Title: Horses for Courses: a comparative
1- Horses for Courses a comparative
- approach to developing staff use of
- technology.
- Three Models
- Sally Bradley, Jane Carne,
- Fran Beaton, Pam Parker
- SEDA Annual conference 2011
2Associate Lecturers and Work Based Educators in
- M Level CPD course Teaching Skills in Higher
Education - Traditional technology enhanced learning
- Blackboard site
- Online groupwork with formative assessment
through group teaching with peer feedback - Using Flip cameras and iPhones!
- Capturing images of student support
3And non-traditional technology enhanced learning!
4University of Kent Model
- 2 aspects work together to provide development
for staff - E-learning strategy links in technology resources
PGCHE Technology Module Provides academic study
and critique  Includes a focus on developing
own professional practice.
Learning Technology Team Provides practical
support and advice on all aspects of e-learning
5Â A way of viewing your use of technology and
where to develop next.
Core technologies (centrally supported) to deliver current courses at Kent. Â Â VLE Turnitin e-resources / reading lists /CLA audio /video resources MyFolio Peripheral technologies ( available to trial) Â Clickers Flip cameras Mp3 players Lecture Capture Etc......
Developing new courses and curriculum (consultancy available for design technology advice ) Â Distance/ Blended /flexible learning P/T or WBL students Innovative / cutting edge /high risk (help with set up and research) Â Â e.g. Teaching philosophy with Second Life
6Technology on a PG Cert
- Technology module
- gentle exposure to VLE
- opportunities to experiment eg clickers
- Technology enhanced projects in other modules
- feeds forward into University Teaching Prizes
7Blended Learning on the MA Academic Practice
- All modules leaders use the VLE to provide
information, submit assessments and provide
feedback but also to engage students where
appropriate. - This might be through discussion boards, wikis,
resources such as videos - Specific module on Technology enhanced learning
- The LDC has an integrated team and so modules
have learning development consultants attached to
them and this is being strengthened
8Other activities to support staff using
- Showcase and Practice
- All our events have a mix of
- both face to face projects
- /activities and technology
- Our awards schemes
- recognises projects that
- enhance learning and
- encourages the blended
- approach
- The MILL
- School Liaison Teams
- Each school has both an
- academic and a learning
- development consultant to
- work as a team helping
- schools with their learning
- and teaching activity
9- Over to you
- In groups identify the models used in
- your own institutions
10Challenges and Benefits
- Reluctance to engage due to prior experience of
eLearning - read, answer and click fire awareness
training and diversity style training modules - Raising unrealistic expectations
- Access to resources in the workplace
- Development time required to incorporate emerging
technologies without access to support
12- Challenges
- Â
- False sense of security by some
- Still feeling that technology is not somehow
proper (view reinforced in some school
cultures). - Time
Benefits Technology resource targeted to
real goals of academics, schools , students and
the University. P People learn what they
actually need to, so they learn it quickly and
well. Engaged academics who enthuse others.
Competitive edge and desire to narrow the gaps.Â
- We need to keep up!
- Participants can be reluctant to engage risk of
a few super-enthusiasts - Offsite access can go wrong/be erratic (partner
colleges especially)
- High quality independent project work
- Goes to next level
- Generates confidence
- Increases spread of champions across university
- Privileges educational purposes over the tool
15- Academics changing their practice and in some
cases feeling a loss of control - Persuading following bad experiences
- Time for learning yourself and then developing
blended learning with thought - Using technology appropriately
- An opportunity to re think how to use face to
face time and what could be done another way - Realising the possibilities for active engagement
- Developing different relationships with students
- Meeting student expectations
16- Back in your groups
- What are your challenges, benefits and tips for
educational developers?
17Thank you!