched projectiles
- 2. Projectiles launched at an angle
9Horizontal Projectile Motion
What am I going to do about book checks???
10Sample Problem
The Royal Bridge in Colarado is 321 m above the
Arkansas River. If you kick a rock horizontally
off the bridge and it hits the water with a
horizontal displacement of 45 m, what is the
velocity at which the rock was kicked?
?y ½(g)(?t)²
g -9.81 m/s²
8.10 s ?t
?x (Vx,i)(?t)
?y -321 m
?x/?t Vx,i
5.56 m/s Vx,i
?x 45.0 m