MEDICAID - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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MEDICAID Medicaid Administrative Claiming--MAC vs. Targeted Case Management and Maternity Case Management MAC MAC is for the proper and efficient administration of ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


Medicaid Administrative Claiming--MAC
  • vs.
  • Targeted Case Management and Maternity Case

  • MAC is for the proper and efficient
    administration of the States Medicaid Plan aka
    the Oregon Health Plan.
  • Public Health Departments are reimbursed for
    specific activities that they are already doing.
  • Only additional work is taking a survey that
    takes about 10 minutes to complete.

Administrative Claiming IS NOT
  • Targeted Case Management (Babies First!, CaCoon)
  • This is the process by which public health bills
    for health services provided to Medicaid/OHP
    eligible children pursuant to a case management
  • Maternity Case Management
  • This is part of the OMAP benefit and not a
    leveraging program.

Medicaid Administrative Claiming Is
  • A method of identifying and accounting for the
    time spent by public health programs staff on
    administrative activities such as referral and
    outreach. Reimbursement is then claimed for the
    time spent performing these activities.
  • Other than taking the survey and preparing the
    claim, no new work is required.
  • Staff do not need to know who is Medicaid/OHP

  • MAC is population based TCM is individual
    Medicaid eligible based
  • MAC is total time accounting TCM is billing for
    specific service it is a Code E Direct Service
  • MAC provided to all by all staff in cost pool
    TCM is provided only to Medicaid eligibles
    through the State Medicaid Plan amendment
  • MAC not dependent on a TCM plan
  • Public Health staff can do TCM and MAC- guidance
    is provided by DHS Multiple Leveraging Program
    Participation Guidance

TCMs in Oregon
  • DD
  • Children Adults and Families Medicaid Eligible
    Parents 14 and Over Who Receive AFDC
  • Babies First/CaCoon
  • HIV (Multnomah only)
  • Substance Abusing Parents

MAC Claiming Formula
  • 1. Cost Pool
  • X
  • 2. Medicaid eligible percentage
  • X
  • 3. Percent of allowable time (survey)
  • Public Health total claim
  • 50 Match Required Net claim

Developing the Cost Pool
  • Identify appropriate staff routine contact with
    child and family(s)
  • Nurses, date stampers, interpreters, health
    educators, program development, etc.
  • Do not include janitorial, food service,
    accounting, lab techs, etc.
  • Identify actual salary, benefits and other
    personnel expenses
  • Remove federal funds from the cost pool
  • Cost pool established quarterly

Medicaid Eligible Percentage
  • Public health programs will use program data to
  • Unduplicated count of individuals in service
  • Formula All individuals in service on
    Medicaid/OHP divided by all individuals in
  • Percentage is established quarterly

MAC Survey How it Works
  • Random Moment Survey
  • Survey 4 days/qtr
  • Ten activity codes
  • 15-minute blocks of time
  • Predominant activity
  • Random Day
  • Survey dates and participants are randomly
  • Survey from 8am-6pm
  • Training
  • Everyone must be trained before taking survey

(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
Ten Activity Codes
  • A1. Outreach and application assistance for
    Medicaid/OHP Program.
  • A2. Outreach and Application assistance for
    non- Medicaid/OHP Outreach.
  • B1. OHP Referral , Coordination, Monitoring,
  • B2. Non-OHP Referral, Coordination, Monitoring
  • Training
  • C1. Medicaid/OHP Transportation and Translation
  • C2. Non-Medicaid/OHP Transportation and
  • D1. System Coordination related to OHP services.
  • D2. System Coordination related to Non-OHP
  • E. Direct Health Care Services.
  • F. Other work activities.

Code A1 Outreach and Application Assistance for
OHP Program
  • This code should be used for
  • Informing individuals on how to access, use and
    maintain OHP
  • Assisting in early identification of individuals
    who could benefit from OHP health services
  • Explaining OHP eligibility rules and process
  • Assisting individuals to complete OHP application
    including translation and comprehension

Code A1 Examples
  • Informing clients and others about the
    OHP/Medicaid program and referring them to DHS
  • Date stamping and handing out OHP applications to
  • Providing information regarding Medicaid managed
    care programs and health plans to individuals and
    families and how to access that system.
  • Confirming or verifying with DHS an individual's
    current Medicaid eligibility status
  • Contacting pregnant and parenting teenagers about
    the availability of Medicaid prenatal and well
    baby care programs

Code A-2 Outreach and Application Assistance
for Non-OHP Programs
  • This code should be used for
  • Non-OHP outreach social, educational, legal or
    other services not covered by OHP
  • Informing parents/guardians about non-OHP
    programs TANF food stamps WIC etc.
  • Translation of or assisting to comprehend
    applications to these programs
  • Scheduling/promoting activities which educate
    individuals about the benefits of healthy
    lifestyles tobacco cessation, or general

Code A2 Examples
  • ü     Outreach campaigns directed toward
    encouraging persons to access social,
    educational, legal or other services not covered
    by Medicaid.
  • ü     Informing an individual or family about
    programs such as Temporary Assistance for Needy
    Families (TANF), food stamps, Womens Infant
    Children Program (WIC), day care, legal aid, and
    other social or educational programs and
    referring them to the appropriate agency to make

B-1 OHP Referral, Coordination, Monitoring and
  • This code should be used for
  • Making referrals for and/or coordinating the
    medical/developmental health/dental health/mental
    health and substance abuse services covered by
  • Providing any information that may be required in
    advance of these referrals
  • Providing follow up contact to ensure that a
    child has received the prescribed health services

Code B1 Examples
  • ü     Making referrals for and/or coordinating
    medical health, dental health, mental health or
    substance abuse services covered by Medicaid,
    including medical or physical examinations and
    necessary medical evaluations
  • ü     Providing information and making referrals
    for and/or scheduling Medical screenings.
  • ü     Arranging for any diagnostic or treatment
    services, which may be required as a result of a
    condition identified during an evaluation or
  • ü     Gathering information that may be required
    in advance of these referrals or evaluations.

More Code B1 Examples
  • Working with individuals, their families, other
    staff, and providers to identify, arrange for,
    and coordinate services covered under Medicaid
    that may be required as a result of screens,
    evaluations, or examinations.
  • The actual referral of an individual to a medical
    program for Medicaid-covered services.
  • Training which improves the delivery of
    Medicaid-covered services, including TCM training
  • Participating in or coordinating training which
    enhances early identification, intervention,
    screening and referral of clients with special
    health needs to medical services.

B-2 Non-OHP Referral,Coordination,Monitoring,
and Training
  • This code should be used if not TCM/MCM for
  • Making referrals for social services, community
    wellness, etc. programs
  • Gathering any information that may be required in
    advance of these referrals
  • Making referrals for educational or vocational

B2 Examples
  • Making referrals for and/or coordinating WIC
  • Working with individuals, their families, other
    staff, and providers to identify, arrange for,
    and coordinate social services including housing,
    food bank, etc.
  • Assist family in accessing parenting support
    group to empower parents with optimal parenting

Code C-1 Medicaid/OHP Transportation and
  • This code should be used for
  • scheduling, arranging or providing transportation
    to Medicaid/OHP covered services
  • If destination time is positive, can include the
    staff travel time back and forth!
  • scheduling, arranging or providing translation
    services to assist individual to access and
    understand necessary care and treatment

C-2 Non-Medicaid/OHP Transportation and
  • This code should be used for
  • scheduling, arranging or providing transportation
    to social, vocational and/or other educational
    programs and activities
  • scheduling, arranging or providing translation
    services to assist individual to access and
    understand necessary non-Medicaid/OHP services

Code D-1 System Coordination Related to OHP
  • This code should be used for
  • Working internally and with other agencies to
    improve OHP services
  • Identifying gaps, duplications, overlaps of
    medical services
  • Developing strategies to access or increase the
    capacity of medical, developmental, dental,
    mental health programs
  • Interagency coordination to improve delivery of
    OHP services

D1 Examples
  • Working internally or with other agencies
    providing Medicaid services to improve the
    coordination and delivery of services, to expand
    access to specific populations of Medicaid
    eligibles, and to improve collaboration around
    the early identification of medical problems.
  • Reducing overlap and duplication in
    Medicaid-covered services and closing gaps in the
    availability of services.
  • Planning and developing strategies to increase
    Medicaid system capacity and close Medicaid
    service gaps includes analyzing Medicaid data
    related to a specific program or specific group.

Code D-2 Referral, Coordination and Monitoring
of Non-Medicaid Services
  • This code should be used for
  • working collaboratively with other agencies to
    identify gaps, overlaps or duplication of
    non-medical/health services, such as vocational,
    social or educational services
  • improve coordination, expand access or delivery
    of non-Medicaid/OHP services
  • develop strategies to assess or increase the
    capacity of non-medical, dental and mental health

D2 Examples
  • Working internally or with other agencies to
    improve the coordination and delivery of social
    services such as housing, food banks, etc.
  • Coordinating bioterrorism preparedness.
  • Meeting with community groups to address issues
    with environmental health systems (water systems,
    restaurant inspections, etc).
  • Provide health expertise to a community group on
    writing a juvenile offender grant, which proposes
    a new system to respond to juvenile offenders and
    their parents.

  • An activity that is done to correct or ameliorate
    a condition
  • Any activity that is considered integral to, or
    an extension of a specified covered service
  • Does not have to be a billable service
  • May not have to be performed by a practitioner
    administering first aid

Code E ExamplesCode E Examples
  • Give immunizations at public immunization clinic
  • Providing health/dental/mental health services
  • Conducting health/dental/mental health
    assessments/evaluations and diagnostic testing
  • Administering first aid or prescribed injection
    or medication to an individual

Code F Other Work Activities
  • This code should be used for
  • All other job related activities that do not fall
    under one of the above categories
  • Paid time off, vacation leave, sick leave, paid
    lunch, jury duty or any other paid time away from
  • Budget development general supervision

Multiple Leveraging Guidance
  • Individuals can participate in two leveraging
    programs-direct and administrative
  • The time survey is a tool to cost allocated
    between programs

Good Information to Know
  • Staff do not need to know who is Medicaid/OHP
  • It is the activity of staff that is being
    measured, not the outcome of the activity
  • Staff do not need to know all about Medicaid/OHP
  • Time study determines staff time spent on
    eligible and non-eligible activities

  • Fritz Jenkins, DHS
  • Gary Williams, DHS
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